小林 秀紹 出村 慎一 郷司 文男 南 雅樹 長澤 吉則 佐藤 進 野田 政弘
日本衞生學雜誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.54, no.3, pp.552-562, 1999-10-15
6 5

The relationship among subjective symptoms of fatigue, subjective fatigue feeling, and life habits of high school and college students<br>The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship among subjective symptoms of fatigue (SSF), subjective fatigue feeling (SFF), life habits (behavioral patterns (BP) and life-style consciousness (LC)) in male students.<br>A questionnaire on SSF, SFF, fatigue content, BP and LC was administered to 1802 male students aged 15-20yr, and data from 1792 properly completed questionnaires was analyzed.<br>The results were:<br>1) Students experience high SFF from daily activity. Students with a higher SFF tend to have more complaints of SSF, especially symptoms of languor, but the relationship between SFF and symptoms of irritation and physical disintegration are low.<br>2) Relationships between SFF and BP and LC are relatively low, except for physical condition. Even if the BP is successful, student's SFF is relatively high.<br>3) Subjective degree of health and physical condition relate highly to SSF. Exercise habits relate to loss of vigor, dietary habits to languor, loss of vigor, drowsiness and a decrease in concentration, and LC to SSF except for languor. It was inferred that SSF is influenced by BP and LC.
長谷川 学 塚本 直也
日本衞生學雜誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.64, no.4, pp.782-785, 2009-09-15
1 2

In accordance with the Declaration of the Environment Leaders of the Eight on Children's Environmental Health (Miami Declaration) in 1997, the Japanese government (the Ministry of Environment, Japan) organized a commission tasked to discuss issues related to the present situation of the environmental health of children (Advisory Commission for Children's Environmental Health). Epidemiological research on children's environmental health has been recommended as one of the priority projects by the commission because the effects of environmental factors on children's health are clarified by only studies using children as subjects, particularly, a birth cohort study, and not by animal experiments. The Advisory Committee of Epidemiological Research on Children's Environmental Health was established in 2007 and decided to start a nationwide birth cohort study following up children from pregnancy to 12 years old. Under the Advisory Committee, a working group composed of scientific experts, including epidemiologists, toxicologists, obstetricians, orthopedists, and statisticians, was organized in 2008. Pilot studies are going to be conducted in several areas in Japan with the support of the working group. Study hypotheses will also be decided by the working group soon. The full-scale survey will start in 2010.<br>