髙橋 省吾
The Academic Association for Organizational Science
組織学会大会論文集 (ISSN:21868530)
vol.7, no.2, pp.154-159, 2018 (Released:2018-12-27)

This research presents ways in which companies engaged in industry-academia open innovation manage risks. Recently, importance of industry-academia open innovation is increasing. Universities, in particular, find it difficult to administrate risks; such as, information leakages, breaches of contract, conflicts of interest, etc. One of the reasons for this is multiple organizational structures of universities, which include bureaucracies, collegiums, enterprises, and corporations. In contrast, corporate governance is comparatively easy to administer because the organizational structure is bureaucratic basically. Therefore, companies that introduce industry-academia open innovation should manage their risks, including the ones mentioned above.
中本 龍市 野口 寛樹 高井 計吾
The Academic Association for Organizational Science
組織学会大会論文集 (ISSN:21868530)
vol.7, no.2, pp.477-482, 2018 (Released:2018-12-27)

The purpose of this research is to examine the impact of clients on knowledge and organizational performance. The research question is how breadth and depth of client relationships affect breadth and depth of organizational knowledge and organizational performance. We collected data of the top 100 patent-law firms in Japan for 5 years to construct panel data and employed fixed effect panel regression. The results of empirical analysis show the following three points. First, breadth and depth of client relationships increases breadth of organizational knowledge. Second, depth of client relationships enhances depth of organizational knowledge, meanwhile breadth of client relationships does not. Third, breadth and depth organizational knowledge increase organizational performance, but client relationships have no effects. In sum, client relationships do not directly contribute to organizational performance but they affect organizational performance through accumulated organizational knowledge.
高田 直樹
The Academic Association for Organizational Science
組織学会大会論文集 (ISSN:21868530)
vol.7, no.2, pp.44-49, 2018 (Released:2018-12-27)

This study investigates the factor that promotes technological breakthrough by the established firm, focusing on the individual behavior of inventors. Especially, I hypothesize the effect of “deviant behavior” of inventors on the radicalness of technologies invented by those inventors. Using patent data of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, I show the effect of deviant behavior depends on the reference point of the newness of technologies. This study highlights the role of deviant inventors as a source of technological exploration for the focal firm, not technological breakthrough which has high impact to other firms.
竹中 克久
The Academic Association for Organizational Science
組織学会大会論文集 (ISSN:21868530)
vol.7, no.2, pp.489-494, 2018 (Released:2018-12-27)

In the organizational science, it is necessary to approach the complexity of the object of organization by an interdisciplinary approach such as business administration and sociology. However, has recent "organizational science" been able to play its function appropriately? In this paper, we focus on "organizational culture" as a point where business administration and sociology "reunite" and return to the fundamental question, "what is organization", again. Organizational culture studies are is filled with diversity similarly to organizational studies. It has been shared between researchers of organizations that diversity of organizational research was clarified by the research of G. Burrell & G. Morgan in 1979. However, they crossed the two dimensions of subjective-objective, regulation-radical change, suggesting that subjective and radical change organization studies were still in a germinating stage. Despite the potentiality in a name of "anti-organization theory", they pointed out that the subjective and radical change-oriented research indicated that it was not found at all in organizational research based on sociology back then. In this paper, possible organizational culture studies are clarified while reconfirming significance of their schema. For that purpose, we refer to the concept of cultural dopes advocated by Critical management studies(CMS).
樋口 あゆみ
The Academic Association for Organizational Science
組織学会大会論文集 (ISSN:21868530)
vol.6, no.2, pp.26-31, 2017 (Released:2017-12-23)

This paper aims to clarify how people differentiate the past and future from the present through everyday practice in organizational life, adopting both theoretical and empirical approach. This research especially focuses on event time (Jaques, 1982), because either in retrospect or future-perfect thought, within which people differentiate the past or the future from the present, there is always a recognition of “event” beforehand. At this point, K. Weick and N. Luhmann have a common perspective. Weick's terms used in the theory of organizing implies his idea that with enactment or sensemaking, people recognize and divide present from past or future. Compared to Weick, Luhmann indicates present as a double distinction of reversibility and irreversibility (Luhmann, 1984), and that decisions within organizations separate its past and future. At this point, Luhmann has more emphasis on transitions of tense (past-present-future) than Weick, and thus he clarifies peoples' ability to control their tense within organizational life. And those may enable organizations to hold more time for exploitation intentionally which is essential for innovative creation. After examining the theoretical background, this paper applies theoretical perspective to an empirical study and illustrates how members' time representation in one Japanese internet content company can be understood with their decision making. In addition to it, this paper also considered how organizational structure relates to its recognition of time.
渡部 順一 薄葉 祐子
The Academic Association for Organizational Science
組織学会大会論文集 (ISSN:21868530)
vol.4, no.1, pp.77-82, 2015-07-31 (Released:2015-07-31)

The purpose of this research is to reveal policy of women’s activity promotion in 6 regional banks in Tohoku district (northeast) in Japan which are financial institutions taking the leadership in regional industry, and to grasp the current situation of results and to review their issues. Due to progressing of low birthrate and longevity, "20-39-year-old female population" is decreasing significantly in this district. Some area has been enormous damaged by the Great East Japan Earthquake that occurred in March 2011. In the environment of such present condition, we have researched gender equality, expansion of women’s decision making, and support for promotion of employee of women in those banks through interviews and officially announced materials. The research revealed various attempts such as career support of women in those banks, or business support of local women by forming project teams. The research has also revealed that there are differences in degree of interest among the banks. Some banks “offer women the same employment system as men”, and some banks “positively utilize women’s performance”. But we find the problem about the shortage of women’s human resources in those banks, so we think it is necessary to continue the attempt to consciously expand women’s occupational activity fields for the formation of various models that assume a long-term employment of women.
寺澤 朝子
特定非営利活動法人 組織学会
組織学会大会論文集 (ISSN:21868530)
vol.3, no.2, pp.35-40, 2014-12-24 (Released:2014-12-18)

This study aims to refine the concept of Kotozukuri. Kotozukuri has various definitions by authors or research themes. In this study, Koto is discussed in relation to the words Mono-more than thing and object- and Kotoba-more than words and expression, a sort of representation-.In terms of the relationship between Kotozukuri and Monozukuri, it could be identified into three types from existing discussion. Those are Kotozukuri as an extension of or supplement to Monozukuri, Kotozukuri as an indispensable for Monozukuri and Kotozukuri as a more independent concept. We emphasize the Kotozukuri as a more independent concept not strongly supported by Mono and Kotoba to explain a specific social event.Besides, Kotozukuri is analysed with two different processes, “the emergence phase” and “the dissemination phase.” The emergence of Kotozukuri is to produce the aggregation of some action pattern and is to form a bundle of routine. It can be said that Kotozukuri has been disseminated, if a bundle of routine-even a part of it- are reproduced by sharing of experiences of someone at another time and another place.In the final part of this study, we pick up the Kasugai KIZUNA’ case which is the effectual environmental education at the several elementary schools by the local human networks as a social innovation to clarify about the uniqueness of Kotozukuri’s dissemination.
中村 文亮
特定非営利活動法人 組織学会
組織学会大会論文集 (ISSN:21868530)
vol.6, no.1, pp.13-18, 2017 (Released:2017-08-18)

In social capital theory, network and assets embedded in tie have been studied as antecedent of individual innovation activity. Although acquisitions are reported resulting in the change of co-inventor network for R&D personals in acquired firms due to the position allocation and turnover, the prior studies have not enough investigated the impact of such a social capital change on the individual innovation activity after acquisition. This paper investigates the effect of the two types of their ego-network changes on the postacquisition innovation performance. First is disruption of exiting tie after acquisition, and second is the extension of new tie to inventors in acquiring firms. Using patent data, on a sample of 429 inventors in American semiconductor industry, we find that their old ties which are preserved after acquisition, and their new ties to acquirer's inventors increase the performance. Furthermore, we find that the positive impact of new ties is expanded as the degree of overlap in the technological knowledge of acquiring and acquired firm becomes lower.
安田 英土
特定非営利活動法人 組織学会
組織学会大会論文集 (ISSN:21868530)
vol.6, no.1, pp.138-143, 2017 (Released:2017-08-18)

The rapid increase in the number of Japanese MNCs’ overseas R&D facilities since the mid-1980s indicates the intention of these firms to become global players. Many Japanese MNCs, notably those in the fields of electronics, automobiles, and pharmaceuticals, have intensified their efforts to exploit foreign markets. They also own overseas R&D facilities to develop products for local markets and/ or acquire technological information or research seeds, from local universities, research institutes, and company laboratories. This study describes the trend and presents such overseas R&D activities handled by Japanese MNCs. The study then analyzes, quantitatively and qualitatively, the characteristics of the overseas R&D management system involved in conducting such activities. The study tests the factors driving research outcomes of overseas R&D by Japanese MNCs using a questionnaire survey and on-site interviews with R&D managers at Japanese MNCs. Furthermore, it assesses overseas R&D management at Japanese MNCs according to the objectives and outcomes of local R&D. The study shows that the factors driving research outcomes vary according to the objectives of overseas R&D, and the local R&D management by Japanese MNCs is likely to correspond to these objectives. Moreover, the results show that the type of management required at overseas R&D facilities differs according to their objectives and functions. However, overseas R&D management by Japanese MNCs continues to use a Japan-centered management system. This study contributes to the literature of global R&D activities and provides an understanding of international R&D management.
吉岡(小林) 徹
特定非営利活動法人 組織学会
組織学会大会論文集 (ISSN:21868530)
vol.4, no.1, pp.1-7, 2015-07-31 (Released:2015-07-31)

A cross-functional collaboration is one of measures to achieve an innovative output. In regard to product design, a joint work with research and development engineers potentially leads to novel and commercially successful designs since it may provide solutions to technical limitations or unique subject matters to design; however, it may also reduce autonomy of designers, thus the team sometimes prevents a realization of ideal but technically challenging designs originated from designers. This paper aims to discover conditions for successful collaborations between designers and engineers. Using Japanese patent applications and design rights registrations from four major Japanese home electronics manufacturers, we investigated the effect of inventing experience on individual design performance based on the fact that experience enhances creativity by providing various inspirations and substantial solutions to realize such inspirations. The empirical outcomes show that the breadth of inventing experiences of co-workers improves performance significantly only when designers have adequate design experiences. Out estimations also reveal that degree of autonomy of design sections have a significant positive influence on design performance. Our study discovers that designer’s autonomy is a key element to achieve successful product designs. Also, we confirm an importance of product design development team composition management from the viewpoint of experiences they have.
蒋 博文
特定非営利活動法人 組織学会
vol.5, no.1, pp.69-74, 2016

<p>This study focuses on the user community with the perspective of web platform. Although, much more research is done in this field, the context and purpose is not unified. We reviewed recent literature about peer production and net platform, and provide an unified viewpoint. Meanwhile, we found little research has been discussed the relationship between platform and type of user community, even though, it is a quite crucial issue. In this paper, we use the Design Structure Matrix (DSM) to achieve the comparison analysis on different web platforms with the cases of video sharing sites (Youtube and niconico). As a result, we found that the user communities take different forms between two different platforms. Also, communication patterns and the performance of the user communities with the characteristic of productive activity, are influence from interface design among the users. For empirical contribution, according to control design interface among the users, enterprises can manage peer group gathering on the web platform.</p>
久保 吉人
特定非営利活動法人 組織学会
組織学会大会論文集 (ISSN:21868530)
vol.3, no.1, pp.7-13, 2014-08-25 (Released:2014-08-28)

Design-Oriented Innovation aims to pursue toward the future of a world where people live by in-house designers in the characteristics of manufacturing firms in Japan. This paper addresses the effectiveness of product innovation theory through case study, Socialization of tacit knowledge by the in-house designers in collaboration with external designers, that in between the New Product Development members born in collective intelligence. Japanese firms specific designer-centered methodology brings added value creation idea is with diversity in collaboration with external designers. It is assumed that this information helps to determine when the in-house designer of new product development team as coordinator. Finally, the pattern to which the collaboration with external designers thinking movement as a business strategy will implicate the closed collaboration ‘Elite Circle’ of new products development (Pisano & Verganti, 2008, pp.82) .
林 征治
特定非営利活動法人 組織学会
組織学会大会論文集 (ISSN:21868530)
vol.5, no.1, pp.51-56, 2016-08-31 (Released:2016-08-24)

Accelerating M&A of worldwide giant firms in 2015 evokes Galbraithian hypothesis. Galbraith (1952) has asserted that only a few giant firms can conduct technological innovation required in the modern world to develop new products and processes. This view has been challenged and extensively tested since the 1960s. In general, a popular outlook on the advantage of firm size in conducting R&D has been transferred to the smaller, younger and fast-growing firms, which can play an important role for an invention. As noted in Cohen (2010), however, the question of the relationship between firm size and R&D efficiency remains open. Using data on worldwide Top1000 investors in selected R&D intensive industries from 2005-2014 EU Industrial R&D Investment SCOREBOARD, the relationship among sales, R&D expenditures and profitability is more closely examined. The central direction toward Galbraithian hypothesis can be identified with both nonlinear regression analysis and time-series analysis. More significantly, nations with increasing R&D intensity tend to improve the profitability.
中本 龍市 高井 計吾 野口 寛樹
特定非営利活動法人 組織学会
組織学会大会論文集 (ISSN:21868530)
vol.5, no.1, pp.136-141, 2016-08-31 (Released:2016-08-24)

This paper examines tripartite relationship between industry, patent firm and patent attorney. The purpose of this research is to analyze how transaction structure between companies and patent firms affects career switch of patent attorneys. We collect data of transaction between top 50 research oriented companies and top 50 patent firms in Japan and also data of the profiles of 1,960 patent attorneys who belong to the patent firms. Our final dataset covers about 50% of all published patents in 2013. Based on quantitative analysis, we observe three major findings as follows. Firstly, the transactions between companies and patent firms are fixed and long-term. 70.9% of these transaction relationships have not changed for five years. Secondly, 29.6% of the patent attorneys have switched their career in five years. However, only 18.4 % of them have gone into private practice. That means only 4.7% of all patent attorneys have set up their own patent firm. Thirdly, these patent attorneys lost their clients after they have been independent from the top 50 patent firms. In sum, it is relatively difficult for patent attorneys to start new transactions with top 50 companies and to establish their own patent firm. That may suppress their willingness to be independent.
藤村 まこと
The Academic Association for Organizational Science
組織学会大会論文集 (ISSN:21868530)
vol.4, no.1, pp.132-138, 2015

At both the individual and team level within a work group/organization, each unit (e.g. individual, team) could learn not only from their own experience, but also from the experiences of the others units. This study examined the effects of others'shared experiences in the first individual task trial on the team performance of the subsequent team task trials. An experiment with 48 female undergraduates (16 teams) revealed that in the first individual task trial, the performance of the 'shared experience condition' was higher than it was for the 'no shared experience condition'. In the second and third team task trials, the effects of the shared experiences were not statistically significant. However, in the 'no shared condition', the third performance was higher than the second trial's performances. Furthermore, the reflections on the experience after the third trial of the 'no shared condition' were higher than the reflections of those for the 'shared condition'. These results showed that the effect of the shared experience positively and directly occurred during individual-level task trial. By contrast, the effect of no shared experience might had a positive and indirect effect on team performance through its influence on individual reflections on experience.
篠﨑 香織 伊波 和恵 田畑 智章
The Academic Association for Organizational Science
組織学会大会論文集 (ISSN:21868530)
vol.4, no.1, pp.194-199, 2015-07-31 (Released:2015-07-31)

The number of families engaging in childcare and elderly care simultaneously is expected to rise, because there is a trend towards delayed marriage and child-bearing while the healthy life expectancy remains roughly stable. The questionnaire survey we conducted shows that there are people who are faced with all of the three activities of work, childcare, and elderly care. Those people often experience three-way conflict among those activities, which we call “WOP conflict,” because it involves work, the family of orientation, and the family of procreation. We conducted a series of interviews to identify the problems associated with people who are faced with all three activities. Some people who are faced with work, child care, and elderly care entrust one of the latter two to their spouses, and concentrate on balancing the remaining two activities. However, this can lead to strained human relations at work, in the family of orientation, or in the family of procreation. We argue understanding and cooperation from family members and colleagues help people who are faced with the WOP conflict. Close partnership with service providers including local governments also helps reduce burden on these people. For future work, we will continue to interview people who are faced with the three activities of work, childcare, and elderly care. We will also work towards identifying conditions that facilitate closer cooperation among the relevant entities including local governments.
林 徹
特定非営利活動法人 組織学会
組織学会大会論文集 (ISSN:21868530)
vol.4, no.1, pp.59-64, 2015-07-31 (Released:2015-07-31)

A lot of research on start-up conditions focuses on the social environment, i.e., trait or occupation of his/her parents, level of living, educational settings, intercourse of acquaintances or friends, enterprising settings, psychological appraisal for start-ups, financial support for start-ups, etc. It is true that some financial support or subsidy plays an important role for start-ups especially at initial stage. But such kind of support does not always make start-ups successful in the long run. Financial support seems not sufficient but necessary condition. This paper proves that the sufficient condition for star-ups stems from so-called "strong ties,” i.e., spouses, lovers, work associates, bosses, subordinates, business counterparts, and acquaintances or friends, etc. That finding is verified through the actual investigation which was done in September 2014 by the internet questionnaire toward entrepreneurs (n=1,030) in Japan who have kept their own businesses more than 2 years. While so-called "weak ties" are said to play an important role in occupational transfer processes of white-collar workers, this study illuminates that "strong ties" rather than weak ties play a crucial role in star-up processes.
安本 雅典 許 経明 任 懿君
特定非営利活動法人 組織学会
組織学会大会論文集 (ISSN:21868530)
vol.4, no.1, pp.89-94, 2015-07-31 (Released:2015-07-31)

The article attempts to elucidate why incumbent leading standard setters lose their grounds through technology spillovers in the surge of standardization. We conduct the analysis of patent forward citations from essential patents (SEP), which are declared linked with standard specifications, to proprietary patents in the telecommunication industry. The results show that by assimilating relevant knowledge from leading standard setters, semiconductor suppliers attempt to build their knowledge mainly related to “interface” between telecommunication systems and mobile phones. The results also reveal that a major semiconductor supplier, Qualcomm, plays as a hub which accelerates the knowledge spillovers from leading standard setters to other semiconductor suppliers. These findings are expected to expand the debates of standard setters' knowledge management and provide managerial implications for practitioners.
山口 真一
特定非営利活動法人 組織学会
組織学会大会論文集 (ISSN:21868530)
vol.4, no.1, pp.46-51, 2015-07-31 (Released:2015-07-31)

Sales strategy that uses free digital distribution is a new business model in the creative industry. However, it has raised many important management questions the extent to which free digital distribution either crowd out or complement consumption of products. In this paper, we analyze the effect of free digital distribution on physical sales in Japanese music market. The results showed that the complementary effect of free digital distribution is greater than a substitution effect, so free digital distribution has a significant positive impact on the number of physical sales. It was found that the number of physical sales increases by about 0.27% when free digital distribution views increase by 1%. Furthermore, while a more detailed analysis revealed free digital distribution of works by unknown producers has a positive effect on physical sales, while free distribution of works by well-known producers have no effects. In addition, free digital distribution of long movies has a strong positive effect on the number of physical sales than one of short movies. It was also found that free digital distribution of pop music and idol music has a positive effect on physical sales, while free digital distribution of other music have no effects.