南 明日香
相模女子大学紀要. A, 人文系 = The journal of Sagami Women's University (ISSN:18835341)
vol.76, pp.1-14, 2012

Sword guards (tsuba) are one of the types of objects d'art collected by Westerners since the 19th century. However the criteria used for expertise at this time were unclear. In France art dealer Hayashi Tadamasa proposed a model for these procedures in a catalogue of his collection dated 1894. Soon after Hayashi's own expertise was called into question when connoisseurs started to notice mistakes in his comments on the objects of the collection. In Japan, starting in 1900, Akiyama Kyusaku became known for his observations on swords and sword guards thanks to the articles he published in the Journal of the Sword Society (Tokenkaishi). Georges de Tressan was searching for new scientific criteria and new methods of cataloguing based on documents published in Japan and in Europe. Moreover his writings as well as the letters he exchanged with collectors of sword guards living in three cities: Tokyo, London and Leipzig. show how he classified manufactures and swordsmiths and tried to perfect his criteria. We may use as an example a group of sword guards including one which belonged to Alexander G. Mosle's collection. They reveal the difficulties which arise in carrying out an expertise of Kaneiye sword guards. The debate between Tressan and Henri L. Joly concerning the masters of Kaneiye's groupe clearly shows the problems involved in a chronological study of swordsmiths. They examine the name inscribed on the object as well as various swordmaking techniques. Tressan's classifications were improved by Akiyama who responded to his questions with several letters. Moreover Tressan's method for the analysis of the pictorial decorations of sword guards made by Kaneiye's groupe allows us to see that he tried to appreciate them by means of his knowledge of the history of Japanese painting ; he also wanted to reveal the artistic value of the swords and the artistic qualities of their makers.
甲田 烈
相模女子大学紀要. A, 人文系 (ISSN:18835341)
vol.76, pp.43-56, 2012

This papers advocates the Positive Philosophy through the Metanoesis of Tanabe's philosophy and Ethics of Spinoza. The author explains a positivity from the awareness of limitation in human being. Positive emotion such as joy and powerless awareness in surrender are also the essence of positivity. Awareness of penitence leading to an inability to transform its core is, in the philosophy of Tanabe, self-affirmation will occur through confession. On the other hand, in Spinoza, leading to self-affirmation of pleasure increases with the deepening recognition of the particular things, that it is inherent in God. Although both end of the spectrum is looks at first glance, is to elucidate the structure and the conditions under which positivity holds together. It is suggested from this that, in Positive philosophy , establishing the viewpoint meta integrated approach Positivity a counter seemingly "strength in weakness" in the PTG and the manner in various of positive emotions in positive psychology it is possible that.
荻本 快

境界性パーソナリティ障害(BPD)への効果的な治療法が、内省機能(メンタライジング)に基づく治療として考案され、世界的に注目されている。内省機能とは、自己と他者の心理状態を振り返る能力のことである。内省機能を測定する質問紙であるReflective Functioning Questionnaire (RFQ)がFonagyらによって開発され多くの言語で翻訳されているが、日本語版は開発されていない。本研究の目的はRFQの日本語版の開発および妥当性と信頼性の検討である。RFQを日本語に翻訳し、BPDを対象として、因子構造、内的整合性、構成概念妥当性を検討する。

2 0 0 0 IR 検印のこと

柿木原 くみ
相模国文 (ISSN:03029999)
vol.42, pp.143-153, 2015-03