関口 靜雄 寺津 麻理絵
学苑 (ISSN:13480103)
no.869, pp.45-114, 2013-03

1 0 0 0 学苑

no.375, 1971-03
福田 淳子 Junko FUKUDA
学苑 (ISSN:13480103)
no.904, pp.52-67, 2016-02

The novel The Master of Go was published in 1952 after 10 years' preparation by Yasunari Kawabata. In this novel he focuses on Shusai, a master of go, twenty-first in the Honninbo succession, who died in 1940. In 1938 the Tokyo Nichinichi Shimbun(now The Mainichi)and the Osaka Mainichi Shimbun sponsored the last Honninbo championship match and Kawabata was invited to report on the fourteen sessions in sixty-four serial installments. After Shusai' s death he was moved to write the novel, and based it on these reports. This paper looks at Kawabata' s writings, the history of old iemoto succession system, the dramatic defeat and the death of the old champion, the wartime popularity of the game, strategic actions by the media, and concludes that the novel symbolizes Shusai' s death as emblematic of a dying culture and the change from pre-modern to modern Japan.

1 0 0 0 IR 英語と私

小野 茂
学苑 (ISSN:13480103)
no.874, pp.64-71, 2013-08
早川 陽 Yo Hayakawa
学苑 (ISSN:13480103)
no.896, pp.2-18, 2015-06

In the field of Japanese art education, the pigments employed in traditional Japanese paintings are rarely used, though using them in an educational context could be very valuable in imparting an understanding of Bijutsu Bunka(art culture)currently required in curriculum guidelines. In an attempt to explore how they can be adopted in today's art education, this paper explores two Japanese traditional painting technique books from the Taisho Period and highlights the common characteristics of the pigments described in the books and compares them with pigments that have survived from those times, or have been more recently developed for use in traditional-style paintings. The origins of various Japanese pigments are organized in such a way that they can be used as educational material. In order to provide background for this research, the first chapter considers how Japanese traditional paintings are created, displayed and enjoyed today. Also the significance of Bijutsu Bunka, which was newly specified in curriculum guidelines, is discussed. The second chapter, focusing on the refinement and elutriation of pigments used in Japanese traditional paintings, categorizes and organizes the features of the pigments used. The third chapter refers to the above two books and considers the changes made since then in the types of the pigment. The final chapter summarizes the characteristics of the pigments and gives a general view of how they were traditionally used and concludes that the pigments, many of which have been refined by elutriation, can be utilized effectively in the field of art education today. The author believes that intercourse between the past and present, and understanding and appreciating traditional art, offer new possibilities in the future of art education.
岸山 睦
学苑 (ISSN:13480103)
no.853, pp.1-10, 2011-11
大倉 比呂志
学苑 (ISSN:13480103)
no.900, pp.2-9, 2015-10

1 0 0 0 IR 文学の役割

中村 豪
学苑 (ISSN:13480103)
no.888, pp.24-31, 2014-10
富本 靖 Tomimoto Yasushi
學苑 = GAKUEN (ISSN:13480103)
vol.872, pp.14-26, 2013-06-01

The author reviews the history and the status quo of European and American physical education and explains that Japanese modern physical education has its origin in Herbert Spencer's Education; Intellectual, Moral, and Physical(1860). The author also discusses several problems in Japanese physical education that contradict the stated goals of the program, and explores measures teachers should take to resolve these contradictions. The problems are as follows. First, children have very few opportunities to learn the rules and histories of sports, though schools introduce a variety of sports into their curriculums. They put too much emphasis on moving the body. Second, since physical education is driven by competitive, results-oriented curriculums in which children do not have many chances to receive individualized instruction that matches each child's ability, physically less able children fall behind and give up, and therefore they are alienated from their teammates. This is not conducive to building team spirit. There have been attempts to address this by deemphasizing rankings and prizes, but this can nullify feelings of achievement. The author concludes that European and American styles of physical education which allow children more freedom to enjoy sports are more effective for nourishing children's all-round personality, and also strongly suggests that adopting "sport pedagogy," a comprehensive science born in recent years, will solve these problems.

1 0 0 0 学苑

no.578, 1988-02
杉橋 朝子 セージ クリスティー 宮房 寿美子 Tomoko Sugihashi Kristie Sage Sumiko Miyafusa 昭和女子大学英語コミュニケーション学科 昭和女子大学英語コミュニケーション学科 昭和女子大学英語コミュニケーション学科
學苑 = GAKUEN (ISSN:13480103)
vol.881, pp.29-45, 2014-03-01

This paper investigates a five-week study abroad and homestay program undergone by Showa Women's University(SWU)students from various faculties and years in early 2013 at the Institute of Continuing TESOL Education, University of Queensland(ICTE-UQ), Australia. Prompted by OECD results which showed a trend that Japanese students' interest in study abroad programs is decreasing; research sought to identify from the students who participated in this program their perceived language skill improvement and language contact experiences. Feedback was sourced from a questionnaire administered by Google Forms and student reports submitted to the Centre for International Exchange(CIE). Despite an initial culture shock, and concerns with English proficiency, students developed strategies and drew on unfamiliar support systems to overcome communication issues in their multicultural learning and living environments. From this immersion, positive feedback was received regarding perceived language skill improvement, particularly for listening and speaking. Although questionnaire results do show some dissatisfaction, mainly regarding the population of Japanese students at the language school; overall, these multicultural learning and living environments had a positive effect on students' perceived English language improvement and enhanced their motivation towards communicating in English. These results indicate that short term study abroad is considered beneficial by SWU students for language skill improvement and language contact experiences. Furthermore, this paper argues that such benefits are noteworthy for SWU students in the larger context of Japanese society since English communication strategies will be required for future international events, and due to the recent revitalization of study abroad as part of Japanese education by the Abe Government. Related also is SWU's focus on globalization. Therefore, SWU students who undertake study abroad are expected to have a positive experience in regards to a heightened perception of improved language skills and language contact proficiency, coupled with an international capability.
石井 正子 中村 徳子 Ishii Masako Nakamura Noriko 昭和女子大学初等教育学科 昭和女子大学初等教育学科
學苑 = GAKUEN (ISSN:13480103)
vol.860, pp.82-97, 2012-06-01

Abstract In this paper, we review the literature regarding the education of autistic children, summarize information obtained from an inspection of educational facilities for autistic children in the United States, and point out possible problems in the treatment of autistic children. Various educational programs for autistic children, including ABA(Applied Behavior Analysis), TEACCH(Treatment and Education of Autistic and related Communication handicapped Children), and DIR(The Developmental, Individual Difference, Relationship-Based model), were developed in America, and that they are effective has been confirmed. For children aged 3-21 with disabilities, the federal government provides appropriate public education free of charge, as is guaranteed in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. However, parents of autistic children are required to have specialized knowledge about their child's disabilities and rehabilitation, and to have the ability to effectively take advantage of social resources. We also consider the question of whether too much emphasis is placed on educational programs tailored to individual students at the expense of the possible beneficial effects of mass education.