能條 歩 金川 和人 星野 フサ 岩見沢団体研究グループ
地球科学 (ISSN:03666611)
vol.62, no.5, pp.307-323, 2008-09-25 (Released:2017-05-16)

平山 次郎 鈴木 尉元
地球科学 (ISSN:03666611)
vol.22, no.2, pp.43-62b, 1968-03-25 (Released:2017-07-26)

A sedimentological study was made of the Flysch-type alternations of Otadai formation, Kazusa group deposited in the central part of the Boso peninsula in upper Pliocene epoch (Fig. 2). The formation consists of rhythmic alternation of sandstone and mudstone and the relative amounts of the two rocks vary in places. Each layer is correlated for more than 30 km in extent, as it has their own characteristics in thickness, texture, composition and colour and is arranged in similar manner at the neighbouring sections (Fig. 3, 4). Several key beds of tuff are the most important in the correlation because of their distinct features. The shape, textural distribution and grain size variation in the layers has been definitely shown by the method stated above. The thicker each layer of sandstone is, the more spacial extent it acquires in general. The layer over 10 cm in thickness at the thickest part reaches more than 30 km in extent. It is asymmetrical in shape owing to the more rapid decrease toward west (Fig. 6). On the other hand, the thickness of mudstone layers increases gradually toward west within the studied area but seems to decrease very rapidly westward (Fig. 5). It is concluded that the thickness variation of sandstone and mudstone assembly is determined by sandstone, that is, the layers of sandstone are very sensitive to the subsidence of the basin. Of course, the subsidence is the neccessary condition for the formation of layers. A layer consists of lamina which are units of mass movement of grains, as will be seen from the Photo. 1. A relatively thick sandstone layer is divided into three intervals based on the nature of lamina, namely, massive graded, parallel-laminated and cross-laminated intervals from the base respectively. But a thin sandstone layer is devoid of massive graded interval and/or parallel-laminated intervals. The arrangement of these lamina is closely related to the thickness variation of a layer (Fig. 6). The grain size distribution and consituents in a layer are also related to the textural arrangement as well as the shape (Fig. 9). The boundaries of textures are nearly parallel to the isometrical lines of median diameter of grain size and sorting coefficient. Shell fragments are concentrated at the bottom of the graded interval, while pumice and plant fragments are often seen in the parallel and cross-laminated intervals. The grain size variation in the mudstone layer seems to be more monotonous and the mean size and sand grain content gradually decrease toward west. As will be known from the fact stated above, sandstone layers are very different from mudstone layers in many respects. And it is observed that the sandstone layer is formed by different way from the mudstone. The inference is substanciated by the difference of faunal assemblages found in both layers. The sandstone has the shell fragments and worn-out foraminifers which are found in the upper neritic zone in the recent environment, while molluscan shells and foraminifers contained in the mudstone are similar to the fauna living in the bottom over 400 m in depth in the Pacific off the Boso peninsula. This fact indicates that sand deposited temporarily under the bottom of shallow sea is transported into the bathyal environment where mud is usually deposited. The direction of current transporting sand grains should be from west to east as is assumed from the sole markings developed under the bottom of sandstone layers and cross laminations (Fig. 10). The nature of flow is inferred from the result of laboratory experiments and observations of alluvial channels. It is controlled by many variables such as depth, slope, size and shape of grains, viscosity and density of sediment-water mixture, etc. So the concept of flow regime (SIMONS & RICHARDSON, 1961) is very useful as it allows grouping of the combined effects of those factors. The classification of flow regime is based on form of(View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)
西山団体研究グループ 桂高校地学クラブ
地球科学 (ISSN:03666611)
vol.24, no.6, pp.208-221, 1970 (Released:2017-07-26)

The stratigraphy of the Osaka Group in surveied area is as follows; [table] This stratigraphy is well accorded with that of the other hills which made of the Osaka Group; for example, Senriyama,Ibaraki and Hirakata Hills. Tomistoma sp. and many plant fossils yielded in this area as shown in Table 2. The paleocurrent directions deduced from cross beddings and inclination of gravels were obtained. The results are summarized in Figs. 9 and 10. Paleocurrent directions are clearly divided into two groups ; that is, from northeast to southwest and from southeast to northwest. The former may be products of the ancient river Akuta and the latter may be from the ancient river Yodo. These two directions are found at same cliff in several places.