花枝 美恵子
麗澤経済研究 (ISSN:09196706)
vol.7, no.1, pp.45-61, 1999-03

The question of what is the appropriate way of rewarding shareholders has gained widespread public attention in both Japan and Germany in recent years. Against this background of growing attention, the Japanese and German business and academic communities are addressing themselves to matters of responsiveness to shareholders. While much emphasis is thereby placed on how to change traditional practices in rewarding share-holders, less emphasis is placed on the fundamental question of why both Japanese and German MNEs should change their traditional practices. The aim of this study is to figure out the reasons that necessitate such changes in corporate attitudes among globally focused Japanese and German MNEs. The paper proceeds in the following way: Chapter 1 outlines the main features of responses to shareholders commonly practiced by Japanese and German MNEs vis-a-vis their American counterparts and concludes that there are two basic rewarding models: a unichannel-oriented model and a multichannel-oriented model. It then, explains to what extent the differences observed are claimed to be a result of significant differences in institutional factors (e.g. importance of main bank system, formal and informal network of long-term relationships among the stakeholders, common in both Japanese and German industries). Chapter 2 explores the relations between the ways of rewarding shareholders described above and the internationalization of the MNEs' businesses. Examining the dynamism embedded in the MNEs' international businesses, the paper tries to evaluate a growing importance of the interfirm collaboration for MNEs on one hand, and their increasing exposure to global institutional investors on the other. Referring to the former point, it is explained why MNEs tend to employ interfirm transactions in preference to arm's length transactions and internal organization to secure external resources. However as to the latter point, it explains why MNEs might increasingly tap international capital markets in parallel with their golbalization. Providing a conceptual framework for understanding the mechanisms which transmit the impacts of internationalization on the corporate practices in rewarding shareholders; Chapter 3 first explains how such transmission mechanisms work theoretically and second, investigates under which conditions the expected impacts would actually be transmitted to the end and under which ones, they would not. The study draws three main conclusions: First, internationalization in various respects is considered to be the factor that most probably would bring about a change in corporate practices of rewarding shareholders. Nevertheless, as the survey showed, there might still be some cases in the future in which the multichannel-oriented rewarding model, prevailing in both Japan and Germany, might not fail to fulfill its function. Third, other indirect factors such as institutional changes in money and capital markets are also likely to push both Japanese and German MNEs to change their traditional practices and to be more responsive to shareholders.
松田 徹
中国研究 (ISSN:09194177)
pp.39-46, 1992-03
唐 瑩

元資料の権利情報 : CC BY-NC-ND
大貫 啓行
麗沢大学紀要 (ISSN:02874202)
vol.72, pp.181-199, 2001-07
服部 英二
言語と文明 : 論集
vol.2, pp.164-166, 2004-03-15
加藤 あさぎ
言語と文明 : 論集
vol.2, pp.37-51, 2004-03-15

In order to study the causes of difficulty L2 children have in learning social studies, it is necessary to discern the knowledge and interpretation L2 children have regarding the vocabulary of their social-studies textbook. For that purpose, it is necessary to show clearly what vocabulary is used in social studies education. The first step in this research was to investigate the nouns currently used in the authorized social studies textbook. It became clear that, as children move up in grades, the rate at which nouns other than those that are part of the basic vocabulary appear increases as well. Additionally, it has been observed that the appearance of vocabulary that has been selected as basic vocabulary for adults also increases.
中畑 邦夫
麗澤学際ジャーナル (ISSN:09196714)
vol.19, no.1, pp.45-58, 2011-03-10

Karatani Kojin insists that Sakaguchi Ango's works and thoughts should be interpreted according to the dichotomy not between Leftism and Rightism, but between Enlightenment and Romanticism. This viewpoint is epoch making, because if interpreted either as Leftism or Rightism,as many former researchers did, Ango's thoughts lose their potential, which is much larger than many researchers have supposed. Karatani says that Ango grasped that in Western thought, rationality is based on some irrationality, and irrationality is based on rationality. With such deep insight, Ango criticized superficial social and political theories and moral or ethical thoughts in Japan, especially before and during the last war. Ango pointed out that all social or political systems and morality or ethics,whether they are just in thought or real,from the family system to Cosmopolitanism,are all 'automata' ,or 'karakuri' in Japanese, He also pointed out that human beings will necessarily create automata from the personal to the sociai level, and it is the 'reality of a human being',or, what Ango named 'furusato' in Japanese. Karatani calls Ango's thought his 'Radicalism',and in this respect, Karatani says,Ango is equal to great thinkers in the West such as Hobbers, Kant, and Marx,and in Ango's thought,he see the potential to dissolve nation states and to construct a world federation.Karatani's interpretation is a landmark in the study of Ango, and researchers should take account of, or not make light of, Ango's radicalism. I think,however,that Karatani's interpretation is not as radical as Ango's thought itself, but following Karatani's interpretation,we can comprehend Ango's thougyt more radically. I think that Karatani connects Ango's thought somewhat hastily with social or political thoughts, When Ango referred to the reality of a human being, he considered a human being as a person, not as a part of a social or political system. Ango declared that politics is 'a coarse web' and political thought can never grasp a person in the exact meaning, Ango thought that in the reality of human beings, a person is captured in 'a fine web',and this web is a kind of discourse as argued by M.Foucault. Ango also said that in the reality of a human being, a person should inevitably be moral or ethical. In other words, a person is moral or ethical before he constructs some moral or ethical discourse. I think that folllowing Ango's thought, we should not costruct some social, political, moral or ethical discourses, buy should examine whether such discourses are based on the reality of a human being. Ango donates us a kind of 'test' for such examination, and we can call it 'discourse for morality or ethics',not 'discourse of marality or ethics.'
黄 雲
言語と文明 : 論集 (ISSN:21859752)
vol.9, pp.55-68, 2011-03-30

大貫 啓行
麗沢大学紀要 (ISSN:02874202)
vol.76, pp.147-165, 2003-07
