藤井 博英 山本 春江 角濱 春美 村松 仁 中村 恵子 坂井 郁恵 田崎 博一

藤井 博英 伊藤 治幸 角濱 春美 清水 健史 村松 仁 森 千鶴 石井 秀宗 中村 恵子 田崎 博一
青森県立保健大学雑誌 = Journal of Aomori University of Health and Welfare (ISSN:13493272)
vol.10, no.1, pp.27-34, 2009-06

今日、精神科医療においては、これまでの入院中心の精神医療から地域での生活を支えるための支援が行われている。なかでも精神科訪問看護は、精神障がい者の地域生活をサポートする上で重要な役割を果たしている。そこで、本研究では、質問紙開発のために、精神科訪問看護師が認知する精神科訪問看護のアウトカムを明らかにすることを目的とし、文献概観および北東北3県で訪問看護を実施している施設で訪問看護に従事する看護師49名を対象に半構造化面接を実施し内容分析を行った。面接の内容は、1)患者の観察点、2)実施した看護内容、3)患者の変化や効果、4)症状悪化のサインについてである。精神科訪問看護師が認知する訪問看護のアウトカムを文献概観および内容分析の結果をカテゴリー分類した結果59項目23カテゴリーに分類された。本研究の結果と文献検索から得られたアイテムとはほとんど整合していた。本研究の特徴的な事としては、利用者本人のケアだけではなく、家族ケアにも視点を置かれていた。centered mind medical care. Above all, the psychiatric home visiting an important role when there is it, and mentally-handicapped persons supports the local life of the person. Therefore, in this study, I was aimed at clarifying the outcome of the psychiatry home visiting at home that community mentally psychiatric visiting nurses visit recognized and I carried out a half posture Creator interview for 49 nurses who engaged in documents general view and the temporary nursing at home of the institution which carried out temporary nursing at home in three prefectures of North Tohoku and performed a content analysis. The contents of the interview about 1)the patient of the observation 2)practice content 3) a change and the effect patients, 4) a sign of symptom aggravation. Documents surveyed the outcome of the temporary nursing at home that nurse psychiatry visit recognized and it was classified the results of the content analysis in 23result 59 items categories that were similar for a category. I almost adjusted it with the item provided from document retrieval as a result of this study. When it is decided that this study is characteristic, the knowledge at the action level that I compare it with there being the thing which put a viewpoint for the family care as well as the care of the user person himself, an existing study and depend, and is concrete is a provided point.
藤井 博英 山本 春江 大関 信子 角濱 春美 坂江 千寿子 阿保 美樹子 出貝 裕子 板野 優子 佐藤 寧子 樋口 日出子 瓦吹 綾子 田崎 博一 中村 恵子
青森県立保健大学紀要 (ISSN:13455524)
vol.4, no.1, pp.79-87, 2003-03

国立情報学研究所の「学術雑誌公開支援事業」により電子化されました。In Aomori (JAPAN), there are shaman called "ITAKO" or "KAMISAMA", and they do prediction, fortune telling and medical care with their spiritual or religious power. This paper is intended as an investigation of the culture of shaman and mental health in Aomori. The participants in this survey were 670 people from the southern ares of Aomori prefecture who were outpatients because of chronic illness. We conducted this survey using a questionnaire form and a structured interview that mainly consists their experience of consulting to shaman. The following results were obtained: 232 (34.6%) informants had experience of consulting a shaman. Compared with gender, females had a greater tendency to consult. They consulted to shaman about "personal illness" and "family illness", and they had a need for healing. Their impressions after consulting a shaman were mainly "a feeling of healing", and "a felling of calm" (each from approximately 30% of 232 informants). It was found from the result that some people use both hospital care and shaman, and they feel healing and calm from the shaman while complying with their doctor. From this result we may say that shaman supplement or coexist with doctors for people having a chronic in this area.
渡辺 俊三 田崎 博一 北條 敬 小泉 明 佐藤 時治郎 J. B. Baron F. Lhermitte
日本失語症学会 (現 一般社団法人 日本高次脳機能障害学会)
失語症研究 (ISSN:02859513)
vol.2, no.2, pp.328-333, 1982 (Released:2006-08-11)

Musicians and nonmusicians were tested in the recognitions of four kinds of dichotically presented music stimuli : recorded tones, chords, rhythms and melodies. Nonmusicians were 18 subjects (A), who worked in fireman's agency in Paris, France, whose ages ranged from 18 to 28 years (average : 20.2 years) and whose years of musical experiences ranged from 0 to 5. Musicians were 8 students in musical college (Conservatoire national supérieur de Musique de Paris): 5 right-handed (B) and 3 left-handed persons (C), whose ages ranged from 18 to 25 years (average : 21.8 years), whose years of musical experiences ranged from 10 to 18 (average: 12.8 years).    1) In the tone test, the mean score for right and left ears were nearly the same for both A and B.    2) The chord test revealed a significant left ear superiority for A, and the tendency of the higher score in left ear was seen for B.    3) In the rhythm test, the score for the right ear had a tendency to be higher than the one for the left ear, both in A and B.    4) In the melody test, the score showed a tendency of left ear superiority for A, but the tendency of right ear superiority was seen for B.    Bever and Chiarello (1974) found a right ear reference in the detection of musical stimuli when they used musicians as subjects. Johnson made the dichotic listening task involving violin for musicians and nonmusicians. The musicians demonstrated a right ear superiority, while the nonmusicians performed better with the left ear. He interpreted that musicians mainly used the left hemisphere to process musical stimuli, while nonmusicians used the right hemisphere.    The results of Bever and Chiarello, and Johnson nearly agree with the results of our musical dichotic listening test for nonmusicians and musicians in France as well as the results of our former studies for pupils of chorus club in elementary school, stdents of philharmonic club in senior high school and students in musical college in Japan.
藤井 博英 山本 春江 大関 信子 角濱 春美 坂江 千寿子 阿保 美樹子 出貝 裕子 板野 優子 佐藤 寧子 樋口 日出子 瓦吹 綾子 田崎 博一 中村 恵子
青森県立保健大学紀要 = Journal of Aomori University of Health and Welfare (ISSN:13493272)
vol.4, no.1, pp.79-87, 2003-03

In Aomori (JAPAN), there are shaman called "ITAKO" or "KAMISAMA", and they do prediction, fortune telling and medical care with their spiritual or religious power. This paper is intended as an investigation of the culture of shaman and mental health in Aomori. The participants in this survey were 670 people from the southern ares of Aomori prefecture who were outpatients because of chronic illness. We conducted this survey using a questionnaire form and a structured interview that mainly consists their experience of consulting to shaman. The following results were obtained: 232 (34.6%) informants had experience of consulting a shaman. Compared with gender, females had a greater tendency to consult. They consulted to shaman about "personal illness" and "family illness", and they had a need for healing. Their impressions after consulting a shaman were mainly "a feeling of healing", and "a felling of calm" (each from approximately 30% of 232 informants). It was found from the result that some people use both hospital care and shaman, and they feel healing and calm from the shaman while complying with their doctor. From this result we may say that shaman supplement or coexist with doctors for people having a chronic in this area.
坂江 千寿子 佐藤 寧子 石崎 智子 田崎 博一
北海道医療大学看護福祉学部学会誌 = Journal of School of Nursing and Social Services, Health Sciences University of Hokkaido
vol.2, no.1, pp.115-124, 2006-03-31
