中井 博 北田 俊行 穐山 正幸 三田村 武 小林 剛 島本 明
材料 (ISSN:05145163)
vol.48, no.6, pp.623-628, 1999-06-15

Investigated in this paper is a new hybrid cable-wire consisting of outer new Fiber Reinforced Plastic(FRP)and a steel wire as a core. First of all, a design method of cross section of the new hybrid cable-wire is proposed on the basis of the safety factors of 1.7, 3.0 and 1.1 against the yield limit state of the core steel wire, the ultimate limit state of the hybrid wire and the hazard state corresponding to the breaking of the outer FRP by accidents from standpoint of fail safe, respectively. Next, the mechanical properties of carbon-steel hybrid wires are dealt with, which consist of outer CFRP containing parallel carbon fibers and a core steel wire, and are dimensioned by the design method and produced by a method called the pultrusion method for trial. Results of a static tensile test, bending test, lateral pressure test and fatigue test prove the possibility of their application to structural cables and the necessity of further study for developing reliable anchorage systems of hybrid cables. A corrosion test emphasizes the importance of investigation on countermeasures against galvanic corrosion of carbon-steel hybrid wires.
山口 章三郎 大柳 康 辻川 洋三郎 高橋 義男
材料 (ISSN:05145163)
vol.23, no.250, pp.588-592, 1974-07-15

The effects of dimensions and supporting conditions on the compressive strength and deformation of polyvinylchloride pipes under external pressure were discussed. The following four kinds of pipe supporting conditions were used; (A) compression between two steel plates, (B) compression between a steel plate and a concave wooden block, (C) compression between two concave wooden blocks, and (D) compression between two concave hard rubber supporters. The main results obtained are as follows. (1) The relation between the compressive strength P and the dimensions of PVC pipe is given by the following formula, similar to the mid load bending for a both end flxed straight beam with a rectangular section; P=(4σ_b・l・t^2)/(3・Dm)・c_1 (a) where, l, t and D_m are the length, thickness and diameter of pipe, respectively, c_1 the correction coefficient according to pipe supporting conditions, and σ_b the bending stress in kg/mm^2. The value of correction coefficient c_1 was 0.81〜1.35 for A-method, 1.35 for B-method, 8.0 for C-method and 2.3 for D-method, respectively. (2) The deflection δ under elastic deformation is given by the following formula; δ=(P・D_m^3)/(8E・l・t^3)c_2 (b) where, E is Young's modulus in kg/mm^2 of pipe material, and c_2 the correction coefficient similar to c_1. The value of c_2 was 2.22 for A-method. (3) It seems reasonable, therefore, that the theory of straight beam may be applied to the compressive strength and deflection of plastics-pipe under external pressure by using the correction coefficient c_1 or c_2.
都築 一雄 山田 直人 野村 健
公益社団法人 日本材料学会
材料 (ISSN:05145163)
vol.32, no.359, pp.864-868, 1983-08-15 (Released:2009-06-03)

In this study, six species of wood and four wood based materials were tested in bending from -180 to +20°C, and the influence of temperature on bending strength (Fb) and Young's modules (Eb) was discussed. In the case of wood, not only the effect of temperature but also that of specific gravity on Fb and Eb were discussed. The moisture content of specimens was controlled to about 4% at 20°C in a vacuum, and the temperature during bending tests was regulated with liquid nitrogen and nitrogen gas.The results obtained are as follows.(1) In the case of wood, Eb and Fb are representable by the equations (3) and (4) respectively, containing two factors, specific gravity (ρ) and test temperature (θ°C).(2) The effect of temperature on Eb for wood based materials tested is illustrated on Figures 1 to 6. As the results, Eb increases as temperature falls, and their relation can be expressed approximately by a regression straight line for each wood based material.(3) Figure 7 shows the relation between Fb for wood based materials and test temperature.
袖山 研一 友寄 篤 野口 貴文 東 和朗
公益社団法人 日本材料学会
材料 (ISSN:05145163)
vol.66, no.8, pp.574-581, 2017-08-15 (Released:2017-08-20)

“Shirasu” is a whitish sand found in pyroclastic flow deposits that includes a crystal mineral and an amorphous silicate. It has the properties of both a fine aggregate and a mineral admixture owing to its pozzolanic reaction. To utilize Shirasu as industrial resource, separation of the amorphous silicate and the crystal mineral is required. It is shown in this study that dry gravity classification is effective for dividing Shirasu into the crystal mineral and pumice, and can be used to obtain the amorphous silicate. This paper reports fundamental experiments on a high-strength concrete with a pulverized fine Shirasu powder used as a mineral admixture. In particular, fine Shirasu powder comprising the amorphous silicate pulverized to a particle size of 1μm exhibited high performance as mineral admixture equivalent to that of silica fume.
綾野 克紀 藤井 隆史
公益社団法人 日本材料学会
材料 (ISSN:05145163)
vol.66, no.8, pp.588-593, 2017-08-15 (Released:2017-08-20)

Many concrete deck slabs of bridges have been deteriorated by heavy traffic, and freezing and thawing action. The water through the broken waterproof layer promotes the deterioration of concrete much more. Concrete used in replacements should have high resistance against freezing and thawing attack and fatigue in water. In this study, it is shown that the resistance to freeze and thaw attack can be improved by granulated blast furnace slag sand even without AE agent. The resistance to freeze and thaw attack of non-AE concrete with granulated blast furnace slag is almost same as that of AE concrete with the ordinary crushed sand. The fatigue of concrete suffered from freeze and thaw attack depends on the type of binder. When the crushed sand is used, the fatigue of concrete with high early strength Portland cement suffered from freeze and thaw attack is lower than that with ordinary Portland cement. When blast furnace slag sand is used, the tendency is almost same as when crushed sand is used. However, when blast furnace slag sand is used, the fatigue of concrete suffered from freeze and thaw attack can be improved with water curing period. It is also shown in this paper that blast furnace slag sand reacts with water and improve the durability of concrete.
島村 真介 須賀 一博 江澤 良孝 青木 繁
公益社団法人 日本材料学会
材料 (ISSN:05145163)
vol.57, no.10, pp.1043-1048, 2008-10-15 (Released:2008-10-18)
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The impact characteristics of a cue in billiards are investigated for the case where a ball is hit on the right or the left part to give a spin. The efficient computational method developed in the previous paper is extended for this investigation. The extended method is verified with an experiment using a high speed camera, i,e., the ball trajectory calculated with the extended method is shown to agree well with that measured using a high speed camera. It is shown from a numerical simulation that the impact force, the ball velocity, the spinning velocity and the deviation of the ball trajectory from the hitting direction increase with increase in the Young's modulus and density of a shaft. Because the proposed analytical method can predict quantitatively these impact characteristics of a cue, it is useful for designing an easy-to-use cue.
金澤 健二 山口 弘二 佐藤 守夫 鈴木 直之 金尾 正雄
公益社団法人 日本材料学会
材料 (ISSN:05145163)
vol.30, no.332, pp.454-460, 1981-05-15 (Released:2009-06-03)
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In order to obtain basic data for high-temperature, high-cycle fatigue properties of S45C(0.45C) and SCM435 (0.35C, 1Cr, 0.15Mo) steels, rotating bending fatigue tests were carried out up to 108 cycles on smooth and two kinds of notch specimens at room temperature, 200, 300, and 500°C with a frequency of 125Hz.The fatigue strength at 108 cycles and the S-N curves up to 108 cycles were found to change depending upon test temperature and stress concentration factor. The temperature and material dependences of fatigue strength of the smooth specimen were explained qualitatively by the blue brittleness phenomenon of the materials used.Cracks were observed on the cross section of specimens endured 108 cycles sometimes depending on the test condition. The temperature dependence of the change in fatigue strength due to the variation of stress concentration factor corresponded to the existence of such cracks. The notch root curvature for branch point at 400∼500°C was larger than that at room temperature to 300°C. It is considered that oxidation film formed at the surface of crack plays an important role in delaying for crack to propagate.
森田 辰郎
公益社団法人 日本材料学会
材料 (ISSN:05145163)
vol.64, no.7, pp.S4, 2015-07-15 (Released:2015-07-20)
市川 昌弘 高松 徹 松尾 貴史 岡部 永年 阿部 豊
材料 (ISSN:05145163)
vol.42, no.483, pp.1406-1411, 1993-12-15
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Rolling fatigue tests were carried out on hot isostatically pressed silicon nitride bearing balls.At three load levels of the maximum Hertzian contct pressure p_<max>=5900,6740 and 7110 MP_a,13 balls each were tested,and the life distribution was studied.It was found that the rolling fatigue life followed approximately a 2-parameter Weibull distribution with the shape parameter of a 〓 1 at each load level.The relationship p^k_<max>L_<50>=const(x〓10) was found between p_<max> and the median life L_<50>.Microscopic observationof flaking was also performed,and two types of flaking were found.One is flaking with the depth of the order of 100μm,and the other is a shallower one.The depth of the former type was found to coincide aproximately with the depth at which the maximum shear stress ocurred.At lower load levels,the former type was dominant.Frequency of appearance of the latter type increased with an increase in load level.Comparing the shape parameter of a〓1 and the exponent of x〓10 mentioned above with those for the cylic bending fatigue of plain specimens of silicon nitride,it was suggested that the mechanism of rolling fatigue of silicon nitride was different from that of cyclic bending fatigue of the same material.
玉野 富雄 西田 一彦 Bimal SHRESTHA 金岡 正信 森本 浩行
公益社団法人 日本材料学会
材料 (ISSN:05145163)
vol.53, no.1, pp.5-8, 2004-01-15 (Released:2009-06-03)
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Japanese Castle masonry walls constructed from the end of sixteen century to the middle of seventeen century hold a historical heritage in the construction culture and are famous worldwide for their uniqueness with mortar-less construction. Present investigations on these walls have shown bulging at various locations and the engineering evaluation on the wall stability needs to be urgently required. Based on this viewpoint, this paper presents the FEM analysis results on the stability and deformation behavior with parametric analyses on Osaka Castle masonry wall. It is found that the cobble plays a significant role in reducing the stresses of stone wall and that the masonry wall structure ratio adds stability by the arching effect action on the masonry wall.
平井 恒夫
材料 (ISSN:05145163)
vol.35, no.392, pp.557-558, 1986-05-15
宇津木 弘 西村 成興 堀越 英生
公益社団法人 日本材料学会
材料 (ISSN:05145163)
vol.22, no.238, pp.673-679, 1973-07-15 (Released:2009-06-03)

The surface of silica gel was treated in an autoclave by the solution of alcohol or phenol with some functional groups in hexane or acetone, and their surface properties were investigated by determining their preferential dispersion into the media consisting of two immiscible components such as n-hexane and water. Furthermore, the identification of the surface groups and their thermal and chemical natures were examined through the infra-red spectra, differential thermal analysis (DTA), thermogravimetry (TGA) and qualitative analysis.The conclusions obtained are as follows: (1) The silica gels treated by diethylene glycol, 3-chloropropanol, phenol, or salicylic acid were hydrophilic whereas the ones treated by o-, m-, or p-cresol and hydroxybenzol were hydrophobic (lipophilic). (2) The characteristic absorptions due to alcoxy or phenoxy groups were observed in the infra-red spectra of the surface-treated silica gels. Since the intensity of the absorption at 950cm-1 due to bending vibration of Si-OH was almost the same for both the untreated and phenol-treated silica gels, it is still questionable whether silanol combines chemically with phenol or not. (3) DTA showed the exothermic due to dissociation and oxidation of the surface groups at 250°C, which is higher than the normal boiling point, and the remarkable exothermic due to oxidation of deposited carbon. Therefore, the surface groups are considered to combine with silanol chemically, except phenol. (4) These surface groups are confirmed to be alcoxy or phenoxy, since they were dissolved into boiling water or boiling dil. H2SO4 and, furthermore, from the qualitative analysis of dissolved solution, they were confirmed being alcohol or phenol used in this study.
黒掘 利夫 竹内 望
材料 (ISSN:05145163)
vol.35, no.391, pp.441-445, 1986-04-15

An investigation of stable laser action at room temperature using the F_2 Centers of LiF : Mg crystals is presented. A remarkable reduction in fading of the output signal intensity has been achieved by adjusting the Mg impurity level to an appropriate quantity and by optimizing F_2 Center concentration. It is found that magnesium ions in LiF crystals play a role for suppressing the fading of laser action due to the two-step photoionization process. It is also found that the fading strongly depends on intracavity power and temperature.
田邉 大貴 倉内 海 西籔 和明 倉敷 哲生
公益社団法人 日本材料学会
材料 (ISSN:05145163)
vol.65, no.8, pp.611-617, 2016-08-15 (Released:2016-08-20)

This study aims to reveal the induction heating behavior of CFRTP composites by high-frequency induction heating method. The material used is unidirectional CF/PPS (UD-CF/PPS) and satin weave CF/PPS (woven-CF/PPS) laminates. The effects of geometry of induction coils, coil height, heating time and the carbon fiber reinforcement of CFRTP laminates on heating behavior of CFRTP composites in induction heating were investigated. The experimental results revealed that the surface temperature of UD-CF/PPS and woven-CF/PPS laminates was increased with increasing the heating time. Moreover, the surface temperature was increased with decreasing remarkably the coil distance. It was also confirmed that the carbon fiber reinforcement of CFRTP laminates has an effect on induction heating behavior.
島村 佳伸 奥田 尚紀 東郷 敬一郎 荒木 弘安
The Society of Materials Science, Japan
材料 (ISSN:05145163)
vol.56, no.5, pp.393-398, 2007
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It is well known that carbon nanofillers (CNFs) enhance the stiffness, electric conductivity and thermal conductivity of polymers. Alignment of carbon nanofillers in polymer is expected to increase the performances in the aligned direction. Several papers have reported that applying alternating electric field to a liquid suspension including CNFs causes alignment of CNFs in the electric field direction. Only a few papers have reported the fabrication of nanostructurally controlled composites by using AC field, but the conditions to let CNFs align have not been investigated. In this study, unidirectionally aligned carbon nanofiller/epoxy composite was fabricated under AC electric field, and the alignment of CNFs was in-situ observed during fabrication by using an optical microscope. Then, the effects of applied voltage, frequency and the weight fraction of CNFs on nanostructure were investigated. As a result, it is found that CNFs in uncured epoxy resin align in the AC electric field and form a chain-like network, and that in the end the network structure is hold with cured epoxy. It is also shown that the applied voltage and weight fraction affect the morphology of the network. Furthermore, the network morphology was quantified by using texture analysis. Local homogeneity in the longitudinal and transverse directions of the AC electric field was used. It is found that there is strong relationship between the changes of local homogeneity and network morphology.
黒部 利次 今中 治 佐藤 彰
公益社団法人 日本材料学会
材料 (ISSN:05145163)
vol.30, no.329, pp.200-205, 1981-02-15 (Released:2009-06-03)

A study has been conducted to calculate theoretically the impact fracture strength of Japanese paper on the basis of the orientation of its constituent fiber. The impact strength of paper is known to be defined as the energy which can be aborbed in the paper until its rupture during impact loading. The theoretical analyses have shown that the impact strength of Japanese paper is dependent upon the cut direction of specimen sheet; the magnitude of impact strength is the greatest in the cross direction of paper which is normal to the machine direction and decreases gradually with deviating from the cross direction of paper, while the minimum is seen in the range of the cut direction of 50 to 60 degrees. The theoretical predictions were supported by the results of experimental measurements of Haku-Uchi Gami (Japanese paper).
清水 憲一
公益社団法人 日本材料学会
材料 (ISSN:05145163)
vol.65, no.6, pp.S4, 2016-06-15 (Released:2016-06-20)