野原 寛文 前田 育子 久澄 倫之介 内山 岳人 平島 紘子 中田 大仁 大野 里香 長谷川 哲朗 清水 健史
日本法科学技術学会誌 (ISSN:18801323)
pp.778, (Released:2020-08-20)

Many unidentified bodies are expected to be discovered during a major disaster. Therefore it is necessary to establish a technique of identity estimation from the DNA of the dead person. Y-STR haplotype is genetically same among male relatives unless a genetical mutation occurs, and it is expected that the same Y-STR haplotype tends to be distributed in nearby residential areas. In this study, we analyzed Y-STR haplotypes and Y-haplogroups from 1,702 samples mainly collected from Miyazaki Prefecture to examine whether the geographic origin can be estimated. Y-haplogroup tended to be distributed differently between inside and outside of Miyazaki Prefecture. Some specific Y-STR haplotypes were intensively distributed in the southern and northern parts of Miyazaki Prefecture. These findings are thought to lead to the construction of a geographic origin estimation system in Miyazaki Prefecture, and are expected to be used in disaster victim identifications and criminal investigations in the future.
藤井 博英 宇佐美 覚 牟田 能子 入江 良平 大和田 猛 清水 健史 伊藤 治幸 藤田 あけみ 大山 博史

藤井 博英 伊藤 治幸 角濱 春美 清水 健史 村松 仁 森 千鶴 石井 秀宗 中村 恵子 田崎 博一
青森県立保健大学雑誌 = Journal of Aomori University of Health and Welfare (ISSN:13493272)
vol.10, no.1, pp.27-34, 2009-06

今日、精神科医療においては、これまでの入院中心の精神医療から地域での生活を支えるための支援が行われている。なかでも精神科訪問看護は、精神障がい者の地域生活をサポートする上で重要な役割を果たしている。そこで、本研究では、質問紙開発のために、精神科訪問看護師が認知する精神科訪問看護のアウトカムを明らかにすることを目的とし、文献概観および北東北3県で訪問看護を実施している施設で訪問看護に従事する看護師49名を対象に半構造化面接を実施し内容分析を行った。面接の内容は、1)患者の観察点、2)実施した看護内容、3)患者の変化や効果、4)症状悪化のサインについてである。精神科訪問看護師が認知する訪問看護のアウトカムを文献概観および内容分析の結果をカテゴリー分類した結果59項目23カテゴリーに分類された。本研究の結果と文献検索から得られたアイテムとはほとんど整合していた。本研究の特徴的な事としては、利用者本人のケアだけではなく、家族ケアにも視点を置かれていた。centered mind medical care. Above all, the psychiatric home visiting an important role when there is it, and mentally-handicapped persons supports the local life of the person. Therefore, in this study, I was aimed at clarifying the outcome of the psychiatry home visiting at home that community mentally psychiatric visiting nurses visit recognized and I carried out a half posture Creator interview for 49 nurses who engaged in documents general view and the temporary nursing at home of the institution which carried out temporary nursing at home in three prefectures of North Tohoku and performed a content analysis. The contents of the interview about 1)the patient of the observation 2)practice content 3) a change and the effect patients, 4) a sign of symptom aggravation. Documents surveyed the outcome of the temporary nursing at home that nurse psychiatry visit recognized and it was classified the results of the content analysis in 23result 59 items categories that were similar for a category. I almost adjusted it with the item provided from document retrieval as a result of this study. When it is decided that this study is characteristic, the knowledge at the action level that I compare it with there being the thing which put a viewpoint for the family care as well as the care of the user person himself, an existing study and depend, and is concrete is a provided point.