水谷 尚子

(1) 1950~70年代の在外ウイグル人亡命者に関する公文書調査の結果は、以下の通り。中国共産党との内戦に敗れ台湾に渡った中華民国政府は、(1)国連へ新疆を脱出したウイグル人亡命者保護を強く要請し、自らも相当な経済的援助を行っていた(2)ウイグル人在外亡命者組織と中華民国政府は「反共」(反中国共産党)というイデオロギー的結束で、1960年代までは深い繋がりを維持していた(3)蒋介石の死後、特に中華人民共和国が改革開放に舵を取ってからは、両者の往来が消失する、等、これまで知られていない中国国民党とウイグル人亡命者の結びつきが、台湾に於ける文献調査により明らかとなった。(2)中央アジアでの現地調査の成果は、以下の通り。(1)「カザフスタンのウイグル人」については既に幾つかの先行研究が存在するが、「キルギス共和国のウイグル人~そのコミュニティ、民族組織、ウイグル語メディア等~」について言及する論考は存在しなかった。本研究によって、キルギスのウイグル人社会の全容が明らかとなった。(2)「東トルキスタン共和国」時代に政府中枢に比較的近い部署にいて、その後、中央アジアに移住し、民族組織に関わってきた人々にインタビューすることができた。とりわけ、「東トルキスタン共和国」時代に政府公報に勤務し、漢語文献の翻訳やメディア工作に従事したムニール・イェルズィン氏へのインタビュー記録は、他に類例のない貴重なものである。
清水 千弘

報告番号: 乙16923 ; 学位授与年月日: 2008-03-05 ; 学位の種別: 論文博士 ; 学位の種類: 博士(環境学) ; 学位記番号: 第16923号 ; 研究科・専攻: 新領域創成科学研究科
川久保 剛
麗澤学際ジャーナル (ISSN:09196714)
vol.19, no.1, pp.1-14, 2011-03-10

This article examines what Tsuneari Fukuda was interested in in his youth,especially in his primary, lower secondary and high school time according to his new materials.Fukuda got a liberal education - what is called a Taishou liberal education- during his primary and lower secondary schools. In his high-school time, student movements were prevalent among his generation. However, Fukuda was not involved in those movements because his primary concern was drama. At that time, although leftist dramas were very popular, he was not interested in them. Rather, he was interested in dramas of art for arts sake. From this perspective,he sympathized with the theatrical company, Tsukijiza.Mr. Fukuda was also interested in literary criticism at that time. The prominent critic, Hideo Kobayashi's anthology of literary criticism brought Fukuda into this arena.
川久保 剛
麗澤学際ジャーナル (ISSN:09196714)
vol.16, no.1, pp.1-21, 2008

This paper focuses on the ideas of Tsuneari Fukuda (Japanese thinker: 1912-1994) in the early 1940s [Showa 20 to 25].). Specific attention is given to Fukuda's thinking vis a vis the discussion of characteristics of the "new men" to be created in post-war Japan that was a popular theme within intellectual circles. Points of opposition between Fukuda's ideas and those expressed by "progressive intellectuals" of that era are elucidated. This paper is an attempt to place Fukuda's thinking within the history of ideas.
大貫 啓行
麗澤学際ジャーナル (ISSN:09196714)
vol.14, no.2, pp.99-110, 2006

Despite the failure of communist party rule in the Soviet block countries around 1990, the People's Republic of China has remained a socialist dictatorial country under the rule of the Chinese Communist Party. They have already started dealing in stocks and the market is very active generally. The Chinese at present seem to enjoy a capitalistic money oriented life. As far as money is concerned, they are as free as in capitalist countries. However, in the political field, they are strictry controlled. They have no right to vote and if they try to organize new parties, they are arrested immediately. There have been major changes in the quality of both the State and Society of the People's Republic of China. Focusing on several aspects of present Chinese society, I will try to identify the direction of the change. Following the series of analyses on personalities of Chinese leaders and the recent situations of China-Japan relation, part 6 covers both countries's antagonistic feeling exploded anti-Japan demonstration April 2005. The more economic progress, the wider difference in quality of life in every parts (rich v. poor, city v. country, coast v. inland}. Chinese society seems to have entered into really difficult stage.
西田 文信
麗沢大学紀要 (ISSN:02874202)
vol.78, pp.13-29, 2004-07

Dzongkha語、又称Drukke, Drukha, Dukpa, Bhutanese, Jonkha, Lhoke, Lhoskad, Hloka, Lhoka, Bhotia of Bhutan, Bhotia of Dukpa, Zongkhar和Zonkar等、為不丹国官方語言、従字由意義来看、Dzongkha是指不丹二十個Dzong区内政治及中心使用之語言。作者1997年至1998年以及2003年期間向講Dzongkha語的人捜集有関資料、並根據得資料完成此項研究。該論文首先論述Dzongkha語的語言状況、作者同時対Dzongkha語Gasa方言的語音系統和〓的語音歴史演変進行討論。
目黒 昭一郎
麗澤経済研究 (ISSN:09196706)
vol.19, no.1, pp.56-71, 2011-03-10

Health care field is one of the focused fields in Japanese economy because of the potential opportunities to develop new businesses based on rapidly advancing information and communication technologies(ICT) in Japan.In this article,the author demonstrated how large industrial organization embedded the health care business, which was far different from the existing businesses,in a broad-based and highly systemic way by presenting the strategic concept which conceptually made up of three nested layers-market space,business space and organizational space-.To challenge these business developments,the author presents key agenda,and also describes the basic thoughts and methods,which are common across almost all the new business development,based on more than twenty years frontline experience in operating and managing health care businesses.
堀内 一史
麗澤学際ジャーナル (ISSN:09196714)
vol.14, no.2, pp.49-65, 2006

American politics and society today cannot be fully understood without referring to the religio-political force known as the Religious Right. This religio-political movement organizes the mobilization of white conservative evangelical Christians, especially Christian Fundamentalists, who actively involve themselves in politics in order to protect and preserve the traditional values of American Protestantism. This paper aims to describe the historical process by which the Religious Right became involved in politics, the way in which its members translated their religious values into a political agenda, and finally the current situation which is the result of this process. In its historical analysis of the political formation of the Religious Right, the paper utilizes the last two of the Clyde Wilcox's four-period-division of the movement, which can be outlined as follows: the first period, in which fundamentalist groups criticized evolutionism and propagated creationism in the 1920s; the second, in which fundamentalist groups developed the anti-communist movement in the 1950s; the third, when fundamentalist groups, led by the Moral Majority, mobilized conservative evangelicals to vote for Ronald Reagan in the 1980s; and the fourth, which is characterized by the activities of the Christian Coalition, Focus on the Family and the Home-schooling Legal Defense Association, among others, in the 1990s.
堀内 一史
麗沢学際ジャ-ナル (ISSN:09196714)
vol.16, no.1, pp.21-45, 2008

White evangelical Christians, consisting of 25% of the total voters of the United States of America, have been one of the major constituencies of the Republican Party since the 1980 presidential election which elected Ronald Reagan the 40th President of USA, marking the crescendo, so to speak, of the conservative movement within the Republican Party. The purpose of this paper is as follows: Firstly, to identify some religious factors which made it possible for President George W. Bush to be reelected in the 2004 presidential race and which led to the Republican Party being defeated in the 2006 Mid-term Election. Secondly, to evaluate moral problems (e.g., same-sex marriage and abortion), as opposed to such foreign policy issues (e.g., the Iraq War and terrorism), and economic issues (e.g., unemployment}, as key factors that motivated white evangelical Christians to mobilize other voters in these major elections.
趙 家林
麗澤経済研究 (ISSN:09196706)
vol.15, no.2, pp.53-78, 2007-09

EMH (Efficient Market Hypothesis) assume all the information are reflected in price so the effort try to finding hidden value seems only west time. But the history of boom and bust in financial market show that the prices of capital assets are not always reflect the intrinsic value. We review the three schools of investment and discuss the relation between risk and return. Because the real investment risk is the danger of a loss of quality and earning power through economic changes or deterioration in management, so the risk shall not be measured by the percent of price variability. And the idea of risk management based on rational market price and beta shall be abandoned.
松本 健一
麗澤学際ジャーナル (ISSN:09196714)
vol.5, no.1, pp.A27-A33, 1997

中島 真志
麗澤経済研究 (ISSN:09196706)
vol.15, no.2, pp.97-112, 2007-09

The year of 2007 will be remembered as the beginning of the second development stage of electronic money (e-money) in Japan. This is because of the introduction of three new e-money, namely PASMO, nanaco and WAON, in addition to the two prevailing e-money of Edy and Suica. In this paper, the definition and characteristics of e-money are discussed in Section 1. The most important point is the judgment that e-money is not a new type of money but a new type of payment instrument. In Section 2, the similarities and differences between Edy and Suica are examined in order to clarify the structures and features of e-money in Japan. Edy is managed by bitWallet Inc. and Suica is issued by East Japan Railway Company. Both e-money are issued by private companies, use the same contactless IC technology of FeliCa, set the upper limit of charge, and adopt Closed Loop scheme. Some differences are pointed out, including traffic-oriented card vs. multi-purpose card and three-cornered model vs. four-cornered model. These discussions are followed by the introduction of three new e-money in Section 3. PASMO is issued by private railway and bus companies and has total interoperability with Suica. WAON and nanaco are issued by major retailer, AEON and Seven & I Holdings, respectively. In Section 4, the background of the development and spread of e-money in Japan is discussed. Several factors such as the wide usage of cash settlement, and the underdeveloped stage of Debit Card are indicated. As the last part of this paper, the future developments of e-money in Japan are discussed, which include the change of e-money media from the card to the mobile phone, the move to standardize e-money terminal, the usage of both prepaid e-money and postpaid credit service on the same mobile phone, and the growing recognition on the economic merit of e-money. With these tendencies, it is predicted that the e-money will be used much more widely in Japan in the future.
籠 義樹
