川島 敏彦 西本 仁 土井 康明 陸田 秀実 松田 英揮
公益社団法人 日本船舶海洋工学会
日本船舶海洋工学会論文集 (ISSN:18803717)
vol.31, pp.1-14, 2020 (Released:2020-09-17)
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A small saury fishing vessel (19GT-type) is newly developed and evaluated the total performance in order to increase profits and to attract the younger generation of fishermen. On the basis of inquiring surveys to fisheries unions, ship-owners and shipbuilders, problems and needs of saury fishing vessels are analyzed. Then, the performance of conventional fishing vessels is evaluated through model resistance tests in a circulating water channel. The hull form design for the fore-body is improved by the use of wave-making resistance theory. The aft-body is improved by the use of the Eulerian scheme with the Lagrangian particles. The general arrangement of the hull form improved vessel is developed to upgrade the habitability and fishing performance. The newly developed and advanced small saury fishing vessel can reduce the fuel consumption by half compared to the conventional vessels. An actual 19 GT saury fishing vessel, constructed based on the results of this study by using the present design method, demonstrates the superiority of performance.
古賀 光太郎
公益社団法人 日本船舶海洋工学会
造船協会雑纂 (ISSN:24331023)
vol.233, pp.461-467, 1941-08-15 (Released:2018-04-21)

Carrying experiments on various types of steam rice boilers, the author deviced a new type of good efficiency.
中西 宏至
公益社団法人 日本船舶海洋工学会
Techno marine 日本造船学会誌 (ISSN:09168699)
vol.873, pp.330-332, 2003

本船は,主に日本の冬季にあたる11月より3月まで,豪州,北米より,食料米を輸送しています。今航海,豪州にて約10,000トンを積み,日本へ輸送する航海に従事しました。本船のD/Wは約24,000トンですが,豪州米を輸送するには,温度管理が出来るHOLDを有することになっている為,積載できる数量が限られてきます。その航海毎に数量は違いますが,平均して10,000トン程度積載し,日本各港(京浜,関西,九州)へ輸送します。荷姿には,ばら,Bag物と様々なものがありますが,豪州米に関しては,30kg袋入りの米49袋を大きなBagに入れるSling Bagと,米1トンを大きなBagに直接入れるFle-Con Bagによって積み込まれ,運ばれてきます。以前は,Sling Bagにて運ばれていましたが,今年度より一部Fle-Con Bagにて運ばれるようになりました。米は,他の穀物と違い,この状態のままで,直接口にしますので,異物混入,発汗による濡れ損を防ぐべく非常に神経を使う貨物です。その為には,入念なる準備が必要となります。
寺田 大介 安川 宏紀 芳村 康男 松田 真司
公益社団法人 日本船舶海洋工学会
日本船舶海洋工学会論文集 (ISSN:18803717)
vol.30, pp.49-57, 2019

<p>A roll response model during maneuvering, which can express a transient motion after steering, is proposed. The transient motion, namely the transition process from initial inward heel to outward heel, is used in the rudder–roll stabilization system. Nowadays, the model reference control is well used as an autopilot system of the actual ship. As to the model, the yaw response model such as the K–T model proposed by Nomoto is used because of the convenient adjustment of parameters. However, there is not the roll response model to be able to use for the rudder–roll stabilization. In this study, the 4th order roll response model proposed by Yasukawa and Yoshimura which was obtained from the 4 degrees of freedom (surge-swayroll- yaw) mathematical maneuvering model is focused on. And it is called as the Y–Y model in this study. Firstly, assume that the change of the rolling against steering is gradual, the Y–Y model is approximated by the 2nd order. Moreover, the modeling is done by considering the fact that the rolling due to steering is a non–minimum phase system. In order to verify the effectiveness of the proposed model, the numerical experiments were carried out. The KCS container ship was selected as the sample, since there is the information of maneuvering derivatives, which was obtained by the captive model experiments, including the effect of rolling. As the result, it can be confirmed that the proposed model can be expressed rolling in the transient situation after steering well under the assumption used in the modeling of Y–Y model. Furthermore, the procedure to estimate the parameters is also proposed by using the measured onboard monitoring data, and the effectiveness is confirmed based on the numerical experiment.</p>