兼子 盾夫
相模工業大学紀要 = Memoirs of Sagami Institute of Technology (ISSN:02860910)
vol.15, no.1, pp.69-78, 1980-07-31

1. Purpose The point of this essay lies in the clarification of a characteristic of Japanese tense which is found in the past form of verbs, by contrasting with that of English. 2. Investigation Ex. A Imagine a scene in which we have been waiting for a long time for a train in the distance on a platform and that the train just came into our sight far down the rail road tracks. We say in that case "Densha-ga kita." If the train has already rushed into the station, then we would be quite right in saying it in the perfect tense, i.e. "The train has come." For ".... ta "or" .... shita" means the perfect tense as well as the past one in modern Japanese. But why do we say "Densha-ga kita.", when we saw the train coming up to us. It is not the case that the train has reached the platform. It is the case that "the train is just coming to us." Before answering this question, let's take another example : Ex. B "Ashita kaigi-ga atta." is gramatically correct, although it sounds somehow unusual. It simply means that the speaker recollected that the next day he would have a meeting. As the subject (in this case, "I" the speaker) is usually omitted in a Japanese sentence, the time of speaker's awareness (past time) is mixed up with the time of act (present time in the Ex. A or future Ex. B) of the substantial subject. Therefore the first point of my investigation is this : In Japanese the speaker's view point is not necessarily fixed on what is called present time, while in English it is. Often it shifts from the present time to a certain point in the past and from there the events or acts in the past are surveyed in different time orders. The second point of my investigation is concerned with the rule of sequence of tenses. In English, as we see in the above Example B, there is sequence of tenses : "I recalled that the next day we were going to have a meeting.", while in Japanese there is not : "Watashi-wa kaigi-ga arunowo omoidashita." Hitherto we seem to have believed that there is not a definite rule of sequence of tenses in Japanese grammar. But is it a fact? Compare the following pairs : Ex. C-1. "Kare-wa orokadearu (or orokana) jibun-wo hajita." "He was ashamed of being foolish." 2. "Kare-wa orokadatta jibun-wo hajita." "He was ashamed of having been foolish." If I say "Kare-wa orokadearu jibun-wo hajita.", then I mean to emphasize the simultaneity of his foolishness with his act of being ashamed. On the other hand, if I say "Kare-wa orokadeatta jibunwo hajita.", then I simply mean that at a certain point in the past he was ashamed of his former foolish attitude. But as for Ex. C-2,we can also say, "He was ashamed of being foolish." In this case, however, there will be a slight difference between Ex. C-1 and 2 : That is, in Ex. C-1 the speaker's viewpoint shifts from the present time to the cartain past time at which the referred act happened, and sees it simultaneous. On the other hand, in Ex. C-2 the speaker's viewpoint is fixed on the present time. So both events (i.e. "getting ashamed" and "being foolish") were equally looked back upon from the present time as being in the past. The sentence containing ".... aru .... ta" shows the stress on simultaneity of the ".... aru" act, while ".... atta.... ta" either (usually) pluperfect, or simple description of the past events. Throughout these two investigations, I should like to point out a characteristic of Japanese tense, which is more definitely affected by the time of speaker's awareness than that of English.1. Purpose The point of this essay lies in the clarification of a characteristic of Japanese tense which is found in the past form of verbs, by contrasting with that of English. 2. Investigation Ex. A Imagine a scene in which we have been waiting for a long time for a train in the distance on a platform and that the train just came into our sight far down the rail road tracks. We say in that case "Densha-ga kita." If the train has already rushed into the station, then we would be quite right in saying it in the perfect tense, i.e. "The train has come." For ".... ta "or" .... shita" means the perfect tense as well as the past one in modern Japanese. But why do we say "Densha-ga kita.", when we saw the train coming up to us. It is not the case that the train has reached the platform. It is the case that "the train is just coming to us." Before answering this question, let's take another example : Ex. B "Ashita kaigi-ga atta." is gramatically correct, although it sounds somehow unusual. It simply means that the speaker recollected that the next day he would have a meeting. As the subject (in this case, "I" the speaker) is usually omitted in a Japanese sentence, the time of speaker's awareness (past time) is mixed up with the time of act (present time in the Ex. A or future Ex. B) of the substantial subject. Therefore the first point of my investigation is this : In Japanese the speaker's view point is not necessarily fixed on what is called present time, while in English it is. Often it shifts from the present time to a certain point in the past and from there the events or acts in the past are surveyed in different time orders. The second point of my investigation is concerned with the rule of sequence of tenses. In English, as we see in the above Example B, there is sequence of tenses : "I recalled that the next day we were going to have a meeting.", while in Japanese there is not : "Watashi-wa kaigi-ga arunowo omoidashita." Hitherto we seem to have believed that there is not a definite rule of sequence of tenses in Japanese grammar. But is it a fact? Compare the following pairs : Ex. C-1. "Kare-wa orokadearu (or orokana) jibun-wo hajita." "He was ashamed of being foolish." 2. "Kare-wa orokadatta jibun-wo hajita." "He was ashamed of having been foolish." If I say "Kare-wa orokadearu jibun-wo hajita.", then I mean to emphasize the simultaneity of his foolishness with his act of being ashamed. On the other hand, if I say "Kare-wa orokadeatta jibunwo hajita.", then I simply mean that at a certain point in the past he was ashamed of his former foolish attitude. But as for Ex. C-2,we can also say, "He was ashamed of being foolish." In this case, however, there will be a slight difference between Ex. C-1 and 2 : That is, in Ex. C-1 the speaker's viewpoint shifts from the present time to the cartain past time at which the referred act happened, and sees it simultaneous. On the other hand, in Ex. C-2 the speaker's viewpoint is fixed on the present time. So both events (i.e. "getting ashamed" and "being foolish") were equally looked back upon from the present time as being in the past. The sentence containing ".... aru .... ta" shows the stress on simultaneity of the ".... aru" act, while ".... atta.... ta" either (usually) pluperfect, or simple description of the past events. Throughout these two investigations, I should like to point out a characteristic of Japanese tense, which is more definitely affected by the time of speaker's awareness than that of English.
Fumizawa Motoo
湘南工科大学紀要 (ISSN:09192549)
vol.41, no.1, pp.1-8, 2007-03-18

This study presents an experimental method of porosity evaluation and a predictive thermal-hydraulic analysis withpacked spheres in a nuclear reactor core. The porosity experiments were carried out in both a fully shaken state with theclosest possible packing and in a state of non-vibration. The predictive analysis considering the fixed porosity value wasapplied as a design condition for an Ultra High Temperature Reactor Experiment (UHTREX). The thermal-hydrauliccomputer code was developed and identified as PEBTEMP. The highest outlet coolant temperature of 1316°C wasachieved in the case of an UHTREX at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, which was a small scale UHTR. In the presentstudy, the fuel was changed to a pebble type, a porous media. In order to compare the present pebble bed reactor andUHTREX, a calculation based on HTGR-GT300 was carried out in similar conditions with UHTREX; in other words,with an inlet coolant temperature of 871°C, system pressure of 3.45MPa and power density of 1.3 W/cm3. As a result, thefuel temperature in the present pebble bed reactor showed an extremely lower value compared to that of UHTREX.
市山 雅美
湘南工科大学紀要 = Memoirs of Shonan Institute of Technology (ISSN:09192549)
vol.52, no.1, pp.133-143, 2018-02-01

市山 雅美
湘南工科大学紀要 (ISSN:09192549)
vol.40, no.1, pp.87-94, 2006-03-18

In this paper the notion of self-government ("jichi") in the Taisho era has been clarified by surveying how studentsand teachers in those days described self-government. By examining political thoughts on self-government, the notion ofself-government has been classified into two categories. In order to classify there are two important concepts, namely independenceand self-decision. The self-government by students without independence could be subdued by the school.In the self-government without independence, students could decide in themselves as far as the teachers permitted. Itcan be named "nominal self-government". The self-government by students without self-decision may have been independentof school but could be controlled by upper grade students. The control by upper grade students was often usedby teachers as a system to keep discipline. The self-government by students with independence and self-decision canhardly be recognized in this paper.
河野 章
相模工業大学紀要 = Memoirs of Sagami Institute of Technology (ISSN:02860910)
vol.15, no.1, pp.35-43, 1980-07-31

この論文は, 本学名誉教授, 中原冨蔵先生の退職を記念して, 著者が1974年10月に, 本紀要に寄稿したものである。後日, Hilfssatz 4の証明に不完全な所あるを見出し, 提出を中止した。この命題における存在証明は, 簡単に考えて居たが, 意外と難問であった。今夏, 公約乗数, 非公約乗数分解の新らしい概念を定義することにより, 簡明な, 美しい証明を得た。この間, 中原先生も, 早や泉下の人となった。思えば, 先生とは, 仏教における禅の研究を通じて知り合うこととはなった。晩年の先生は, まさしく, 禅師そのものであった。ここに瞑して, 御冥福を祈る。ああ, 諸行無常。
芦原 正紀 斉藤 照夫 中村 光男 井野場 静代
湘南工科大学紀要 (ISSN:09192549)
vol.29, no.1, pp.71-76, 1995-03-25

本学の全国大学女子サッカー大会優勝チームの選手の中から11名選出し, 1年時と4年時の形態及び体力, 運動能力を比較した結果は, 以下のごとくまとめることができた。1.形態は, すべての項目においても1年時と4年時の両者の間には有意な差は認められなかった。2.背筋力は, 1年時よりも4年時のほうが約20kg増大しており, 有意な差が認められた。3. 50m走は, 1年時よりも4年時のほうが約0.5秒速くなり, 有意な差が認められた。4. 100m走は, 1年時よりも4年時のほうが約0.7秒速くなり, 有意な差が認められた。5.動作開始時間は, 1年時よりも4年時のほうが約0.03秒速くなり, 有意な差が認められた。6.筋収縮時間は, 1年時よりも4年時のほうが約0.03秒速くなり, 有意な差が認められた。7.全身反応時間には, 1年時よりも4年時のほうが約0.05秒速くなり, 有意な差が認められた。8.したがって, 女性の場合においても4年間のサッカーにより, 筋力や敏捷性を助長させる可能性が示唆された。
堀越 力
湘南工科大学紀要 (ISSN:09192549)
vol.49, no.1, pp.65-73, 2015-03-31

Google Glassの発表をきっかけに,近年,急速にウェアラブルデバイスへの期待が高まっている。ウェアラブルデバイスは,十年以上前から存在していたが,技術の進歩により,近年,漸く日常で使えるようなデバイスの可能性が見えてきた。本稿では,ウェアラブルデバイスの現状,各デバイスの特徴並びにその課題を述べ,今後の可能性について言及する。The announcement of Google Glass project has stimulated interest in a wearable device. Although the wearable device existed ten years or more before, they were far from "wearable." However, its possibility of the device can be seen by progress of current technologies, such as display device, wireless network, communication modules and so on. This paper describes the present condition of the wearable devices: the features of each device, and their subjects. And the future possibilities of the devices are discussed.
市山 雅美
湘南工科大学紀要 (ISSN:09192549)
vol.50, no.1, pp.97-107, 2016-03

千葉 義信
湘南工科大学紀要 (ISSN:09192549)
vol.42, no.1, pp.133-139, 2008-03-18

The purpose of this study was to examine the physique and physical fitness among the Thailand's students. The examineeswere 147girls and 184 boys in 13 years old to 18 years old of cw-school in Udon Thani prefecture, kingdom ofThailand. The Research was carried out with regard to height, weight, BMI (body mass index:kg/m2), sit-up, trunk-flexion,side-step, 50m-run, standing-long-jump and grip-strength. These items referred to Ministry of Education, Culture,Sports, Science, and Technology "the new version of physical fitness tests". The results were as follow:1) Girls: The high school students were significantly taller in the height than the junior high school students. Therewere no significantly differences in the body weight. The BMI of the junior high school students were classified in"slender", and the high school students were classified "normal" although being low. The high school students weresignificantly larger grip strength than the junior high school students. There were no significantly differences inother items among the high school students and junior high school students. The difference in the physical strengthof sit-up was big next to grip-strength.2) Boys: The high school students were significantly taller in the height and had a significantly heavier in the bodyweight than the junior high school students. The BMI of the junior high school students were classified in "slender",and the high school students were classified "normal" although being low. The high school students were signifi-cantly larger in the all items (sit-up, trunk-flexion, side-step, 50 m-run, standing-long-jump and grip-strength). Thedifference in the physical strength of the grip-strength was greatest and next was the sit-up.
下田 昌利
湘南工科大学紀要 = Memoirs of Shonan Institute of Technology (ISSN:09192549)
vol.37, no.1, pp.17-29, 2003-03-18

In this paper, a numerical shape optimization method of continua is presented for typical strength, rigidity and vibration problems in structural designs. As the strength problems, the minimization problem of maximum stress and the shape determination problems that achieve a given desired stress distribution are formulated. The rigidity problems involve the minimization problem of external work and the shape determination problems that achieve a given desired displacement distribution. Also, the vibration problems involve maximization of eigen frequency with mode tracking. Each problem is formulated and sensitivity functions are derived using the Lagrangian multiplier method and the material derivative method. The traction method, which is a shape optimization method, is employed to find the optimal domain variation that reduces the objective functional. The proposed numerical analysis method makes it possible to design optimal structures efficiently. Examples of computed results are presented to show the validity and practical utility of the proposed method.
Comic Irena Kawaguchi Hiroaki
湘南工科大学紀要 (ISSN:09192549)
vol.32, no.1, pp.47-52, 1998-03-25

There are lot of books and papers (some of them are mentioned in the references^<1)-11)>) in which the properties of almost complex, or almost product, or tangent structures were studied separately. Here they are examined together. Here are given some F(3) type structures, defined on the decomposable Riemannian space, which for different values of parameters become one of the mentioned structures.
石川 晃司
湘南工科大学紀要 (ISSN:09192549)
vol.26, no.1, pp.87-99, 1992-03-31

The problem of language shares an important part not only superficially but fundamentally in socio-political thought and socio-political philosophy. I think that one of the most prominent indexes which divide human beings and other animals is the fact that only human beings have a sphere of consciousness (self-consciousness) and that the origin of human consciousness and that of language are inseparable; in other words, there is a close relation between human essence and language. If we intend to argue some basic problems on socio-political thought and socio-political philosophy, we should start at certain examinations on human nature. And then we cannot ignore the problem of language. In this paper, as an introduction to my study on socio-political thought and socio-political philosophy, I discuss the ralations between language and thought and between language and self-consciousness, using the argument on an essence of language, developped in What is the beauty in the literary expression? written by Ryumei YOSHIMOTO. In this book Yoshimoto takes up language from the viewpoint of expression, which differs from the linguistic approach. But for this reason he can analyze language not as a system which has already been established but in a sphere where language and human consciousness or thought involve and support each other. From my concern for the relation between language and thought Yoshimoto's argument is extremely suggestive.
川北 直子
湘南工科大学紀要 (ISSN:09192549)
vol.31, no.1, pp.241-249, 1997-03-25

The vocabulary referring to sound, onomatopoeia, can be semantically analyzed into morphemic elements. The analysis of the onomatopoeia leads us to find that speakers in different language cultures take different meanings from each sound based on their aural images. This paper observes form-meaning correspondences in English onomatopoeia from the viewpoint of L2 learners, comparing them with those in Japanese, in order to figure out some differences of aural images perceived by English speakers and Japanese speakers. Cultural differences in aural images are basically caused by two backgrounds : 1) lack of formal distribution in either language and 2) linguistic experiences of speakers. The latter would be harder but important for L2 learners to find, such as subtle distributional differences in articulatory places between English plosives and those in Japanese, the meanings of [± voiced] in either language, and so on.
上野 芳久
相模工業大学紀要 (ISSN:02860910)
vol.23, no.2, pp.121-168, 1989-03-31

L'histoire du droit penal et celle de la procedure penale ont ete deja traitee dans mes deux articles precedents. Mais il faut aussi connaitre l'histoire de la juridiction, parce que la procedure penale est toujours exercee dans le systeme de la juridiction, ou apparait la conception du droit penal des gouvernements differents a chaque epoque. Dans cet article, ce qui differe des articles precedents, c'est que la periode qui precede la Revolution est decrite. D'autre part plus de details sur la periode qui suit la Revolution sont donnes, car c'est alors que les bases de la juridiction ont ete etablis.
上野 芳久
相模工業大学紀要 (ISSN:02860910)
vol.22, no.1, pp.79-108, 1988-03-26

Pour bien comprendre le droit penal, il faut aussi etudier le droit de procedure penale qui constitute un des deux colonnes supportant le droit penal au sens large. L'histoire du premier a ete deja traitee dans mon article precedent, celle du second sera examinee dans le present article. Il va sans dire que la forme de table chronologique, les abreviations sont meme que dans l'article precedent; seul est different le regime de chaque epoque ecrit dans le carre pour aider a mieux comprendre.
日高 建彦
湘南工科大学紀要 (ISSN:09192549)
vol.43, no.1, pp.111-117, 2009-03-31

We review the Maxwell-Heaviside-Hertz classical electromagnetic theory constructed with magnetic filed B and electricfield E. The theory is incomplete because it can not give the correct electromagnetic induction outside of the ideal longsolenoid coil. Another classical electromagnetic theory, constructed with a suitable Lagrangian including the potentials Aand φ and the action principle, would produce satisfactory results. The potentials A and φ are the main roles in, not onlyquantum mechanics, but also in the classical electromagnetic theory.
大西 章夫
湘南工科大学紀要 (ISSN:09192549)
vol.28, no.1, pp.147-152, 1994-03-25

King Lear has many versions of its text like many other plays written by William Shakespeare. Especially there are some differences between 'First Quarto' (Q_1) and 'First Folio' (F_1) that some Shakespeareans say they were considered as two separate plays in the dramatist's days. In this essay, I will examine the differences of images given to Cordelia's imagery between Q_1 and F_1. Cordelia in Q_1 is portrayed as a woman of independence with a strong personality. As a princess strictly separated from the world, she is too naive. Cordelia in F_1 is not only dignified but also tender-hearted, has no Pride and Rage, and is portrayed as a woman of patience like Job in the Old Testament, who was counted as a Christian hero in the Renaissance age.
渡邊 惺子 大竹 三郎
相模工業大学紀要 (ISSN:02860910)
vol.3, no.1, pp.9-16, 1969-03-31

By examining the variation of absorption by barium-sulfonazo III chelate in the presence of sodium salt, the optimum conditions in absorptiometric determination of barium with sulfonazo III have been investigated. The sulfonazo III, having two absorption maxima at 570mμ and 630mμ, makes a chelate compound with barium ion by the ratio 1 : 1 (absorption maxima : 590mμ, 640mμ). The absorvance at 640mμ, which changes itself markedly in proportion to the concentration of barium ion, may be diminished remarkably in the presence of sodium salt. The absorbancy, in this case, does not depend on the pH value, within the range of pH 1 to 10,but only depends on the concentration of sodium ion. And when barium ion is absent, sodium-sulfonazo III which has its absorption maximum at 635mμ, changes its absorbancy slightly proportionaly to the concentration of sodium ion. Such being the case, the caribration curve of barium, when a buffer solution containing sodium salt is added, has been found to be linear in wide range (&acd;3×10^<-4>M[Ba^2+]), so far as the concentration of sodium ion is high, but it has been observed to be curved in the region of [Ba^<2+>] over 1.5×10^<-5>M, when [Na^+] is 10^<-3>M (pH 4.7). In conclusion, it has been found that use of a buffer solution (pH 2.2) by monochloroacetic acid series and the concentration of sodium ion are to be adjusted between 0.02M to 0.1M, as the condition of quantitative detection of barium ion below 3.5×10^<-5>M at 640mμ.
鈴木 誠 大須賀 昭彦 後藤 正幸 須子 統太
