Xuelong Jin Bin Liang Feifei Wang Zhiwen Zhang
Japan Brain Science society
脳科学誌 (ISSN:13415301)
vol.39, pp.32-40, 2012-10-30 (Released:2017-06-01)

Objective Those who suffer from brainstem hemorrhage complicated by stress ulcer hemorrhage have a high mortality. This research inquire the ideal surgical method to observe microcirculation of duodenal mucosal villi and the dynamic changes in the microcirculation of rabbit's duodenal mucosal villi under brainstem hemorrhage conditions with a red color coordinate, aiming at establishing a mechanism for testing the microcirculation of the digestive tract and providing a reference index for the prevention and treatment of brainstem hemorrhage complicated by gastrointestinal bleeding. Method In this experiment, thirty male Japanese white rabbits with long ears (1.5kg to 1.8kg) were anaesthetized by 25% Urethane in vein, and simple disinfected in the condition of animal laboratory. They were given a cranial fenestration operation for an acute brainstem hemorrhage animal model and an enterstomy on the abdominal wall was made. Microcirculation microscopic blood vessel telecamera and microcirculation TV video system were used to continuously detect the congestion of the duodenal mucosal villi under brainstem hemorrhage conditions. Computer and photoshop software were used to continuously analyze the changes with time of the red color coordinate of the same villus on the same point. Result The red color (pallor) of duodenal mucosa reduced, along with minimal morphological changes of duodenal mucosa after brainstem hemorrhage. Conclusions Under the condition of this experiment, this surgical method can establish the experimental animal model to observe microcirculation of duodenal mucosal villi, and reduction of the red color coordinate with time verified the pallor of duodenal mucosa after brainstem hemorrhage in a rabbit model and reflected the sharp changes of mucosa's blood stream which is the most important preventive factor to stress ulcer under acute brainstem hemorrhage conditions. And these would become the pathophysiological basis of upper digestive tract ulcer.
Xingju Liu
Japan Brain Science society
脳科学誌 (ISSN:13415301)
vol.39, pp.41-50, 2012-10-30 (Released:2017-06-01)

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) results from a sudden and external physical insult to the head, which is associated with a high morbidity and mortality. Current clinical therapy is focused on optimization of the acute/subacute intracerebral milieu, minimizing continued cell death, and subsequent intense rehabilitation to ameliorate the prolonged physical, cognitive, and psychosocial deficits that result from TBI. Given the limited capacity of the central nervous system for self-repair, progenitor (stem) cell therapies have shown promise following TBI in pre-clinical studies and remain a focus of intense scientific investigation. This paper will review some of the progress and barriers involved with stem cell therapies for the treatment of TBI.
Tomoko Muramatsu Hideo Nakatani Mitsuru Kikuchi Toshio Munesue
Japan Brain Science society
脳科学誌 (ISSN:13415301)
vol.40, pp.5-27, 2013-03-30 (Released:2017-06-01)

Ambiguous figures, such as the reversible figure of the girl/old women (Boring, 1930), have inspired an enormous amount of research into the domain of visual perception. However, visual perception of unstructured figures, such as stains on walls, which contain no meanings themselves, has not been a main topic of research in healthy subjects or in subjects with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The aims of this study were to obtain inkblot responses characteristic of subjects with ASD (n=36), to compare these response to those of healthy subjects (n=50), and to assess whether these responses had any relevance to ASD traits, as evaluated using standard questionnaires, such as the Autism-spectrum Quotient (AQ) and the Empathy Quotient (EQ). All of the responses of each subject were scored using the Exner Comprehensive Scoring System, which is the standard method for evaluating responses to the Rorschach test. The scores of total responses were not different between the subjects with ASD and healthy subjects. Only the scores for the variable designated FM were significantly lower in ASD subjects compared to healthy subjects, indicating that the subjects perceived animals in motion in their visual perceptions of unstructured figures in inkblots. Furthermore, the FM scores demonstrated a significantly inverse correlation with the AQ scores and were significantly correlated with the EQ scores. Each variable of M indicated a response of humans in motion, with m indicating a response of inanimate in motion, Human indicating total responses concerning humans, and Animal indicating total responses concerning animals; these measurements were not different between the two groups and were not correlated with the scores on the AQ or the EQ. Based on this preliminary study, representations of animals in motion in visual perception may be a subject that could shed light on the biological relevance between unstructured figures and autism traits.
Norihiro Sakurai Kenji J. Tsuchiya Katsuaki Suzuki Manabu Wakuta Nori Takei Norio Mori
Japan Brain Science society
脳科学誌 (ISSN:13415301)
vol.40, pp.28-53, 2013-03-30 (Released:2017-06-01)

Background: Studies have suggested that failure to detect behavioural problems at a young age will directly result in more incidents of problem behaviour as well as serious behavioural problems after school age. Therefore, the early detection of such problems is crucial to prevent difficulties after adolescence. Researchers have attempted to evaluate the proportion of children with behavioural problems based on parent and teacher ratings, although discrepancies between the two sets of ratings have been noted. This study aimed to quantify the discrepancy in ratings between parents and teachers of children regarded as having behavioural problems, and to explore explanatory variables associated with the quantified discrepancy. Methods: The Strength and Difficulty Questionnaire (SDQ) for evaluating child behaviours was completed by parents and teachers of second graders (N=798) in elementary schools recruited by community-based sampling. Among the questionnaires collected, scores for 219 children with behavioural problems, defined as those whose parent or teacher scores were ≥13 points on the SDQ, were analysed. Mean difference in score (discrepancy score) between the parent and the teacher of each participating child was tested, and then the discrepancy score was linearly regressed onto potential explanatory variables. Results: Mean parent rating was significantly higher than mean teacher rating for both boys and girls. For boys with an assigned assistant and with a mother of older age, the discrepancy score was significant; that is, parents gave a lower score (fewer problems) than teachers. In the case of girls, the discrepancy score was significant for those with poor parental attachment; that is, parents gave a higher score (more problems) than teachers. Conclusion: In studies using the SDQ with elementary school students, the relationship of explanatory variables with discrepancy score needs to be taken into consideration and, on this basis, parent and teacher evaluations should be carefully interpreted
Zhao-qiang Zhang Xiao Sun Xiang-lin Chi Xian-chang Sun Hong Jiang
Japan Brain Science society
脳科学誌 (ISSN:13415301)
vol.40, pp.54-65, 2013-03-30 (Released:2017-06-01)

Objective Modeling a stable and reproducible animal model of Parkinson's disease by rotenone intraperitoneal injection for further pathogenesis study of PD. Methods Twenty-seven male Wistar rats were used, which were randomly divided into three groups on average (Rotenone Injection, Vehicle Injection and Normal group). Rats of rotenone injection group (RIG) were administered rotenone (3.0 mg/kg/day) in a specialized vehicle through daily intraperitoneal injection; rats of vehicle injection group (VIG) were administered only special vehicle in the same way, rats of normal group (NG) didn't receive any injection. Checked the changes of its behavior and numbers of SNpc neurons to determine the model successful or not. Results Six rats of RIG developed part of Parkinson's symptoms at different time. All rats of RIG emerged behavioral deficits through rearing behavior testing and square bridge testing, and the mean number of SNpc neurons showed significant reduction. There were no behavioral deficits and changes of the mean number of SNpc neurons in rats of NG and VIG. Conclusion Model of Parkinson's disease by rotenone intraperitoneal injection was successfully established. This form of the rotenone model is stable and easy to reproduce, and may provide a new excellent supporter to related studies.
Zequn Chen Xuelong Jin
Japan Brain Science society
脳科学誌 (ISSN:13415301)
vol.40, pp.66-79, 2013-03-30 (Released:2017-06-01)

Brain radiation therapy is an indispensable therapeutic modality for various primary and metastatic brain tumors and intracranial vascular malformation. With the development of stereotactic radiotherapy, the treatment effectiveness of radiotherapy is obvious; nevertheless, radiation-induced brain injury including both anatomic and functional deficits can not be ignored. Radiation-induced brain injury is a severe sequel after cranial radiation. It can result in a variety of acute, subacute, and delayed clinical syndromes of the brain. The primary changes of vascular endothelial cells, glial cell and neuron in radiation-induced brain injury were reviewed in this paper. In the CNS, single-dose radiation has been shown to result in apoptosis and a 15% loss of endothelial cells within 24 h. Vascular endothelial damage resulted in the change of blood brain barrier permeability. Gial cell damage was related to demyelination and cytokine and inflammatory mediator disorders. Irradiation induced typical apoptotic changes in neurons and affected hippocampal neurogenesis. Understanding the cellular changes may help to develop strategies to either increase the radiation tolerance or to treat CNS alterations induced by irradiation.
Zhen-Guang Li Zhan-Cai Yu Yong-Peng Yu Dao-Zhen Wang Wei-Ping Ju Qi-Zhuan Wu
Japan Brain Science society
脳科学誌 (ISSN:13415301)
vol.37, pp.35-46, 2011 (Released:2017-06-01)

Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is released from activated platelets. Statins are the commonly used anti-atherosclerotic drug. The purpose of this study is to observe whether atorvastatin could decrease the plasma LPA levels in ischemic stroke patients. A total of 386 subjects, including the 247 ischemic stroke cases and 139 healthy controls, were enrolled in this study. The 247 ischemic stroke cases were divided into Group A (n=109) and Group B (n=138) who had and had not received atorvastatin treatment before a stroke respectively. The plasma LPA levels of all the subjects were measured using chromatography. There was significant diffidence in the LPA levels between cases and controls (3.22±1.51μmol/L vs. 1.83±1.07μmol/L, p<0.01). The plasma LPA level in Group A was lower than that of Group B (2.66±1.23umol/L vs. 3.83±1.14umol/L, p<0.01). Atorvastatin (20mg/d) significantly reduced LPA levels in ischemic stroke patients (n=138) compared with that before atorvastatin administration (1.96±0.87μmol/L vs. 3.83±1.14μmol/L, p<0.01). However, the LPA levels re-elevated after atorvastatin withdrawl for one month. Atorvastatin could decrease the plasma LPA levels in patients with ischemic stroke, which providing a better understanding of how statins protect against ischemic stroke. It is plausible to speculate that statins might have an effect of anti platelet activation.
Jie Zhao Xuelong Jin
Japan Brain Science society
脳科学誌 (ISSN:13415301)
vol.37, pp.47-59, 2011 (Released:2017-06-01)

Traditionally, we use CT and MRI to observe brain's structure, but there are many new ways to get the images of brain activity. Currently Smart MR imaging agent, Two- photon microscope, Neuro Trace, Fluorescent Protein, Photostable quantum dots, Connexin 29, NUTMEG and Statistical parametric mapping (SPM), The Short-Term Maxi- mum Lyapunov Exponent (STLmax) Topographic Brain Activity Maps have been used to observe the brain. Next, make a summary about new technologies for the visualization of the brain function.
Eriko Suwa Kiyomi Kondo-Ikemura Saeko Sakai
Japan Brain Science society
脳科学誌 (ISSN:13415301)
vol.38, pp.6-20, 2012-03-30 (Released:2017-06-01)

From the attachment theory point of view, a child internalizes the representations of self, parent, and relationships through his or her early interaction with the caregiver, and those representations construct an Internal Working Model through which external information is processed. Those representations, that is, Internal Working Models, become the prototype for the pattern of a child's behaviour and relationship with others. In order for children to develop a healthy Internal Working Model, emotional availability of the caregiver, rather than physical availability, is essential. The study focused on 21 non-clinical Japanese preschoolers aged 4 to 5 years, and explored the link between the maternal emotional availability and the child's parental representations. The mother-child interactions in a semi-structural setting were observed, and maternal emotional availability was evaluated with the Emotional Availability Scales (4^<th>.Ed.). Parental representations in the child's mind were assessed through Story Stem Assessment Profile, a story completion task using doll play. It was found that children whose mothers' levels of emotional availability are high have more positive parental representations and less negative representations than the children whose mothers' levels of emotional availability are low. This consistent link between maternal emotional availability and children's parental representations indirectly supports the idea that non-clinical children construct representations of parents consistent with their experiences with their mothers. Moreover, this research implies the usefulness of systematic analysis of children's play and story in order to assess their subjective internal world.
Xuanyu Li Xuelong Jin
Japan Brain Science society
脳科学誌 (ISSN:13415301)
vol.38, pp.21-34, 2012-03-30 (Released:2017-06-01)

Central nervous system (CNS) injuries lead to severe and permanent neurological deficits. Fortunately, as a result of the rapid progress in biomedical science, particularly the stem cell biology, stem cell transplantation holds promise for promoting anatomical repair and functional recovery after traumatic or ischemic injuries to the CNS. However, the tumorigenic potential of these cells remains a great concern, as reflected in the formation of teratomas by transplanted pluripotent cells. This gap in the field is particularly serious as stem cell tumori-genicity represents the key obstacle to the safe use of stem cell-based therapy for CNS injuries. Although some adult stem cell therapies appear to be safe, they have only a very narrow range of uses in human disease. In this review, the links between pluripotency and tumorigenicity are explored. And new medical imaging modalities for more accurately testing the tumorigenic potential of iPSC and of other stem cells applicable to regenerative medicine are proposed. Finally, the most promising emerging approaches for overcoming the challenges of stem cell tumorigenicity are highlighted.
Xuelong Jin Bin Liang
Japan Brain Science society
脳科学誌 (ISSN:13415301)
vol.38, pp.35-44, 2012-03-30 (Released:2017-06-01)

Objective: Severe cerebral contusion will cause a functional defect in partial central nerve and will lower patients' living quality. The above problem is still a difficult problem unsolved in clinical treatment. This study is going to clarify the methodology of rabbit's brain tissue transplantation, including the way of operation and the law of microcirculatory formation. Method: Twenty healthy male, Japanese white rabbits with long ears (about three months after birth) of clean degree, weighting between 1.2kg and 1.3kg, were anaesthetized by 3% pentobarbital sodium in vein before receiving an intracerebral transplantation operation. A window was opened on their parietal bone symmetrically, and the cortical brain tissues on the symmetrical areas (on the left and right side) of the rabbits' parietal cortex areas were exchanged and transplanted. Gentamycin sulfate was injected each day to resist infection. Ten and twenty days later, an observation was made as to the survival of the transplanted area and host brain tissue. A microcirculation color camera system was used to analyze the pictures of angiogenesis. With regard to the survival of transplanted brain tissues, their changes in micromorphology were observed. Besides, pathological sections were also prepared to determine their surviving conditions on cell level. Results: (1) Surgical operation has contributed to a satisfactory morphological anastomosis between transplanted brain tissues and host brain tissues. (2) Micro-blood vessel loops were observed to have formed on the section (host side) of rabbits' parietal cortex areas, which had been excised partially when transplantation was not filled. Marker was implanted into the transplanted brain tissues to confirm the possibility of the regeneration of a microcirculation among brain tissues, which had been exsomatized completely. (3) Analysis of the pathological sections of the transplanted brain tissues showed traces of surviving nervous cells. Conclusions: Under given conditions, nervous cells' survival can be maintained by transplanted brain tissues and can be nourished by angiogenesis and characteristic microcirculation connections with host brain tissues.
Yosuke Kameno Katsuaki Suzuki Tomoyasu Wakuda Kiyokazu Takebayashi Keiko Iwata Kenji J. Tsuchiya Hideo Matsuzaki Shu Takagai Yasuhide Iwata Kazuhiko Nakamura Norio Mori
Japan Brain Science society
脳科学誌 (ISSN:13415301)
vol.36, pp.32-45, 2011-03-30 (Released:2017-06-01)

Leukemia inhibitory factor-receptor (LIFR) is known to play a major role in neurogenesis promotions and stem cell self-renewal via binding to their ligands, leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) and ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF). We hypothesized that LIFR may also play a role in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia. To test this, we performed clinical and animal studies. First, we measured the mRNA levels of LIFR, LIF and CNTF in peripheral lymphocytes from drug-naive patients with schizophrenia (n=22) and from age-and gender- matched healthy controls (n=44) using quantitative real-time RT-PCR. Levels of LIFR mRNA in patients with schizophrenia were significantly lower than those of controls. Expression of LIF mRNA was below the detectable level in both patients and controls. Levels of CNTF mRNA were similar between patients and controls. Second, we evaluated behavioral features in heterozygous LIFR knockout (LIFR^<+/->) mice, in which adult neurogenesis is known to be altered. Interestingly, LIFR^<+/-> mice showed dopaminergic hypersensitivity, which was shown by exacerbated methamphetamine-induced hyperlocomotion, compared to wildtype mice. These findings appear to support our hypothesis and suggest that LIFR may play a role in dopaminergic hypersensitivity.
Na Sun Xuelong Jin
Japan Brain Science society
脳科学誌 (ISSN:13415301)
vol.36, pp.46-49, 2011-03-30 (Released:2017-06-01)

Objective: To observe the change of small intestine myoelectric activity after electric stimulus of the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus. Method: To measure jejunal myoelectric activity during digestion period of both before and after the electric stimulus of the DMV. Result: The frequency of the slow waves in the myoelectric activity of the jejunum increased (p<0.05) and the amplitude of the slow waves in the myoelectric activity of the jejunum incresased (p<0.05) after simulus; During the period of stimulus, the frequency of the slow waves in the myoelectric activity of the jejunum degrade (p<0.01) and the amplitude of the slow waves in the myoelectric activity of the jejunum incresased (p<0.01). Conclusion: The myoelectric activity of the jejunum changed after electric stimulus of the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus
Zhao-qiang Zhang Xiao Sun Bing-xiang Wang Yan-ling Zhang
Japan Brain Science society
脳科学誌 (ISSN:13415301)
vol.36, pp.50-60, 2011-03-30 (Released:2017-06-01)

Objective Modeling a surgery hypertensive rat model, observe the changes of the expression of ACE and ACE2 in various groups, thus for further research of the pathogenesis of hypertension. Methods Twenty-eight Sprague- Dawley rats were used, which were divided randomly into four groups. One group served as control (n=7), others as hypertensive group (n=7), enalapril group [n=7,15mg/(kg・d)] and losartan group [n=7,15mg/(kg・d)]. All rats were operated as surgery hypertension except rats of control group. Renal artery was ligated. Enalapril and losartan were used as treatments of rats of enalapril group and losartan group after surgery. Blood pressure of rats was measured by arteria caudilis uninjured. The expression of renal ACE and ACE2 mRNA were measured by RT-PCR. The expression of renal ACE and ACE2 protein were measured by immunohistochemistry. Results Blood pressure of rats was increased after operation. The expression of ACE and ACE2 mRNA and protein in various groups were different. The expression of ACE mRNA and protein of Hypertensive group were higher than others. The expression of ACE2 mRNA and protein of losartan group were higher than others. Conclusion Model of surgery hypertensive rats were success by the ligation of renal artery. It's a Simple, reliable and cheap method of hypertensive rat model. The imbalance between the expression of ACE and ACE2 is one of the important roles of pathogenesis of hypertension.
Junfeng He Siew Sun Wong Yating Qu Menzhou Xie
Japan Brain Science society
脳科学誌 (ISSN:13415301)
vol.36, pp.61-80, 2011-03-30 (Released:2017-06-01)

Obesity has increased at an alarming rate in recent years. Evidence indicates that obese animals have blunted satiety, raising the possibility that defective satiety signaling in the brain may contribute to the etiology of obesity. Therefore, food intake suppression is considered crucial for preventing obesity. Food intake suppression via the peripheral nervous system mainly focuses on cholecystokinin and enterostatin relaying to the central nervous system (CNS). The mechanism of food intake coordination via the CNS per se is extremely complex. In this article, leptin, insulin, melanocortin receptor, dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, cannabinoid-1 receptor blocker, cytokines, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, lipopolysaccharide, interleukin, cholecystokinin, enterostatin, estrogen, testosterone and apolipoprotein E will be discussed. Most of them have definite effect on food intake, while a few of them are elusive. There is still a great challenge in obesity treatment by way of suppressing food intake. Future appetite-suppressing medications should selectively affect the desire to eat, with minimal adverse effects from these medications.
Kunpeng Wang yusheng Wang Weigang XU bing Yang
Japan Brain Science society
脳科学誌 (ISSN:13415301)
vol.36, pp.81-86, 2011-03-30 (Released:2017-06-01)

Trigeminal somatosensory evoked potentials (TSEP) arising from the trigeminal nerve branches is triggered by nerve impulse that stimulates receptors of skin and mucous membrane in trigeminal nerve distribution area and can be recorded as the reflection of the trigeminal nerve lesions in or around the branches. This study reflected the TSEP changes in nerve injury and the process of recovery through the comparison between the healthy and injured side and also different times, providing evidences for the diagnosis of the trigeminal injury
Xuelong Jin Feifei Wang
Japan Brain Science society
脳科学誌 (ISSN:13415301)
vol.36, pp.87-95, 2011-03-30 (Released:2017-06-01)

Objective: In order to find problems and provide reference for the standardization of application of Morita therapy in China, we preliminarily investigated the overview of how Morita therapy was taken in China. Object and method: Questionnaire survey was performed to inquiry eight representative medical institutions which had department of psychiatry by sending e-mail and assigning person during half year. The questionnaire was completed by psychiatric physicians. Result: During the half year, all medical institutions have adopted Morita therapy and used the method of diary therapy, and accompanied drugs. In the clinic Morita therapy, the maximum frequency was up to 20 times during a session, while the general was between 4 to 20 times. The longest treatment period per time of Morita therapy was 1 to 2 hours accounting for 62.5% of all institutions. 25% took 40 to 60 minutes per time. And 12.5% took about 30 minutes each time. In the resident Morita therapy, it was different in the treatment period of each session and the treatment method among the eight institutions. Discussion: The results indicated that Morita therapy did have been widely used and developed in some extent in China. But the survey also showed that the standard of Morita therapy in China varied and the concept was not uniform. This may be because that mental illness itself is a behavioral disorder which is difficult to strictly distinguish and there is no strict period division in Morita therapy, as well as the level of awareness on Morita therapy varies from physician to physician. Herein, it's necessary to carry out more training on Morita therapy and invite professional Japanese experts to lecture in China. The popularization of Morita therapy has practical significance.
Yasuhide Iwata Shigeyuki Yamamoto Ikuo Tooyama Shu Takagai Kiyokazu Takebayashi Norio Mori
Japan Brain Science society
脳科学誌 (ISSN:13415301)
vol.37, pp.16-27, 2011 (Released:2017-06-01)

The numbers of brain tumors survivors who receive whole-brain irradiation (WBI) develop progressive cognitive dysfunction. WBI-induced decrease in neurogenesis in hippocampus is involved in the delayed cognitive impairment. Considerable data suggests that the continuous suppression of neurogenesis may be due to the activated microglia. To clarify the mechanisms of the radiation-induced deficits in cognitive function, we studied an early response of the hippocampal proliferating cells to the WBI. Adult cynomolgus monkeys received fractionated WBI with the total dose of 15Gy and 30Gy. The animals were administrated with BrdU to label proliferating cells five days after the WBI and sacrificed on the next day. The density of proliferating cells in the hippocampus was significantly increased (ANOVA, F=23, df=2, 9, p=0.0003). Comparing to the sham-irradiation, proliferation were elevated by 6.3 and 12.6 times with 15Gy and 30Gy, respectively. However, there is no BrdU (+) cells co-labeled with Iba1, which is a marker of microglia. The radiation-induced cell proliferation in the hippocampus may play a contributory role in the pathogenesis of late delayed cognitive dysfunction after the WBI.