佐藤 徹 大宮 俊孝
公益社団法人 日本船舶海洋工学会
日本船舶海洋工学会論文集 (ISSN:18803717)
vol.8, pp.9-16, 2008 (Released:2009-03-24)
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To mitigate the global warming and ocean surface acidification caused by increase of atmospheric CO2 concentration, ocean sequestration of CO2 has been proposed. Because the technology has risks on deep-ocean ecosystems, its implementation needs public acceptance. In such a process, environment assessment indices are useful for making decisions. Recently, the Triple I was developed to show totally inclusive index for environmental and economical matters, consisting of ecological footprint, ecological risk, human risk, cost, and financial benefit. The present paper presents the Triple I for CO2 ocean sequestration, where the object of comparison was set to be the effects of ocean surface acidification and its consequent impacts in the deep ocean. Particularly focused on in this study was the calculation of ecological risk. In general, risk is represented by the products of probability and hazard. Here, the former was obtained by a semi-quantitative probability method based on the results of expert enquiry; the latter was converted to land area by using the species-area relationship. The resultant Triple I became negative and indicated that the technology is worth to implement. Also elucidated is that the ecological footprint and the ecological risk had the largest and the smallest portions, respectively, in the index.
増田 光弘 南 清和 増田 光一 居駒 知樹
公益社団法人 日本船舶海洋工学会
日本船舶海洋工学会論文集 (ISSN:18803717)
vol.19, pp.61-68, 2014 (Released:2014-08-28)

When the tsunami attacks in harbors, the vessels moored at a wharf may be unable to be evacuated. For example, it may happen the situations that the vessel is under cargo handling, the vessel has no crew or only foreign crew without knowledge of tsunami. In such a case, the following damages are assumed; breaking the mooring tether, grounding on a wharf, drifting to land areas and destroying buildings. This present paper describes the tsunami simulation and the motion analysis of vessel moored at a wharf using the MPS method (Moving Particle Semi-implicit method).In this research, the 3D-MPS method is applied. The chart of break of mooring tethers was created. The wave height of tsunami, draft of vessels and the relation of the break of the mooring tether were shown by the chart of break of mooring tethers. Then, the chart of break of mooring tethers is proposed for various scale of tsunami including the effect of incident angle of the mooring tether can be easily estimated against to the scale of tsunami and mooring system.
増田 光弘 南 清和 増田 光一 居駒 知樹
公益社団法人 日本船舶海洋工学会
日本船舶海洋工学会論文集 (ISSN:18803717)
vol.25, pp.183-190, 2017 (Released:2017-09-06)

When tsunami attacks a harbor, the vessels moored at the wharf are exposed to a risk. For example, the following damages are assumed; breaking the mooring tether, grounding on a wharf, drifting to land areas and destroying buildings. In the previous report, the motion analysis of mooring vessels in tsunamis and the usefulness of tsunami protection measures by the install more mooring tethers (IMMT) was described using the MPS method. The incident wave angles of tsunami were used the 0 degrees (longitudinal wave) and 90 degrees (Transverse wave). For any incident angles, IMMT was effective. However, in the case of transverse wave of wave height 6.0m or more, it is possible to prevent the break of the mooring tethers, but it was confirmed that the vessels damaged by the grounding on a wharf. In the case of longitudinal wave, IMMT confirmed that it did not affect in some cases. It is influenced by the direction the mooring tether pulls. When the vessel moves, there are mooring tethers that are pulled or slacked. As a result, the mooring force does not act equally on the mooring tethers. Also, as an issue of existing papers, studies on oblique waves were not done. It is important to solve these issues.In this present paper, the influence of the oblique wave is studied. The extent of damage of longitudinal waves, transverse waves and oblique waves are compared through a numerical simulation method, the 3D MPS method. The 3D MPS method is used for numerical simulation. In this paper, quaternion is applied to the algorithm of rotational motion of the floating model. Furthermore, a more effective mooring method for longitudinal wave is proposed, and its effectiveness is demonstrated.
櫻田 顕子 枌原 直人 黒田 麻利子 辻本 勝 杉本 義彦 長谷川 健
公益社団法人 日本船舶海洋工学会
日本船舶海洋工学会論文集 (ISSN:18803717)
vol.25, pp.33-38, 2017 (Released:2017-09-06)

Recently enormous amount of data can be obtained from running ships, so that the needs of the analysis of the data are increasing. For the analysis, the relationship among ship speed, engine revolution and engine power in calm sea is important. In order to estimate the relationship accurately, data in calm sea distributed widely in terms of ship speed are necessary, but ship speed does not change much in some voyages. In the paper, The method of correction for the displacement using Admiralty coefficient and weather correction method is explained to obtain more accurate relationship among ship speed, engine revolution and engine power in calm sea. Using the methods, the voyages of different displacements are investigated and the range of application of Admiralty coefficient is revealed.