Hiroyuki Tsutsumi Jeffrey S. Perez
Japanese Society for Active Fault Studies
活断層研究 (ISSN:09181024)
vol.2013, no.39, pp.29-37, 2013-09-30 (Released:2016-03-31)

The Philippine fault is a ~1250-km-long, left-lateral strike-slip fault extending NNW parallel to the Philippine archipelago. This fault has been very active in the past 200 years with several destructive earthquakes accompanied by surface rupture. However, there was no large-scale map of the Philippine fault, which is essential for mitigating seismic hazard from future earthquakes. We mapped the surface trace of the Philippine fault on 1:50000-scale topographic maps based mainly on interpretation of ~1:30000-scale aerial photographs. We then compiled these fault trace data on a Geographic Information System to produce the first digital active fault map of the Philippine fault. These 1:50000-scale active fault maps are available from the website of Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS). These maps reveal that there are notable along-strike variations in fault trace geometry and magnitudes of historical seismicity of the Philippine fault. The Philippine fault in central Luzon and Mindanao Islands are well segmented and produced large (M≥7) earthquakes. In contrast, the fault in Masbate and Leyte Islands are more continuous and produced only moderate earthquakes in the past 400 years. There are geomorphic and geodetic evidence of aseismic creeping on the Philippine fault in northern and central Leyte. These observations suggest that the Philippine fault may be comparable to the San Andreas fault in that both of the faults are composed of locked, transition and creeping segments as previously suggested.
林 豊 前田 憲二
Japanese Society for Active Fault Studies
活断層研究 (ISSN:09181024)
vol.2009, no.30, pp.27-36, 2009

Six active fault zones have been selected on the basis of the reports on the long-term evaluation of active faults published until 2008 by the Earthquake Research Committee, Headquarters of Earthquake Research Promotion (ERC/HERP); the paleoseismic activity data of these zones reveal three or more earthquake recurrence intervals. Using the maximum likelihood method, seven probability density functions of a renewal process model are compared in order to determine the function that best fit the paleoseismic activity data of these active fault zones.<br>The exponential distribution model obtained by using the maximum likelihood method does not clearly reveal the earthquakes recurrence intervals. In contrast, the results obtained by using six other statistical models, i.e., Brownian passage time (BPT) distribution, lognormal distribution, gamma distribution, Weibull distribution, double-exponential distribution, and normal distribution, reveal the earthquake recurrence intervals. Thus, the new paleoseismic activity data of major active zones in Japan confirm the provisional conclusion of ERC/HERP, i.e., the exponential distribution does not clearly show the earthquake recurrence intervals. On the other hand, differences among the goodness of fit of the six models excluding the exponential distribution are small.<br>In 2001, ERC/HERP stated that when renewal process model with the BPT distribution is applied to the data of the occurrence intervals of earthquakes in the inland active fault zones in Japan, the aperiodicity parameter of the distribution should be set to 0.24 as a value common to all active faults. The aperiodicity parameter obtained by applying the same method to the data of the six active fault zones is equal to 0.44. Although the aperiodicity parameters, obtained by using the maximum likelihood method, reported in the ERC/HERP's report range between 0.17 and 0.29, those obtained in this study range between 0.09 and 0.66. Thus it is inappropriate to assume the same aperiodicity parameter for all the inland active fault zones in Japan.
金田 平太郎 岡田 篤正
Japanese Society for Active Fault Studies
活断層研究 (ISSN:09181024)
vol.2002, no.21, pp.73-91, 2002

Surface rupture with maximum right-lateral displacement of 150cm and length of about 1 lkm was observed during the 1943 Tottori earthquake of Mw: 7.0, which struck the eastern Tottori prefecture, southwest Japan. We compiled all the previous reports and papers regarding the surface rupture associated with the earthquake as precise location maps (Appendix 1) and a data table (Appendix 2). We also showed the slip distribution along the surface rupture (Fig.3).<BR>The trace of the 1943 surface rupture exhibited the large step and quite sinuous geometry compared with other strike-slip surface breaks. This observation probably means that the causative fault for Tottori earthquake is at the infant stage on its way of evolution based on the Wesnousky's fault evolution model (Wesnousky,1988). Most of the surface rupture during the earthquake occurred along the geomorphologically detectable active fault (Shikano-Yoshioka active fault system). Thus, we can recognize the possible surface faulting event around the epicentral area based on recent understanding of tectonic geomorpholgy. However, the length of the subsurface seismogenic fault is underestimated by the presently proposed method (Odagiri and Shimazaki,2000) and this sh ould lead to crucial underestimation of the seismic moment and also strong ground motions. The method to estimate the lengt h Df the seismogenic fault must be reestablished.
澤 祥 坂上 寛之 隈元 崇 渡辺 満久 鈴木 康弘 田力 正好 谷口 薫 廣内 大助 松多 信尚 安藤 俊人 佐藤 善輝 石黒 聡士 内田 主税
Japanese Society for Active Fault Studies
活断層研究 (ISSN:09181024)
vol.2006, no.26, pp.121-136, 2006

We conducted a tectonic geomorphological survey along the northern part of the Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line (ISTL) with support from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan as one of the intensive survey on ISTL fault system. This survey aims to clarify the detailed distribution of the slip rates of this fault system, which provides the essential data set to predict the coseismic behavior and to estimate the strong ground motion simulation. In order to achieve this purpose, the active fault traces are newly mapped along the northern part of the ISTL through interpretations of aerial photographs archived in the 1940s and 1960s at scales of 1: 10,000 and 1: 20,000, respectively. This aerial photo analysis was also supplemented and reinforced by field observations.<BR>One of the remarkable results by using this data set is a large number of, here 84, photogrammetrically measured landform transections to quantify the tectonic deformations. We could calculate vertical slip rates of the faults at 74 points, based on the estimated ages of terraces (H: 120 kyrs, M: 50-100 kyrs, Ll: 10-20 kyrs, L2: 4-7 kyrs, L3: 1-2 kyrs). The vertical slip rates distributed in the northern part of the study area show 0.2-5.5 mm/yr on the L terraces (less than 20 kyrs) and 0.05-0.9 mm/yr on the M and H terraces (more than 50 kyrs). The vertical slip rates of the faults located in the central and southern part of the study area are 0.2-3.1 mm/yr.
岡村 行信
Japanese Society for Active Fault Studies
活断層研究 (ISSN:09181024)
vol.2008, no.28, pp.31-39, 2008

Method and result of offshore active fault survey were reviewed. Acoustic and seismic waves are widely used for offshore topographic and geologic surveys. Higher frequency acoustic waves have high-resolution but attenuate rapidly in water or sediments, thus they are mainly used for seafloor topographic survey or shallow high-resolution seismic profiling survey. Multi-narrow beam sounding provided evolutionary detailed seafloor topographic maps that clearly show fault traces. Lower frequency seismic waves are widely used for survey of deep sea and deep subsurface geology, but their resolution is generally too low to evaluate the activity of faults in late Pleistocene or Holocene time. Multi-channel seismic profiling survey and digital signal processing technology tremendously improved quality of seismic profiles. Offshore active fault maps around Japan were published in 1980's and 1990's based mainly on analyses of single channel seismic profiles. The events of active fault have been identified only in shallow bay areas using high-resolution seismic profiles and sediment cores. In contrast, it is generally difficult to determine events in open sea areas, because of low quality of seismic profiles. Multi-channel seismic profiling system using a high-frequency sound source made it possible to obtain high quality seismic profiles in the open shallow sea area and showed an active fault in the source area of the 2007 Noto-Hanto earthquake. In the deep sea, low-frequency seismic profiling system generally show clear geologic structure including active faults, but it is difficult to determine their activity in the late Pleistocene and Holocene period. Analyses of turbidites and dive surveys using submersibles have been conducted to determine the ancient events of fault activity in the deep-sea area. There is no enough data of offshore active faults, especially in very shallow marine area along coast.
太田 陽子
Japanese Society for Active Fault Studies
活断層研究 (ISSN:09181024)
vol.2010, no.32, pp.57-72, 2010

This paper summarises the results on active fault studies obtained mainly by the author's work during the last 10 years. The 1999 Chichi earthquake makes a turning point for active faults study. Many international and interdisciplinary works have been carried out for active faults studies, in which the author has participated in the field of geomorphological study of active fault. Her main contribution is a discussion on the close relationship between the 1999 surface trace and preexisting active fault, estimation of tilt rate and relation between the main fault and subsidiary fault, the possible segmentation based on trenching data (Chelungpu Fault), finding some new active faults and discussion of their implication for the geomorphic evolution, as well as seismotectonic significance (Tunglo Fault System and Touhuanping Fault, northwest Taiwan). Ongoing works on the reverse faults in southwestern Taiwan, are briefly summarized, including significant effect of rapid denudation, that may cause underestimation of length of active faults.
須貝 俊彦
Japanese Society for Active Fault Studies
活断層研究 (ISSN:09181024)
vol.2011, no.35, pp.15-28, 2011

Fault activity in the Yoro–Kuwana–Yokkaichi fault zone is considered to have been the source of the 1586 Tensho Earthquake. The Geological Survey of Japan conducted array boring and trenching surveys at Hazawa and Niwada within the ~30-km-long Yoro fault system, which is the main component of this major fault zone. This paper reports the main results of these surveys, focusing on the most recent faulting events and with new paleoseismological data.<br>At Hazawa, the boundary between prodelta and delta-front sediments formed within the Kiso River system at around 4 ka has been displaced vertically across the fault by about 15 m, and the top of the deltaic sediments formed at around 1.7 ka by ~10 m, indicating repetitive fault activity since 4 ka. The floodplain on the up-thrown side of the fault has been terraced since about the 8th century; this probably reflects the penultimate faulting event. The last event occurred after the 8<sup>th</sup> century.<br>At Niwada, four offlapping sedimentary units separated by angular unconformities are capped by a buried soil or peat layer containing abundant plant fossils and charcoal fragments that have provided C-14 data to constrain the timing of faulting events. At least three episodes of fault activity have produced cumulative tilting during the period of stable sea level over the last 4 ka. The last two tilting events occurred after the 15<sup>th</sup> century and around the 8<sup>th</sup> century.<br>The most recent faulting events on the Kuwana and Yokkaichi faults occurred after the 13th century. Furthermore, the two most recent rises of relative sea-level probably reflect coseismic subsidence on the Nobi plain about 500 and 1200 years ago. It is highly likely that the Yoro–Kuwana–Yokkaichi fault zone produced both the 1586 Tensho and 745 Tenpyo earthquakes, although geological data alone is insufficient to determine the exact age of these events.