伊藤 貞夫
法制史研究 (ISSN:04412508)
no.55, pp.121-154,10, 2005

苑田 亜矢
法制史研究 (ISSN:04412508)
vol.61, pp.117-150,en8, 2012-03-30 (Released:2017-08-22)

萩原 守
法制史研究 (ISSN:04412508)
no.68, pp.27-83, 2019-03-30
高谷 知佳
法制史研究 (ISSN:04412508)
vol.64, pp.143-169,en9, 2015-03-30 (Released:2021-03-20)

自由都市論克服以降、多くの地域や時代の都市論において、法や制度のみならず、文化や情報など多様な特徴が「都市性」とみなされ、着目されるようになった。しかし一方で、改めて「都市はなぜ都市であるのか」という問い、都市に不可欠な特徴としての「都市性」を求める問いも浮かび上がっている。こうした研究状況の中で、都市における法や制度はいかに位置づけられるべきか。 日本中世史の研究動向を振り返ると、第一に、法や制度については、行政的な都市・農村の区分がなく、領域的に規律する都市法も少なく、特に京都や畿内先進地域にはほとんどないため、研究も少ない。第二に、網野善彦氏の「都市的な場」論とその後のブームがあるが、京都をはじめ、多様な利害の錯雑する大規模な都市についての研究は立ち遅れた。第三に、中近世移行期の町共同体の研究、さらに遡って中世の多様なネットワークの研究があるが、共同体やネットワークによっては解決しきれない問題に対する都市全体の権力についての研究はみられない。第四に、京都については、政治史の観点から、首都に一極集中した政治・法制・経済・文化のあり方について研究が深まったが、都市史との有機的関連が薄い。また、これらの動向のほとんどに共通して、中世前期と後期の連続した研究が少ない。 こうした研究を踏まえて、われわれが取り組まなければならないのは、多様な利害が交錯し共同体やネットワークをも越えるような紛争解決や危機管理についての研究である。これらは、都市のもっとも本質的な特徴であり、かつ都市が大規模になればなるほどに問題となる。そしてこうした問題にこそ、法や制度が深くかかわる。 日本中世都市においてこの問題に取り組む一つの方向性として、本論では都市の紛争解決の多面的な分析を提示したい。裁判やネットワークへのアクセサビリティ、用いられる法や先例の実態、徳政令や関所など領域的支配との関係、時代を経た変化などを分析することによって、「都市性」の普遍性と多様性を明らかにしたいと考える。
岡 邦信
法制史研究 (ISSN:04412508)
no.48, pp.1-34,en3, 1998

Regarding the legislative process of the Kamakura-Bakufu Government's Law, nothing more than the general explanation "being legislated through the discussion of Hyojoshu (_??__??__??_)" is known.<BR>The purpose of this article is to clarify the concrete process of legislation of the Kamakura-Bakufu Government's Law. Firstly, this article takes notice of the Re-abolishment of Human Traffic executed from 1239 to 1240 (_??__??__??__??_-_??__??_).<BR>Consequently, this article presumed Tsuikaho (_??__??__??_) item 112 (contained in volume I of Chusei Hosei Siryoshu (_??__??__??__??__??__??__??_)) was the Mandokoro (_??__??_)'s draft and item 111 was Hyojokotogaki (_??__??__??__??_).<BR>Accordingly, the Mandokoro (_??__??_) was ordered to make draft of Reabolishment of Human Traffic by the Bakufu.<BR>Then this draft showed it was discussed and settled by Hyojo (_??__??_).<BR>And then this article clarified that this series of law contained in Chusei Hosei Siryoshu enacted as an attachment of Tokusei Rei (_??__??__??_) in 1297 (_??__??__??__??_) was the draft of Monchujo (_??__??__??_).<BR>And those laws shown to make draft was ordered by the Kamakura-Bakufu Government.<BR>Lastly, referring to Eninsannenki (_??__??__??__??__??_), this article examined the whole process from the beginning when an organ of the Kamakura-Bakufu Government was ordered to make draft by Tokuso (_??__??_) until the law was legislated.
赤城 美恵子
法制史研究 (ISSN:04412508)
no.54, pp.25-59,en5, 2004

This article is a study on the introduction of the Court Assize (<I>Chaoshen</I> _??__??_) in early <I>Qing</I> dynasty with respect to three aspects of its background, procedure, and case-classification.<BR>In the Code (<I>Lüli</I> _??__??_) of <I>Qing</I> dynasty, capital punishments were expressly distinguished into decapitation, strangulation, and so on at the point of the punishment type, and also distinguished into <I>Lijue</I> (_??__??_) and <I>Jianhou</I> (_??__??_) at the point of the execution timing. The bureaucratic structure also functioned as the judicial structure. Each bureaucrat who would judge a case made it clear that the suspect had some criminal act; selected the suitable punishment according to <I>Lüli;</I> and reported to superior officer for his sanction. In capital cases, the emperor would finally judge. If it was a <I>Lijue</I> case, a person judged to death by the emperor was simultaneously ordered to execute; if it was a <I>Jianhou</I> case, on the other hand, he was not immediately executed. There was the revision procedure whether to be executed or not about <I>Jianhou</I> criminals. The revision procedure for <I>Jianhou</I> criminals in the prison of the Board of Punishment at the Metropolitan was called the Court Assize. The revision procedure in the local prison was called the Autumn Assize (<I>Qiushen</I> _??__??_).<BR>In ancient China, there was an idea that crimes should not be executed at spring and summer, except for special significant crimes that should be executed without delay. <I>Ming</I> dynasty classified each of capital crimes on <I>Lü</I> (_??_) whether to be executed without delay or not, and began the revision procedure about criminals of <I>Qiuhou-Chujue</I> (_??__??__??__??_) who were not executed until autumn.<BR>Just after entering Peking, <I>Qing</I> dynasty decided to distinguish between <I>Lijue</I> and <I>Jianhou</I> in local cases. Surely the local <I>Jianhou</I> cases were subject to the revision, but without <I>Qiuhou-Chujue</I>. Cases in the Metropolitan Area had neither such distinction nor such revision procedure. Since the Han bureaucrats regarded such inconsistency as the problem, they often requested to introduce Qiuhou-Chujue procedure and the distinction between Lijue and Jianhou in the Metropolitan cases. Finally, in Shunzhi (_??__??_) 10 (1653), Li-Huaxi (_??__??__??_), who was the Minister of the Board of Punishment explained the necessity of the reform of the procedure in view of political purpose of legal unity. Then it was decided to introduce such distinction into cases of the Metropolitan Area. On this opportunity, it was decided that all Jianhou cases were to be Qiuhou-Chujue and that the revision procedure should be carried out at the autumn execution in all districts.<BR>When Qing formed the Court Assize procedure based on that in Ming dynasty, Qing did not reproduce faithfully, but adapted it to the society and the bureaucratic structure which was mixed by the Manchuria and the Han. Thus the political system in early Qing dynasty was reflected in the practice of the Court Assize.<BR>The revision procedure had some case-classifications. In Court Assize, bureaucrats judged and selected suitable class for each criminal, and submitted the case for imperial sanction. Each Kejin and Keyi was one of the case-classifications of revision procedure. The former was used for comparatively slight cases of Jianhou; the latter was used for doubtful cases. Kejin or Keyi meant that the execution was not suitable for the criminal of that case. Because Kejin and Keyi had such resembled function, these two categories was confused, so that a term Jinyi (_??__??_) was seen at Ming. In some case, these two seem to substantially be confused. But, in materials, it also seems that bureaucrats distinguished Kejin from Keyi as the category of case-classifications. The seriousness of the case was the classification criterion.
赤井 節
法制史研究 (ISSN:04412508)
vol.1955, no.5, pp.32-78,en2, 1955-06-05 (Released:2009-11-16)

The Old Testament, and the Pentateuch in particular, is generally recognized as the sole extant record that casts light on the ancient Hebrew law. And it is also generally known that the Petateuch is a compound of many records, which date back to various different periods in the Hebrew history.This is an attempt to clarify from various angles the lex talionis, generally known in the formula "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, " and to criticize the work of Professor D. Daube. The Old Testament, mainly the Pentateuch, was used as the basis of my study. In the Pentateuch, lex talionis is mentioned in Exodus, Deuteronomium and Leviticus. These records will be examined from a philological viewpoint and a casuistic viewpoint and also from the standpoint of the writers who penned these records. The significance of these three records is varied and the description in each of them has a different shade of meaning. In the conclusion of my study, I have tried to clarify the way of thinking that underlies the idea of lex talionis. In this part of my study, the Old Testament as a whole was discussed mainly from the philological point of view.It is needless to say that excellent researches of D. Daube, D. H. Muller, S. A. Cook and other outstanding scholars have given me a great aid to my study. In Japan, however, there are hardly any researches in this field, which are based on the original Hebrew text of the Old Testament (Biblia Hebraica). I hope, therefore, my study will be of some value to the scholars of legal history.