村上 恵一 花田 光雄 高橋 俊一 宮田 吉郎
窯業協會誌 (ISSN:18842127)
vol.64, no.718, pp.7-12, 1956-01-01
1 1 2

The results are summarised as follows:<br>1. The chemical formula of Calcium sulphite was found to be CaSO<sub>2</sub>⋅1/2 H<sub>2</sub>O.<br>2. The heat of oxidation of crystalline and amorphous CaSO<sub>3</sub>⋅1/2 H<sub>2</sub>O are 60.51 kcal/mol and 62.95 kcal/mol respectively.<br>3. Crystalline calcium magnesium sulphite was discovered and its chemical formula was determined to be CaMg(SO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub>⋅7H<sub>2</sub>O.<br>4. The dehydration temperature of crystalline and amorphous CaSO<sub>3</sub>⋅1/2 H<sub>2</sub>O are 400°C and 375°C respectively. The compound CaMg(SO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub>⋅7H<sub>2</sub>O dehydrates stepwise at 110°C and 200°C.<br>5. The calcium sulphite when suspended in water is easely oxidized with air bubbles to good gypsum crystals.
猪股 吉三
窯業協會誌 (ISSN:18842127)
vol.90, no.1045, pp.527-531, 1982-09-01
4 4

焼結の進行に伴う表面及び粒界のエネルギーの減少と物質移動速度を関連させ, 立方稠密充てんの等容積球体の収縮速度を理論的に導き, 収縮速度への表面及び粒界エネルギーの寄与を検討した. こうして得られた速度式によれば, 粒界エネルギーが表面エネルギーと同程度か, それ以下であって, 粒成長が起こらなければ, 始めて閉気孔が生成するまでの段階は, 次式で表されることが期待される.<br><i>ΔL/L</i><sub>0</sub>∝<i>t<sup>m</sup></i>ここに0.26<<i>m</i><0.58<br>また, 粒界エネルギーが, 表面エネルギーの√3倍以上であると, この系は完全に焼結せず, 開気孔を残した状態で, 収縮の平衡点に到達することを示し, このような場合についても, 前記した概念に基づいて収縮速度を算出した.
幾原 雄一 栗下 裕明 吉永 日出男
窯業協會誌 (ISSN:18842127)
vol.95, no.1102, pp.638-645, 1987-06-01
9 18

In order to in vestigate the effect of grain boundary structure on the high-temperature strength of SiC, three kinds of SiC materials were prepared by pressureless sintering; material A with sintering aids of B+C, material B with B+C+AlN, and material C without any sintering aid. Their strength was measured by three-point bending at temperatures from room temperature to 2070K. The grain boundary structure was observed by HR-TEM. The following results were obtained.<br>(1) The strength of material A increases with increasing temperature up to 2070K. The fracture mode is transgranular at all temperatures studied. At the grain boundaries observed, a non-crystalline phase of 2-5nm in thickness is always found. This phase is thought to be either a compound of B and C or an extended grain boundary.<br>(2) The strength of material B increases up to 1770K, but above that temperature it decreases rapidly. The fracture mode also changes at that temperature from transgranular to intergranular. There exists also a 2-5nm thick non-crystalline phase at grain boundaries. The boundary phase is thought to be a compound in the system B-C-AlN. Above 1770K this phase is considered to flow viscously under stress to bring about boundary sliding which causes the strength to decrease.<br>(3) The strength of material C is almost independent of temperature. There exists again a 3-5nm thick non-crystalline phase at grain boundaries, but the boundary phase is thought to be an extended grain boundary.<br>(4) The dihedral angles observed in material C are frequently much larger than the critical angle of 60°. This observation is against the Prochazka's thermodynamic limitation, γ<sub>gb</sub>/γ<sub>sv</sub><√3. The large dihedral angles may come from the existence of a grain boundary phase, which lowers the boundary energy.<br>(5) Densification of materials A and B is thought to proceed by the diffusion through the grain boundary phases.
余語 利信 松雄 茂 中 重治
窯業協會誌 (ISSN:18842127)
vol.95, no.1097, pp.94-98, 1987-01-01

Highly pure boron nitride of low crystallinity could be synthesized from triammoniadecaborane and ammonia below 800°C under atmospheric pressure. Triammoniadecaborane reacted with ammonia at temperatures between 300° and 450°C, and formed an amorphous solid containing BN, NH and BH bonds. According to the data of IR spectrum, the BH absorption band at 2500cm<sup>-1</sup> decreased in intensity with increasing temperature, and disappeared at 800°C. The 800cm<sup>-1</sup> band assigned to the BNB bonding increased in intensity from 700° to 800°C. The degree of alignment of the B<sub>3</sub>N<sub>3</sub> hexagonal layer increased as the reaction time increased from 2h to 10h at 800°C. The X-ray diffraction profiles of the product formed at 800°C for 10h showed the broad diffractions centered at 2θ=25.5° and 42.0° (Cu Kα). The crystallization of boron nitride synthesized at 800°C for 10h proceeded above 1180°C. The 100 reflection of hexagonal boron nitride was separated from the broad 10 diffraction of the specimen heated at 1550°C for 2h. The lattice constant (c<sup>0</sup>) and size of crystallite (L<sup>c</sup>) of the specimen were 6.735 and 220Å, respectively, after heating at 1550°C under atmospheric pressure for 2h. The size of crystallite increased from 320 to 830Å as the temperature increased from 1100°C to 1500°C under 2.0GPa for 10min heating. Boron nitride synthesized by heating at 800°C for 10h crystallized to hexagonal boron nitride when heated at 1500°C and 2.0GPa for 10min.
村瀬 嘉夫 加藤 悦朗
窯業協會誌 (ISSN:18842127)
vol.86, no.993, pp.225-229, 1978-05-01
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Zr(OH)<sub>4</sub>について沈殿の生成条件, 乾燥条件, 試料の形状及び熱処理ふん囲気などが熱分解により生成するZrO<sub>2</sub>の結晶構造に与える影響を検討し, 水蒸気の作用について新しい知見を得た. Zr(OH)<sub>4</sub>沈殿の生成条件は結果にほとんど影響を与えない. 沈殿の乾燥に長時間を要すると乾燥完了までの沈殿の老化 (γ化) のために熱分解後のZrO<sub>2</sub>に単斜結晶の量が増大する. 塊状試料の熱分解や昇温速度の小さい熱分解では沈殿の老化 (γ化) や自ら発生する水蒸気の影響をうけやすく単斜ZrO<sub>2</sub>の結晶量が増大する. Zr(OH)<sub>4</sub>を水蒸気中で熱処理すると単斜ZrO<sub>2</sub>が結晶化し, 水蒸気の少ない減圧下では正方ZrO<sub>2</sub>のみが結晶化する. この水蒸気の影響は無定形ZrO<sub>2</sub>の生成過程よりそれからの結晶化過程において顕著である. この結果から水蒸気中では正方と単斜ZrO<sub>2</sub>の表面エネルギーの差が小さくなると考えられる.
佐々木 茂弌
窯業協會誌 (ISSN:18842127)
vol.68, no.780, pp.283-294, 1960-12-01

For the purpose of investigating the effective way of preventing the thermal fracture of various bricks for bottom casting pit in teeming of molten steel, the equation of thermal shock resistance has been deduced from thermal stress equation, and the physical-mechanlcal properties of various bricks have been determined by testing. On the basis of the results obtained, considerations have been made concerning the effect of these properties and the size of each brick on thermal shock resistance.<br>Important results obtained are summarized as follows:<br>i) In the thermal stress equation σ=<i>E</i>α/(1-μ)⋅(θ<sub>0</sub>-Θ)⋅<i>f</i>, thermal shock resistance (R) are expressed in σ<sub>max</sub>/σ′, putting σ′ as max. thermal stress in tension, <i>f</i>′ as factor <i>f</i> corresponding to σ′, σ<sub>max</sub> as max. tensile strength of a brick.<br>ii) Heat-transfer coefficient from molten steel flowing at temperature θ<sub>0</sub> to the surface of the brick at temperature Θ being in contact with molten steel flow is very large, and therefore, thermal shock resistance is expressed by the following two equations.<br>In the earliest stage, when heat does'nt begin to flow within a brick:<br><i>R</i><sub>2</sub>′=σ<sub>max</sub>/<i>E</i>⋅(1-μ)/α⋅1/(θ<sub>0</sub>-Θ)<br>In the next stage, when heat flows within a brick:<br><i>R</i><sub>1</sub>′=σ<sub>max</sub>/<i>E</i>⋅(1-μ)/α⋅1/(θ<sub>0</sub>-Θ)⋅(<i>kt</i><sup>1/2</sup>/γ)<sup><i>a</i></sup><br>or <i>R</i><sub>1</sub>′=σ<sub>max</sub>/<i>E</i>⋅(1-μ)/α⋅1/(θ<sub>0</sub>-Θ)⋅(<i>K</i>/<i>γh</i>)<sup><i>a</i></sup>′<br>iii) The relation between the mechanical properties and porosity may be expressed by a hyperbolic curve.<br>iv) The ratio of bending strength to Young's modulus, an effective factor for increasing thermal shock resistance, is larger in pyrophillite-clay brick than that in grog-clay brick. This ratio shows a trend to decrease with increasing porosity. It is presumed from the data in technical literatures that this ratio is approximately constant at high temperature below the critical temperature of pyroplastic property.<br>v) Based on the equation of thermal shock resistance determined in the case of runner brick, it is estimated that bending strength/Young's modulus ratio, linear thermal-expansion coefficient (α), poisson's ratio (μ) and temperature difference (θ<sub>0</sub>-Θ) have an influence of first power. On the other hand, the thermal conductivity (<i>K</i>), specific heat (<i>C</i><sub>ρ</sub>), density (ρ) and wall thickness (γ) have an infiuence of 0.040 and 0.081 powers, respectively, on thermal shock resistance. In addition, considerations have been made concerning the degree of the effect of porosity, which is in functional relation to mechanical properties and thermal conductivity, on the thermal shock resistance.<br>vi) It is presumed that there is a limit in the improvement of thermal shock resistance by changing the properties of a fire clay brick and that most important factor for the prevention of thermal fracture is the moderate pyroplastic property.
柿谷 悟 藤坂 正良
窯業協會誌 (ISSN:18842127)
vol.66, no.750, pp.133-139, 1958-06-01

In order to build up a background to the relative difficulty for burning the different raw materials in cement production the solid phase reactions between SiO<sub>2</sub> and either CaCO<sub>3</sub> or BaCO<sub>3</sub> at the temperatures ranging 500°-800°C were studied by measuring the amount of CO<sub>2</sub> liberated during the reaction. Then, applying the figures so obtained into the Jander's equation for solid phase reaction the authors have tried to work out the rate constants as well as the activation energies. However, it was found out that there were many examples which failed to fit in the equation, probably, due to the additional CO<sub>2</sub> liberated by simple thermal dissociation of the carbonates.<br>On the other hand, W. E. S. Turner et al. have suggested the acceleration of thermal dissociation of CaCO<sub>3</sub> when it was mixed with the powder of silica or of pure gold. The same trend was confirmed to exist also in the case of BaCO<sub>3</sub>.<br>Furthermore, the investigation of X-ray diffraction pattern has revealed that the reaction products of CaCO<sub>3</sub> and SiO<sub>2</sub> obtained by heating at 700°C in air for 242 hours was not wollastonite (βCaO⋅SiO<sub>2</sub>) but larnite (β2CaO⋅SiO<sub>2</sub>).
門間 英毅 上野 精一 堤 正幸 金澤 孝文
窯業協會誌 (ISSN:18842127)
vol.86, no.1000, pp.590-597, 1978-12-01
16 19

α-Ca<sub>3</sub>(PO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>2</sub> 粉末-H<sub>2</sub>O系分散液を種々のpHに調製し, これをそのままあるいは反応中のpHを一定保持しながら, 80℃で主に2時間の加温処理を行った. 得られた固相分の結晶相とpH条件との関係を明らかにし, 更にアパタイト生成物に関しては, 反応pH条件とCa/P比, 構成イオン種, 加熱変化及び粒子形態などとの関連を検討した.<br>反応中のpHを一定に保持してもしなくても, pHが約4.6以上であればアパタイト単一相になり, これ以下pH 4.3までは短冊状結晶のアパタイトとオクタカルシウムホスフェートとの混合相になり, pH 4.2-3.0では角板状のCaHPO<sub>4</sub>を主体としていた. アパタイト単一相の場合の結晶は, 保持pH値を変えることによって板状あるいは花片状及び柱状のおのおのの形態に成長した. pHを一定保持しない場合にはすべて花片状であった. 反応中のpHが高いほど, アパタイトへの転化は遅くなるけれども, アパタイトのCa/P比は増大しやすくなった. 高Ca/P比のアパタイトになるほど, 含水量やHPO<sub>4</sub><sup>2-</sup>含量の減少と, OH<sup>-</sup>含量及び結晶性の増大が認められた. アパタイトの含水状態, 含有HPO<sub>4</sub><sup>2-</sup>の脱水縮合温度はオクタカルシウムホスフェートのそれらと類似していた。
林 国郎 福井 雅男 上井 勲
窯業協會誌 (ISSN:18842127)
vol.89, no.1028, pp.165-170, 1981-04-01

ワラストナイト結晶の転移温度以上で焼成されたワラストナイト磁器の誘電特性の劣化原因を究明するために行った実験結果は, 次のように要約される.<br>その劣化の原因が, ワラストナイトの結晶型によるものかを調べるために, 高純度のβ-, 及びα-CaO・SiO<sub>2</sub>を合成し, 分散法を用いて, 粉末状態で誘電率 (ε) と誘電正接 (tanδ) を測定したところ, β型では6.5, 及び4.2×10<sup>-4</sup>, α型では8.6, 及び5.0×10<sup>-4</sup>となり, 両者の特性にはほとんど差を認めることができなかった. 次に, ホットプレスによって得たち密焼結体により, 誘電特性を比較したところ, β型焼結体のε, 及びtanδは7.4, 及び3.9×10<sup>-4</sup>で, α型焼結体では8.4, 及び4.4×10<sup>-4</sup>となり, 結晶型による差はなく, このことが特性の劣化の原因でないことが分った.<br>そこで, 磁器の内部微細組織の観察を行った結果, 高温焼成において磁器中に生じたα型結晶と, ガラス質母相の熱膨張係数の差により, 冷却時に母相中に発生したと思われるクラックが, 誘電特性を劣化させる原因になったものと考えられる.
門間 英毅 金澤 孝文
窯業協會誌 (ISSN:18842127)
vol.84, no.968, pp.53-57, 1976-04-01
50 102

α-燐酸カルシウムの水和反応が塩基性液中, 100℃以下で生じることを見出した. 反応は温度およびpH低下とともに遅くなり, 室温およびpH約5以下ではほとんど進行しなかった. 水和反応生成物は硬化体として得られた. 十分に水和させた生成物は, Ca/Pモル比=1.5のカルシウム欠損水酸アパタイトであると同定された. このアパタイト中には水分子, OH<sup>-</sup>およびHPO<sub>4</sub><sup>2-</sup>のHとして約4.7%の水成分が含まれていた. アパタイト構造は700℃までの加熱によって全含有水分の約75%を揮発させても安定であった. このときHPO<sub>4</sub><sup>2-</sup>の消滅とP<sub>2</sub>O<sub>7</sub><sup>4-</sup>の生成とが確認された. 残りの水分は, OH<sup>-</sup>の除去とβ-燐酸カルシウムの生成とを伴って, 755℃で急激に放出された. アパタイト-燐酸カルシウム分解反応の見掛け活性化エネルギーは65kcal/molであった.