金折 裕司 小林 健治 安野 泰伸 割ヶ谷 隆志 山本 哲朗
一般社団法人 日本応用地質学会
応用地質 (ISSN:02867737)
vol.40, no.4, pp.220-230, 1999-10-10 (Released:2010-02-23)
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1997年6月25日に発生した山口県北部地震 (M6.1) の震央付近の阿武川河床で確認された断層露頭の性状を記載するとともに, 地震動による家屋被害のデータを再検討し, 震源断層と断層露頭や被害域との関係を議論した. 断層露頭は地質境界として指摘されていた迫田-生雲断層の北東端付近に位置し, NE-SW方向で幅5m以上のカタクレーサイト化したゾーンが発達している. このゾーン内部には最大幅50cmの断層ガウジ帯が “杉” 型に雁行配列して発達し, 右横ずれの運動センスを示唆する. この運動センスは山口県北部地震の発震機構と一致した. さらに, この地震の余震は迫田-生雲断層北東部に集中する.家屋被害率を被害家屋総数/世帯数と定義し, 山口県阿武郡阿東町とむつみ村の地区 (字) ごとに被害率を計算した. 被害率の最も高かった生雲西分地区は震央の南西約5kmに位置し, 迫田-生雲断層上にあった. また, 被害域は生雲西分を中心とし, 迫田-生雲断層を軸とする半径10kmの円内に収まっている. これらのことから, 山口県北部地震は迫田-生雲断層北東部の活動で発生したことが裏付けられた.
金折 裕司 小林 健治 安野 泰伸 割ヶ谷 隆志 山本 哲朗
応用地質 (ISSN:02867737)
vol.40, no.4, pp.220-230, 1999-10-10
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1997年6月25日に発生した山口県北部地震(M6.1)の震央付近の阿武川河床で確認された断層露頭の性状を記載するとともに, 地震動による家屋被害のデータを再検討し, 震源断層と断層露頭や被害域との関係を議論した.断層露頭は地質境界として指摘されていた迫田-生雲断層の北東端付近に位置し, NE-SW方向で幅5m以上のカタクレーサイト化したゾーンが発達している.このゾーン内部には最大幅50cmの断層ガウジ帯が"杉"型に雁行配列して発達し, 右横ずれの運動センスを示唆する.この運動センスは山口県北部地震の発震機構と一致した.さらに, この地震の余震は迫田-生雲断層北東部に集中する.家屋被害率を被害家屋総数/世帯数と定義し, 山口県阿武郡阿東町とむつみ村の地区(字)ごとに被害率を計算した.被害額の最も高かった生雲西分地区は震央の南西約5kmに位置し, 迫田-生雲断層上にあった.また, 被害域は生雲西分を中心とし, 迫田-生雲断層を軸とする半径10kmの円内に収まっている.これらのことから, 山口県北部地震は迫田-生雲断層北東部の活動で発生したことが裏付けられた.
金折 裕司 川上 紳一
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.49, no.1, pp.125-139, 1996-05-24 (Released:2010-03-11)
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Several boundaries of tectonic blocks can be defined as the lines linking large-scale active faults in Southwest Japan. Using available data concerning geology and geophysics, tectonic features of the block boundaries have been briefly reviewed. These features imply that Southwest Japan is separated into a few microplates. Based on the microplate model of Southwest Japan, sequential generation of large earthquakes including the 1995 M7.2 Hyogo-ken-nanbu earthquake can be interpreted. The Hyogo-ken-nanbu earthquake occurred in the middle of the 100-km long Takatsuki-Rokko-Awaji tectonic line (TATL). The aftershock distribution and the surface ruptures suggest that the main shock is caused by a 40-km long rupture of the central part of the TAIL. Thirty-kilometer long eastern and western parts of the TATL remain unruptured. The average moment-release rate of the 40-km central part of the TATL can be estimated from the slip-rate of constituent active faults. The magnitude of an earthquake generated at the central part can be predicted from the seismic moment, which is calculated from the moment-release rate and the elapsed time since the 1596 Keicho-Fushimi earthquake. The calculated magnitude of 6.8 to 7.2 is consistent with the actual magnitude of the Hyogo-ken-nanbu earthquake. If the eastern and western parts unruptured have the same slip-rate as that of the central part, the accumulated moments after the previous event amount to the earthquakes with a magnitude of 6.7 to 7.1. A two-meter right-lateral slip along the Nojima fault, which constitutes western-central part of the TATL, occurred at the time of the Hyogo-ken-nanbu earthquake. This slip may help a southward migration of the Kinki-Outer mircoplate. The movement may reduce normal stresses along the Median Tectonic Line and may increase stress concentration along the Nankai trough. The kinematics of the microplate and sequential generation of large earthquakes along the microplate boundaries suggest a high probability of generating an offshore earthquake along the Nankai trough in a period ranging from 2003 to 2040 A. D.
藤山 敦 金折 裕司
一般社団法人 日本応用地質学会
応用地質 (ISSN:02867737)
vol.50, no.4, pp.202-215, 2009 (Released:2013-03-31)
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本論文では詳細な地形・地質学的調査に基づいて, 山口県南東部に位置する伊陸盆地に源流を発する由宇川と四割川に沿う小規模な河成段丘を高位から伊陸I面~VI面の6面に区分した. 由宇川上~中流部の約5km区間に発達する伊陸II面とIII面は分布や段丘面の傾き, 段丘堆積物や基盤の地質の違いなどから, 伊陸II面の形成以前には河川流向が現在と逆であったことを明らかにした. 空中写真判読と現地踏査によって, 伊陸盆地内に変位地形を確認するとともに, 段丘堆積物を切断する断層露頭を発見し, NE-SW走向の活断層(日積断層 : 新称)の存在を明らかにした. 河川流向の変化は, 由宇川の下刻に伴う河床低下により発生した河川争奪によるものであり, 上流域での堰き止めや氷河期の海面変化に加えて, その主因は地盤隆起や活断層運動を生起させた広域テクトニクスに求めることができる.
相山 光太郎 金折 裕司
一般社団法人 日本地質学会
地質学雑誌 (ISSN:00167630)
vol.125, no.7, pp.555-570, 2019-07-15 (Released:2019-09-15)

川上 紳一 金折 裕司 大野 照文
Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences
岩鉱 (ISSN:09149783)
vol.87, no.10, pp.393-411, 1992-10-05 (Released:2008-03-18)

Soon after the formation of the Earth by collisional accretion of planetesimals in the primordial solar nebular, its interior has been differentiated gravitationally to form the central metallic core, silicate mantle and crust, atmosphere and ocean. The sequence of differentiation was very rapid during the formation and subsequent early history, since the interior has been maintained hot by the heating of accretional energy, gravitational energy of core-mantle separation and energy released by the radioactive neclides. The differentiation and interactions between the core, mantle, crust, atmosphere and ocean has been continued throughout the Earth's history less effectively but still a significant way. The mode of interactions between the subsystems of the Earth includes mass transfer (geochemical cycle), electromagnetic interaction, and mechanical interactions such as angular momentum exchange, tidal interaction and convective flows and plate motions. Since these interactions have been maintained by the energy of radioactive nuclides and solar energy, the Earth system can be regarded as disequilibrium dissipated system with highly non-linear behavior. Many rhythmical variations in the Earth environments such as climate change, sea level change, geomagnetic variation, plate velocities and orogeny, volcanic and seismic activities are expected to show signatures of the non-linear dissipative systems. Specifically we expect the period bifurcation phenomena revealed in many non-linear systems would exist in the rhythmical variations in the Earth's history. Here we reviewed the spectrum structures of galactic motions, solar activities, orbital motions of the Earth and planets with special reference to the Milankovitch cycles, the Earth rotatonal variation, geomagnetic variations, variations in the atmosphere and ocean phenomena, climate change, meteoroid impact and mass extinciton episodes, and then revealed nature of multi-sphere interactions in the Earth's history in the frequency domain. Some future problem to explore the nature and mechanisms in the multi-sphere interaction and evolution of the Earth were discussed.
金折 裕司
一般社団法人 日本応用地質学会
応用地質 (ISSN:02867737)
vol.55, no.3, pp.118-123, 2014-08-10 (Released:2014-11-26)
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佐川 厚志 相山 光太郎 金折 裕司 田中 竹延
一般社団法人 日本応用地質学会
応用地質 (ISSN:02867737)
vol.49, no.2, pp.78-93, 2008-06-10 (Released:2011-11-04)
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徳佐-地福断層北東部と迫田-生雲断層中部の性状および活動性を明らかにする目的で, 地形判読, 断層露頭調査, トレンチおよびボーリング調査を実施した. 徳佐-地福断層北東部のトレンチ調査に基づくと, 断層の最新活動時期は10,800~3,400年前となる. 既存のトレンチ調査での14C年代値を再検討した結果, 断層全域 (長さ約35km) が6,300~5,200年前に同時に活動した可能性が出てきた. 一方, 1997年山口県北部の地震 (Mj6.6) の震央から南西約10kmで実施した迫田-生雲断層中部のトレンチ調査により, 断層の最新活動時期は14,500~8,500年前と見積もられた.これらの最新活動時期と既存の研究からのデータを組み合わせると, 迫田-生雲断層から徳佐-地福断層を経て, その南西に隣接する大原湖-弥畝山西断層系を構成する木戸山西方断層へと, 断層活動がマイグレーションする傾向が認められた.
金折 裕司 川上 紳一 矢入 憲二
応用地質 (ISSN:02867737)
vol.33, no.4, pp.187-201, 1992-10-10
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Dating back to 599 A.D., 26 destructive earthquakes of magnitude 6.4 or greater in the Kinki district of central Japan have been documented. A number of extensively developed active faults have been found in the Kinki district. Two major tectonic lines, the Hanaore-Kongo fault line (HKFL) and Tsurugawan-Isewan tectonic line (TITL) , can be identified as lines linking these active faults. The region north of the Median Tectonic Line, occupying the area between the two tectonic lines is defined as the intra-Kinki triangle (IKTA) , where N - S aligned mountain ranges are separated by basins, forming a basin/range province. Steeply dipping reverse faults separate the mountain ranges from the basins. Since it was found that the epicenters of most of the destructive earthquakes were located along the two major tectonic lines, these earthquakes were probably caused by the movement of active faults which constitute the tectonic lines. The average rate r^^-_e of the seismic moments released by the destructive earthquakes was compared with the average rate r^^-_s calculated from average slip rates of the active faults constituting the HKFL, TITL and IKTA. The average rates r^^-_s of the HKFL, TITL and IKTA were found to be in good agreement with the corresponding values of of r^^-_e The values of r^^-_s and r^^-_e for the HKFL and TITL. range from 0.015 to 0.030 x 10^26 dyne・cm/yr, and are significantly greater than those of the IKTA, that is, 0.001 to 0.004 x 10^26 dyne*cm/yr. These results imply that the seismic moments were mainly released along the tectonic lines. The examination of space-time distribution patterns of the destructive earthquakes clarified that active periods of seismic activity cyclically occurred on the HKFL and TITL. A scary earthquake of magnitude 7.5 or 7.4 was generated on the HKFL at the end of one such active period. When fault activity covers the entire length of a tectonic line, the active period ends. The HKFL and TITL are presently in the active periods, since three seismic gaps over which no destructive earthquakes have been detected during the present active period. One gap is on the TITL while the other two are located on the HKFL. Using the average rates r^^-_e of seismic moment release of the tectonic lines, dates of earthquake generation are tentatively predicted for seismic gaps.
金折 裕司 川上 紳一 矢入 憲二
一般社団法人 日本応用地質学会
応用地質 (ISSN:02867737)
vol.33, no.4, pp.187-201, 1992-10-10 (Released:2010-02-23)
9 13

Dating back to 599 A. D., 26 destructive earthquakes of magnitude 6.4 or greater in the Kinki district of central Japan have been documented. A number of extensively developed active faults have been found in the Kinki district. Two major tectonic lines, the Hanaore-Kongo fault line (HKFL) and Tsurugawan-Isewan tectonic line (TITL), can be identified as lines linking these active faults. The region north of the Median Tectonic Line, occupying the area between the two tectonic lines is defined as the intra-Kinki triangle (IKTA), where N-S aligned mountain ranges are separated by basins, forming a basin/range province. Steeply dipping reverse faults separate the mountain ranges from the basins. Since it was found that the epicenters of most of the destructive earthquakes were located along the two major tectonic lines, these earthquakes were probably caused by the movement of active faults which constitute the tectonic lines.The average rate re of the seismic moments released by the destructive earthquakes was compared with the average rate rs calculated from average slip rates of the active faults constituting the HKFL, TITL and IKTA. The average rates rs of the HKFL, TITL and IKTA were found to be in good agreement with the corresponding values of of re. The values of rs and re for the HKFL and TITL range from 0.015 to 0.030×1026 dyne-cm/yr, and are significantly greater than those of the IKTA, that is, 0.001 to 0.004×1026 dyne-cm/yr. These results imply that the seismic moments were mainly released along the tectonic lines.The examination of space-time distribution patterns of the destructive earthquakes clarified that active periods of seismic activity cyclically occurred on the HKFL and TITL. A scary earthquake of magnitude 7.5 or 7.4 was generated on the HKFL at the end of one such active period. When fault activity covers the entire length of a tectonic line, the active period ends. The HKFL and TITL are presently in the active periods, since three seismic gaps over which no destructive earthquakes have been detected during the present active period. One gap is on the TITL while the other two are located on the HKFL. Using the average rates re of seismic moment release of the tectonic lines, dates of earthquake generation are tentatively predicted for seismic gaps.
金折 裕司
一般社団法人 日本応用地質学会
応用地質 (ISSN:02867737)
vol.51, no.4, pp.191-198, 2010-10-10
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高島得三(雅号北海)は徴兵として大阪にいるときに外国語を学ぶ必要性を痛感し, 明治5(1872)年, 23歳のときに当時フランス人鉱山師のいた生野銀山(生野学校)に仏語を学ぶために入り, 地質学に出会うことになる. 明治11(1878)年, 29歳のときに森林植物学に転向するまで, 約7年間地質学と地質調査に携わった. 正則の地質学を学んだ和田維四郎の示唆によって森林植物学に転じることになるが, 得三としては実地調査で山河を歩き回ることができれば, 地質学でも森林植物学でも良かったのであろう. そういう意味では, フィールドワークをこよなく愛していたと言えよう. さらに, 得三は若い頃に学んだ地質学と地質調査で培った自然観察眼が画家として大成させたと回顧している. 地位や名誉を欲せず, フィールドワークを重視した得三に現在でもなお学ぶべき点は多い.
金折 裕司
応用地質 (ISSN:02867737)
vol.49, no.5, pp.285-292, 2008-12-10
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