大髙 実奈
大学院紀要 = Bulletin of the Graduate School, Toyo University (ISSN:02890445)
vol.54, pp.65-76, 2017

電車内痴漢被害の多くは若い女性が被害者となるが,一部で男性の被害者も存在する。本研究では,大学生の男女を対象に電車内痴漢被害の実態調査を実施した。被害経験率は女性で約37%,男性で約6%であった。女性は数回程度の被害経験の者が多く,一部に突出して被害経験回数の多い者が存在し,男性は被害経験のある者は少ないが,被害経験者の中では複数回の被害を受けている割合が高かった。また,被害の分類では,「持続型」と「一瞬型」の2つの類型に分類された。被害時の感情と対処行動については,何らかの対処行動を講じることができた場合は,対処を講じることができなかった場合と比較して,被害時に「気持ち悪い」と感じている程度が高い傾向があり,「怒り」を感じている程度が高かった。今後は被害経験や性格特性などの内的要因にも着目し,被害時の自助的な対処行動の促進要因を明らかにし,効果的な広報や教育に繋がる研究に発展させたい。In Japan, a criminal act called "Chikan" - is an act of touching and mischieving a stranger's body in a crowded train - have occurring very often. This victims of "Chikan" were mostly females, owever sometimes, cases of males become victims occur. Therefore, in this study, it researched a questionnaire survey about "Chikan" in the train to undergraduates, and analyzed to clarify the attributes and types of victims. As a result, it was become clear that 37.39% of female students and 5.97% of male students were suffering from "Chikan". In correspondence analysis, it was categorized to 2 types of victims as "lasting victimization" and "victimization for an instant". These unpaired t tests showed that the victims who can cope with "Chikan" damage were anaerobic and angry over those who can't deal with it.
池間 愛梨
大学院紀要 = Bulletin of the Graduate School, Toyo University (ISSN:02890445)
vol.54, pp.105-119, 2017

本研究は,児童ポルノ対策に関する国内外の動向を概観し,さらに国内における児童ポルノ事犯の発生状況および防犯対策の現状を把握することを目的として,新聞記事および警察や政府が公表している資料を用いて犯罪心理学的研究を行った。児童ポルノ事犯の発生状況について分析を行った結果,児童ポルノ事犯の多くがコミュニティサイトを利用し,児童買春を介したものであることが示された。また,加害者は男性で,年齢層では20~39歳の者が多く,職業は学校関係者が多くを占めることが明らかとなった。児童ポルノ事犯の対策については,現在,政府や警察等で強化,推進されてはいるが,児童ポルノ禁止法が改正されたばかりということもあり,現在も児童ポルノ事犯の件数は増加傾向にある。児童ポルノ根絶に向けたより効果的な対策や取締りを行うためにも,縦断的に対策や取締りの効果を検討する必要がある。This study aimed to examine the trends in domestic and foreign regulations on child pornography and to know about the situation thereof. We collected the data to be analyzed from newspaper articles and materials published by the police and government. The results of the analysis revealed that a great deal of child pornography crimes utilize community sites and/or dating sites through the intermediaries of child prostitution. In addition, we reported that many of the offenders were school officials and aged between 20 and 39 years. Regulations on child pornography crimes are being strengthened and promoted by the government, police, etc. Although the law on child pornography has recently been revised, the number of child pornography crimes is increasing. To implement more effective regulations on child pornography crimes, a longitudinal study on the effects of regulation is needed.
伊野 連
大学院紀要 = Bulletin of the Graduate School, Toyo University (ISSN:02890445)
vol.54, pp.117-132, 2017

滝口 雄太
大学院紀要 = Bulletin of the Graduate School, Toyo University (ISSN:02890445)
vol.54, pp.77-89, 2017

Levine & McCornack(1991)は、他者に対する疑惑について、状況的な要因と個人特性の要因に分類し、疑い深さの特性を測定するための尺度(Generalized CommunicativeSuspicion; GCS)を考案した。本研究の目的は、先行研究であるLevine & McCornackが考案したGCSの日本語版を作成し、その信頼性を検討することであった。日本の大学生102名を対象に質問紙調査を実施した結果から、先行研究と異なる因子構造が採用された。すなわち、1次元モデルを想定する先行研究と異なり、「正直-不正直」因子と「信用-不信用」因子の2つの因子からなる2次元モデルが確認された。最後に、本研究で得られた結果とアメリカでの研究知見との相違点について考察がなされ、新しい尺度の作成の検討に関して議論がなされた。Levine & McCornack (1991) categorized the suspicion towards others as the factors associated with particular situation or those associated with individual traits. Moreover, they developed the scale referred to as Generalized Communicative Suspicion (GCS) to measure the extent that he/she suspects others regardless of the any situations. The purpose of this study was to translate GCS scale into Japanese and assess the reliability of the produced scale. In present study, 102 undergraduate students responded this scale. The result of questionnaire survey showed the different factor structure from originated structure. While previous model premised one-dimensional model, this result was showed the two-dimensional model consisted of two factors on the suspicion that were "honestdishonest" factor and "trust-distrust" factor. Finally, the differences between American and Japanese the perception of suspicion are considered and the potential for new scale are discussed.
関 直規
大学院紀要 = Bulletin of the Graduate School, Toyo University (ISSN:02890445)
vol.54, pp.329-342, 2017

板敷 真純
大学院紀要 = Bulletin of the Graduate School, Toyo University (ISSN:02890445)
vol.54, pp.147-133, 2017

There is no evidence that 親鸞 created any regulations or prescriptions for bringing together his disciples. However, we can infer that Shinran's disciples established prescriptions called "prohibitions" (seikin) to consolidate their own groups of disciples. However, there have been no sources to consult other than the prohibitions themselves to investigate the prescribed lifestyles of disciples. We focus on 高田顕智 and analyze his nenbutsu lifestyle. The following conclusions were reached after a thorough analysis. First, 大名目 and other sources tell us that Kenchi was an expert in Buddhist precepts. Moreover, 聞書 cites on what to do after eating the five pungent roots and the acceptability of eating meat and its exceptions. Hence, we can conclude that Kenchi's thoughts were on how to lead a religious life while paying attention to what he ate and aintaining his health.
長縄 洋司
大学院紀要 = Bulletin of the Graduate School, Toyo University (ISSN:02890445)
vol.54, pp.343-358, 2017

Alcoholics Anonymous(AA)など「12のステップ」と「12の伝統」を用いる「12ステップ系セルフヘルプグループ」の効果については,すでに報告もある.本論は,近年のものを中心に海外,および日本における先行研究を改めて精査し,現時点でどのような効果があると言及できるか,それに基づけば,今後,日本においてどのような研究の実現が待たれるといえるのかを検討した.その結果,専門的治療との組み合わせで断酒等に関する一定の効果増進は認められるが,特異的効果については証明されておらず,他の専門的介入と共通する要素の抽出や,断酒等の医療的尺度に留まらない,より包括的な視点からの有効性に関する評価が求められることが判明した.日本においては研究の絶対数が少ないことから,将来的な他の治療的介入との無作為化比較試験や新たな評価尺度の開発を視野に入れつつ,システムや機能に関する理解を深めるところから取り組むべきであると考察した.This manuscript is a narrative review of the papers about effectiveness of twelvestep self-help groups, such as Alcoholics Anonymous(AA), in Japan and the other countries. The results show that, twelve-step self-help groups have effectiveness to abstinent clients with using professional care, but there are problematic evidences of specificity to abstinent by meta-analysises. We consider necessity to research common factors from professional care to twelve-step, and to evaluate of the effectiveness more total view and scale. In Japan, there were few research of them, and we may start to analysis the system and function of twelve-step programs.