DUC Le SAITO Kazuo HOTTA Daisuke
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
pp.2020-022, (Released:2020-01-16)

In the ensemble transform Kalman filter (ETKF), an ensemble transform matrix (ETM) is a matrix that maps background perturbations to analysis perturbations. All valid ETMs are shown to be the square roots of the analysis error covariance in ensemble space that preserve the analysis ensemble mean. ETKF chooses the positive symmetric square root Ts as its ETM, which is justified by the fact that Ts is the closest matrix to the identity I in the sense of the Frobenius norm. Besides this minimum norm property, Ts are observed to have the diagonally predominant property (DPP), i.e. the diagonal terms are at least an order of magnitude larger than the off-diagonal terms. To explain the DPP, firstly the minimum norm property has been proved. Although ETKF relies on this property to choose its ETM, this property has never been proved in the data assimilation literature. The extension of this proof to the scalar multiple of I reveals that Ts is a sum of a diagonal matrix D and a full matrix P whose Frobenius norms are proportional, respectively, to the mean and the standard deviation of the spectrum of Ts. In general cases, these norms are not much different but the fact that the number of non-zero elements of P is the square of ensemble size while that of D is the ensemble size causes the large difference in the orders of elements of P and D. However, the DPP is only an empirical fact and not an inherently mathematical property of Ts. There exist certain spectra of Ts that break the DPP but such spectra are rarely observed in practice since their occurrences require an unrealistic situation where background errors are larger than observation errors by at least two orders of magnitude in all modes in observation space.
Hsiang-Wen Cheng Shu-Chih Yang Yu-Ching Liou Ching-Sen Chen
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
pp.2020-017, (Released:2020-05-12)

This study investigates the forecast sensitivity of an afternoon thunderstorm in northern Taiwan to the upstream condition associated with the prevailing warm and moist southwesterly winds on 16 June 2008. This event was initiated near noon and lasted for several hours with a maximum hourly precipitation rate of 69 mm hr−1 at 14 LST.Experiments are conducted to assimilate radial velocity only or both radial velocity and reflectivity data from radars at southwestern and southern Taiwan with the WRF-Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter Radar assimilation system. Results show that these experiments can predict the rainfall occurrence in northern Taiwan, but the location and rainfall amount is very sensitive to upstream environmental conditions. Assimilating the unfiltered topography-associated reflectivity noise upstream generates unrealistic light rain and cooling, which leads to a great reduction of rainfall in the target area. The precipitation prediction suggests that a careful topography-based quality control performed on the radar data can be essential to restore the necessary environmental conditions for forecasting the afternoon thunderstorm event.
Sachie Kanada Kazuhisa Tsuboki Izuru Takayabu
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
vol.16, pp.57-63, 2020 (Released:2020-04-09)

To understand the impacts of global warming on tropical cyclones (TCs) in midlatitude regions, dynamical downscaling experiments were performed using a 4-km-mesh regional model with a one-dimensional slab ocean model. Around 100 downscaling experiments for midlatitude TCs that traveled over the sea east of Japan were forced by large-ensemble climate change simulations of both current and warming climates. Mean central pressure and radius of maximum wind speed of simulated current-climate TCs increased as the TCs moved northward into a baroclinic environment with decreasing sea surface temperature (SST). In the warming-climate simulations, the mean central pressure of TCs in the analysis regions decreased from 958 hPa to 948 hPa: 12% of the warming-climate TCs were of an unusual central pressure lower than 925 hPa. In the warming climate, atmospheric conditions were strongly stabilized, however, the warming-climate TCs could develope, because the storms developed taller and stronger eyewall updrafts owing to higher SSTs and larger amounts of near-surface water vapor. When mean SST and near-surface water vapor were significantly higher and baroclinicity was significantly smaller, unusual intense TCs with extreme wind speeds and large amounts of precipitation around a small eye, could develop in midlatitude regions, retaining the axisymetric TC structures.
LI Zhenghui LUO Yali DU Yu CHAN Johnny C. L.
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
pp.2020-012, (Released:2019-11-30)

Climatological characteristics of pre-summer (April-to-June) rainfall over Southern China (SC) and associated synoptic conditions are examined using 1980-2017 hourly rainfall observations and reanalysis data. The rainfall amount, frequency, and intensity show pronounced regional variations and substantial changes between pre- and post-monsoon-onset periods. Owing to more favorable thermodynamic conditions after monsoon onset over South China Sea (SCS), rainfall intensifies generally over entire SC irrespective of the rainfall-event durations. Increased magnitudes of rainfall amount in longer-duration (> 6 h) events are found over a designated west-inland region (west of 111°E), which are partially attributed to enhanced dynamic instability. In addition, rainfall events occur more frequently over the west-inland region, as well as coastal regions west side of 118°E, but less over a designated east-inland region. The inland-region rainfall is closely linked to dynamic lifting driven by subtropical synoptic systems (low pressure and an associated front or shearline). The westward extension of the western North Pacific high and the eastward extension/movement of the front or shearline, interacting with the intra-period intensification of the southwesterly monsoonal flows, play important roles in providing high-θe (equivalent potential temperature) air to the west- and east-inland regions, respectively. The warm-sector, coastal rainfall is closely related to the deceleration of the southerly boundary layer (BL) jet (BLJ) over the northern SCS and associated convergence of BL high-θe air near the coast. Meanwhile the southwesterly synoptic-system-related low-level jet in the lower-to-middle troposphere to the south of the inland cold front can contribute to the coastal rainfall occurrence by providing divergence above the BL convergence near the coast. The BLJ often simultaneously strengthens with the lower-troposphere horizontal winds, suggesting a close association between the BLJ and the synoptic systems. The quantitative statistics provided in this study complement previous case studies or qualitative results and thus advance understanding about pre-summer rainfall over SC.
LUO Yali XIA Rudi CHAN Johnny C. L.
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
pp.2020-002, (Released:2019-10-16)

Pre-summer rainy season (April to mid-June) over South China (SC) is characterized by high intensity and frequent occurrence of heavy rainfall in the East Asian monsoon region. This review describes recent progress in the research related to such a phenomenon. The mechanisms responsible for pre-summer rainfall consist of multi-scale processes. Sea surface temperatures over tropical Pacific and Indian Ocean are shown to have a great influence on the interannual variations of pre-summer rainfall over SC. Synoptic disturbances associated with regional extreme rainfall over SC are mainly related to cyclone- and trough-type anomalies. Formation and intensification of such anomalies can be contributed by surface sensible heating and mechanical forcing from the Tibetan Plateau. On a sub-daily scale, double rain belts often co-exist over SC. The northern rain belt is closely linked to dynamic lifting by a subtropical low pressure and its associated front/shear line, while the westward extension of the western North Pacific high and the intensification of the southwesterly monsoonal flows play important roles in providing high-equivalent potential temperature air to the west- and east-inland regions, respectively. The southern rain belt with a smaller horizontal span is in the warm sector over either inland or coastal SC. The warm-sector rainfall over inland SC results from surface heating, local topographic lifting, and urban heat island effect interacting with the sea breeze. The warm-sector rainfall over coastal SC is closely associated with double low-level jets, land-sea-breeze fronts, and coastal mountains. A close relationship is found between convectively-generated quasi-stationary mesoscale outflow boundaries and continuous convective initiation in extreme rainfall events. Active warm-rain microphysical processes can play an important role in some extreme rainfall events, although the relative contributions by warm-rain, riming and ice-phase microphysical processes remain unclear. Moreover, to improve the rainfall prediction, efforts have been made in convection-permitting modeling studies.
Sachie Kanada Kazuhisa Tsuboki Izuru Takayabu
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
pp.2020-010, (Released:2020-03-03)

To understand the impacts of global warming on tropical cyclones (TCs) in midlatitude regions, dynamical downscaling experiments were performed using a 4-km-mesh regional model with a one-dimensional slab ocean model. Around 100 downscaling experiments for midlatitude TCs that traveled over the sea east of Japan were forced by large-ensemble climate change simulations of both current and warming climates. Mean central pressure and radius of maximum wind speed of simulated current-climate TCs increased as the TCs moved northward into a baroclinic environment with decreasing sea surface temperature (SST). In the warming-climate simulations, the mean central pressure of TCs in the analysis regions decreased from 958 hPa to 948 hPa: 12% of the warming-climate TCs were of an unusual central pressure lower than 925 hPa. In the warming climate, atmospheric conditions were strongly stabilized, however, the warming-climate TCs could develope, because the storms developed taller and stronger eyewall updrafts owing to higher SSTs and larger amounts of near-surface water vapor. When mean SST and near-surface water vapor were significantly higher and baroclinicity was significantly smaller, unusual intense TCs with extreme wind speeds and large amounts of precipitation around a small eye, could develop in midlatitude regions, retaining the axisymetric TC structures.
Haruka Okui Kaoru Sato
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
pp.2020-011, (Released:2020-03-13)

Using long-term high-resolution operational radiosonde observation data from nine stations in the subtropics and mid-latitudes of Japan, this study performed statistical analysis of the dynamical characteristics of gravity waves (GWs). Wave generation by shear instability in summer was a particular focus because orographic GWs cannot propagate deep into the middle atmosphere through their critical layer in the lower stratosphere. The kinetic energy of summer stratospheric GWs is markedly large south of 37°N. Hodograph analysis revealed that GWs propagating eastward relative to the ground are dominant in summer. The percentage of GWs propagating energy upward (downward) is large above (below) the height at which the mean occurrence frequency of shear instability is high. The time series of the kinetic energy of stratospheric GWs exhibited statistically significant positive correlation with the occurrence frequency of shear instability slightly below the tropopause. These findings strongly suggest the possibility of excitation of summer stratospheric GWs by shear instability above the jet. The shear instability condition is satisfied more frequently in the region 30°-35°N. This is probably related to two characteristics of the background fields slightly below the tropopause: larger vertical shear of zonal winds at higher latitudes and lower static stability at lower latitudes.
WANG Jingyu HOUZE Jr. Robert. A. FAN Jiwen BRODZIK Stacy. R. FENG Zhe HARDIN Joseph C.
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
pp.2019-058, (Released:2019-08-06)

The Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) core observatory satellite launched in 2014 features more extended latitudinal coverage (65°S-65°N) than its predecessor Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM, 35°S-35°N). The Ku-band radar onboard of the GPM is known to be capable of characterizing the 3D structure of deep convection globally. In this study, GPM’s capability for detecting mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) is evaluated. Extreme convective echoes seen by GPM are compared against an MCS database that tracks convective entities over the contiguous US. The tracking is based on geostationary satellite and ground-based Next Generation Radar (NEXRAD) network data obtained during the 2014-2016 warm seasons. Results show that more than 70 % of the GPM-detected Deep-Wide Convective Core (DWC) and Wide Convective Core (WCC) objects are part of NEXRAD identified MCSs, indicating that GPM-classified DWCs and WCCs correlate well with typical MCSs containing large convective features. By applying this method to the rest of the world, a global view of MCS distribution is obtained. This work reveals GPM’s potential in MCS detection at the global scale, particularly over remote regions without dense observation network.
Akihiro Hashimoto Hiroki Motoyoshi Narihiro Orikasa Ryohei Misumi
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
pp.2020-009, (Released:2020-03-02)

We have developed a new method of diagnosing the characteristics of ice particles using a bulk microphysics model. Our model tracked the mass compositions of different classes of ice particles, using their microphysical process of origin, such as water vapor deposition and riming. The mass composition from depositional growth was further divided into six components by the temperature and humidity ranges corresponding to the typical growth habits of ice crystals. In test simulations, the new framework successfully revealed the influences of riming and depositional growths of ice particles within clouds and on surface snowfall. The new approach enables weather prediction models to provide much more information on the characteristics of ice particles regarding crystal habits and the extent of riming.
Shiori Sugimoto
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
vol.16, pp.17-22, 2020 (Released:2020-02-13)

Heavy precipitation frequently occurs over Kyushu, southwestern Japan, during the Baiu season, and abundant moisture transport is a key driving factor. To statistically understand the intensification of moisture transport to Kyushu during the Baiu season, synoptic-scale atmospheric conditions are examined using a composite analysis of reanalysis data. A heavy precipitation day is defined as a day with area-averaged daily precipitation over Kyushu that is larger than 1.0 mm and ranked in top 10% during May 31 to July 19 from 1981 to 2015. During such heavy precipitation days, the precipitation observed over Kyushu exceeds 100 mm day−1. For several days before the occurrence of heavy precipitation over Kyushu, a plateau-scale disturbance develops over the Tibetan Plateau associated with daytime surface heating, and is characterized by cloud convection formation and eastward extension. During the eastward extension, latent heating from the cloud and upper-level high potential vorticity maintains the disturbance. The disturbance reaches northwest Kyushu on the heavy precipitation day, and a pair of positive and negative anomalies of relative vorticity over northwestern and southeastern Kyushu intensify the anomalous moisture transport.
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.84, no.2, pp.259-276, 2006 (Released:2006-05-19)
293 447

Possible changes in the tropical cyclones in a future, greenhouse-warmed climate are investigated using a 20 km-mesh, high-resolution, global atmospheric model of MRI/JMA, with the analyses focused on the evaluation of the frequency and wind intensity. Two types of 10-year climate experiments are conducted. One is a present-day climate experiment, and the other is a greenhouse-warmed climate experiment, with a forcing of higher sea surface temperature and increased greenhouse-gas concentration. A comparison of the experiments suggests that the tropical cyclone frequency in the warm-climate experiment is globally reduced by about 30% (but increased in the North Atlantic) compared to the present-day-climate experiment. Furthermore, the number of intense tropical cyclones increases. The maximum surface wind speed for the most intense tropical cyclone generally increases under the greenhouse-warmed condition (by 7.3 m s−1 in the Northern Hemisphere and by 3.3 m s−1 in the Southern Hemisphere). On average, these findings suggest the possibility of higher risks of more devastating tropical cyclones across the globe in a future greenhouse-warmed climate.
Shiori Sugimoto
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
pp.2020-004, (Released:2020-01-03)

Heavy precipitation frequently occurs over Kyushu, southwestern Japan, during the Baiu season, and abundant moisture transport is a key driving factor. To statistically understand the intensification of moisture transport to Kyushu during the Baiu season, synoptic-scale atmospheric conditions are examined using a composite analysis of reanalysis data. A heavy precipitation day is defined as a day with area-averaged daily precipitation over Kyushu that is larger than 1.0 mm and ranked in top 10% during May 31 to July 19 from 1981 to 2015. During such heavy precipitation days, the precipitation observed over Kyushu exceeds 100 mm day−1. For several days before the occurrence of heavy precipitation over Kyushu, a plateau-scale disturbance develops over the Tibetan Plateau associated with daytime surface heating, and is characterized by cloud convection formation and eastward extension. During the eastward extension, latent heating from the cloud and upper-level high potential vorticity maintains the disturbance. The disturbance reaches northwest Kyushu on the heavy precipitation day, and a pair of positive and negative anomalies of relative vorticity over northwestern and southeastern Kyushu intensify the anomalous moisture transport.
Masahrio Shiozaki Takeshi Enomoto
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
pp.2020-003, (Released:2019-12-30)

The 2015/16 El Niño is compared with the two previous strongest events, the 1982/83 and 1997/98 El Niño. The 2015/16 winter features a basin warming in the Indian Ocean, a negative sea surface temperature (SST) anomaly shifted to the north in the western Pacific Ocean in addition to a positive SST anomaly shifted to the west in the eastern Pacific Ocean. These SST distributions lead to suppressed convection in the Maritime Continent, and to a weakened Hadley circulation in the western Pacific Ocean. The eastern Asian monsoon in the 2015/16 winter was also weakened due to the dominance of the western Pacific (WP) pattern. On the other hand, the third and fourth centers of action of Pacific/North American (PNA) pattern in the 2015/16 case are obscure. This may be due to weak divergence in the eastern Pacific Ocean.
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
pp.2019-067, (Released:2019-09-24)

A multi-scale data assimilation method for the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) is proposed for atmospheric models in cases with insufficient observations of fast variables. This method is based on the conservation and invertibility of potential vorticity (PV). The dynamical state variables in the free atmosphere of forecast ensemble members are decomposed into balanced and unbalanced parts by applying PV inversion to the PV anomalies computed from spatially smoothed state variables. The mass variables of the two parts are adjusted to remove additional sampling errors introduced by this decomposition. The forecast error covariances between those parts are ignored in the Kalman gain to suppress spurious error correlations. This approximation makes it possible to apply different covariance localizations to each part. The Kalman gain thus obtained is used to assimilate observations. The performance of the proposed method is demonstrated with a shallow water model through twin experiments in a perfect model scenario. Results using the same localization radius for the two parts show that the proposed EnKF is superior in the accuracy of the analysis to a conventional EnKF unless the ensemble size is sufficiently large. It is found that the adjustment of mass variables is necessary to outperform the conventional EnKF. The benefits of the PV inversion using the Bolin-Charney balance over the quasi-geostrophic inversion are marginal in the experiments.
Sachie Kanada Hidenori Aiki Kazuhisa Tsuboki Izuru Takayabu
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
vol.15, pp.244-249, 2019 (Released:2019-12-05)

From 16 to 23 August 2016, typhoons T1607, T1609, and T1611 hit eastern Hokkaido in northern Japan and caused heavy rainfall that resulted in severe disasters. To understand future changes in typhoon-related precipitation (TRP) in midlatitude regions, climate change experiments on these three typhoons were conducted using a high-resolution three-dimensional atmosphere–ocean coupled regional model in current and pseudo-global warming (PGW) climates. All PGW simulations projected decreases in precipitation frequency with an increased frequency of strong TRP and decreased frequency of weak TRP in eastern Hokkaido. In the current climate, snow-dominant precipitation systems start to cause precipitation in eastern Hokkaido about 24 hours before landfall. In the PGW climate, increases in convective available potential energy (CAPE) developed tall and intense updrafts and the snow-dominant precipitation systems turned to have more convective property with less snow mixing ratio (QS). Decreased QS reduced precipitation area, although strong precipitation increased or remained almost the same. Only TRP of T1607 increased the amounts before landfall. In contrast, all typhoons projected to increase TRP amount associated with landfall, because in addition to increased CAPE, the PGW typhoon and thereby its circulations intensified, and a large amount of rain was produced in the core region.
GAO Meiling CHEN Fei SHEN Huanfeng BARLAGE Michael LI Huifang TAN Zhenyu ZHANG Liangpei
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
pp.2019-060, (Released:2019-08-18)

Summer heat waves pose a great threat to public health in China. This paper took Wuhan (one of the four hottest furnaces cities in China) as an example to explore several strategies for mitigating the surface urban heat island (UHI) measured by the land surface temperature, including the use of green roofs, cool roofs, bright pavements, and alternations in urban building patterns. The offline urbanized High-Resolution Land Data Assimilation System (u-HRLDAS) was employed to conduct 1-km resolution numerical simulations, which also accounts for the effects of abundant lakes in Wuhan on UHI evolution with a dynamic lake model. The diurnal cycle and spatial distribution of simulated UHI were analyzed under different mitigation strategies. Results show that considering lake effects reduces the daytime (nighttime) UHI intensity by about 1.0 K (0.5 K). Employing green roofs and cool roofs are more effective in mitigating daytime UHI than the use of bright pavements. The maximum UHI reduction is about 2.1 K at 13:00 local time by replacing 80% of conventional roofs with green roofs. The UHI mitigation efficiency increases with larger fractions of green roofs, and increased albedo of roofs and roads. In contrast to the green roofs, cool roofs and bright pavements which are ineffective in nighttime, changing urban building pattern to mitigate the UHI is effective throughout the day. “Height-driven building structure changing” (raising the building height, and meanwhile changing the fraction of impervious surface in each grid to keep the total building volume intact) can reduce the surface UHI intensity by 0.4-0.9 K, and “density-driven building structure changing” (distributing building density uniformly and the building height are modified to make the total building volume unchanged) reduces UHI by 1.2-2.6 K. These results showed new insights in mitigating the urban heat islands for a mega city like Wuhan and provides a practical guideline for policymakers to offer a more habitable city.
Liangtao XU Yijun ZHANG Fei WANG Xi CAO
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.97, no.6, pp.1119-1135, 2019 (Released:2019-12-05)

The charge structure evolution of a mesoscale convective system with an anomalous or inverted charge structure, observed in the Severe Thunderstorm Electrification and Precipitation Study, a field project on the Colorado–Kansas border in summer 2000, is simulated using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model coupled with electrification and discharge processes. Two noninductive electrification schemes are used, based on the liquid water content (LWC) and the graupel rime accretion rate (RAR). The simulation with the LWC-based electrification scheme cannot reproduce the inverted charge structure with a positive charge region sandwiched by two negative charge layers, while the RAR-based electrification scheme produces the evolution process of a normal–inverted–normal charge structure in the convective region, which is consistent with the observations. In the low RAR (< 2 g m−2 s−1) region, graupel is mainly negatively charged when it bounces off ice crystals, while the ice crystals take up positive charge. However, in the zone where the inverted charge structure forms, a strong updraft (> 16 m s−1), high LWC (> 2 g m−3), and high RAR (> 4.5 g m−2 s−1) region appears above the height of the −20°C layer, so that a positive graupel charging region is generated above the −20°C layer of the convective region, resulting in a negative dipole charge structure with negatively charged ice crystals above the positively charged graupel. The negative dipole is superposed on the positive dipole (positive above negative) charge structure at the lower position to form an inverted tripole charge structure.
菊地 勝弘
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.65, no.2, pp.309-311, 1987 (Released:2007-10-19)
2 2
樋口 敬二
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.40, no.3, pp.170-180, 1962-12-28 (Released:2007-10-19)
2 4

Kazuaki Yasunaga Atsushi Hamada Kazuaki Nishii
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
pp.2019-043, (Released:2019-11-06)

This study examines the factors responsible for the long-term changes of winter monsoonal flow around Japan in association with increasing precipitation trends in December along the coastal areas of Honhsu (the main island of Japan) facing the Sea of Japan. The precipitation around the tropical eastern Indian Ocean and maritime continent has significantly increased in recent years. Thus, a wave-packet of the stationary Rossby wave associated with the anomalous heating deflects the subtropical jet to the south over the eastern edge of the Eurasian continent. The deflection of the jet gives favorable conditions for the development of a low pressure trough in the lower level on the eastern side, leading to the formation of negative height anomalies near the surface around Japan.Although tropical precipitation also increases in November and January, the anomalous heating induces negative height anomalies and cyclonic circulations over the inland region of China and eastern offshore region of Japan (to the further west and east in comparison with those in December) in these months. As a result, monsoonal flow around Japan (and precipitation along the coastal areas of the Sea of Japan) shows no long-term trends in November or January.