青木 靖子
こども教育宝仙大学紀要 = Bulletin of Hosen College of Childhood Education
vol.2, pp.87-96, 2011-03-16

This notes are concerned with musical performance in what is known as the " Galant Style ". In order to show how the performing style of this period evolved, and to show the impact of J. J. Quantz, F. W. Marpurg, D. G. Türk, and F.J. Haydn of forgotten period on later generations of musicians, I have had to describe the function of Italian tempo directions (Allegro, Andante, Largo, etc.).This notes attempts to describe some of the rules and conventions which governed musical performance in the times of Galant. The rules mentioned in this notes should be checked by every modern performer.
松原 豊
vol.3, pp.45-54, 2012-03-16

Caused by cerebral damage, developmental coordination disorder (DCD) presents with extreme clumsiness when performing gross and fine motor actions. Difficulties in diagnostic consistency have been reported due to ambiguity in the definition of DCD. In the present study, we created a motor development checklist to enable assessment of potential DCD based on children's appearance during every day activities. Checklist validity was investigated through the joint application of a Developmental Voluntary Movement Test in children with intellectual disabilities aged 6 to 12 years in an elementary school special needs class. Findings showed a high correlation between the motor development checklist and developmental test evaluations of voluntary movement for 6 to 9 year olds and a low correlation for 10 to 12 year olds. Correlation was also observed between mental age (MA) and both the motor development checklist and the developmental test of voluntary movement; however, in children with suspected DCD, motor difficulties considerably exceeded those predicted by MA. These findings indicate a relationship between lack of sensory integration and difficulty with movements.
青木 靖子
こども教育宝仙大学紀要 (ISSN:18847617)
vol.2, pp.87-96, 2011-03-16

This notes are concerned with musical performance in what is known as the " Galant Style ". In order to show how the performing style of this period evolved, and to show the impact of J. J. Quantz, F. W. Marpurg, D. G. Türk, and F.J. Haydn of forgotten period on later generations of musicians, I have had to describe the function of Italian tempo directions (Allegro, Andante, Largo, etc.).This notes attempts to describe some of the rules and conventions which governed musical performance in the times of Galant. The rules mentioned in this notes should be checked by every modern performer.
林 隆嗣
こども教育宝仙大学紀要 = Bulletin of Hosen College of Childhood Education
vol.11, pp.21-30, 2020-03-04

The purpose of meditation is to obtain a cessation of suffering along with the alteration of consciousness. While the ideal developments of mind and the positive outcomes of meditation are exclusively discussed in the Buddhist texts, the Visuddhimagga and Pāli commentaries notice the actual problems such as ten kinds of ・ impediment (palibodha) which the meditator need to sever before starting meditation and the eighteen kinds of unfavorable monasteries, which are called fault (dosa). A noisy environment created by worshipers and others hinders the meditator from concentrating his mind. External stimulation does not only break up the meditation, but sometimes provokes rather unpleasant reactions. Improper conditions, both physical and mental, during the meditation also have a mischievous influence on the meditator’s mind. Imbalance of five faculties also induces mental disorders. When unpleasant reactions appears in a meditator’s mind, one of the effective method of selfcare solution is considered to be scolding, talking to, convincing himself and pulling him back to the ordinary perception. In this paper, we consider the methods of handling such troubles during the meditation in Theravāda Buddhism.
佐野 通夫

松原 豊
こども教育宝仙大学紀要 (ISSN:18847617)
vol.3, pp.45-54, 2012-03-16

Caused by cerebral damage, developmental coordination disorder (DCD) presents with extreme clumsiness when performing gross and fine motor actions. Difficulties in diagnostic consistency have been reported due to ambiguity in the definition of DCD. In the present study, we created a motor development checklist to enable assessment of potential DCD based on children's appearance during every day activities. Checklist validity was investigated through the joint application of a Developmental Voluntary Movement Test in children with intellectual disabilities aged 6 to 12 years in an elementary school special needs class. Findings showed a high correlation between the motor development checklist and developmental test evaluations of voluntary movement for 6 to 9 year olds and a low correlation for 10 to 12 year olds. Correlation was also observed between mental age (MA) and both the motor development checklist and the developmental test of voluntary movement; however, in children with suspected DCD, motor difficulties considerably exceeded those predicted by MA. These findings indicate a relationship between lack of sensory integration and difficulty with movements.
林 隆嗣
こども教育宝仙大学紀要 = Bulletin of Hosen College of Childfood Education
vol.10, pp.21-31, 2019-03-04

Satipatthāna (establishing mindfulness) is one of the most popular practice in various Buddhist meditations, in which the meditator, being attentive to the body and the state of mind, keeps knowing how it moves and how it feels and observing how it arises and ceases. This practice comprises two mental functions, that is, sati (mindfulness) and sampajāna/sampajañña (full-awareness) in Pāli. It is reasonable that sati is the central concept in this “mindfulness” meditation and thus it has been drawn modern scholars’ attention. However, we should note that the Buddhist meditation is to be practiced with collaborative action of sati and sampajāna which could be effective on stress reduction or relief from suffering such as pain, grief and depression. In this paper, investigating what is taught with sati, with sampajāna in Pāli texts and with both words such as “satimā ・ sampajāno”, “sati ca sampajaññañ ca”, “sampajānā satīmatī ”, “sampajāno patissato” and so on, we would explore the importance of sati and sampajāna, both of which bear multiple meanings and functions, and their relation to the reduction of stress and pain.
金 志善
こども教育宝仙大学紀要 = Bulletin of Hosen College of Childhood Education
vol.2, pp.27-44, 2011-03-16

宮武 正明
こども教育宝仙大学紀要 (ISSN:18847617)
no.2, pp.109-115, 2011

「これまで詳細が伝えられていない中国残留孤児・婦人の帰国後の生きざまを、こども教育宝仙大(東京)准教授で前松山東雲女子大准教授の宮武正明さんが5月9日、都内で開かれる「社会事業史学会第11回大会」で紹介する。宮武さんは元東京都職員、福祉事務所のケースワーカーとして1967年から日中国交正常化までの5年間、日本国籍のない残留孤児・婦人らの自立支援にかかわった。都はこうした人たちの受け入れを67年に始めたが、その記録は、帰国後に学んだ夜間中学校教師の記録にとどまっている。「国交回復後も"脱生活保護"がかなわなかった人たちを日本がどのように迎えたかを紹介することで、戦争の悲惨さを訴えたい」と話している。」 『愛媛新聞』2009.4.18 「人」欄、NHK土曜ドラマ「遥かなる絆」放映初日の日に掲載
葛西 健治
こども教育宝仙大学紀要 = Bulletin of Hosen College of Childfood Education
vol.9, no.2, pp.29-37, 2018-03-12

Yoshinao Nakada (composer) and Jun’ichi Kobayashi (poet) are editors of GENDAI KODOMONO-UTA MEIKYOKU ZENSHU (Masterpieces of Japanese Contemporary Children Song) (2nd Edition). They put 11 pieces of collaborative works in the album. The 9 pieces of those include onomatopoeia in a text. I analyzed all of them, and found the following characters about their way of expression of onomatopoeia : 1) Plural poetry includes the onomatopoeia in a title. 2) Plural poetry completes the last of the stanza clause in onomatopoeia. 3) Dynamics marks (of music) emphasize onomatopoeia. 4) The most high-pitched tone of the melody is set on onomatopoeia. 5) Articulation (staccato in particular) is added to onomatopoeia. 6) Onomatopoeia serve a function of an image of the whole music.