鳥越 信吾
慶應義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 : 社会学・心理学・教育学 : 人間と社会の探究 (ISSN:0912456X)
no.84, pp.63-66, 2017

1 社会理論における時間の等閑視という問題。その原因としての時間の社会学の「独我論」化2 社会理論が時間を問うことの意義平成29年度博士課程学生研究支援プログラム研究成果報告
木村 豊
慶應義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 : 社会学・心理学・教育学 : 人間と社会の探究 (ISSN:0912456X)
no.72, pp.148-151, 2011

岩瀬 晋
慶應義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 : 社会学・心理学・教育学 : 人間と社会の探究 (ISSN:0912456X)
no.74, pp.69-82, 2012

論文It is well known that family environment greatly affects educational attainment, but little is known about the family environments. This study investigates the effects of family environment, excluding family background (social origin) and family structure (sibling configuration), on educational attainment. This analysis uses four variables as an index of family environment: degrees of parents' enthusiasm for education, warmth of the home, and frequencies of having breakfast and brushing teeth. A multi-regression analysis using JLPS (Japanese Life Course Panel Survey) revealed that parents' high enthusiasm for education and high frequency of having breakfast positively affect students' school record (self-evaluation of scholastic performances at junior high school) and educational attainment, but warmth of the home negatively affects school record. Further, the frequency of brushing teeth has no effect, and students' school record has a positive effect on educational attainment. Thus, the results suggest that family environment directly and indirectly affects educational attainment via school records.
三浦 大志 伊東 裕司
慶應義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 : 社会学・心理学・教育学 : 人間と社会の探究 (ISSN:0912456X)
no.73, pp.39-48, 2012

論文The revelation effect occurs when engaging in a cognitive task before making a recognition judgment increases the probability of old responses. The present study covered three main points. First, we investigated whether the revelation effect occurred in a between-participants design, using brand names' confidence ratings of knowing (C-ROKs). The following question was used for the C-ROKs: "How confident are you that you knew this brand in high school?" Second, we examined the duration of this effect. Finally, we also investigated whether the phenomenon of higher brand preference ratings, which has been considered a kind of example of the revelation effect, lasted for a certain amount of time. For these purposes, in an experiment, 60 participants were assigned to one of three conditions. All participants viewed a series of brand names and were asked to make C-ROKs. In one condition, participants made the C-ROKs immediately after solving an anagram task (anagram trial) in the first 30 trials. In the next 30 trials, they made only the C-ROKs (no-anagram trial). In the second condition, the order of blocks in the first condition was reversed. In the third condition, the anagram trial and the no-anagram trial were randomly assigned. After all 60 trials, the participants rated their preferences for the brands for which they had previously made C-ROKs.The results showed that the revelation effect occurred in a between-participants design. This is the first study to report the revelation effect when inserted tasks and a between-participants design were used. The results also showed that the revelation effect did not last for a certain amount of time. Moreover, they suggest that the phenomenon of higher brand preference ratings is temporary. These results suggest that the revelation effect is subtle and short-lasting. This means that the revelation effect may capture an instant distortion of memory, of which people are hardly aware in daily life.
本多 真隆
慶應義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 : 社会学・心理学・教育学 : 人間と社会の探究 (ISSN:0912456X)
no.78, pp.47-62, 2014

論文The term "Wa" was frequently used to describe the emotional relations within the family during the pre-war period; however, little attention has been paid to the relevance of this term until recently. In this study, we discuss the criteria for emotional relationships between couples in modern Japanese society through an analysis of the language space formed by the edict "husbands and wives be harmonious" from the Imperial Rescript on Education. Our analysis revealed that (1) the authority–obedience relations remained within what the interpreter regarded as proper bounds; (2) the virtue of harmony was interpreted in various ways; and (3) it was considered a relationship that may be damaged by too much emotional arousal. In the conclusion, we critically analyze the traditional framework of thinking that unequivocally defines love, marriage, and relationships between couples.
鈴木 慶孝
慶應義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 : 社会学・心理学・教育学 : 人間と社会の探究 (ISSN:0912456X)
no.78, pp.63-84, 2014

論文The Gülen movement led by Fethullah Gülen involve the most influential Islamic community in contemporary Turkey. The Gülen movement provides a unique example of a faith-based civil society initiative. Islamic movements have often been perceived as being a reaction against democracy or modernity, and the Gülen Movement challenges such mainstream ideas about Islamic movements.The Turkish state has been controlling and nationalizing Islam under the rule of a Diyanet attempting to construct a state version of Islam to the extent ofcriminalizing popular Islamic actors and unofficial interpretations of Islam in the public sphere. Fethullah Gülen and the Gülen movement assert that the practice of tolerance and love is much needed in contemporary Turkey and promote respect for multi-ethnic and religious minorities. In this respect, the Gülen Movement seems to make a significant contribution to the democratization and modernization of Turkey, and because of the movement's influence and democratic activities, it has managed to escape the state's religious regulation.However, the Gülen movement's democratic activities have certain dubious characteristics that are not necessarily conducive to social inclusion. In particular, they presuppose the existing Turkish nation-state and Turkish Muslim historical legacy. In other words, they are in some ways complicit with the authoritative state ideology. However, in contemporary Turkey, various minority groups who have been denied a dignified existence and identity are now demanding equal rights and recognition. Therefore, a new framework of nation-state becomes a controversial matter. The main purpose of this paper is to explore the democratic function of the Gülen community in the socio-political realm, and the movement's activities, which seem to paradoxically promote both tolerance and an exclusive ideology.
高橋 誠
慶應義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 : 社会学・心理学・教育学 : 人間と社会の探究 (ISSN:0912456X)
no.79, pp.15-29, 2015

論文Scholars of populist radical right parties commonly shared knowledge that the UK was immune to such parties until the UK Independence Party (UKIP) recently broke into UK politics, hitherto compounded of the Labour, Conservative, and Liberal Democratic Parties.Research on UKIP still trails its quick rise from 2009 onwards, as demonstrated by publication of serious and comprehensive literature, "Revolt on the Right", coming as late as this year (2015) even in the UK. Limitations of studies by Japanese scholars, therefore, should be considered natural.This paper aims to fill the void. After examining UKIP's characteristics and its supporters by drawing on the 2010 UKIP manifesto and survey data in Chapters 2 and 3, I explore reasons behind its emergence, from perspectives of both demand-side and supply-side factors, especially focusing on the convergence thesis in Chapter 4.An introductory consideration of UKIP's influence on Scottish nationalism and vice versa is also made in Chapter 5.
一方井 祐子 伊澤 栄一
慶應義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 : 社会学・心理学・教育学 : 人間と社会の探究 (ISSN:0912456X)
no.73, pp.49-55, 2012

論文Affiliative social interactions play a crucial role in the formation and maintenance of social bonding in the form of a cooperative relationship among group members in a wide range of social animals. Behavioural functions of affiliative interactions have been extensively investigated in mammals including primates and carnivores, but little is known about such behavioural functions in birds. Because many bird species form and maintain male‒female pair bonding as a cooperative social unit, they are good animal models to study the evolution of cooperative behaviour. In this study, we investigated the involvement of affiliative interactions in the formation and maintenance of pair bonds in a life-long monogamous bird, budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus). To verify the involvement of these interactions, we compared the frequency of affiliative interactions between pair bonded and non-pair bonded male‒female dyads over 3 months after introducing a novel flock. To characterize the potential frequency change in affiliative interactions, a similar comparison was conducted for aggressive interactions. We observed that affiliative interactions drastically increased together with pair bond formation 2 weeks after introducing the flock and decreased thereafter. However, a certain high frequency level of affiliative interactions was maintained even after pair bond formation. In contrast, aggressive interactions were observed to transiently increase along with pair bond formation but gradually disappeared thereafter. No such change was found in non-pair bonded male‒female dyads in both affiliative and aggressive interactions. These results suggest that affiliative interactions are involved in pair bond formation and maintenance.
山田 真由美
慶應義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 : 社会学・心理学・教育学 : 人間と社会の探究 (ISSN:0912456X)
no.78, pp.179-181, 2014

平成25年度博士課程学生研究支援プログラム研究成果報告研究目的研究の背景研究成果1 『歴史的世界』(1937)における「主体」2 『教育哲学』(1970)における「主体」3 むすびと今後の課題