Ho Lee Tatsuya Suzuki Yohei Okada Hiromu Tanaka Satoshi Okamori Hirofumi Kamata Makoto Ishii Masahiro Jinzaki Koichi Fukunaga
The Keio Journal of Medicine
The Keio Journal of Medicine (ISSN:00229717)
pp.2021-0012-OA, (Released:2021-11-11)

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was first reported in Wuhan, China, in December 2019 as an outbreak of pneumonia of unknown origin. Previous studies have suggested the utility of chest computed tomography (CT) in the diagnosis of COVID-19 because of its high sensitivity (93%–97%), relatively simple procedure, and rapid test results. This study, performed in Japan early in the epidemic when COVID-19 prevalence was low, evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of chest CT in a population presenting with lung diseases having CT findings similar to those of COVID-19. We retrospectively included all consecutive patients (≥18 years old) presenting to the outpatient department of Keio University Hospital between March 1 and May 31, 2020, with fever and respiratory symptoms. We evaluated the performance of diagnostic CT for COVID-19 by using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) results as the reference standard. We determined the numbers of false-positive (FP) results and assessed the clinical utility using decision curve analysis. Of the 175 patients, 22 were PCR-positive. CT had a sensitivity of 68% and a specificity of 57%. Patients with FP results on CT diagnosis were mainly diagnosed with diseases mimicking COVID-19, e.g., interstitial lung disease. Decision curve analysis indicated that the clinical utility of CT imaging was limited. The diagnostic performance of CT for COVID-19 was inadequate in an area with low COVID-19 prevalence and a high prevalence of other lung diseases with chest CT findings similar to those of COVID-19. Considering this insufficient diagnostic performance, CT findings should be evaluated in the context of additional medical information to diagnose COVID-19.
Clevers Hans C.
The Keio Journal of Medicine
The Keio Journal of Medicine (ISSN:00229717)
vol.68, no.4, pp.95, 2019

<p>Stem cells are the foundation of all mammalian life. Stem cells build and maintain our bodies throughout life. Two types of stem cells are discerned.</p><p>1) Embryonic stem cells (ES cells) are briefly present in the early human or mouse embryo, a few days after fertilization. These ES cells can be grown indefinitely in the lab and have the potential to build each and every tissue in our body. Because of this 'pluripotency', ES cells hold great promise for therapeutic application in the field of regenerative medicine. It is also possible to take skin cells (or other cells) from adults and convert these in the lab into cells with ES properties, so called iPS cells. Many of the hurdles that ES cell technology have faced, do not exist for iPS cells.</p><p>2) Adult stem cells. Every organ in our body is believed to harbor its own dedicated stem cells. These adult stem cells replace tissue that is lost due to wear and tear, trauma and disease. Adult stem cells are highly specialized and can only produce the tissue in which they reside; they are 'multipotent'. Examples are bone marrow stem cells that make all blood cells, skin stem cells and gut stem cells. Even the brain is now known to harbor its specialized stem cells. The adult stem cells allow us to live 80-90 years, but this comes at a cost: they are the cells that most easily transform into cancer cells.</p><p>Both types of stem cells can be used to establish 'organoids', 3D structures established in a dish, that recapitulate many aspects of the organ they represent. Pluripotent stem cells can be taken through the developmental steps that establish organs during embryogenesis. This has worked particularly well for parts of the the central nervous system, the kidney and GI organs. We have shown that adult epithelial stem cells carrying the generic Lgr5 marker can be cultured under tissue-repair conditions and generate epithelial organoids directly from healthy and diseased organs such as the gut, the liver, the lung and the pancreas. Organoid technology opens a range of avenues for the study of development, physiology and disease, for drug development and for personalized medicine. In the long run, cultured mini-organs may replace transplant organs from donors and hold promise in gene therapy.</p>
Sachi Sri Kantha
The Keio Journal of Medicine
The Keio Journal of Medicine (ISSN:00229717)
vol.40, no.1, pp.35-39, 1991 (Released:2009-03-27)
18 39

The significance of the 1890 tetanus antitoxin paper by von Behring and Kitasato in the development of a new discipline, immunology, is reviewed. The possible reasons why Kitasato lost the first Nobel Prize for medicine to von Behring are presented. These are as follows: (1) The Nobel selection committee literally interpreted Alfred Nobel's will to award the prize to “the person who has made the most important discovery.” (2) In the late 19th century, diphtheria was a serious contagious disease which claimed many thousands of lives in the Europe and America; and von Behring's solely authored paper on diphtheria antitoxin clinched the award for him. (3) The merit of tetanus antitoxin to humans, which was the focal point of the 1890 paper on tetanus antitoxin jointly authored by von Behring and Kitasato, was not recognized at the time of the award in 1901; it became apparent only during the First World War.
森田 陽子 福内 靖男 厚東 篤生 鈴木 則宏 五十棲 一男 後藤 淳 清水 利彦 高尾 昌樹 青山 正洋
The Keio Journal of Medicine
The Keio Journal of Medicine (ISSN:00229717)
vol.46, no.3, pp.120-127, 1997 (Released:2009-03-27)
10 15

We investigated rapid changes in pial arterial diameter and in cerebral blood flow (CBF) caused by transient ipsilateral common carotid artery occlusion (CCA-O) in anesthetized rats in order to elucidate how the cerebral circulation reacts to acute stem artery occlusion. In separate groups of rats, pial arterial diameter was recorded through a dosed cranial window and CBF was recorded by laser-Doppler flowmetry. CCA-O was performed for 5 minutes under normotension and normocapnia (control) and under graded hypotension, hypercapnia and hypocapnia. In the control condition, pial arterial diameter increased rapidly, triggered by CCA-O. It took 12±3 s to reach the maximum of 204±42% of the value before CCA-O, and 60±24 s to become stable at 131±11%. CBF decreased rapidly to 66±11%, then increased reactively to 135±9%, and again decreased to 91±3%. The reactive increase in CBF caused by CCA-O decreased in parallel with the degree of hypotension, and also became barely detectable under hypercapnia. Our data suggest that active vascular dilation in the territory of the occluded artery is important for inducing collateral circulation.
Leonard Hayflick
The Keio Journal of Medicine
The Keio Journal of Medicine (ISSN:00229717)
vol.47, no.3, pp.174-182, 1998 (Released:2009-03-27)
24 40

During the first half of this century it was believed that because cultured normal cells were immortal, aging must be caused by extracellular events. Thirty-five years ago we overthrough this dogma when we discovered that normal cells do have a limited capacity to divide and that aging occurs intracellularly. We also observed that only cancer cells are immortal. Normal cells are mortal because telomeres shorten at each division. Immortal cancer cells express the enzyme telomerase that prevents shortening. Recently, it was discovered that the telomerase gene when inserted into normal cells immortalizes them. There appears to be a relationship between these findings and aging, longevity determination and cancer. After performing the miracles that take us from conception to birth, and then to sexual maturation and adulthood, natural selection was unable to favor the development of a more elementary mechanism that would simply maintain those earlier miracles forever. This failure is called aging. Because few feral animals age, evolution could not have favored animals exhibiting age changes. Natural selection favors animals that are most likely to become reproductively successful by developing greater survival skills and reserve capacity in vital systems to better survive predation, dis-ease, accidents and environmental extremes. Natural selection diminishes after sexual maturation because the species will not benefit from members favored for greater development of physiological reserve. A species betters its chances of survival by investing its resources and energy in increasing opportunities for reproductive success rather than on post-reproductive longevity. The level of phy-siological reserve remaining after reproductive maturity determines potential longevity and evolves incidental to the selection process that acts on earlier developmental events. Physiological reserve does not renew at the same rate that it incurs losses because molecular disorder increases. These age changes increase vulnerability to predation, accidents or disease.
Terry Grossman
The Keio Journal of Medicine
The Keio Journal of Medicine (ISSN:00229717)
vol.54, no.2, pp.85-94, 2005 (Released:2006-06-20)
9 10

Rapid progress is being made in our ability to modify the aging process. Rather than serving as a period of debility and decreasing health, for many people, the later years of life are becoming a period of continued productivity, independence and good health. Progress is also being made in increasing average lifespan. The leading causes of death (cardiovascular disease, cancer, lung disease, diabetes) are the end result of decades-long processes. With current knowledge, it is possible to delay the onset of these diseases. This can be assisted by lifestyle choices incorporating healthful diet, exercise, stress management, and nutritional supplementation. Emerging genomics technology will allow individuals to establish personalized programs, while early detection of heart disease and cancer will contribute to longevity. Biotechnological therapies involving stem cells, recombinant DNA, proteomics, therapeutic cloning and gene-based therapies are expected to play major roles in promoting successful aging. We are at the threshold of artificial intelligence (AI) and nanotechnology (NT). AI will allow for a merging of our biological thinking with advanced forms of non-biological intelligence to vastly expand our ability to think, create and experience. NT will ultimately allow us to build devices able to build molecules much like our current cellular machinery does, one atom at a time. It is the goal of today’s antiaging medicine to forestall disease and aging long enough for people to utilize the powerful biotechnology and nanotechnology therapies that will be developed over the decades ahead. These future therapies have the potential to greatly extend longevity.
Hideaki Nakajima
The Keio Journal of Medicine
The Keio Journal of Medicine (ISSN:00229717)
vol.60, no.2, pp.47-55, 2011 (Released:2011-07-03)
21 30

Differentiation of hematopoietic cells is a sequential process of cell fate decision originating from hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), allowing multi- or oligopotent progenitors to commit to certain lineages. HSCs are cells that are able to self-renew and repopulate the marrow for the long term. They first differentiate into multipotent progenitors (MPPs), which give rise to common lymphoid progenitors (CLPs) and common myeloid progenitors (CMPs). CMPs then differentiate into granulocyte monocyte progenitors (GMPs) and megakaryocyte erythroid progenitors (MEPs), which are the precursors of granulocytes/monocytes and erythrocytes/megakaryocytes, respectively. Lineage specification at differentiation branch points is dictated by the activation of lineage-specific transcription factors such as C/EBPα, PU.1, and GATA-1. The role of these transcription factors is generally instructive, and the expression of a single factor can often determine cell fate. Differentiation was long regarded as an irreversible process, and it was believed that somatic cells would not change their fate once they were differentiated. This paradigm was first challenged by the finding that ectopic cytokine signals could change the fate of differentiation, probably through modulating internal transcription networks. Subsequently, we and others showed that virtually all progenitors, including CLPs, CMPs, GMPs, and MEPs, still retain differentiation plasticity, and they can be converted into lineages other than their own by ectopic activation of only a single lineage-specific transcription factor. These findings established a novel paradigm for cellular differentiation and opened up an avenue for artificially manipulating cell fate for clinical use .
The Keio Journal of Medicine
The Keio Journal of Medicine (ISSN:00229717)
vol.13, no.3, pp.143-154, 1964 (Released:2009-03-27)
3 4

A case of true hermaphroditism was reported, in which bilateral ovotestes were found, drumstick was positive in 12 out of 500 polymorphous leukocytes of peripheral blood stream, and the chromosome karyotype was 46 XX.Fifty cases of true hermaphrodites reported in Japan were reviewed and briefly discussed.Grateful acknowledgement is made to Prof. H. Tamura, Assistant Prof. H. Tofukuji of Dept. of Urology, and Assistant Prof. H. Watanabe of Dept. of Pathology. Our thanks are also to Dr. K. Suzuki of Dept. of Urology.Our grateful acknowledgements are due to Dr. Akira Tonomura in the Dept. of Human Genetics, National Institute of Genetics, Mishima, Japan.
Taku Suzuki Takuji Iwamoto Noboru Matsumura Masaya Nakamura Morio Matsumoto Kazuki Sato
The Keio Journal of Medicine
The Keio Journal of Medicine (ISSN:00229717)
pp.2019-0004-OA, (Released:2019-07-06)

Percutaneous ultrasonic tendon needling has been used to treat persistent lateral epicondylitis, and its efficacy has been demonstrated. However, whether ultrasonography is necessary remains unclear. The purpose of this retrospective study was to evaluate the efficacy of percutaneous tendon needling without ultrasonography for lateral epicondylitis. A total of 36 patients who underwent tendon needling without ultrasonography for lateral epicondylitis were retrospectively included in the study. The tendinotic lesion was needled by fenestration approximately 20–30 times without sonographic assistance. The Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) pain score, the grip strength, and success rates were assessed at baseline and at 1, 3, 6, and 12 months after treatment. The Nirschl tennis elbow score was evaluated at baseline and at 6 and 12 months after the needling procedure. The mean VAS pain score and grip strength at 3, 6, and 12 months significantly improved compared to the baseline values. At 6 and 12 months, the success rates had significantly increased compared to the rates at 1 month. The mean Nirschl scores at 6 and 12 months were significantly better than the baseline value. No severe complications were observed during the study period. Percutaneous tendon needling without ultrasonography is a simple and safe technique. The procedure is effective for lateral epicondylitis that is unresponsive to conventional conservative treatments.
The Keio Journal of Medicine
The Keio Journal of Medicine (ISSN:00229717)
vol.24, no.4, pp.275-287, 1975 (Released:2009-03-27)
3 3

Histological findings of the thymuses extirpated in 15 cases of Hashimoto's disease and 27 cases of focal chronic lymphoid thyroiditis were described. Hyperplasia of spindle-shaped epithelial cells were more prominent in the thymus of Hashimoto's disease (9/15, 60.0%). Thymic lymphoid follicles were demonstrated more frequently in focal chronic lymphoid thyroiditis (22/27, 81.5%). Plasma cell, which was ascertained by Methyl Green Pyronin stain was found in 10 out of 15 cases with Hashimoto's disease (66.6%) and in 16 out of 27 cases with focal chronic lymphoid thyroiditis (59.3%).The incidence of mononuclear cell which contained immunoglobulin or gammaglobulin in the thymuses was 62.5% (5 out of 8 patients) and 66.6% (4 out of 6 patients) in Hashimoto's disease and focal chronic thyroiditis, respectively.A long-term observation after thymectomy disclosed that the titrations of antibodies to thyroglobulin as well as thyroid microsome gradually decreased and came negative within one or two years, particularly in focal chronic lymphoid thyroiditis.It might be concluded that the thymus of Hashimoto's disease and focal chronic lymphoid thyroiditis was involved in proliferation of antibody forming cells and providing antigen reactive cells to induce immunopathy of thyroid and any other tissues.
Ryota Sakai Kyoko Komai Mana Iizuka-koga Akihiko Yoshimura Minako Ito
The Keio Journal of Medicine
The Keio Journal of Medicine (ISSN:00229717)
pp.2019-0003-OA, (Released:2019-07-26)

Inflammation and immune responses after tissue injury play pivotal roles in the resolution of inflammation, tissue recovery, fibrosis, and remodeling. Regulatory T cells (Tregs) are responsible for immune tolerance and are usually activated in secondary lymphatic tissues. Activated Tregs subsequently regulate effector T cell and dendritic cell activation. For clinical applications such as the suppression of both autoimmune diseases and the rejection of transplanted organs, methods to generate stabilized antigen-specific Tregs are required. For this purpose, transcriptional and epigenetic regulation of Foxp3 expression has been investigated. In addition to conventional Tregs, there are some Tregs that reside in tissues and are called tissue Tregs. Tissue Tregs exhibit tissue-specific functions that contribute to the maintenance of tissue homeostasis and repair. Such tissue Tregs could also be useful for Treg-based cell therapy. We recently discovered brain Tregs that accumulate in the brain during the chronic phase of ischemic brain injury. Brain Tregs resemble other tissue Tregs, but are unique in expressing neural cell-specific genes such as the serotonin receptor (Htr7); consequently, brain Tregs respond to serotonin. Here, we describe our experiences in the use of Tregs to suppress graft-versus-host disease and to promote neural recovery after stroke.
Hiroko Hozawa Ayano Takeuchi Yuko Oguma
The Keio Journal of Medicine
The Keio Journal of Medicine (ISSN:00229717)
pp.2018-0007-OA, (Released:2018-12-14)

This cross-sectional study investigated the associations of business type with the prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MetS) and lifestyle characteristics among workers in small- and medium-sized enterprises. In total, data from 167,736 workers (114,746 men and 52,990 women) who participated in health checkups in 2013 were analyzed using multilevel logistic regression models. The odds ratios (ORs) of having MetS, defined based on the criteria of the joint interim statement, were significantly higher in employees of transportation businesses (reference OR =1) than in other business types among men (OR: 0.67–0.85) and similar result was observed among women (OR: 0.70–0.88). The prevalence of a smoking habit was significantly higher in transportation workers than in employees of other businesses for both men and women. Furthermore, male transportation workers were more likely to skip breakfast, engage in <1 h/day of walking, walk at a slower speed, and eat dinner just before going to bed. Female transportation workers were more likely to have gained 10 kg since the age of 20 years. In conclusion, the prevalence of MetS was higher in transportation workers than in workers from other businesses; the associated risk factors may also vary by sex. To effectively promote public health, the labor environment, such as the business type, should be considered.
The Keio Journal of Medicine
Keio journal of medicine (ISSN:00229717)
vol.58, no.2, pp.95-102, 2009-06-01

The tragedy of suicide in adolescents is experienced by all countries of the world with as many as 200,000 youth and young adults ending their life in the prime of their life because of self-murder each year. Such a tragedy should be unacceptable to clinicians of the world and this article examines factors leading to such death in our youth with recommendations on how to prevent such a worldwide carnage. A major issue in suicide prevention is to screen all children and adolescents for depression and other factors that may trigger suicide in adolescence.
Koichiro Homma
The Keio Journal of Medicine
The Keio Journal of Medicine (ISSN:00229717)
vol.65, no.4, pp.67-73, 2016 (Released:2016-12-25)
1 6

Because of the increased use of contrast media, the potential risk of contrast-induced acute kidney injury (CIAKI) has also increased. CIAKI often results in chronic kidney disease (CKD), an affliction with increasing incidence in modern society. The current prevalence of CIAKI is difficult to estimate because most victims are asymptomatic. The first Japanese guidelines regarding contrast agent examinations were recently announced, but their only recommendation is to provide classic fluid replacement with saline 6–12 h before and after the contrast procedure. According to a review summarizing the recent literature, little evidence supports this suggestion. To obtain early diagnoses and to treat emergent patients, it is appropriate to perform procedures using contrast media without knowledge of patients’ renal function. Prevention of CIAKI is the most important consideration, and the usefulness of risk scores predicting the development of CIAKI has been reported. However, no prospective studies have been performed to date, and, therefore, such studies will be necessary in the future. Furthermore, the development of novel preventative interventions for CIAKI is also required.
Alan Mackay-Sim
The Keio Journal of Medicine
The Keio Journal of Medicine (ISSN:00229717)
vol.54, no.1, pp.8-14, 2005 (Released:2005-09-28)
28 46

The olfactory ensheathing cell is a specialized glial cell that assists in growth of the axons of the olfactory sensory neurons as they are generated and regenerated throughout adult life. There is increasing evidence in animal models that transplantation of olfactory ensheathing cell promotes recovery after transplantation into the injured spinal cord. Olfactory ensheathing cell transplants have promoted regrowth of axons across the injury site and led to recovery of functional behaviours including climbing, walking, reaching, and breathing. Most evidence comes from olfactory ensheathing cells derived from the olfactory bulb. This is an impractical site for human biopsy compared to the easy accessibility of olfactory ensheathing cells from the olfactory mucosa in the nose. Our experiments demonstrated that nasal olfactory ensheathing cells led to functional improvement after complete spinal cord transaction in rat. After devising methods to grow human olfactory ensheathing cells from nasal biopsy we recently initiated a Phase I clinical trial of transplantation into the human paraplegic spinal cord.
大東 貴志
The Keio Journal of Medicine
The Keio Journal of Medicine (ISSN:00229717)
vol.39, no.4, pp.254-260, 1990 (Released:2009-03-27)
3 6

It is possible that a strategy designed to stimulate cancer cells in the active cell cycle may increase the effectiveness of S-phase specific anti-cancer agents such as methotrexate. In this study, the effects of granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) on the proliferation of cultured human bladder cancer cells and on the cytotoxicity of anti-cancer drugs to bladder cancer cells were studied in vitro. The 3H-thymidine uptake of cultured human bladder cancer cells, KU-1 and NBT-2, was significantly higher when the cells were treated with 10 ng/ml G-CSF than without G-CSF after 24- and 48-hour incubation. However, the cell numbers of KU-1 and NBT-2 were not significantly affected by 72-hour treatment with 10 ng/ml G-CSF. The binding of 125I-labeled KW-2228, a muteins of G-CSF, to KU-1 and NBT-2 was inhibited by unlabeled KW-2228 in a concentration dependent manner, which demonstrated the presence of G-CSF receptors on both cells. Scatchard analysis showed that the receptor densities of KU-1 and NBT-2 were 1770 and 3070 per cell, respectively. The combination treatment with methotrexate and G-CSF resulted in a significant increase in cytotoxic effects, when compared with methotrexate treatment alone. This study supports the possibility that the combination therapy of methotrexate and G-CSF increases clinical response in the treatment of advanced bladder cancer.
Atsuko Nishimoto Yohei Otaka Shoko Kasuga Eri Otaka Kotaro Yamazaki Junichi Ushiba Meigen Liu
The Keio Journal of Medicine
The Keio Journal of Medicine (ISSN:00229717)
vol.65, no.3, pp.57-63, 2016 (Released:2016-09-25)

Robotics is an emerging field in rehabilitation medicine. Robots have the potential to complement traditional clinical assessments because they can measure functions more precisely and quantitatively than current clinical assessments. We present a patient with a proximal humeral fracture whose recovery process was evaluated with an exoskeleton robotic device. The patient, a 34-year-old woman, suffered a left proximal humeral fracture while snowboarding. She is an occupational therapist and is the first author of this study. With conservative therapy, fracture union was seen on X-ray at 6 weeks post-injury. At that time, the patient was permitted to move her left upper limb actively within the tolerance of pain. We assessed the function of the injured upper limb at 6, 7, and 12 weeks post-injury with the KINARM exoskeleton robotic device and with conventional clinical measures. The active range of motion and the muscle strength of the left shoulder improved over time. Using robotic assessment, the precise movement profiles, position sense, and functional ability of both arms were quantified and also showed progressive improvement over time. Assessment with a robotic device of the recovery process after proximal humeral fracture allowed quantification of functional impairments that could not be felt subjectively nor identified with conventional clinical assessments.
Gabriel Nunez
The Keio Journal of Medicine
The Keio Journal of Medicine (ISSN:00229717)
vol.66, no.1, pp.14-14, 2017 (Released:2017-03-25)

The mechanisms that allow enteric pathogens to colonize the intestine and host immunity as well as the indigenous microbiota to inhibit pathogen colonization remain poorly understood. Our laboratory is using Citrobacter rodentium, a mouse pathogen that models human infections by enteropathogenic E. coli, to understand the mechanisms that regulate the colonization and clearance of the pathogen in the gut. These studies have revealed how the pathogen colonizes and replicates successfully early during infection and how host immunity and the indigenous microbiota cooperate to eradicate the pathogen in the later stage of the infection. The impairment of the immune system to control the barrier function of the intestine leads to pathogen invasion and the induction of a second layer of host protective immunity to limit the systemic spread of the pathogen.(Presented at the 1931st Meeting, January 17, 2017)
福田 宏之 川井田 政弘 大木 和明 加納 滋 川崎 順久 辻 ドミンゴス浩司 甲能 直幸
The Keio Journal of Medicine
The Keio Journal of Medicine (ISSN:00229717)
vol.39, no.2, pp.102-105, 1990

The phonatory examination was performed while monitoring vocal fold vibration by laryngostrobovideography. Vocal fold vibration was video-taped by a laryngostroboscope and flexible laryngofiberscope inserted through the nasal cavity. Simultaneously, the phonatory examination was conducted with a phonation analyzer. The data were entered into a personal microcomputer via an A/D converter and analyzed to obtain the parameters of sound pitch, sound intensity and mean expiratory air flow volume, which were superimposed on the color video monitor screen.