青柳 光太郎
東北地理 (ISSN:03872777)
vol.28, no.1, pp.33-40, 1976 (Released:2010-04-30)

Since 1960, the number of migratory farmers increased sharply with the high economic growth in Japan. Tohoku District was the largest supply region of them and occupied about 60% of the total migratory farmers. In this article, the author analyzes the changes in the farmer migration and its factors in Tohoku District in the periods of the 1960's.(1) In 1960, the ratio of farmer migrants was only 3.6% of the total farm households. The distribution of high ratio regions above 20.1% were scattered in Tohoku District (Fig. 1-A).(2) In 1965, the ratio increased widely in the district and registered even above 50.1% in some municipalities (Fig. 1-B).(3) In 1970, the municipalities in Tohoku District differentiated into two groups in ratio change; one group showing high value with increased ratio and the other showing low value with decreased ratio. The high municipalities were located in the areas of the high ratio in 1965, except Kunohe County in Iwate Prefecture (Fig. 1-C).(4) In the first half of the 1960's, the supply region of the farmer migrants expanded evenly, and in the latter half the high ratio area concentrated in several regions in the district.Upon to this time, agricultural factors such as the ratio of part-time farmers, the ratio of farmers with acreage of 3 tan, the ratio of paddy field to all fields have stated as the chief reasons of the farmer migration as a result of correlation analysis between them.The author tried to analyze these factors in Tohoku by the same method and found that no correlation exists between the above mentioned factors and farmer migration in the 1960's. The non-agricultural factors are also important for farmer migration. For instance, the area decreased in the ratio of farmer migrants in the latter half of the 1960's because the farmers increasingly found seasonal employment as coolies and day laborers.Therefore, the author believes that opportunities for employment in neighboring area was one of the important factors of farmer migration.
奥平 忠志
東北地理 (ISSN:03872777)
vol.25, no.4, pp.240-246, 1973 (Released:2010-04-30)

In this paper, the writer shows the urban growth of Muroran and the neighbouring two cities, and analyzes some factors and effects of the urban growth. The results obtained are as follows:1) Built-up area was developed over the Etomo Peninsula till the end of World War II. After the war its expansion has been seen in the eastern part (Rantô district) of Muroran.2) Urban growth extents to the two neighbouring cities, Noboribetsu and Date, since 1965.3) There are three main factors in urban growth of Muroran; the first is the enlargement of manufacturing industries, the second is the construction of public residences and the third is the fear of industrial pollution in the central part of the city.4) According to the urban growth, the center of population distribution moved from the western part to the eastern part of Muroran, and according to the change some urban facilities have been moved to the east, so that the Ranto district seems to become a new C. B. D. in Muroran before long.
菅野 康二
東北地理 (ISSN:03872777)
vol.29, no.4, pp.199-211, 1977

There are two different regions in the migration of thatchers (Kayate) in east Fukushima Prefecture: Nakadori (Abukuma River Basin), where they come from Konan, Tamura, Adachi, Shintatsu and Yanagawa, and Hamadori (Coastal lowland) where they come from coastal upland.<br>In the original areas of thatchers, generally speaking, the farmers suffer low productivity in agriculture, and some of house holders must hold a side-job as thatcher to earn their living.<br>Except those in Yanagawa, they have inherited the skill from Nishiaizu in Fukushima Pref. Thatchers in Yanagawa have been greatly affected in their skill from Echigo (Niigata Pref.) or Shonai (Yamagata Pref.).<br>The Fukushima Basin is an overlapped area of the thatching techniques from Nishiaizu and from Echigo or Shonai.
村山 祐司
東北地理 (ISSN:03872777)
vol.34, no.4, pp.224-235, 1982
2 3

"Urban system" is defined as an aggregate of interrelated sets of cities which are interdependent in such a way that any significant change in economic activity, occupational structure, total income or population of one member city will directly bring about some modification of the other set members (Pred, 1977). The study of urban systems has moved from the static analysis in the 1960's to the dynamic one in the 1970's and it has linked with the study of spatial diffusion which puts stress on the spatial process.<br>This paper attempts to clarify the diffusion patterns of innovation in the three levels of urban systems—international, national and regional, employing the Lions Club as the index. Japan is selected as the case study of the national level, and Yamanashi Prefecture as the case study of the regional level.<br>Several primary findings might be summarized as follows: (1) The peaks of diffusion in the international, national and regional levels were in the 1950's, in around 1960 and in around 1965, respectively, and the distinct time lag of diffusion was recognized from the higher level to the lower level. On the other hand, the regional level has the highest gradient and the international level the lowest in terms of the regression lines between the years of diffusion and the population size (Fig. 3, 7 and 12), indicating that spread of diffusion has been accelerated with time from the international level to the regional level. (2) In the national and regional levels most of the links of the diffusion channels were in accord with those of the nodal structures. Thus in those two levels innovation has been diffused through the socio-economic linkages with the strong interdependency, while in the international level the diffusion channels have been greatly influenced rather by the political structures and the historical circumstances.
田辺 健一
東北地理 (ISSN:03872777)
vol.27, no.4, pp.189-196, 1975 (Released:2010-04-30)
4 2

Three major periods in the development of urban geography and the growth in the number of urban geographers in Japan can be recognized: the first is from 1904 to 1929, the second is from 1930 to 1946, and the third from 1947 to the present.The first period was initiated by the studies of Professor N. Yamazaki, Tokyo University. This was then followed by the papers of M. Odauchi, K. Tanaka and T. Ogawa. Among these geographers, urban geography was not their specialization with the exception of M. Odauchi. Consequently, there were practically no urban specialists at this time.The second period can be subdivided into a prewar period and a wartime stagnation period in urban geographic research, The former period was started with the establishment of the Association of Japanese Geographers. The main trends in this period were morphological and quantitative analyses of urban area and the statistical analyses of urban population. There were many articles regarding urban areas in geography, but most of these articles were written by non-specialists. Geographers who concentrated their efforts on urban geography included S Kiuchi, Y. Ogasawara and K. Kagami in the latter part of the prewar period. However, the war brought about a stagnation in urban studies from about 1940 to 1946.The third period is the postwar period which was initiated by the studies on war-damaged cities by S Kiuchi, K. Inoki, E. Inami and K. Tanabe. Later, S Kiuchi published a seminal book entitled, Urban Geography, which greatly influenced the younger geographers and students. Many geographers began to specialize in this area of study as postwar interest in urbanization grew. The rapid growth can be seen by the eleven symposia on urban geography which have been held between 1953 and 1973 during the annual meetings of AJG. The studies by urban specialists cover the entire range of this field. In addition, studies on foreign cities have increased in recent years. The use of quantitative methods for urban studies has progressed recently.
奥井 正俊
東北地理 (ISSN:03872777)
vol.42, no.4, pp.230-244, 1990-12-01 (Released:2010-04-30)

大正初期から昭和戦前期にかけての九州において, 自動車が諸地域の中へ導入され, その普及が進展した過程を, 拡散理論の文脈に沿いながら考察した。おおむね旧郡を集計単位とする統計地区別に自動車普及率を求め, それらの分布の経年変化と, 自動車普及率の時間的経過の地区による相違について分析を加えた。九州全体の自動車普及率は, 研究対象期間を通してロジスティック曲線を近似できるようなS字状に上昇をつづけたが, 大正中期以降においては各地で乗合バスの導入が図られたことから急速な上昇を示し, さらに昭和5年頃からは停滞気味となり一定の上限値 (11台/万人) に収束する, という経過をたどった。地区別自動車普及率の分布がどのように経年変化したかをみると, 大正初期における普及率の高水準地区は, 福岡県から佐賀県にかけての地域と, 中・南九州の一部地域に分布し全体の3割程度を占めたが, その後普及率の平準化に伴って拡大していった。中・南九州と島嶼は, 自動車普及の後進地域と位置づけられる。次に自動車普及率の推移をロジスティック曲線でモデル化し,それらの地区による相違を考察した。自動車の導入時期は大正元年から, 最も遅いところで昭和元年までと大きな差がみられ, この差異の要因として階層効果と近接効果が作用しているが, これらに並び商工業のような自動車交通の需要因子も関与している。さらに自動車の普及の浸透速度も地区による差がみられるが, これは導入時期の遅速と密接に関係している。
加賀谷 一良
東北地理 (ISSN:03872777)
vol.7, no.3, pp.94-99, 1955 (Released:2010-10-29)

1. “An unavailable time” means the time between 24:00-6:00. 2. A train which moves during “the unavailable time” is generally called a night-train. A long distance day-train is somewhat local from the point of “an available time”, but the night-train has a charac-teristic of the long distance. 3. In our country, the night-train operates 71 times in going and returning. This in not conditioned by disance. For this reason the operation of the night-train suggests the degree of relation between both districts. Consquently the number of the Nitght-trains is a function of the relation degree. 4. The night-train has both available an I unavailable zones between operation sections. But these distributions are different according to an operation-route; and by these facts we can know the areal construction through the mutual communication on areas. The principal unavailale zones are Sanyo, Tokai, Fukushima, Taira, Kitakami, Joetsu districts. The available zones are great cities (Tokyo, Osaka), San-in, Shikoku (Matsuyama, Koshi) Ou (on the side of Japan Sea, the middle basin) Spporo, Otaru, Niigata, Hokuriku (Kanazawa, Toyama). The distribution reveals one side of the areal structure of Japan. 5. The night-train has a characteristic of long distant communication and at the same time the charac-teristic of locality, and is little available between too distant places. 6. Unavailable zones are distributed between great cities and they only have a local character. Moreover they have a weak characteristic of mutual communication in unavailable zones. 7. The district which can be reached in three hours from great cities is the one where we can make a day-trip from the point of view of an available-sojourn-time, but it is seldom different from he “available time” in a directional area of the night-train. Accordingly, in the inclination from great cities towards the districts exists a depressed area like a “Graben” just outside “the three hour area”, and the power of a city decreases in it and increases again in a directional area. I think this consequence would have an influence upon the distribution of cities on one side. 8. The operation of the night-train provides facility to the connection of a far distant district directly. It is impossible to return on the same day from those places as Gifu-Toyama, Sendai-Akita, but by the night-train we can have much more available-sojourn-time. Namely this is considerable matter to be thought for the benefit of the development of districts.
中村 嘉男
東北地理 (ISSN:03872777)
vol.19, no.4, pp.172-178, 1967 (Released:2010-04-30)

In the coastal area of Fukushima Prefecture, there develops a series of landforms consisting of hills 100-50m in height, terraces 50-30m, and alluvial plains. The valleys dissect the hills and terraces, both of which consist of Pliocene sandstone or siltstone. There are two types of valley forms in transverse profiles, concave valley (Muldental) and V-shaped valley (Kerbtal, partly Sohlen-kerbtal). These two types are systematically distributed due to the topographical location, and Muldental is accompanied with an undulating landform of small relief, and Kerbtal with linear or convex slope of relatively large relief.As the undulating landform is introduced from an almost flat plane by means of surface denudation, sufficient running water and potential relief are not always necessary for its formation. On the other hand, Kerbtal can not be formed without sufficient water and potential relief enough to undercut the channel bed. Consequently, the undulating landform is in the core area of hills and terraces, free from the Kerbtal development which is seen in areas with linear slopes surrounding the core area.Where the undulating and the linear slopes exist side by side, there appear breaks of hillslopes, knickpoints, in the longitudinal profiles of streams, and so on, forming a front line of topographic unconformity.The undulating landform area and the linear landform area can be distinguished each other, and patterns of the spatial combination of both areas appear in various features of hill morphology.
加賀谷 一良
東北地理 (ISSN:03872777)
vol.7, no.3, pp.94-99, 1955

1. &ldquo;An unavailable time&rdquo; means the time between 24:00-6:00. <BR>2. A train which moves during &ldquo;the unavailable time&rdquo; is generally called a night-train. A long distance day-train is somewhat local from the point of &ldquo;an available time&rdquo;, but the night-train has a charac-teristic of the long distance. <BR>3. In our country, the night-train operates 71 times in going and returning. This in not conditioned by disance. For this reason the operation of the night-train suggests the degree of relation between both districts. Consquently the number of the Nitght-trains is a function of the relation degree. <BR>4. The night-train has both available an I unavailable zones between operation sections. But these distributions are different according to an operation-route; and by these facts we can know the areal construction through the mutual communication on areas. The principal unavailale zones are Sanyo, Tokai, Fukushima, Taira, Kitakami, Joetsu districts. The available zones are great cities (Tokyo, Osaka), San-in, Shikoku (Matsuyama, Koshi) Ou (on the side of Japan Sea, the middle basin) Spporo, Otaru, Niigata, Hokuriku (Kanazawa, Toyama). The distribution reveals one side of the areal structure of Japan. <BR>5. The night-train has a characteristic of long distant communication and at the same time the charac-teristic of locality, and is little available between too distant places. <BR>6. Unavailable zones are distributed between great cities and they only have a local character. Moreover they have a weak characteristic of mutual communication in unavailable zones. <BR>7. The district which can be reached in three hours from great cities is the one where we can make a day-trip from the point of view of an available-sojourn-time, but it is seldom different from he &ldquo;available time&rdquo; in a directional area of the night-train. Accordingly, in the inclination from great cities towards the districts exists a depressed area like a &ldquo;Graben&rdquo; just outside &ldquo;the three hour area&rdquo;, and the power of a city decreases in it and increases again in a directional area. I think this consequence would have an influence upon the distribution of cities on one side. <BR>8. The operation of the night-train provides facility to the connection of a far distant district directly. It is impossible to return on the same day from those places as Gifu-Toyama, Sendai-Akita, but by the night-train we can have much more available-sojourn-time. Namely this is considerable matter to be thought for the benefit of the development of districts.
長谷川 典夫
東北地理 (ISSN:03872777)
vol.23, no.2, pp.78-86, 1971 (Released:2010-10-29)

Ishinomaki city is situated at the mouth of the Kitakami river, and is one of the industrial cities in Tohoku. It has 11, 496 workers engaged in manufacturing and about 375 billion yen of industrial output in 1967. The industry made a remarkable progress since a pulp factory started in 1940. The process of the industrial development of the city is classified into four stages;1) Germing stage: 1870-1930 The industry was characterized with simple processing of marine products such as fish-cake and dried bonito. In the last quarter of the stage, the development of Ishinomaki as a fishing port gave an impetus to the development of industries related to fishery, and new plants of ice-making, refrigeration of fish, and ship- building started their operation.2) Growing stage: 1930-1945 Ice-making, freezing of fish and ship-building continued to develop, and many plants were built in the riverside area of the Kitakami river. A larger pulp factory was newly established to the west of the city, beyond the Hiyoriyama- Hill. However, since 1935 all of them were converted into munition factories.3) Establishing stage: 1945-1962 After the restoration to the pre-war standard, Ishinomaki experienced a rapid progress in food stuff industry and pulp industry, which composed two main parts of the industry. But the food stuff industry has been changed in the contents and structure: the decrease of the weight of simple processing typical of domestic industry made a sharp contrast with the development of ice-making, freezing of fish and canning operated by modern large factories. Also, ship-building, machinery and metal industry made progress.4) The stage of secondary take-off : Since 1962 Based on the new development project of Ishinomaki city as a part of the Sendai Bay Region which is one of the New Industrial Cities, the construction of a new industrial port was started to the west of the built-up area, and keeping step with its progress about 30 new factories including lumber industry, food processing, chemical industry and compound-feed-making for poultry and live-stock, ship-building and machinery have been located at the industrial estates near the port. Thus, the composition of manufacturing industry in the city tends to diversify. Also, owing to the establishment of the new industrial estates, separated from the old industrial area near the riverside of the Kitakami river the distribution of industrial works is differentiating into two main industrial areas. These phenomena are similar to those in other industrial cities with new industrial ports, e. g., Hachinohe, Akita, Sakata and Niigata, and may offer a subject for the study of urban structure.
森脇 良二
東北地理 (ISSN:03872777)
vol.17, no.2, pp.76-81, 1965 (Released:2010-10-29)

仙台市への通勤通学者数は1930年から1960年の間に約9倍に増加し, それに伴って仙台市を中心とする通勤通学圏も著しく拡大した。1930年の仙台市通勤通学圏を構成していた8市町村と, 当時圏内に入っていなかったがこれと隣接し仙台市との結びつきが比較的強かった4町村とからなる地域が, 1960年には仙台市の第1次通勤通学園へと発展した。1930年の圏の周囲にあって, 当時仙台市との間に通勤通学を通じてある程度の結びつきを有していた7市町村と, 殆ど結びつきを有していなかった8市町村とがらなる地域が, 1960年には第2次圏を構成している。1930年当時仙台市との間にある程度の結びつきを有していた7市町村の中の5市町村はいずれも主要鉄道路線沿いであるのに対して, 殆ど結びつきを有していなかった8市町村の中の6市町村は直接鉄道路線に沿わないバス交通またはバス・鉄道双方依存型の市町村である。1930年の通勤通学圏および1960年の第1次圏はいずれも仙台を中心とする主要鉄道路線沿いに広がっており, その発達には鉄道交通の影響が強くうかがわれる。1960年の第2次圏についても当然主要鉄道路線との関連は濃厚であるが, 鉄道路線沿い以外の地域にも圏の拡大がみられ, その発達にはバス交通の影響がうかがわれる。
藤田 佳久 二宮 巌
東北地理 (ISSN:03872777)
vol.31, no.4, pp.231-241, 1979 (Released:2010-04-30)
1 1

The extent of land use in the upper basin of River Totsukawa, Nara prefecture, has been considerably conditioned by the great flood in 1889. So, this paper tries to trace the damage of land use in 1889 and to discuss the factors of it by the analysis of this disaster's reports published in 1891, some topography maps and land registered maps of each hamlet.The results obtained are as follows:1) The damage of land use was concentrated to the areas along the river, especially northern part of this basin.2) The damage of it was mainly by the great flood caused by many large dams which were arised from many landslides occured around these areas, under a sudden copious rainfall.3) The distribution of landslide shows that it was mainly depended upon the geological conditions. But, behind it, excessive use of production of forest land which were used for the fertilizer of increased paddy fields to pay new land taxation had advanced all over this area, where many paddy fields had been exploiting.4) The height of the flood got to 55 meters in this area. So many paddy and ordinary fields, houses, roads and forest which were located on the river terrace and slopes along river were carried away. Thus, the level of river bed was raised near the height of flood. The type of damage of land use in each hamlet was due to the degree of influence of this flood.5) A rise of river bed and landslide reduced the extent of the former land use. Thereafter reclamation had developed, but it was impossible to restore the former extent of land use.
池谷 和信
東北地理 (ISSN:03872777)
vol.40, no.4, pp.287-289, 1988-12-20 (Released:2010-04-30)
2 1
角田 清美
東北地理 (ISSN:03872777)
vol.30, no.1, pp.15-23, 1978 (Released:2010-04-30)

In this paper, the writer attempts to make clear both the history of the formation and the morphological features of the Byóbusan sand dune region in the northernmost part of the Honshu Island.The following results are obtained.The Byobusan region consists of two terraces, about 10 meters and 20 meters higher than the present sea level. The latter is called the Yamadano terrace, which was formed during the stage of the higher sea level in the Shimosueyoshi transgression (in the Monanstrian age), and the former is called the Dekishima terrace (in Holocene age). On certain parts of the Yamadano terrace, the Old dune was formed in Pleistocene, and covered by the Iwaki volcanic ash layer. At that time, the prevailing winds were blowing from the west, just as at the present time.The Younger dune in Holocene, covers about two-thirds the area of the Byobusan region. Most of it was formed since the Yayoi period. Some parts of it were formed since 1948, when strong prevailing winds blew sand grains to creep up the cliffs or gullies, and formed transverse dune, on both Yamadano and Dekishima terraces.To the lee of transverse dunes, U-shaped dune and parabolic blowout dunes were developed and migrated downwind. Longitudial dune ridgs were developed finally by the erosion of parabolic blowout dunes. Sand dunes are commonly arranged in chains extending downwind from the source drifts. Thus the developement of sand dunes is related to the shifting speeds of sand dunes and the supply of sand grains.
今野 修平
東北地理 (ISSN:03872777)
vol.17, no.1, pp.19-23, 1965 (Released:2010-04-30)

There are various districts in Tokyo which heavily depend on barge transportation, as are shown in the table.1) The main areas of barge transportation (District No. 1·2·3) are located near the water-front.2) These areas have developed in accordance with the growth of Tokyo port.3) The use of inland canals is declining gradually while the Sumida River is still in use.4) The cargo in districts formed in old days are more general, but in the new districts steel and petroleum are mainly handled.5) The tendency is a part of the general changes in the transportation to the increasing proportion of steel and petroleum.
高野 昌二
東北地理 (ISSN:03872777)
vol.30, no.2, pp.82-90, 1978 (Released:2010-04-30)

Notsukezaki, well known as the typical compound recurved spit in Japan, develops over 20km in length toward SE from Shibetsu located in the middle of the east coast of Hokkaido. The writer tried to clarify the formation and the development of Notsukezaki, for that purpose, the coastal and submarine topography, recent deposits of the coast, wind's speed and direction at Notskezaki are surveyed.Waves from the northeast are undoubtedly the active force, judging from the submarine topography and the fetch. Fig. 4 shows that the waves from NE causing wave erosion at the northern coast of Notsukezaki may permit to derive marine deposition southward. In fact, Fig. 5 proves that the northern coast is retreating and furnishing an abundant débris, besides, the materials of the cliff formation are easily eroded. Therefore, the longshore drifting caused by the predominant NW winds could carry an excessive amount of sand and gravel southward and produced the spit. Notsukezaki has been formed since post-glacial without any existing nucleus along the main direction depending upon the longshore current from NW to SE and the wave agency from NE.The beach ridges which built each of compound spit shows uniform height (Fig. 3). The fact expresses the level of beach ridges in terms of past sea level as shown in Fig. 6. The result can be correlated with Fairbridge (1961) favourably and the development of Notsukezaki associated with the fluctuation of sea level is schematically shown in Fig. 7.
渡辺 良雄
東北地理 (ISSN:03872777)
vol.17, no.2, pp.61-69, 1965 (Released:2010-10-29)

以上, 東北地方の都市の基本的産業構成を検討し, それが第3次産業依存である事実から, 中心地理論の解釈を適用しその規模的階層分化の事実を示した。そしてこれらの点のみに関していえば次の事を指摘出来る。1) Basic-Nonbasic 機能の統計的検出法を適用すると, 都市自体の消費等価分を超過する産業活動は, 東北地方では本質的には第3次産業のみであり, 流通と公務の都市の性格が明瞭である。2) この事実はIsolated Urban Societyに近い都市の構成性格を示唆するが, それらが全体として中央日本の都市の第2次産業との分業関係で成立する点では, 純粋なIsolated Urban Societyとも異質のものとみられる。3) これらの性格が典型的に示されるのは, 東北地方でも宮城県南縁部および山形県中部以北に限定される。4) これらの第3次産業依存の都市の地域では, 局地的には都市規模の階層分化の事実が明瞭に示される。しかしその様相は, おおよそ4つの地域的類型により規構成を異にする。従って東北地方全体といった規模の階層分化構造をみると, 異質の階構造の総和となるので全体としての分化構造は認められなくなる。
浅黄谷 剛寛
東北地理 (ISSN:03872777)
vol.20, no.2, pp.87-93, 1968 (Released:2010-10-29)

The rice farming in Kitami-shi in the northernmost region of Hokkaido suffered much heavier crop failures due to the low temperature in summer before and after the World War II, compared to the central core region, and the area is more backward in the postwar development of rice farming. Before the War, there was a tendency in which the acreage of rice fields dropped markedly just after the crop failures. However, after the War, in spite of the severe crop failures in 1953, 1954 and 1956, the decrease in acreage of rice fields was little. As the reason, we can point out control of the price of rice by the government, the spread of the system of mutual insurance of rice farming, the improvement of the irrigation facilities, the progress of cultivation techniques, and the insecurity of unirrigated non-rice farming.The cool summer of 1964 has given slighter damage than in 1954 although the drop of the temperature was almost similar with that of 1964. Thus the rice farming in Kitami-shi has been improved to be more stable.
安田 初雄
東北地理 (ISSN:03872777)
vol.38, no.2, pp.99-114, 1986-05-15 (Released:2010-04-30)

(1) 邑鑑によると, 信夫郡大森村の大森城およびその侍屋敷は高を請けたが, 信夫郡福島村の福島城とその侍屋敷は高を請けなかった。これらの事実は大森城が廃城であり, 他方福島城とその侍屋敷は除地 (免税地) として扱われたことを示す。(2) 長井郡の米沢城とその侍屋敷は, 伊達政宗が1591 (天正19) 年9月23日, 米沢を去ってから, 蒲生四郎兵衛が1591年10月中旬米沢に到着するまでの間の検地で高を請けた。(3) 長井郡における太閤検地は1591年9月に実施されたことはすでに立証されている。邑鑑における村高は文禄3年に実施された検地の結果ではなく, また1597 (慶長2) 年以降の検地による高でもない。それは正しく1591年の検地で得られた結果である。(4) 1592年5月から6月に, 家数人数等改 (家数人数調査) が伊達政宗領内で実施された。それは唐入 (支那征伐) のために豊臣秀吉の指令によって実施された。それゆえ, 蒲生氏所領でもこの調査が実施されるのは, 当然である。(5) 検断, 肝煎および小走を含む邑鑑の大森における家数は, 1591年秋, 大森城が廃城となって間もない時の調査であることを示す。なんとなれば, 町の所在を示す検断の存在と, 他の村に比し大森村の村役人の数が多いこととが, 城下町が廃止された直後の状態を示す名残りと見なされるからである。
安田 初雄
東北地理 (ISSN:03872777)
vol.8, no.2, pp.69-76, 1955 (Released:2010-10-29)

(1) The followings are famous nine pastures of NANBU-HAN in recent times; The pastures of Oma, Okoppe, Arito, Kisaki, Matashige, Sumiya, Ainai, Kita, and Misaki. (2) They are on the north-eastern corner of Honshu, and have a characters of lowland pasture. Of which, Arito, Kisaki, and Matashige are on the diluvial tableland, Oma, Okoppe Kita and Misaki are on the coastal terrace, Sumiya and Ainai are on the foot hills. (3) Formerly the pastures of Kita and Misaki had not the fence around them, And grazing horses (so called NOMMA there) ran about freely among the forest and on the grass lands of this neghbourhood. This is a type of free grazing. Therefore for the protection of crops there were fences that enclose the farms. (4) BY the grazig habits, the nine pastres are classified two types. The one is the type of OKITSUKI (a type of grazing all the year round). The other is the type of grazing during warm seasons. Oma, Okoppe Kisaki, Kita and Misaki belong the former type. And Arito, Matasige, Sumiya and Ainai belong the latter. The pastures of the type of OKITSUKI was near the coast. There were bamboo grass and dead grass that were not buried by snow because wiod blew away them. The Pastures of the type of graziug in warm seasons was on the more snowy land. Therefore in winter it was difficult to grazing there. (5) The landscape of pastures of the two types were different. That of the pastures of the type of OKITSUKI was forest-like, because there had been prohibited to burn grass and Jree on the pastures, for thr shelter was needed there. That of the pastures of the type of grazing in warm seasons was grass-land-like, because it had been burned there every year.