岡田 順太
法政論叢 (ISSN:03865266)
vol.41, no.2, pp.28-42, 2005-05-15 (Released:2017-11-01)

In the series of the Administrative Reform, the new administrative system led by politicians has born and grown. However, on the other hand, the National Diet, prescribed as "the highest organ of state power" by the Constitution, has not wrested the policy initiative from the administrative apparatus of the central government, which has been in place since the Meiji Era. To reform this situation, it is essential to enhance the Diet members' policy forming ability. For this purpose, the Diet members should make the best use of their assistants substitute for the bureaucracy. This article will examine the system and the problems of the Diet member's assistant as compared with the U.S. Congress staff on which the current system has been modeled, and then try to show ways to improve on the effect for Parliamentalism.
濱口 一郎
法政論叢 (ISSN:03865266)
vol.38, no.1, pp.215-224, 2001-11-15 (Released:2017-11-01)

Recently, some policies have been created to address family carers' problems. Until now the focus has been on issues such as elderly abuse and collapse of the family. However, little attention has been given to family carers' problems. Then the questions now arise : Why have the family carers' problems been overlooked? On the other hand, the difference between the family care and the supporting duty in the civil law is also a point at issue. The legal position of the family care has an effect on social support for the family carers. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to to examine the family carers supported in the law about the aged care or to answer the question : Is it suitable to interpret the family in the law about the aged care as that in the civil law? As a consequence, the family cares who are co-resident can be supported in the law about the aged care. And the family carers' consept is different from that in the civil law. Also, it is understood to meet the actual condition of the aged care.
高澤 弘明
法政論叢 (ISSN:03865266)
vol.52, no.1, pp.155-167, 2016-02-25 (Released:2017-11-01)

When Arasuke Sone, the Chief Secretary of the House of Representatives, announced that the fire that destroyed the Imperial Diet Building on January 20, 1891 was caused by an electric circuit short. The electricity supplier, Tokyo Dento (Tokyo Electric Light Company), filed a civil action against Sone in the Tokyo District Court in order to seek a correction of his announcement. The Yamagata Cabinet regarded this suit case as an administrative one, and intended, depending on the cabinet decision, to give to the court an order that the court should reject the case on the grounds that it lay outside the court's jurisdiction. Akiyoshi Yamada, Minister of Justice, alone dissented from this motion. He submitted, however, a written opinion arguing that the position of the cabinet should be proclaimed in court in accordance with due process under the Code of Civil Procedure at the time. While Yamada's opinion was consequently adopted, this in a sense prevented executive interference in the judiciary and differed sharply from Yamada's response to the Otsu incident (a failed assassination attempt on the then Tsesarevich of Russia on Japanese soil) four months later. In this paper, I examine Yamada's view of the independence of the judiciary through the lens of the Diet Building fire shortly before the Otsu incident.
井戸田 博史
法政論叢 (ISSN:03865266)
vol.21, pp.39-48, 1985-05-20 (Released:2017-11-01)

The present paper is an extract from my presentation "The Name Policy in the early Meiji Era" given at the conference of the Japan Association of Legal and Political Sciences in May, 1984. Before Meiji, a person's surname indicated his lineage and his privileged status. Only the people in the privileged classes-the samurai class and above-were permitted to have their family names. In the Meiji Era, however, the surname came to be regarded as the name of "Ie(家)" after many complicated processes, and it was ordered that all Japanese should have their surnames. After the Second World War, "Ie(家)" was abolished, and as the result, today's surname has come to be considered to be the name of the individual. Actually, however, the surname is not necessarily understood as the name of the individual in our feelings and customs, and consequently, it brings forward many problems. Therefore, the problems involved in the surname are old but new. Our surnames today are based on the name policy adopted in the early Meiji Era. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the nature of the name policy adopted in that period, because it will be an important clue to approach the complicated problems involved in the present-day surname. This paper contains the following items: 1. Introduction 2. The way to "the Ordinance to compel the Commoner to have their Surnames" (1) The denial of the "privileged surname" given by the former Tokugawa shogunate (2) "The Ordinance to Permit the Commoner to have thier Surnames" 3. The Ordinance to Compel the Commoner to have their Surnames 4. Prospects
荒木 義修
法政論叢 (ISSN:03865266)
vol.40, no.1, pp.58-65, 2003-11-05 (Released:2017-11-01)

This paper reveals that child sexual abuse factor, aggressive dimension of the authoritarian personality and economic anxiety influence the current Japanese students who consider that religion is important. As a result it implies that such a perspective could explain also the behaviors of the Aum Shinrikyo Sect. The terrorist group that is mainly seemed to be consisted of young authoritarian males escape from freedom by committing to religion, namely Aum Shinrikyo to remove anxiety aroused by the serious economic crisis and child sexual abuse experiment.
長谷川 高生
法政論叢 (ISSN:03865266)
vol.35, no.1, pp.80-90, 1998

Muchos filosofos de nuestro tiempo usan el concepto analogo a [circunstancia]-Umwelt de E.Husserl, Welt de M.Heidegger, environment de W.James, Basyo de K.Nisida-. El filosofo espanol, J.Ortega y Gasset da, igualmente al concepto de [la vida], mucha importancia al de circunstancia. Por consiguiente, considero en este estudio la idea de circunstancia como el concepto basico de la filosofia politica de Ortega, en torno a los puntos sobre ego y circunstancia en la vida humana, la constitucion de circunstancia (perspectivismo), y la estructura del mundo circunstancial. En el capitulo segundo, considero ego y circunstancia en la vida humana, con referencia a la frase de "Yo soy yo y mi circunstancia, y si no la salvo a ella no me salvo yo." Y se discute que su pensamiento de la vida humana supera antagonismo entre dos opiniones sobre el ser, es decir, el realismo del tiempo antiguo y medieval y el idealismo del moderno, y que pretende [convivencia] de sujeto y circunstancia. En el capitulp tercero, se propone el perspectivismo como la teoria de conocimiento para constituir esta circunstancia. los perspectivos vividos por cada uno, se complementan uno a otro, y captan la verdad perfecta mas armonica. Y el perspectivismore suelve la oposicion filosofica entre el relativismo que cae en el esceptismo y el racionalismo que no tiene en cuenta la diversidad humana, y tiene elca racter de [tolerancia] que implica ambos. Ortega hace mucho caso de [un ver que es mirar] de que [interpreta viendo y ve interpretando]. En el capitulo cuarto, se muestra cuatro leyes estructurales y anatomicas de contorno circunstancial. Lo primero es que el mundo consiste del mundo superficial y el [compresente]. Lo segundo es que este mundo nuestro se establece por tres planos, en primer lugar el mundo de la cosa que nos ocupa, en segundo el horizonte a la vista, y en tercer termino el mas alla latente ahora.Terceramente, este mundo es constituido por la perspectiva de [mi aqui]. En cuarto lugar, nuestro mundo se organiza en [campos pragmaticos]. En el capitulo quinto, como las cosas que ex-isten en este mundo, Ortega muestra minerales, vegetales, animales y humanas. Indica que el mundo humano es el compresente con los otros, diferentemente del mundo mineral y vegetal que tiene una direccion unica desde nosotros y del animal que co-existe con nosotros pero se limite. Aparte de relaciones interindividuales o formas de convivir, por ejemplo, padres e hijos, amantes, y amigos, lo social que representa el [uso] es una casi-naturaleza y nos permite la casi-convivencia con el desconocido. Los usos son realidades mecanicas o irracionales, extraindividuales o impersonales. Pero pueden automatizar la conducta de la persona y concentrar la vida humana y creadora en ciertas direcciones. Con esto en la estructura de circunstancia, el individuo y la sociedad se actuan, y la minoria selecta y las masas forman el dinamismo de la sociedad historica.
林 弘正 和田 美智代
法政論叢 (ISSN:03865266)
vol.42, no.2, pp.249-254, 2006

The 103rd general meeting and symposium of The Japanese Association of Law and Political Science were held at Keiai University on November 26^<th> and 27^<th> of the year 2005. The uniform theme was "Family's transfiguration and violence". Five panelists presented their study at this session. First, Mr. Tomiyuki Ogawa of Aichi Gakuin University presented on the theme of "Family's transfiguration and violence". Second, Mr. Yoshinibu Araki of Musasino University presented on the theme of "Child Abuse and Neglect in Urban Areas". Third, Mr.Saegusa Tamotsu of Chukyo University presented on the theme of "Child Abuse and Punishment by Criminal Law-Focusing on the amended Child Abuse". Fourth, Ms. Machi Kamio of Shobi University presented on the theme of "The Legal System against Spousal Violence-Japan and France-". The last panelist Ms. Etsuko Furuhashi of Hanazono University presented on the theme of "Situation of Older People Abuse and Problem in Legal Action". After these important reports, each reporter responded to some questions and opinions from several members of the floor. This symposium ended successfully at 17:30. We are thankful to Prof.Yoshihiro Yamauchi, all other people at Keiai University and Heisei International University who helped this symposium.
辻 雄一郎
法政論叢 (ISSN:03865266)
vol.51, no.2, pp.111-130, 2015

The Fourth Amendment was added to the U.S. Constitution in 1791. In no place in the Fourth Amendment does the term "warrant" appear. In interpretation of the Fourth Amendment by the U.S. Supreme Court, the police require warrants to perform searches. A warrantless search is deemed reasonable only if it falls within a specific exception to the Fourth Amendment's warrant requirement. The ninety percent of American adults who own cellphones todays carry with them digital records of nearly every aspect of their lives. Two hundred and twenty-three years have passed since the Fourth Amendment was added. In Riley v. California, the Supreme Court held that the police generally have no authorization to search digital information on cellphones seized from arrested individuals without warrants. While the Riley case is certain to be a subject further study, the American scholars who have studied the case so far have found several lessons for the interpretation of constitutional law. In this article, I would like to discuss this issue with a focus on the interpretation methods of the originalist Justice Scalia and the intra-textualist Akhil Amar, and the battle between Congress and the judicial approach. Justice Breyer provided six factors to overturn precedents. Daniel Farber shows a pragmatic approach.
森本 敦司
法政論叢 (ISSN:03865266)
vol.35, no.2, pp.103-116, 1999-05-15 (Released:2017-11-01)

It is said that paralegal is the fastest growing occupations in today's America. By "the American Work Force: 1992-2005", the number of paralegal is expected to increase by 81 percent from 1992 to 2005. The professional status of paralegals has its roots in the 1960s. Since then, attorneys have begun to realize how the use of paralegals in the law firm can help them provide quality legal services at lower cost to client. Generally, paralegal, or legal assistant, can be defined as a person sufficiently trained in law and legal procedures to assist attorneys in the delivery of legal service to the public. Paralegal employers fall into three broad categoreis: law firms, corporations and other business organiations, and government agencies. Paralegals perform many of the tasks that have traditionally been handled by attorneys: for example, drafting legal documents, interviewing clients and witnesses, and conducting legal research. However, paralegal may not give legal advice, set legal fees, or represent a client in court. Paralegals perform the same functions as an attorney except those prohibited by unauthorized practice of law statutes. Basically, there are three categories of the paralegal profession as the following: traditional paralegal, who works with supervision by a lawyer: freelance paralegal, who works as an independent contractor with supervision by a lawyer: and independent paralegal, who practice independently, that is, are not under an attorney's supervision, and provides routine legal services direclty to consumers. Recognizing the need to make lega services more widely available to the public, paralegals have expanded their practice into many broad and diverse specialities.
森本 敦司
法政論叢 (ISSN:03865266)
vol.35, no.2, pp.103-116, 1999

It is said that paralegal is the fastest growing occupations in today's America. By "the American Work Force: 1992-2005", the number of paralegal is expected to increase by 81 percent from 1992 to 2005. The professional status of paralegals has its roots in the 1960s. Since then, attorneys have begun to realize how the use of paralegals in the law firm can help them provide quality legal services at lower cost to client. Generally, paralegal, or legal assistant, can be defined as a person sufficiently trained in law and legal procedures to assist attorneys in the delivery of legal service to the public. Paralegal employers fall into three broad categoreis: law firms, corporations and other business organiations, and government agencies. Paralegals perform many of the tasks that have traditionally been handled by attorneys: for example, drafting legal documents, interviewing clients and witnesses, and conducting legal research. However, paralegal may not give legal advice, set legal fees, or represent a client in court. Paralegals perform the same functions as an attorney except those prohibited by unauthorized practice of law statutes. Basically, there are three categories of the paralegal profession as the following: traditional paralegal, who works with supervision by a lawyer: freelance paralegal, who works as an independent contractor with supervision by a lawyer: and independent paralegal, who practice independently, that is, are not under an attorney's supervision, and provides routine legal services direclty to consumers. Recognizing the need to make lega services more widely available to the public, paralegals have expanded their practice into many broad and diverse specialities.
大西 斎
法政論叢 (ISSN:03865266)
vol.51, no.2, pp.95-109, 2015

The "Act on Procedures for the Amendment of the Constitution of Japan" (hereafter "the Act") was revised on June 13, 2014. There had been some confusion under the Act before the revision, as the Act had failed to clearly define whether the voting age was 18 or 20. The revision to the Act solved this problem, but several new issues arose, in its place: (1) whether adults in Article 15, Paragraph 3 of the Constitution should be treated the same way as persons who have reached the age of adulthood in the Civil Code, (2) whether the lowering of the age of adulthood in the Civil Code harms consumers, (3) whether or not the age of full suffrage should be lowered to 18, and (4) whether the age of voting rights should be treated in the same way as the age of full suffrage. These issues will be examined in this paper.