建部 雅子 及川 勉 松野 宏治 清水 恵美子 米山 忠克
日本土壌肥料学雑誌 (ISSN:00290610)
vol.67, no.2, pp.139-146, 1996

One of the main factors determining the taste of cooked rice grain is the protein content in the polished grain, usually high-taste grains have a low protein content. In the rice grain, two protein bodies, PBI and PBII are included. Glutelins are in PBII, and prolamins are in PBI which is not digested by pepsin. A recent interest is which proteins have a greater influence on the rice taste. In this study, several varieties of rice were cultivated with different treatments of nitrogen ranging from 0 to 12 gm^<-2> and the effect of these nitrogen treatments on the protein contents in the grain was investigated. The proteins in the polished rice(polishing yield of 90%)were analysed by the extraction method including the pepsin digestion. Prolamin was the residual proteins after pepsin digestion. The contents of albumin(water-soluble protein)+ globulin(salt-soluble protein), glutelin and prolamin were increased with increasing nitrogen fertilizer particularly by late application, but the proportions of the individual proteins in the total protein were almost constant at any nitrogen treatment. However, the percentages of prolamin in the total protein changed with varieties and years. They were about 18% in Takanari, an indica variety, and about 10% in Koshihikari and Kinmaze, japonica varieties, in 1994, and those in Koshihikari were 10.0-11.2% in 1991 and 1994, and 6.2-7.3% in 1990, 1992 and 1993. They were lower in unfilled rice(brown rice size below 1.8mm)than in filled rice(more than 1.8 mm)and were lower in the inferior spikelets that the superior spikelets when examined in Koshihikari. Since prolamins accumulate in the later stage of grain filling than gluatelin, it is inferred that the grains which mature late have the low prolamin fraction.
関本 均 有馬 泰紘 熊沢 喜久雄
日本土壌肥料学雑誌 (ISSN:00290610)
vol.56, no.5, pp.p427-432, 1985-10

水稲葉から揮散する窒素化合物(NH_3,NO_x)の水稲葉中での起源を調べるため,培地窒素を^<15>Nで標識して揮散窒素化合物の^<15>N濃度を測定した.揮散窒素化合物の^<15>N濃度は培地に^<15>N濃度51.0atom %のNH^+_4-N,NO^-_3-Nを8時間与えた場合でも0.1〜0.5atom %excessにすぎなかった.揮散窒素化合物のうち,アルカリ補修画分-Nが酸補修画分-Nよりも標識されにくく,NO^-_3区水稲の揮散窒素化合物の^<15>N濃度はNH^+_4区水稲よりも低くなる傾向がみられた.また,培地の^<15>N濃度を96.7,98.5 atom %にあげて32時間吸収させた場合でも,揮散窒素化合物の^<15>N濃度はNH^+_4区水稲,NO^-_3区水稲いずれも0.1〜0.2 atom % excessにすぎなかった.一方,このときの水稲葉内のNH^+_4-N,アミド-N,NO^-_2-N,NO^-_3-Nは^<15>N供与後16時間で10〜25 atom % excessで標識された.このことから揮散する窒素化合物の主要部分は,このような吸収直後あるいは同化初期過程にある窒素に由来しているのではないと考えられた.40 atom %の^<15>N標識化合物を8日間吸収させ,その後無標識培地に移して12日間,20日めまで揮散窒素化合物の^<15>N濃度を測定したが,0.1〜0.5 atom % excess で標識されたにすぎなかった.また,無標識培地に交換しても揮散窒素化合物の^<15>N濃度は,測定期間中にすみやかに希釈されることはなかった.これらのことからも,揮散する窒素化合物の主要部分は,吸収直後あるいは同化初期過程にある窒素ではないと思われた.^<15>N標識培地から無標識培地に植物を移す際にシクロヘキシミドによるタンパク合成阻害処理をくわえると,水稲が黄化するにしたがって揮散窒素化合物の^<15>N濃度が高くなる傾向がみられた.このとき,タンパク-Nは16〜20 atom % excessで標識され,揮散窒素化合物の^<15>N濃度よりもはるかに高かったが,^<15>Nで低い程度でしか標識されない代謝回転のおそいタンパク-Nの異化,分解過程で生じたNH_3やNO_xが,水稲葉から揮散する窒素化合物の主要な起源ではないかと推定された.
辻 藤吾
日本土壌肥料學雜誌 = Journal of the science of soil and manure, Japan (ISSN:00290610)
vol.71, no.4, pp.464-471, 2000-08-05

Sulfur absorption and critical contents of sulfur in disordered rice plants during their initial growth were investigated. The results obtained were as follows; 1) The total sulfur content of rice shoots which were inhibited at the time of late planting by the application of a paste-like fertilizer showed 0.12% in dry matter. When this growth was recovered by using the same fertilizer as that used by a farmer, sulfur content was raised to as high as 0.28% in dry matter, together with a remarkable increase in dry matter. 2) A similar response was observed for the early planting of rice in a farmer's paddy with enhanced increments of total sulfur, from 0.09 to 0.40% in dry matter, by the application of magnesium sulfate, the major component of the commercial fertilizer. Also, dry matter increments were twice as high as those recovered by the surface drainage. 3) Surprisingly, the yellow stunting of the initial growth disorders were found by the incorporation of a chloride fertilizer into the plow layer as a basal. Such nutritional disorders were restricted during the tillering stages and the total sulfur content of the shoots decreased to as low as 0.13% in dry matter. However, the higher absorption of inorganic sulfate between the maximum tillering stage and young panicle formation period contributed greatly to the recovery of sulfur deficiency in the rice. 4) Total sulfur contents as well as N/S ratios were significantly correlated to the relative yields. These critical levels were 0.12 to 0.13% of total sulfur and 25 to 21 of N/S ratios when the relative yields were 50 to 55%. The levels were considered practical indicies as far as the present growth disorders are concerned.
辻 藤吾
日本土壌肥料學雜誌 = Journal of the science of soil and manure, Japan (ISSN:00290610)
vol.71, no.4, pp.472-479, 2000-08-05

Sulfate transformation under submurged conditions was investigated by the incubation of Submurged soils applied with granular and paste-like high analysis fertilizers. Secondly, soil samples collected from the fixed paddies for the soil fertility survey, both of farmers and experimental stations, were analysed for humus and sulfur. The results obtained were as follows; 1) Paste-like and granular fertilizers were applied in a layer and mixed in the whole layer respectively, followed by the extraction of soluble and available sulfur with appropriate extractants. As a result, both soluble and available sulfur decreased as the Eh of soils decreased, indicating appreciable amounts of sulfate were transformed to sulfide. 2) Five soils of fixed paddies in which the humus contents differed appreciably were selected to check the changes in available sulfur within 15 y. As a result, humus contents showed relative increases within 15 y, however, the content of available sulfur tended to decrease. The ratios of available to total sulfur significantly decreased within 15 y, indicating the influences of soil pH and/or farmers' practices of fertilizer selection upon the ratios. 3) Soil samples, especially of well-drained paddy in an experiment station, decreased the available sulfur within 20 y. It can be concluded that the greater Eh is reduced in the soils, the higher level of sulfide formed, thus the rice plants will become deficient in sulfate due to the formation of unavailable iron sulfides. This will be much enhanced considering the recent trends of lower levels of available sulfur, which coincidentally inhibited the initial growth of rice in early planting cultivation in our district.
辻 藤吾
日本土壌肥料學雜誌 = Journal of the science of soil and manure, Japan (ISSN:00290610)
vol.71, no.4, pp.454-463, 2000-08-05

The author investigated the regional growth disorders of early-planted rice, of which initial growth is severely and peculiarly inhibited, causing yellow stunting of lower leaves and no increase in stem number after approximately 30 to 40 d of transplanting, to paddies supplemented with a basal paste-like fertilizer at the row sides. No specific responses were found among rice varieties. The field experiments and soil analysis of paddies were carried out; firstly to reproduce the disorders in the late planting of rice, and secondly, to diagnose the components of a commercial fertilizer which has been effectively used by a farmer to recover the disorders. The results obtained were as follows; 1) Disordered paddies contained appreciable amounts of ammonium nitrogen in the soil, indicating no effects of nitrogen deficiencies to rice plants. 2) The specific growth disorders of yellow stunting were also found in the late-planted rice cultivation. Furthermore, the application of a granular fertilizer at the row sides showed less growth disorders as compared to the paste-like fertilizer when they were treated in the same experimental paddy. 3) An experiment to separate the farmers practical fertilizer into a few nutrients for diagnosis showed that any nutrient other than sulfate contributed less to recover the disorders. Consequently, in the following early rice planting experiment, in which the growth disorders by paste-like fertilizer were also induced, the application of magnesium sulfate responded well for recovery within several days under a submurged condition, whereas the recovery by surface drainage took more than 10 d. As a conclusion, the author suggests the disorders will be induced primarily by developed soil reduction, hence causing nutritional disorders in rice plants related to temporary sulfate starvation in the soil.