寺田 裕 長澤 敏行 小西 ゆみ子 尾立 達治 森 真理 森谷 満 舞田 健夫 井出 肇 辻 昌宏 川上 智史 古市 保志
特定非営利活動法人 日本歯科保存学会
日本歯科保存学雑誌 (ISSN:03872343)
vol.59, no.5, pp.432-443, 2016 (Released:2016-10-31)

目的 : 歯周病を含む口腔の健康状態と脳梗塞や虚血性心疾患といった心血管疾患との関連については以前から研究されているが, 残存歯の咬合状態を含めて検討したものはほとんどない. 本研究では心臓血管疾患の既往と, 残存歯の健康状態ならびに咬合接触との関係を明らかにすることを目的として, 大学病院の内科と歯科の両方を受診している患者の歯科および内科の診療記録を分析した. 対象と方法 : 北海道医療大学病院の内科と歯科を受診しており, 血液検査・歯周組織検査ずみの93名を対象とした. 対象者は脳梗塞および虚血性心疾患既往の有無で分類後, 診査または検査項目の種類に応じてPearsonのカイ二乗検定, Fisherの正確確率検定, あるいはMann-Whitney検定を行った後, 二項ロジスティック回帰分析で関与している予測因子を解析した. 結果 : 93名中脳梗塞の既往者は8名, 虚血性心疾患の既往者は16名であった. 脳梗塞の既往者はEichner Cで有意に多く, Eichner Aで少なかった (p=0.015). 脳梗塞の既往者の総コレステロール (p=0.023) とHDLコレステロール (p=0.005) は低かった. 虚血性心疾患の既往者では, どの変数にも有意差はみられなかった. 脳梗塞の既往を従属変数とした二項ロジスティック回帰分析では, Eichner C該当者 {p=0.013, オッズ比 (OR)=17.381, 95%信頼区間 (95%CI)=1.848~163.489} およびHDLコレステロール (p=0.020, OR=0.894, 95%CI=0.813~0.982) が有意な独立変数であることが明らかになった. 虚血性心疾患の既往者に対しては, 統計学的に有意に成立する回帰モデルは構築できなかった. 結論 : 脳梗塞の既往と, 上下顎の咬合接触の喪失を伴う歯の欠損との間で関連が示唆された.
河野 豊 吉田 純一 原田 文也 植原 治 安彦 善裕 永易 裕樹 舞田 建夫 川上 智史 江口 有一郎
一般社団法人 日本肝臓学会
肝臓 (ISSN:04514203)
vol.63, no.8, pp.388-391, 2022-08-01 (Released:2022-08-10)

We investigated whether the humanoid robot, Pepper, could help patients in taking hepatitis virus tests at an oral dental clinic. Ninety-five patients interacted with Pepper, followed by visiting the physician and answering a questionnaire. One asymptomatic patient was diagnosed as HBs-Ag positive. Most patients who operated Pepper were female and older than 50 years of age. Only a few patients (16%) knew a hepatitis subsidy system. Results of the questionnaire revealed that Pepper's promotion was beneficial and useful for understanding the severity of hepatitis. These findings suggest that the application of a humanoid robot may encourage hepatitis examinations in an oral dental clinic.
河野 豊 吉田 純一 浅香 正博 原田 文也 舞田 建夫 川上 智史 江口 有一郎
一般社団法人 日本肝臓学会
肝臓 (ISSN:04514203)
vol.61, no.10, pp.527-530, 2020-10-01 (Released:2020-10-08)

We investigated the positive detection rates for hepatitis B surface antigens (HBsAg) and hepatitis C (HCV) antibodies as well as the elevation of AST and ALT in patients who were to undergo oral surgery. Our results revealed positive rates of 1.1% and 1.5% for HBsAgs and HCV antibodies, respectively. Patients older than 40 years had a higher proportion of positive HBsAg or HCV antibody results than did patients younger than 40 years. The rate of AST and ALT elevation was 7.3%. There were some missing data on viral infection in patient referral documents or interview sheets, suggesting a perception gap existed with respect to the seriousness of viral hepatitis among dental doctors and patients. These findings suggest that designating a hepatitis medical care coordinator might help not only in understanding patients' infection status but also in collaborating with hepatologists in the field of oral surgery.
疋田 一洋 舞田 健夫 川上 智史 池田 和博 齊藤 正人 田村 誠 小西 ゆみ子 神成 克映 内山 洋一 平井 敏博
公益社団法人 日本補綴歯科学会
日本補綴歯科学会誌 = Annals of Japan Prosthodontic Society (ISSN:18834426)
vol.1, no.1, pp.64-70, 2009-01-10
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川上 智史 荊木 裕司 原口 克博 尾立 光 川村 周徳 久保田 端尚 宮田 武彦 渡辺 敏彦 飯岡 淳子 入戸野 誠 尾立 達治 大沼 修一 関口 昇 横内 厚雄 松田 浩一
東日本歯学雑誌 (ISSN:09109722)
vol.8, no.1, pp.57-62, 1989-06-30

Recently, sedative and antiphlogistic treatment is conducted with low energy laser irradiation. The purpose of the this study was to evaluate the effectiveness to decrease of pain just after irradiation by a GaAlAs semiconductor laser. The irradiation apparatus was SEMI LASER NANOX (LX-800 : G-C. Co.) with the following features : a wave lengh of (around) 780nm : the laser energy, 30mW ; exposure time, SOsec to ISOsec/ per treatment. Diagnosis of pre-and post-operative sensitivity were classified into the following four grades : Grade 0 no pain. Grade I mild pain. Grade II strong but tolerable pain. Grade III intolerable pain (simultaneous with stimulation). The results were as follows: 1. In the hypersensitivity of dentin, the treatment was not effective with 2 cases of grade III, but with all of grade I , II (35 cases) the pain decreased just after irradiation. 2 . It was effective in all cases with pain like periodontitis after root canal filling and pain after extraction of teeth. 3 . It was effective in all cases with gingivitis, stomatitis, and gingival ulcers after infilttation anesthesia etc..
野田 晃宏/荊木 裕司/原口 克博/川上 智史/宮田 武彦/横内 厚雄/大沼 修一/尾立 達治/長岡 央/小出 賢治/舛潟 尚樹/飯岡 淳子/笹渕 博子/川嶋 利明/松田 浩一 ノダ アキヒロ/イバラキ ユウジ/ハラグチ カツヒロ/カワカミ トモフミ/ミヤタ タケヒコ/ヨコウチ アツオ/オオヌマ シュイチ/オダチ タツジ/ナガオカ ヒロシ/コイデ ケンジ/マスガタ ナオキ/イイオカ アツコ/ササブチ ヒロコ/カワシマ トシアキ/マツダ コウイチ NODA Akihiro/IBARAKI Yuji/HARAGUCHI Katsuhiro/KAWAKAMI Tomofumi/MIYATA Takehiko/YOKOUCHI Atsuo/OHNUMA Syuichi/ODACHI Tatsuji/NAGAOKA Hiroshi/KOIDE Kenji/MASUGATA Naoki/IIOKA Atsuko/SASABUCHI Hiroko/KAWASIMA Tosiaki/MATSUDA Koichi
vol.11, no.2, pp.217-223, 1992-12-31

Clinical practice has been assigned as a final and very important aspect of study and practice in dental education. In our university, the students are exposed to clinical practice from the latter term of the fifth year. This report investigated the protocols of clinical cases by a mutual practice system of dental treatment from the seventh to the tenth class of graduates. The mutual practice of dental treatment is a system where students act as docter and patient mutually. The results obtained were as follows: 1) The seventh class graduates averaged 1.45 clinical cases of mutual practice system. The eighth, ninth and tenth classes averaged 2.3, 2.9, and 1.7. 2) 65 percents of all cases on restorations were cast restorations. Composite resin restorations increased and comprised 35 percents of all cases. However amalgam fillings did not take place.