稲津 脩 渡辺 公吉 前田 巖 伊藤 恵子 長内 俊一
The Japanese Society of Applied Glycoscience
澱粉科学 (ISSN:00215406)
vol.21, no.2, pp.115-119, 1974-06-15 (Released:2011-02-23)
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北海道および本州産の粳米について1969~1971の3ヵ年にわたり,延18品種56試料について,米澱粉のヨウ素親和力およびアミロース含有率を測定した。測定方法はアミロースの基準ヨウ素親和力を19と仮定し,この値を用いて各試料の米澱粉のヨウ素親和力からアミロース含有率を計算した。 1)供試した56試料のアミロース含有率は,90%の信頼区間で18.6~24.8%の範囲にあり,平均21.7%であった。また,北海道産米は21.1~24.5%,平均22.8%であり,本州産米の17.6~21.6%,平均19.5%に比較して平均値で3.3%高かった。しかし,この差が本州と北海道の環境の差によるものか,あるいは品種の遺伝的特性によるものかは明らかでなかった。 2)本州で最高値を示した青森のフジミノリと,北海道で最低値を示した厚真産のほうりゅうは類似の含有率を示した。 3)北海楢内においては,品種,栽培地,年次間にいずれも有意差が認められた。とくに,品種間の分散は栽培地および年次間の分散よりはるかに大きく,アミロース含有率は品種によって最も大きく支配された。その品種間差異は,ゆうなみ> ユーカラ> しおかり>ほうりゅうの関係が有意であった。 4)農林20号はほうりゅうよりさらに低いアミロース含有率を示した。 5)栽培地では泥炭地が高く,また,高温年よりも低温年で高まった。 6)これらのことから,北海道産米の改善の一つの方向として,低アミロース品種の重要性が暗示された。
二國 二郎
The Japanese Society of Applied Glycoscience
澱粉科学 (ISSN:00215406)
vol.23, no.4, pp.197-200, 1976-12-31 (Released:2011-02-23)

In 1961, the Nagoya National Hospital asked me to test starch-like substance excreted from granulating wounds of a female patient. This patient had been staying in the hospital since 1959 to heal an unknown disease. At first, granulating wounds appeared on her breasts and these wounds excreted white yellowish pus. Her breasts were cut off on suspicion of cancer. Then the wounds appared on her legs. One day, in 1961, a doctor of the hospital dropped iodine tincture on the pus and the pus stained deep blue. On April, 1961, I visited the Nagoya National Hospital, met the patient and obtained newly excreted pus from Dr. TAMURA. I isolated white granules from the pus. All physical and chemical tests indicated that the granules were raww starch granules with lamellar rings and cross polarization. These granules looked like wheat starch granules. During these experiments, I knew another peculiar female patient who had been excreting “cotton” from her wounds since 1957. In 1964, I visited Dr. TAZIRI's private hospital, Okayama prefecture, where she lived as a charity patient during 7 years. Dr. TAZIRI, a surgeon, showed me about 4 kg of cotton, which had been excreted from her wounds on arms and legs. Dr. TAZIRI offered me newly collected pus from her body. The main substance of the pus was small bundles of cotton as reported before by several observers. I reported the physical and chemical nature of these two kinds of excretion at the International Symposium on Carbohydrate Chemistry which was held in Munster on July, 1964. Thereafter I continued my effort to ascertain the cause of these two peculiar diseases, but as I am not a medical doctor, I asked many physicians, biochemists and bacteriologists to have interest on these diseases. At last, on April 12, 1966, we could invite the “cotton” patient to the hospital of Osaka University under permission of Dr. TAZIRI. The chief of this observation was Prof. SHIBA, a surgeon, of Osaka University. All clothes, curtains, sheets and bed mat of her room of the hospital had been changed to those made with synthetic fiber. Medical treatments and observations of all fields were performed by many professors of Osaka University. The patient continued to excrete cotton but the amount of cotton decreased day by day. Wounds were deep and a wound seemed to be connected with other wounds. On eleventh day, April 22., an X-ray observation of her whole body was done, and to our surprise, 8 sewing needles were found in her body. Dr. KANEKO, professor of psychiatry, diagnosed her as hysteria and he suggested that needles and cotton might be inserted into the wounds by herself, though the patient denied these insertions. Thus, our observation was interrupted and the patient was sent back to Dr. TAZIRI's hospital on April 25, without an exact conclusion. On this news, the Nagoya National Hospital decided to send back the "starch" patient to her parent suspecting the same case, because she liked crackers and biscuits and these cakes contained a considerable amount of raw state starch granules. After 8 years, I had a chance to trace the “cotton” disease. On May 9., 1974, I visited again Dr. TAZIRI. On this day, Dr. TAZIRI invited the former patient to his hospital for me. She became quite healthy and looked rather young though she became 50 years old. Dr. TAZIRI told me that, after our observation in Osaka University, she continued to excrete cotton, and Dr. TAZIRI asked to the hospital of Okayama University, his mother college, to accept the patient. She went to the hospital of Okayama University on July 29., 1966. She excreted a large amount of cotton every day during first 30 days. But, when the wounds were covered with gypsum bandage, the excretion of cotton decreased and the wounds healed gradually. After about 100 days, cotton was excreted only once per 10 or 20 days. She could return to her home on February 19., 1967.
高橋 幸資 清水 ふさ子 白井 邦郎 和田 敬三
The Japanese Society of Applied Glycoscience
澱粉科学 (ISSN:00215406)
vol.29, no.1, pp.34-40, 1982
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比較的低水分食品中澱粉の糊化温度を熱分析で測定する目的で,米,ソバ,小麦粉生地およびこれらの加工食品とその単離澱粉の示差熱分析を行った.以下に実験結果を要約する. 1.米のDTA曲線は,単一の明瞭な吸熱ピークを示し,おのおのの単離澱粉のDTA曲線とは高温側に1~6℃ ずれている以外はきわめてよく似たパターンを示した.さらに吸熱ピークの過程で澱粉粒の偏光の消失を伴うことから澱粉の糊化を検出したものと判断した.ソバのDTA曲線は非常にブロードであったが,単離澱粉とはよく似ている.精白米を室温で3年間貯蔵すると約4℃ 糊化開始温度が上昇した. 2.モデル麺により小麦粉のDTAを行ってみると単離澱粉とよく似た曲線を示し,小麦粉中のタンパク質による吸熱シグナルはあっても小さいと考えた.しかし単離澱粉とは異なって塩化ナトリウムおよび炭酸アルカリの使用により糊化開始温度は上昇し,10%の使用量で5~9℃ 高まった. 3.加工食品の糊化開始温度は,スパグッティでは約59~60℃ で比較的低く,ソーメン,ヒヤムギ,ウドンでは約61~64℃ で,次に,中華麺では約63~65℃ と比較的高かった.この順序は製麺時の塩の使用量とよく一致する.ソバ麺の糊化開始温度は約63~65℃ であった.ビーフンの吸熱ピークは,ブロードで面積も小さく糊化開始温度も約50℃ と低かった. なお,本報告の大要は,昭和54年度日本栄養改善学会で発表した.
松本 圭介 小林 洋一 田村 なつ子 渡辺 常一 菅 辰彦
The Japanese Society of Applied Glycoscience
澱粉科学 (ISSN:00215406)
vol.36, no.2, pp.123-130, 1989-06-30 (Released:2010-06-28)
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β-Galactosidases (lactases) from various origins give different kinds of linkage and size of oligosaccharides. In the first chapter, enzyme sources, mechanism of transgalactosylation reactions, and structures of oligosaccharides were briefly introduced. Galactooligosaccharides (TOS) which consist of tri, tetra-, penta-, and hexasaccharides were formed from lactose by transgalactosylation reactions of Aspergillus oryzae β-galactosidase.TOS were a non-absorbable sugar and selectively utilized by all of the Bifidobacterium species in vitro. Administration of TOS caused remarkable increase in the number of Bifidobacterium and decrease in the number of Bacteroides in fecal flora. The improvement of intestinal microflora by TOS led to the suppression of putrefaction in the gut. It was concluded that TOS were a superior bifidus growth-promoting factor. For the large-scale production of TOS, the optimum conditions of transgalactosylation reactions and the manufacturing process were investigated. The amount of TOS were increased together with increase in initial lactose by A. oryzae S-galactosidase, and the maximum TOS formed were 30% by weight of total sugar. After transgalactosylation reactions with A .oryzae enzyme, second reactions with Streptococcus thermophilus β-galactosidase gave rise to TOS content and to sweetness, which were of a desirable sugar composition for food applications. A, oryzae β-galactosidase was immobilized by glutaraldehyde crosslinking on the ion-exchange resin for the continuous production of TOS. Half-life of this immobilized enzyme was 192 days at 55°C. High-grade TOS could be obtained from the reaction mixture by chromatographic separation with sodium-form cation-exchange resin.
小島 隆寿
The Japanese Society of Applied Glycoscience
澱粉科学 (ISSN:00215406)
vol.33, no.3, pp.177-182, 1986

食用油脂である菜種油およびラードを馬鈴薯澱粉およびコーンスターチに対し10-150%添加し, 15%澱粉濃度付近のゲルについて, 膨潤, 糊化の状態, ゲル強度さらに低温保存時の影響について調べ次のことがわかった.<br>1) 馬鈴薯澱粉では, 85℃, 30分の加熱処理で, 油脂添加により膨潤, 糊化が抑制された.<br>2) ゴーンスターチでは, 油脂添加量が10-30%の範囲で, ゲル強度の上昇効果が認められた. 油脂の添加により, 澱粉の膨潤糊化が進んだためと考えられる.<br>3) 油脂添加量が50%を超えると, 両澱粉ともゲル強度は低下した, 油脂の添加量が多くなると, ゲルの構築が阻害され, ゲル強度は弱くなるものと考えられる.<br>以上の知見は, 油脂含量の多い加工食品, たとえばハンバーグ, シュウマイ, ギョウザなどに応用できると考えられる.
稲葉 光治
The Japanese Society of Applied Glycoscience
澱粉科学 (ISSN:00215406)
vol.31, no.2, pp.107-111, 1984-06-30 (Released:2010-06-28)

As studied on the metabolism of arachidonic acid cascade, the physiological significance of prostaglandins (PGs) and other metabolites has been dissolved. In the present paper, the basic studies on the dosage form containing PGs and thei stabilization are summarized. There are two difficult problems when we design the PG formulation, namely the stabilization for unstable PGs and content uniformity for the formulation containing small quantity of PGs. These problems are dissolved by using of cyclodextrin (CD) to make complex with PGs. And these PG-CD complexes show improvement of solubility, chemical stability and bioavailability. At present, CD polymer, methylated CD, substance consisting of 10-20 glucose units and other CD analogues have been studied. In the near future, CD analogues having both properties stabilization and long lasting release will be developed.
藤本 滋生 杉村 和道 中島 修一 菅沼 俊彦 永浜 伴紀
The Japanese Society of Applied Glycoscience
澱粉科学 (ISSN:00215406)
vol.28, no.3, pp.166-173, 1981-06-30 (Released:2011-02-23)
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1.ウリ科のカラスウリ(塊根)とキカラスウリ(塊根),およびサトイモ科のムサシアブミ(塊茎)とクワズイモ(根茎)よりそれぞれ生組織に対し12%,1 .3%,5%,4%の澱粉を得た. 2.サツマイモ澱粉を対照とし,それぞれの澱粉につき,一般分析のほか,顕微鏡観察,粒径分布,X線回折ヨウ素呈色,生澱粉のグルコアミラーゼ消化,膨潤力,溶解度,アミログラフィー等の項目について測定し,その特性を考察した. 3.カラスウリ澱粉は小形で全リン酸含量がきわめて高く,膨潤力やアミログラム粘度も高いことなどから,強固な粒構造をもっていることが示唆された.キカラスウリ澱粉はきわめて精製が容易で,性質はジャガイモ澱粉に比較的似たものであった.ムサシアブミ澱粉は多くの点でサツマイモ澱粉に酷似していることがわかった.またクワズイモ澱粉は,粒径1~2μmの微小粒のため遠心分離が必要であり,さらに混在するシュウ酸カルシウムの針状結晶を溶解するために希塩酸を用いた.その性質は,アミロース含量がきわめて少なく,糊化しやすく,膨潤力が大きかった., 本報告の一部は,昭和46年度および55年度の日本澱粉学会大会ならびに昭和55年度の日本農芸化学会西日本支部大会で発表した.なお,本研究には,鹿児島大学名誉教授蟹江松雄博士のご鞭撻と,本学学生の佐々木弘美,久保豊,久保田力の諸君の協力をいただいた.付記し謝意を表する.