安岡 宏和
アジア・アフリカ地域研究 = Asian and African area studies (ISSN:13462466)
vol.4, no.1, pp.36-85, 2004-07

While "Pygmy" hunter-gatherers were generally assumed to be the original inhabitants of the central African rain forest, recent studies have proposed the hypothesis that it is impossible to subsist by hunting and gathering alone in the tropical rain forests without some degree of dependence on agricultural products. This hypothesis has been debated among researchers of hunter-gatherer societies in different parts of the world. There have been, however, few studies on this issue that were based on sound data on the actual hunting and gathering life of the forest peoples. This paper examines the possibility of hunting and gathering life in the tropical rain forest, based on the data obtained from participant observation on molongo, a long-term hunting and gathering expedition, among the Baka in southeastern Cameroon. During the two and a half months of the expedition, the Baka subsisted solely on wild food resources, wild yams in particular, although it was during the dry season when food resources are generally thought to be scarce. The sustainability of such a forest life is examined in relation to the abundance and distribution patterns of wild food resources, hunting and gathering technologies, residential patterns and nomadic life style.
伊藤 正子
アジア・アフリカ地域研究 = Asian and African area studies (ISSN:13462466)
vol.17, no.2, pp.258-286, 2018-03

北部山間部省の農村に住む「ガイ」と自称する人たちの身分証明書の民族名欄には, 「ホア(華人)」と記されている. 「ガイ」という民族が, 一民族として認められているにもかかわらず, である. ベトナムに移住してきて最低3世代以上がたっていたかれらの中には, ベトミンの独立運動に協力する者も珍しくなかったが, 1978-79年に中越関係が悪化した際, 中国に起源をもつ者としてベトナムの排斥政策の対象となり, 公職から追われ, 中国に帰国する者が数多く出た. その後も, さまざまな差別政策の犠牲となってきたが, 21世紀に入り, 中国広西でのさとうきび伐採のための労働力需要を満たすため, 78-79年に中国へ渡った人々との間の親族ネットワークを利用して, 密出国出稼ぎにいくルートをつくりだした. この出稼ぎネットワークは, 他の少数民族や多数派のキン(ベト)人をもまきこみ, ベトナム北部全域に及ぶようになっている. 本稿ではかれらの個人史を通じて, ベトナムの排斥政策が, 中国との関係が切れていたガイの人々に中国とのネットワークを新たにつくらせた皮肉な歴史を描く.In Vietnam, people must belong to one of the 54 ethnic groups recognized by the state. In the agricultural hilly area in the north, nearly 100, 000 people are self-proclaimed Ngai, who speak a kind of Hakka language. Though the state accommodated the new category'Ngai´ to pull them apart from China during the Chinese-Vietnamese War in 1979, the cadres in the rural area compelled the Ngai people to register themselves as Hoa, as they regard the people with Chinese-origin as Hoa. According to the Statistics Bureau of Vietnam, only around 1, 000 people are recognized as Ngai. In this study, I consider the difficulty faced by one ethnic group to live in country A, which conflicts with country B, to which they originally belong. To this end, I clarify the life histories of the self-proclaiming Ngai. They are publicly regarded as reactionary in nature, but many Ngai cooperated with the Viet Minh and did not leave Vietnam even in 1978-79. As discriminatory policies were implemented without public knowledge, the Ngai faced severe hardships in the 20th century. Recently, however, the young Ngai are pioneering their way to a better life by going to work in China, using the new network that was established during the war.
井坂 理穂
アジア・アフリカ地域研究 (ISSN:13462466)
vol.2, pp.281-291, 2002

A central purpose of this research note is to examine the way in which recent studies of the Partition of India have begun to focus on people's experiences and perceptions of this event and, in particular, the massive violence that surrounded it. It shows how, in this process of reconsidering Partition, some historians have begun to criticise the existing history-writings based on the nationalist discourse, which analysed only political developments among parties and politicians. To understand this new approach to Partition, it is necessary to look at the development of South Asian historiography from the 1980s, and more especially, important debates presented by the scholars of the so-called subaltern studies group on the 'fragments', 'oppressed voice' and 'silence' in history-writings. Some of these scholars, in order to discover where 'silence' lies, began to explore how memory of events was constructed and reconstructed by different groups of people, by interviewing them and comparing their narratives with each other and with other narratives in official documents and history books. This method is adopted by scholars such as Gyanendra Pandey and Urvashi Butalia in their works on Partition and violence. Another source that has played an important role in drawing scholars' attention to popular perceptions of Partition and violence is a wide range of literary texts and films which depict this event. They have highlighted the hidden stories of violence and the 'silence' in official histories, and recently begun to attract increasing attention from historians. Here I introduce mainly Amitav Ghosh's novel The Shadow Lines (1988) as an example. Taking a hint from it, at the end of this paper I suggest a few important aspects of Partition that still need to be explored.
アジア・アフリカ地域研究 (ISSN:13462466)
vol.18, no.1, pp.76-106, 2018-09-30 (Released:2018-10-31)

快走するグラフィティ―ナイロビの個性化するマタトゥ事情―池本 春美アジア人学生と若手研究者のための「京滋フィールドスクール2017」の概要と意義倉島 孝行「山下財宝」にとり憑かれる人々師田 史子The Social Impact of the Ebola Epidemic on Local Communities in GuineaMamadou Sadio Dialloウガンダ・ニャムリロ湿地における農地利用と生態系の保全堀 光順Diplomatic Practices in Nepal-Japan Relations: A Comparative Study Based on Regime ChangeSharmila Thapa
アジア・アフリカ地域研究 (ISSN:13462466)
vol.14, no.2, pp.313-329, 2015

人民戦争を生きた治療師たち<BR>中村 友香<BR><BR>「客人たちの父」預言者イブラーヒームのおもてなし―パレスチナ自治区・ヘブロン/ハリールの食事配給施設を訪ねて―<BR>山本 健介<BR><BR>「目覚めた人」が,日々瞑想し続ける理由<BR>松岡 佐知<BR><BR>ブルネイの人々がめざす新しい経済―イスラーム金融に寄せられる期待を描く―<BR>上原健太郎
間 永次郎
アジア・アフリカ地域研究 = Asian and African area studies (ISSN:13462466)
vol.17, no.1, pp.39-72, 2017-11

This paper examines the relationship between Gandhi's first nationalist movement (1919-1922) and his contemporaneous experiments with brahmacarya (sexual celibacy). Although voluminous works have dealt with Gandhi's political engagements in the first nationalist movement, they have dismissed the significance of Gandhi's experiments with brahmacarya during the movement; thus they have failed to unravel the reason behind Gandhi's sudden suspension in response to the Chauri-Chaura riot. In this paper, I explore the development of Gandhi's core idea of brahmacarya, namely "semen-retention (vīryasangrah), " during 1918 to 1922. In so doing, I show that Gandhi's purportedly "odd" and "paradoxical" ideas of "nonviolence in violence" ("himsāmām ahimsā") and the "ethics of destruction" (the public burning of foreign clothes) during the movement were intimately linked to Gandhi's inner psychological tensions created by his repressed manner of brahmacarya. Gandhi kept his "silence" about the massacre of the Moplah riot, which caused 10, 000 deaths, but he suddenly responded to the Chauri-Chaura riot, which only caused 23 deaths. This was because only the latter could have made Gandhi aware of his inadequate manner of brahmacarya. What mattered to Gandhi was not the scale of physical violence in the outer-world, but rather the scale of the psycho-physical violence of his sexual desire.
中島 岳志
アジア・アフリカ地域研究 (ISSN:13462466)
no.3, pp.186-223, 2003

The Hindu nationalist movement has been gaining momentum since the 1980s. Led by the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), the Hindu nationalist movement has produced various related organizations, such as the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP). These organizations, known generically as Sangh Pariwar, have great infl uence in contemporary India. The BJP is presently the governing party, and the prime minister, A. B. Vajpayee, was a member of the RSS. This paper discusses the activities of Sewa Bharti, another Sangh Pariwar organization, in a slum area of New Delhi. Earlier studies have portrayed the Hindu nationalist movement phenomenon of the upper and middle classes. My research shows that this movement also quickly spread among the lower social strata. This paper shows the process by which the Hindu nationalist movement spread among the lower social strata.
アジア・アフリカ地域研究 = Asian and African area studies (ISSN:13462466)
vol.6, no.1, pp.120-150, 2006-08

This article presents an historical analysis carried out in order to understand the present state of adat (custom or customary law) in central Flores, eastern Indonesia. By exploring the vast network of causal nexuses that have brought the present into existence, this study aims to elucidate what the present, or a certain phenomenon observed in the present, really is. Here I deal selectively with certain parts of that network of causes and effects. Specifically, I explicate how the present state of adat in central Flores is causally connected with (1) the slave trade and warfare that took place in central Flores until the early 20th century, (2) Dutch colonial rule, which prohibited both slavery and warfare, and (3) the "development" policy that the Soeharto government executed from the 1970s until its downfall in 1998. I have chosen this focus not only for reasons of space, but also because doing so makes it possible to comprehend aspects of the present state of adat that were not conceived of in the "development" discourse that took place during Soeharto's New Order and have not been conceived of in the current political circumstances surrounding adat.
宮沢 千尋
アジア・アフリカ地域研究 (ISSN:13462466)
vol.15, no.2, pp.208-233, 2016

While the property rights of men and women have been the cause of disputes in premodern Vietnam, many scholars have paid attention only to the quantity of land divided between men and women. Of the property for ancestor worship, scholars have paid attention only to 'fire and incense' (hương hỏa), a kind of property for ancestor worship inherited by mainly men. To better understand women's status in Vietnamese society much, this article examines the inheritance of another kind of property for ancestor worship - anniversary rice fields (kỵ điền) - and women's role in ancestor worship. In pre-modern Vietnam, daughters sometimes received equal rights of ownership or cultivation of anniversary rice fields as sons. In exchange for receiving anniversary rice fields, daughters had duties to worship their ancestors. Parents sometimes stipulated in testaments that both sons and daughters should fulfill the duty of ancestor worship equally and forever. Even after marrying out, daughters continued to fulfill their duties of worship with their husband and children or grand-children. In some cases, children and grand-children inherited their mother's anniversary rice fields in order to continue to worship their mother's ancestors, contrary to the Confucian patrilineal norm. From the anthropological point of view, this phenomenon also represents an ancestorcentered kinship idea similar to cognatic stock, rather than an ego-centered idea such as kindred.
vol.16, no.2, pp.198-226, 2017

<p>双子を希望する女性たち ―『ガールズトーク』にみるウガンダ女性の結婚・出産観―<br/>中澤 芽衣<br/><br/>ネパール山間医療の過去と現在 ―村人と生きる,パルパ郡タンセン病院―<br/>中村 友香<br/><br/>海は道,空は地図<br/>中野 真備<br/><br/>声を上げる活動家たち<br/>鶴田 星子<br/><br/>暴動の記憶<br/>宮園 琢也<br/><br/>'Moderate' Fatness is Desirable: Beliefs Related to Body Size in Mukono, Central Uganda<br/>Seera Georgina<br/><br/>広西壮族自治区のトン族集落における居住空間 ―風水と「政策移動」―<br/>黄 潔</p>
新井 一寛
アジア・アフリカ地域研究 (ISSN:13462466)
vol.6, no.2, pp.471-488, 2007

<p>This article elucidates the initial formation process of a Sufi order through a certain saint's relation with his devotees. This saint is a descendant of Prophet Muhammad. His devotees think that he has knowledge of Islam, special power by which he can even kill people, and personal magnetism. I consider that the community that is formed around the saint is one in which devotees share the original Islamic view of the world, and which represents the initial state of Sufi orders before systematization. Before the 19th century, when the institutionalization and systematization of Sufi orders by the state started, there were religious groups centering on a certain charismatic person in Egypt. </p>
アダル ラジャ
アジア・アフリカ地域研究 (ISSN:13462466)
vol.1, pp.300-307, 2001

<p>This research note explores an innovative methodological approach to the study of Shakib Arslan. Often perceived as a redoubtable anti-colonial activist, Arslan also earned a place in the pantheon of Arab nationalism, and has recently been rediscovered as the central figure of interwar Europe's transnational Islamic movements. This research seeks to integrate these multiple fractionalized images of Arslan within an integrative approach. It begins by placing Arslan within the context of a unified Islamic consciousness unconcerned with national, regional and cultural frontiers. Although this vision of a united Islamic umma permeated Arslan's self-consciousness, the relationship between Arslan's Islamic revivalist thought and his Arab nationalist thought has all too often been understood within the context of the nationalist paradigm. Rather than understanding religion as one element of the nationalist consciousness, this research proposes a three-vectored approach uniting Arab nationalism, the Islamic Revival, and Westernization-modernization within a dynamically integrated system of mutually interactive vectors. This tripartite system both analyzes Arslan's thought along these three axes, and makes each strand of thought dependent on the two others. Depending on time, place, and a multiplicity of factors in Arslan's existence, each intellectual current evolves in dynamic relation with the other intellectual currents, resulting in a unique symbiosis integrating elements of Arab nationalism, Westernization-modernization, and the Islamic revival within a single world view. </p>