耳塚 寛明 苅谷 剛彦 樋田 大二郎
東京大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:04957849)
vol.21, pp.29-52, 1982-03-10

The aim of this study is to find the relations of school organizational structure and non-organizational treatment to students career formation. We studied the relation of "Student Subculture and School Organization in Japanese High school" in 1979, which was reported in this bulletin in 1981. In that study, we showed the importance of school organization and teachers' perspecctives as intervening variables. In this study, we focused on student career formation as an output variable. And we researched how student career formation is influenced by organizational and non-organizational features of the individual school. We tried three case studies. Each case contains two schools which have the same background. By this method, we could clarify school organizational and non-organizational effect on student career formation with any other variables controlled. The data we used are sub-samples of the former study in 1979. The number of the survey objects include 6 high schools, 6 staffs a school, 750 students and 68 teachers.
宮澤 康人
東京大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:04957849)
vol.16, pp.1-22, 1977-03-30

This paper will trace some early steps in transition of college curriculum administration in the United States from prescrided system of liberal arts to elective one of practical subjects under the following sections, and make clear that there is less difference between Ticknor and his opponents, the authors of Yale Report concerning the ultimate aim of college education than as has been widely believed.
越智 康詞 菊地 栄治 加藤 隆雄 吉原 惠子
東京大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:04957849)
vol.32, pp.119-146, 1993-03-30

Many gender studies are based on the concept of patriarchy which stresses the dichotomous distinction between women and men and which focuses on men's domination over women. But, in reality, women cannot be understood by the single category of "women" which is implicitly presupposed in the theory of patriarchy. They consist of multiple and differentiated layers. And the mechanisms through which femininity and domesticity are produced and reproduced should be reconsidered from the point of both feminine culture and the pratique or strategic actions of women. In this paper, the data from the survey of the women undergraduate students (for details, see Section I) are analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. In Section II, quantitative data are analyzed from the viewpoints of feminine socialization and housework practices (chapter A), feminine culture of consumption, domesticity and object-favoritism (chapter B), relationships between marital and professional perspectives (chapter C) and "conservatization" by two types of feminine strategic actions (chapter D). In Section III, the qualitative data (free description) are analyzed concerning the future expectation (chapter A), advantageous and disadvantageous experiences of being women (chapter B), and transformation of notions about males and marriage (chapter C). The perspective of "differentiation and ambivalence of femininity" is effective to analyze the (post-) modern gender relations.
沖津 由紀
東京大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:04957849)
vol.30, pp.105-115, 1991-03-30

The Japanese people show remarkable adherance to their academic achievement, though it does not have so strong influence on their socio-economic status as in other societies. This paper attempts to explain why academic achievement has such symbolic and mental prestige in Japan. This prestige is not only seen in the educational system, but also in various scenes outside the educational sphere. Therefore it is possible to regard the prestige of academic achievement in Japan as one of the linkage-patterns of the educational system to its environment. I show an alternative theoretical framework after examining how the possibility of education-outer linkage has been explained by pre- dominant theories. I contend that the highly symbolic and mental prestige of academic achievement in Japanese society derives from that function as a medium linking the educational system to its environment. Unlike Euro-American societies, the Japanese educational system links to its outer society almost only through the academic achievement as a symbolic medium.
浦野 東洋一
東京大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:04957849)
vol.24, pp.89-103, 1985-02-28

In England and Wales, it has been held in the common-law that teachers are 'in loco parentis' and must have the same rights as parents to punish children reasonably. The Education Act 1944 did not prohibit corporal punishment in schools. But LEAs may make corporal punishment regulations under Section 23 of the 1944 Education Act. The courts have however held that the right of a teacher to inflict reasonable and moderate corporal punishment overrides the regulations, especially when the teacher does not know about the regulations. In 1966, Plowden Report recommended prohibition of corporal punishment in primary schools. The recommendation was not adopted by the Government. But it produced the Society of Teachers Opposed to Physical Punishment (STOPP) in 1968. And the Labour Party adopted the abolition of corporal punishment as its policy in 1978. The United Kingdom is a party to the European Convention on Human Rights. The European Court of Human Rights which is established under the Convention, in 1982, in the case of Cambell and Cosans V the United Kingdom, concluded that where a parent holds a conviction against corporal punishment, it amounts to a philosophical conviction which is protected by the Conviction. So the Government is obliged to change the law in England and Wales as it relates to corporal punishment in schools.
紅林 伸幸
東京大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:04957849)
vol.28, pp.263-271, 1989-03-30

<Shutai-sei> is a vague concept that involves two meanings of "Subjectivity" and "Independence". This concept is concerned with the traditional problem of "determinism and freedom" of human action, and from sociological perspective, offered against social constraint revealed as one of the determinism. <Shutai-sei> as "Subjectivity" is found in A・Schutz's action-theory. It is the autonomous function of "System of Relevance", that constitutes "World of everyday life" which is the cognitive base of action. The other side, <Shutai-sei> as "Independence" found in N・Luhmann's theory depends on "Subjectivity", the function of "System of Relevance". Both of these are given characters of the mechanism of action accomplishment, but on the other hand they may change due to action-theoretical necessity, and present the difference in quality. Therefore we can argue <Shutai-sei> as the given and as the shaped.
佐野 通夫
東京大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:04957849)
vol.21, pp.223-233, 1982-03-10

From the point of view of "minority" in a society, we can see the nature of the society. It is the same in the education, especially modern education organized by the state. This article reflects the institutional discrimination between Japanese and Korean in education through the transition of the courses for training common school teachers, and makes the aspect of the Japanese teachers in colonial Korea clear.
廣田 照幸
東京大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:04957849)
vol.25, pp.203-212, 1986-03-10

This study examines how educators inculcated the ideological doctorines and how pupils accepted them in the Military Academy (Rikugun Shikan Gakkd) and the Cadet School (Rikugun Yonen Gakkd). We focus on the relation of pupils' aspirations for rising in the world (rissin-shusse) to the doctorines, devotion to the Emperor (hoko). Reading some documents, we can see that their aspirations for rissin-shusse were not necessarily repressed or cooled out in the process of the.ideological inculcation. The devotion to the Emperor legitimated their rissinshusse and both were equated each other in their consciousness. And refering to professional officers' daily lives in 1920s', it is suggested that such a mental character played an important role in the wartime.
斉藤 利彦
東京大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:04957849)
vol.20, pp.279-293, 1981-02-20

The problem of social study in the lower grade of Elementary school has been a very debatable one in Social Study-instruction. This paper is an attempt to elucidate how meaningful "The problem" is to "The Study of Development and Instruction". The contents of this paper are divided into two different objects. One is composed of the theory of Ministry of Education. The other is composed of the theory of the voluntary study-movement of education.
柴山 真琴
東京大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:04957849)
vol.33, pp.211-220, 1994-01-31

Rapid growth of Thai economy in the 1980's brought about a dramatic increase of Japanese sojourners, which affected Japanese community and socialization environments for Japanese children in Bangkok. This paper is to describe characteristics of socialization environments surrounding children in 1990 comparing with those in the middle of the 1970's which Ebuchi described. One year's participant observation in 1990-1991 found : (1) a drastic increase in the number of Japanese sojourners, along with fewer residential quarters considered to be appropriate for foreigners to live in Bangkok, caused high concentration of Japanese families in a same apartment house, which resulted in a particular pattern of children's circle, that is, playing with the same Japanese children in the same building, (2) the move of Japanese school from the central Bangkok to its suburb forced Japanese school children to be confined in a school bus for an hour or so which curtailed their direct contact with Thai society, (3) an increse of vehicles and poorly equipped traffic facilities prevented Japanese children from going out alone to spend time with their friends without adult supervision, (4) prevalent among Japanese children were Japanese TV games, Japanese video-tapes and Japanese magazines and so on, (5) very limited ability to understand Thai language prevented Japanese children from getting acquainted with social realities of Thailand through mass media, and (6) social contact with Thai people in and out of their families and school remained at the superficial level; consequently their understanding of realities of Thai society is poor. These findings indicate that realities of Japanese children growing up in Bangkok is far from the ideal of overseas education advocated by the Ministry of Education. In order to mitigate unfavorable socialization environments, three proposals were made. (1) The concept of child rearing currently prevailing among Japanese parents and teachers in Bangkok was that children must be prepared for making a smooth transition academiccally and socially at the time of their return to Japan. This concept should be transformed into fostering strength in children to overcome difficulties under unfavorable circumstances. (2) The Japanese school in Bangkok should be re-organized as a center for understanding Thai culture and society for both children and parents. And (3) Japanese parents should be provided with the inter-cultural training which enabled them to understand their problems they faced in Bangkok.
西内 裕一
東京大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:04957849)
vol.24, pp.267-276, 1985-02-28

The Yanagita Social Studies Plan is one of some noteworthy results of the voluntary study-movements of education in the post WWII. This paper is an attempt to elucidate how it was and clear its meanings from contemporary points of view. The content of this paper is as follows: (I) the aim of schooling (II) the relationbetween the thought of Yanagita and the plan (III) the aim of subject (IV) subject contents.
宮崎 あゆみ
東京大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:04957849)
vol.32, pp.169-177, 1993-03-30

This research examines student subcultures with a gender perspective, using the ethnographic approach on a girls' high school. In this paper I call subcultures studied with gender frameworks in mind "gendered subcultures". In the first part, I briefly review traditional subculture studies and school organization studies which have overlooked such aspects as gender roles and femininity and masculinity. I also review the debate about single sex education v. s. co-education. This debate focuses on sexism within schools and subcultures related to girls' academic achievement. In contrast, this research focuses on femininity and gender roles as aspects of gendered subcultures. In the second part, the research, focusing on femininity of girls, shows that, within a girls' high school, there are gendered subcultures free from femininity, peculiar to a single sex school, but that they both accommodate and resist femininity out of school. It is confirmed that femininity is not fixed but changing.
渡部 洋 曹 亦薇
東京大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:04957849)
vol.32, pp.253-256, 1993-03-30

The effects of handwriting on scoring essay tests were explored. The data were obtained from a newspaper company. The examinees were the applicants for the company jobs, and they were asked to write a small essay under the title of "About nation". The essays written by the applicants were copied and are called "handwriting" in this paper. The same paper were typed by a word-processor and are called "word-processed" in this paper. Five university or school teachers rated the essays. It was found that 1. there were no consistent differences between the averaged scores of handwriting and word-processed essays. 2. there were significant differences among rators.
佐藤 修司
東京大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:04957849)
vol.34, pp.363-379, 1995-02-28

Kandel's division theory was introduced to Japan in the educational reform after World War II. Kandel was an important member of the Education Mission, so the description of the Mission Report resembled Kandel's in the institutional plan, the used term and wording, including the view of education and democracy, but the contradictory principles of teaching freedom and popular control were put side by side without proper arrangement. Japanese people in charge of the educational reform had the similar plan and view to Kandel and the Mission members. Especially the bill of teacher's ststus had the provisions of teaching freedom for relieving a teacher as a profession from imperative relationship and the professional personnel administration. Regretably the bill was soon repealed. After 1950's the government became opposite to the after-war reform ideals. The division theory of the advocates of 'people's right to education' has been constructed to protect the freedom of teaching under the hostile relationship with the government. For this reason the division theory in Japan has made radical and progressive in contrast to Kandel's.
鈴木 宏昭
東京大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:04957849)
vol.24, pp.287-296, 1985-02-28

Three experiments were conducted to investigate the processes of the mathematical problem-solving using juice-mixing problem. The results indicate that the error patterns are not consistent among the problems that have the same mathematical structure, the conceptual bugs in the mixing schemata determine the availability of the values of variables in the problem and the informal knowledge of "thickness" obtained through everyday experiences interacts the subjects' strategy choice. Detailed protocol analysis revealed that the informal knowledge of "thickness" has critical roles to monitor the results and to generate the elaborated internal representations during the course of solving the problem.
中薗 伸二
東京大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:04957849)
vol.32, pp.373-380, 1993-03-30

The purpose of this treatise is to investigate intensively the history, principle and issuse of "Sotaiho" for the first time. The main results are as follows. 1) Comparing "Sotaiho" with "Seitaijutsu", the author proved the former to be obviously influenced by the latter, early in the Showa era. Moreover, Keizo Hashimoto, originator of "Sotaiho" puts more emphasis on natural and systematic movements of bodies, with a flavour of Oriental medicine and thoughts. 2) "Sotaiho" mainly consists of a variety of slow and "rebalancing" movements of bodies for comfortable feelings. 3) "Sotaiho" will be useful in medical treatment and school or community health education, etc. 4) The effectiveness and limitations of "Sotaiho" must be scientifically studied in actual cases hereafter.
佐藤 学 岩川 直樹 秋田 喜代美
東京大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:04957849)
vol.30, pp.177-198, 1991-03-30

It is well known that expert teachers form and use elaborate practical knowledge and thinking styles in their teaching. This paper illuminates five expert teachers' and five novice teachers' practical thinking in on-line (thinking aloud) and off-line (writing report) monitoring. Through comparing the experts' thought processes with novices, our research comes to a conclusion that the practical thinking styles of expert teachers are characterized as the following five features: (1) impromptu thinking in teaching, (2) active, sensitive and deliberative involvement in an ill-structured situation, (3) multiple view points to probe and to detect a practical problem, (4) contextualized thinking in pedagogical reasoning, and (5) problem framing and reframing strategy in a context. The result offers several implications for rethinking the concept of teaching expertise.