佐藤 陽一
日本経営倫理学会誌 (ISSN:13436627)
vol.8, pp.51-62, 2001-03-31 (Released:2017-07-28)

Since the Ikeda cabinet revived the current decoration system in 1963, many businessmen have been decorated. Nowadays, because of the increased tenacity of acquiring a decoration,senior executives pursue a higher position and stay there for a longer period.Aging and moral hazards have become conspicuous phenomena among them. If the current deplorable system is abolished,if aged leaders change their interest into a service to the public utilizing their insight and expertise, and if the younger generation demonstrate their ability as new leaders, then we can expect a vital ethical 21st century.
永松 博志
日本経営倫理学会誌 (ISSN:13436627)
vol.15, pp.271-280, 2008-03-31 (Released:2017-08-03)

This research offers a broad overview of the professional occupation of journalism and the characteristics of their works, and investigates the ethical differences that arise from relations with the subject being reported. We also consider the limitations that arise during the production of the "news" that is created through the efforts of journalists. In journalism, the main aspiration is to "reveal the truth." In making visible the truth of incidents such as social evils that are not in the best interests of social values or the public good, this research revealed that there is room at times for "the ends justifying the means" in journalism.
増渕 隆史
日本経営倫理学会誌 (ISSN:13436627)
vol.25, pp.35-47, 2018-02-28 (Released:2018-04-13)

In 2015, an employee working for an advertising agency called Dentsu committed suicide due to depression caused by her long overtime work. Suicides from overwork called “Karou-Jisatsu” have been taking place for a long time in Japan. Why Karou- Jisatsu cannot be exterminated? The purpose of this study is to propose some ethical countermeasures against Karou-Jisatsu by explicating the cause of it. To accomplish these purposes, the author applies the philosophy of Heidegger and the ethics of Aristotle to this problem. Through the analysis with Heidegger’s, philosophy, the author concludes that the cause of Karou-Jisatsu consists in “unauthentic existence” of human(Dasein)and that the establishment of “authentic existence” of it is needed to eliminate Karou-Jisatsu. The study also proposes an improvement in business ethics educations applying the virtue ethics of Aristotle. Finally, this study emphasizes that the determination and cultivation of virtue of business persons are important to rebut Karou-Jisatsu.
野口 幸洋
日本経営倫理学会誌 (ISSN:13436627)
vol.3, pp.73-82, 1996-03-31 (Released:2017-07-28)

As you may know, Tokushichi Nomura (1878-1945) was the founder of Nomura Securities while Genichi Toyama (1890-1972) was the originator of Nikko Securities. This report is firstly intended to trace back the Activities and Philosophies of these two great pioneers of Japanese Securities Industry in relation to the development of Japanese economy and to examine how their business philosophies affected their respective corporation's culture and business strategy. And, in the final part of this report, the problems covering the Japanese securities industry today and the most essential part of the business conducts will be discussed from Business Ethics viewpoint.
林 順一
日本経営倫理学会誌 (ISSN:13436627)
vol.25, pp.19-33, 2018-02-28 (Released:2018-04-13)

The purpose of this paper is to identify the attributes that make Japanese corporations targets for ESG investment. The sample is based on a cross section of data from 1,013 Japanese corporations in 2015. A probit regression model is employed. The dependent variable is whether or not the firm is included in one of the three ESG indices: DJSI, FTSE4Good, and MS-SRI. The results show that there are positive correlations between whether a firm is included in the ESG indices and UNGC participation, as well as GRI application. Awareness of climate change, human rights due diligence, firm size, and debt ratio are also shown to affect whether or not a firm is counted in the ESG indices.
田中 敬幸
日本経営倫理学会誌 (ISSN:13436627)
vol.21, pp.103-115, 2014-02-28 (Released:2017-08-08)

There is much research about corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the past decade. But its research didn't show the changes of CSR from a perspective of CSR reports. In this article, I examined how the concept of CSR has changed in a time span of a decade. This survey is done using text analysis of CEO letters appearing in the CSR reports of 15 major corporations in Japan during a period of transformational change. The results show that the discourse about CSR in the CSR reports has changed from an abstract definition of CSR toward a concrete definition of CSR. This article contributes theoretically to show that conceptual changes of Japanese corporations social responsibility in CEO letters appearing in the CSR reports in the investigation period.
井上 泉
日本経営倫理学会誌 (ISSN:13436627)
no.22, pp.209-222, 2015-01-31

Since the Organized Crime Group Prevention Act, which legally established organized crime groups as anti-social organizations, came into force in March 1992, earnest efforts have been made to block further transfer of funds to such groups and to prevent money laundering. However, last year, Mizuho Bank was found to have been lending money to anti-social organizations, which revealed that companies in Japan still do not have sufficient means to deal with such organizations appropriately. However, the closer look shows that this case is more complicated than what people understand through media and suggests there is high likelihood of Japanese big enterprises falling into tactful about dealing with anti-social organizations. This article aims to offer suggestions to improve the status quo by scrutinizing the Mizuho case in detail.
小池 裕子
日本経営倫理学会誌 (ISSN:13436627)
no.22, pp.199-208, 2015-01-31

The objective of this preliminary study is to identify what kind of impact gender diversity has on stock performance. In order to examine the impact, portfolio that consists of companies with gender diversity in manager's level and portfolio that consists of companies with little gender diversity were made from the components of the MSCI Japan Index. And then, the rate of return and Sharpe ratio for the past 10 years were compared. As a result, those of gender diversity portfolio are higher than those of non-gender diversity portfolio as well as those of MSCI Japan. In addition, the result of a multiple regression analysis with the use of the Fama-French factor model suggests that there is little risk specific to gender diversity.
小池 裕子
日本経営倫理学会誌 (ISSN:13436627)
no.20, pp.177-187, 2013-02-28

This paper examines the male-female wage differentials by decomposing them into endowments and discrimination components by using micro-data from the US, France, Korea and Japan. The result from the Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition technique suggests that the wage gap is mainly attributable to a difference in the price-setting according to gender in respect of age and type of employment, and this tendency is the most obvious in Japan among 4 countries.
岡田 斎
日本経営倫理学会誌 (ISSN:13436627)
no.16, pp.203-214, 2009-03-31

Currently corporate integrity is strongly demanded as social responsibility. This paper analyzes the integrity of the companies that broke the law concerning the prohibition of private monopoly and the preservation of fair trade by negative information disclosed in their sustainability reports. In result, it is found that the disclosure of negative information can be an index for examination of corporate integrities. In this paper some integritial companies that voluntarily published unknown negative information is picked up and the realization of the society in that integrity of corporations can be correctly estimated is discussed.
青木 崇
日本経営倫理学会誌 (ISSN:13436627)
no.16, pp.43-52, 2009-03-31

The purpose of this article is to clarify corporate scandals and corporate social responsibility in Japan. In recent years, a spreading awareness of the need to achieve sustainable development and good compatibility between the environment and economic activity has prompted companies to rapidly step up environmental preservation efforts. In 2003, CSR have created boom throughout Japan. The reason for the boom is introduction and successive emergence of corporate scandals of CSR from overseas. Therefore, a lot of large Japanese companies formulate department of a CSR and CSR action agenda. It is important CSR does not practice in the boom but think work with corporation and society. There is no end in discussion about CSR. The CSR management is practicing based on corporate philosophy and it is important to do management to conscious stakeholders.
井上 昌美
日本経営倫理学会誌 (ISSN:13436627)
no.16, pp.65-77, 2009-03-31

In this article, a CSR communication process is suggested. The process consists of a fair process and the information feedbacks to the employees, and we study its influences on the employees' trust in their managers and CSR activities. Moreover, we preliminarily analyze a survey of the employees of a certain company from this point of view. The CSR communication that I suggested made clear that it had a positive influence on the manager's trust and employee's CSR activity. From the result of the study, I suggest a management framework of the CSR communication.
高浦 康有
日本経営倫理学会誌 (ISSN:13436627)
vol.16, pp.183-189, 2009

In recent years some big companies like Toyota, Toshiba and McDonald's have faced with worker-related lawsuits such as death from overwork (karoshi) and unpaid overtime work. So far, Japanese companies have not taken sufficient social responsibilities for workers rights, compared to other stakeholders such as consumers and communities, as workers have been given less hierarchical status. In this paper, on the base of the concept of the "right to seek moral approval," the relationship between workers and companies will be reviewed where goodwill and loyalty to their organization are kept, while they want to raise some objection to their organization from a sense of justice. In this paper seeking the approval of their moral identity means to make the organization admit their own existence, including a moral dimension at the premise of overwhelming inequalities of power. And unlike the conventional labor movement, this approach has a personal political orientation in the sense that it is laid on the base of the individual and eventually it may be developed with the possibility to challenge the existing system and order. It is also important to understand that this act for moral approval will be exercised as rights in a legal struggle.
長谷川 直哉
日本経営倫理学会誌 (ISSN:13436627)
no.16, pp.227-239, 2009-03-31

The industrial process in the western part (Enshu region) of Shizuoka Prefecture in the first half of the Meiji era is explainable extremely smoothly using a diligent revolution model. Farmers who were affected by the idea of "Houtoku (repayment of kindness)" and achieved agricultural innovation developed their diligence, which required long hours of effort dedicated to the fundamental principles of business activities. The idea of "Houtoku" allowed the farmers to free themselves of the traditional way of life to establish an ethical way of life. Consequently, the established ethical mode of living provided autonomous power to support the behavior of entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs who accepted diligence and morals as management principles initiated industrialization. Furthermore, they became aware of their role as the leaders social reforms through their business activities.