小泉 正樹 尾形 昌男 吉野 雅則 三浦 克洋 山岸 征嗣 徳永 昭 田尻 孝
一般社団法人 日本消化器内視鏡学会 関東支部
Progress of Digestive Endoscopy (ISSN:13489844)
vol.75, no.2, pp.52-53, 2009-12-10 (Released:2013-07-29)

佐藤 善信 中島 光裕 星井 輝之 布原 史翔 桑田麻衣子 今泉 正樹 福田 清貴 岩﨑 洋一
一般社団法人 日本呼吸ケア・リハビリテーション学会
日本呼吸ケア・リハビリテーション学会誌 (ISSN:18817319)
vol.25, no.3, pp.395-400, 2015-12-31 (Released:2016-01-26)

神経筋疾患患者に対する呼吸ケアの一つとして,通常の救急蘇生バックを用いたlung volume recruitment(LVR)があるが,air stackingが困難な患者では効果的に実施できない場合がある.われわれは,患者をair stacking可能群と不可能群に分け,2種類の救急蘇生バックを用いて吸気量と咳のピークフロー(CPF)値を測定し,効率的なLVRを実施するために,どちらの救急蘇生バックを選択すべきかを検討した.その結果,air stacking可能群では通常の救急蘇生バック,air stacking不可能群ではPEEP弁付き救急蘇生バックが有用であると考えられた.また,MIC>1,170 mlとなるように肺吸気量を維持することは,救急蘇生バックを用いた吸気介助と,呼気時胸部介助を併用した咳嗽介助を実施するにあたり,重要であることが示唆された.
泉 正樹 結城 剛志
社会科学論集 = SHAKAIKAGAKU-RONSHU (The Social Science Review) (ISSN:05597056)
vol.146・147合併号, pp.43-58, 2016

This study analyses the major approaches to frameworks for understanding money. These approaches include those taken by the Marxian, post-Keynesian, and neo-classical schools, and sociologists. The theory of money and credit involves deeply controversial issues. Since the 1970s, financial speculation has been spreading more deeply within global capitalism. The sub-prime mortgage loan problem in the United States was one consequence of this phenomenon. The situation demands an inquiry into the basic question, ‘What is money’ ? In the 2000s, the journal Economy & Society presented an interdisciplinary exchange of opinions and criticism with respect to the traditional understanding of money in mainstream economics, that is, money as the medium of exchange. From a sociological viewpoint, Zelizer(2000) emphasises that money has ‘special’ implications when viewed with regard to different situations, thus it cannot be encapsulated by any single concept. On the other hand, from the viewpoint of post-Keynesian economics, Ingham(2001, 2004) insists that money is the social relation between debts and credits as represented by the money of account. However, from a Marxist viewpoint, Lapavitsas(2005b) understands money as the ‘monopolization of the ability to buy’. Thus, the concept of money has been interpreted in various ways by researchers in different disciplines. Nevertheless, these researchers all conclude that ‘fiat money’ is one of the conditions of money. However, some Japanese Marxian political economists have developed an alternative view which states that pure ‘fiat money’ cannot be explained in principle and does not exist in practice. On the basis of these Japanese studies, we analyse the relationship among these views and attempt to unravel the basic question, ‘What is money’ ?
泉 正樹
季刊経済理論 (ISSN:18825184)
vol.41, no.1, pp.63-73, 2004-04-20 (Released:2017-04-25)

In the theory of commodity money, money is determined as commodity. This prescription, 'money is commodity', entails that even if the 'money' is no longer money, the 'money' is still commodity. But if we strip its function from today's 'money', it is no longer commodity. After the stripping, we get a mere paper, poor metal and the number written on bankbook. From this point, the persuasion of the theory of commodity money is simply questioned. But the theory of commodity money has two contents. One is to consider about essence of money. Another is to consider about reason for existence of money. The question about the theory of commodity money is turned to consideration about the essence of money. In general opinion, this question is the question against metallism. Another content of this theory, consideration about reason for existence of money, treats of logical generation of money. It insists that money generates spontaneously in the market. In this logic, the generation of money is considered from the perspective of exchange itself. As a result, we get commodity money, as it were, automatically. But this prescription, 'money is commodity', is different from the prescription, 'money is commodity', which is drawn from the consideration about essence of money. Obviously these two prescriptions are same phrase. But the content of these prescriptions are different. The matter is how we interpret these same and different prescriptions. In this paper, I consider the theory of commodity money from the viewpoint of reason for existence of money. And this theme is considered as generation of money. In this framework, as I have already mentioned, certain commodity becomes money automatically. But it does not mean that the essence of money is commodity. The theory of commodity money, as reason for existence of money, is the description of human nature, which is given conditions of private property and social division of labor. If say in other words, it describes principle of market. In other theory, 'contract' is the moment of reason for existence of money. It insists that money is the external existence of market. So, money is not able to generate from exchange itself. From this point, this theory requests the power of generating money for 'contract'. In this paper, I try to unify with this theory and the theory of commodity money. It is a trial to unify with internal generation of money and external generation of money. I base internal generation on external generation. It comes from interest to the awareness of real economic phenomenon. If there is the principle behind various economic phenomena, we will be able to comprehend them on the basis of the principle. We should be able to grasp real economy as an amalgam the principle and factors, which bring various phenomena. On this hypothesis, in this paper, I aim to consider influence of the principle upon reason for existence of money.