関 直規
大学院紀要 = Bulletin of the Graduate School, Toyo University (ISSN:02890445)
vol.54, pp.329-342, 2017

板敷 真純
大学院紀要 = Bulletin of the Graduate School, Toyo University (ISSN:02890445)
vol.54, pp.147-133, 2017

There is no evidence that 親鸞 created any regulations or prescriptions for bringing together his disciples. However, we can infer that Shinran's disciples established prescriptions called "prohibitions" (seikin) to consolidate their own groups of disciples. However, there have been no sources to consult other than the prohibitions themselves to investigate the prescribed lifestyles of disciples. We focus on 高田顕智 and analyze his nenbutsu lifestyle. The following conclusions were reached after a thorough analysis. First, 大名目 and other sources tell us that Kenchi was an expert in Buddhist precepts. Moreover, 聞書 cites on what to do after eating the five pungent roots and the acceptability of eating meat and its exceptions. Hence, we can conclude that Kenchi's thoughts were on how to lead a religious life while paying attention to what he ate and aintaining his health.
滝口 雄太
東洋大学大学院紀要 = Bulletin of the Graduate School, Toyo University (ISSN:02890445)
no.55, pp.31-49, 2019-03


1 0 0 0 OA 神話論の位相

山村 満衛
東洋大学大学院紀要 = Bulletin of the Graduate School, Toyo University (ISSN:02890445)
no.54, pp.15-26, 2017

Lévi-Strauss’s “Mythologiques”is exactly a consideration of “Primitive Thinking”.“Primitive Thinking”, or, “The Savage Mind” is the thought of people without writing.The thought of people without writing, has been interpreted in two different fashions.The first way was consider such thinking as of a somewhat coarser quality, and the example is the work of Malinowski. Malinowski was that the thought of people he was studying was,and generally speaking the thought of all the populations without writing which are the subject matter of anthropology was entirely, or is, determined by basic needs of life. If we know that a people, whoever, they are is determined by the bare necessities of living ―finding subsistence, satisfying the sexual drives, and so on ― the we can explain their social institution, their beliefs, their mythology, and the like. This very widespread conception generally goes under the name of functionalism.The other fashion is not so much that theirs is an inferior kind of thought, but a fundamentally different kind of thought. This approach is exemplified by the work of Lévy-Bruhl, who considered that the basic difference between “primitive thought” and modern thought is that the first is entirely determined by emotion and mystic representations. Whereas Malinowski’s is a utilitarian conception, the other is an emotional or affective conception;and what Lévi-Strauss tried to emphasize is that actually the thought of people without writing is, or can be in many instances, on the one hand, disinterested ―and, on the other hand, intellectual ― a difference in relation to Lévy-Bruhl. The theme of “Mythologiques”is to explain how peoples produce “Primitive Thinking” Based on the recognition that there is no society that does not cook food so that the world without words can not exist, we will develop discussions mainly on the subject of cooking. “The culinary triangle” summarizes propositions throughout “Mythologiques” It is pointed out that the conflict relationship of <nature/culture> arising from the difference between “RAW” and “ROTTEN” is deeply rooted in society, life, and religion. The principle is that it also regulates the internal order of the world.
齋藤 徹也
東洋大学大学院紀要 (ISSN:02890445)
vol.36, pp.339-352, 1999
寅野 遼
東洋大学大学院紀要 = Bulletin of the Graduate School, Toyo University (ISSN:02890445)
no.55, pp.19-38, 2019-03

Thomas Hobbes(1588-1679)was not only a political philosoper, but also natural philosopher. He argued problem of Physics in his De Corpore and some other works. His natural philosophical views are very unique. He thought the world consists of fluid whose parts may by very weak endeavor be separated from one another, and which is always divisible. Then, he reject the atomistic these which the world consists of atom and vacuum.According to him, there is no vacuum and empty space in the world. Hence, the world is always full of bodies. This unique view is also connected with his heretical view of God.
長縄 洋司
大学院紀要 = Bulletin of the Graduate School, Toyo University (ISSN:02890445)
vol.54, pp.343-358, 2017

Alcoholics Anonymous(AA)など「12のステップ」と「12の伝統」を用いる「12ステップ系セルフヘルプグループ」の効果については,すでに報告もある.本論は,近年のものを中心に海外,および日本における先行研究を改めて精査し,現時点でどのような効果があると言及できるか,それに基づけば,今後,日本においてどのような研究の実現が待たれるといえるのかを検討した.その結果,専門的治療との組み合わせで断酒等に関する一定の効果増進は認められるが,特異的効果については証明されておらず,他の専門的介入と共通する要素の抽出や,断酒等の医療的尺度に留まらない,より包括的な視点からの有効性に関する評価が求められることが判明した.日本においては研究の絶対数が少ないことから,将来的な他の治療的介入との無作為化比較試験や新たな評価尺度の開発を視野に入れつつ,システムや機能に関する理解を深めるところから取り組むべきであると考察した.This manuscript is a narrative review of the papers about effectiveness of twelvestep self-help groups, such as Alcoholics Anonymous(AA), in Japan and the other countries. The results show that, twelve-step self-help groups have effectiveness to abstinent clients with using professional care, but there are problematic evidences of specificity to abstinent by meta-analysises. We consider necessity to research common factors from professional care to twelve-step, and to evaluate of the effectiveness more total view and scale. In Japan, there were few research of them, and we may start to analysis the system and function of twelve-step programs.