刑部 育子
東京大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:04957849)
vol.34, pp.21-30, 1995-02-28

The purpose of this paper is to analyze how a four-year-old boy, who had been deemed as a 'difficult' child by teachers and peers, came to participate in the joint activities in a nursery school, in terms of the relations with teachers and peers. The process of establishing his identity, being accepted and treated as a full member of the community, is analyzed using the framework of Lave and Wenger's (1991) "Legitimate Peripheral Participation (LPP)." Lave and Wenger conceive of identities as the long-term, living relation between persons and their place through the gradual participation in communities of practice. A long-term observation was made using VCR, once a week from Apr. 1993 through Dec. 1993. The micro behavior analysis was used to clarify the interaction with peers and teachers. The change of his identity in the participation process was interpreted in the framework of LPP.
伊藤 忠弘
東京大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:04957849)
vol.34, pp.207-215, 1995-02-28

The purpose of this article is to review the studies on self-esteem during last 10 years in Japan and to examine the usefulness of the concept of self-esteem and the validity of the self-esteem scales. It is shown that high self-esteem individuals are different from low self-esteem individuals in various social cognitions and behaviors in Japan as well as USA, but that the Rosenberg's self-esteem scale is not good enough fot understanding "self-esteem" of Japanese people.
寺崎 弘昭
東京大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:04957849)
vol.34, pp.1-20, 1995-02-28

In this paper, the writer has attempted to analyze the educational thought of Thomas Tryon (1634-1703) in order to clarify an aspect of the historical stream of European thought of embryo education. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, citing Varro's discourse, said such as the following : Educit obstetrix, dit Varron; educat nutrix, instituit poedagogus, docet magister. Ainsi l'education, l'institution, l'instruction, sont trois choses aussi differentes dans leur objet que la gouvernante, le precepteur et le maitre. This shows explicitly that the term "educacion" traditionally meant the action of midwives and nurses. "Education" did not mean school-instruction but "san-iku (bringing forth and breeding up)" (Kunio Yanagida). Accordingly, in the first place, the history of education must be a history of "saniku" which clarifies the historical transformation of "education". Furthermore, the crucial and critical field of such history, though it might sound strange, is the history of embryo education, because it comprises the overlapping field both of "san" and "iku". In fact, historical materials of embryo education consist of books for midwifery and child-rearing. However, at least to Japanese, European history of embryo education discourses has not been familiar. On the other hand, we have already had many informations on Japanese history of embryo education ("taikyo"). Therefore, in Japan, exsists a tendency to think that embryo education discourses exisist in Japan rather than in Europe. But, in this paper, the writer presents one of embryo education discourses in the 17th-century England as an example for embryo education in Europe. Thomas Tryon, a Pythagorean and vegetarian, published his book A New Method of Educating Children in 1695,which was read by John Locke too. This book on education began with his discourse on embryo education, which was founded on two premises : (1) The "Impressions" that women make, whilst they are pregnant and go with the child, have a wonderful "Influence" upon their issue. (2) There is a strong and unconceivable "Sympathy" between the mother and the child. Because of these premises, he had to submit the discourse on embryo education at first, proposing six dietetic advices, physical and mental, toward mothers. Of course, his dietetic advices which were based upon his The Way to Health functioned as a manual for mothers' self-fashioning, naturally stressing on the importance of female education. In Tryon's educational thought, embryo education was an archtype and a foundation of his whole thought of education, which represented European tradition of education.
藤川 大祐
東京大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:04957849)
vol.31, pp.201-207, 1992-03-30

Classes on four subjects (Japanese, mathematics, science, and social studies) in a junior high school classroom are observed and video-recorded, and later transcribed. And the four teachers are interviewed by stimulated-recall. Then questioning strategies of three teachers (except mathematics) are analysed, using the methods of "classroom discourse" research and "teachers' thought processes" research. For each teacher, various problems concerning the questioning strategies are identified. And common characteristics of the three are discussed.
広瀬 隆雄
東京大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:04957849)
vol.25, pp.263-272, 1986-03-10

The financial world in Japan has appealed many educational demands after the war. And they have had much influence on the tendency of educational policy. What the financial world has consistently demanded is to diversify educational system. Focusing on it, in this paper we intend to clarify its contents historically. Demands of diversifying educational system was founded on two logics. One was of diversity in social demands, the other was of diversity in the individuals. One of the peculiar features in these days is that these demands have been strongly appealed basing on diversity in ability and aptitude of the individuals. It's thought necessary to diversity educational system because of "esteeming individuality and creativity", and this opinion is firmly related to its recognition of the "post industrial society".
森 重雄
東京大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:04957849)
vol.27, pp.91-115, 1988-02-10

Concerning research models, current sociology of education seems to take a differential (in mathematical sense) direction. That is, now it sees its object-"education"-either from micro standpoint or through extraordinary minute way. Both trends result from functional understanding of education, which makes "education" very abstract matter. In sum, current sociology of education reifies its object paradoxically despite its practical interests. In this academic context, this discourse shows quite opposite-say, integral (also mathematical sense)-direction. Examining several historical facts, we conclude that "education" is neither an abstract function nor universal matter at all, but historically formed sphere of modern "Lebenswelt." In other words, we would like to make it clear in this discourse that "education" is modernity which is central feature of modern society. Then we suggest that sociological analyses need to recognize that "educational problems" are not universal nor functional disorder, but a serious and special theme of modern societies; which signify a specific stage of history.
畑 栄一
東京大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:04957849)
vol.21, pp.257-265, 1982-03-10

Red cell count (RBC), hemoglobin concentration (Hb) and hematocrit (Ht) are frequently used as the indices of anemia. The author examined the relationships between these three factors by using medical checkup data of some 34, 000 men and women. A strong relationship was observed between Hb and Ht, which guaranteed the accuracy of their mutual inferences. No such strong relationship was found between RBC and Hb and between RBC and Ht. The popular view, therefore, was supported that alternative measurement of Hb or Ht is sufficient for the screening of anemia but that single measurement of RBC would not be enough for that purpose. Furthemore, in the case of women approximately from 30 to 50 years of ase some effects were also noticed which were supposed to be caused by an increase of the individual differences in mean corpuscular volume (MCV).
堀尾 輝久 藤田 英典 渡部 洋 佐伯 胖 汐見 稔幸
東京大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:04957849)
vol.28, pp.1-26, 1989-03-30

本稿は, 東京大学教育学部の1988年度総合科目(学部3年生を対象として4月初旬に行われる2単位の集中講義)の一環として行われたシンポジウムの報告と討論のテープを起こしたものに各報告者が若干の加筆修正を加えたものである。