斎藤 昭
The Kitakanto Medical Society
北関東医学 (ISSN:00231908)
vol.10, no.5, pp.510-528, 1960-09-01 (Released:2009-10-21)

The author wanted to see what effect the minute electric current generated in the living body would exert on the growth of fibroblasts and bone. For this purpose, the femur and fibroblasts of the heart from the chick embryo were cultured. A modification of the Carrel's bottle was used for the convenience of applying electric current.The growth of 3rd serial culture of the fibroblasts was inhibited by a current of 7.5, 5.0 and 2.1 μA in varying degrees according to the current strength, accelerated by 1.2 μA, and slightly inhibited by 0.1 μA.In passing a 5.0 μA current, the growth was accelerated toward the anode, exhibiting remarkable “polarity”. On the cathodic side, however, only a trace of “polarity” was recognized. In the case of 2.1 μA, remarkable polarity was observed toward both poles. Especially toward the anodic side, the end of the tissue was pointed owing to stronger polarity, the tissue consequently assuming an oval form.The growth of the femur was remarkably inhibited by the application of 7.5 μA current, and slightly inhibited by 5.0, 2.1, 1.2, and 0.1 μA, without showing change according to current strength.
川久保 悦子 内田 陽子 小泉 美佐子
The Kitakanto Medical Society
北関東医学 (ISSN:13432826)
vol.61, no.4, pp.499-508, 2011

<B>【目 的】</B> 認知症高齢者に対して「絵画療法プラン」を作成, 実践し, (1) 絵画療法が認知症高齢者にもたらす効果, (2) 認知症高齢者の作品の特徴, (3) 肯定的反応および否定的反応を示した絵画療法の画題, (4) 絵画療法を効果的に進めるための介入方法を明らかにした. <B>【対象・方法】</B> 対象者は, 認知症をもつ年齢65歳以上の高齢者で, 認知症グループホームHを利用し, 調査協力を得た5名である. 3か月間に, 週1回, 60分程度の「絵画療法プラン」を計12回介入した. 評価は内田<sup>1</sup>の認知症ケアのアウトカム評価票, BEHAVE-ADを使用し, 各回の絵画作品の評価も行った. また対象者の反応をカテゴリー分類した. <B>【結 果】</B> 対象者5名すべて女性であり, 年齢は86±5.9歳 (平均±SD), 全員がアルツハイマー病であった. (1) 絵画療法が認知症高齢者にもたらす効果は「周辺症状」,「介護ストレス・疲労の様子」,「趣味・生きがいの実現」,「役割発揮の有無」の改善と,「制作への自主性」や「他人の作品を褒める」などの肯定的な行動や言動をもたらした. (2) 作品は色あざやかで抽象度が高く大胆な構図で, 単純化などの特徴がみられた. (3) 認知症高齢者に肯定的な反応であった画題は「色彩が原色で彩度が高く, 工程が単純, 写実ではなく自由表現をいかした画題」「昔使っていた材料を使った画題」「生活の中で役に立ち, 手芸を取り入れた画題」「色や素材を選択できる画題」であった. (4) 絵画療法には肯定的な言動の反面「できない」という, 相反する感情もあった. <B>【結 語】</B> 絵画療法は, 認知症高齢者の精神活動によい効果をもたらすが, ケア提供者が絵画療法プランを取り入れることで, 認知症高齢者のいきいきとした反応や言動を発見することができる. 介入により新たに発見したことをアセスメントし, 認知症高齢者ができることを促すようなケアを行うことが求められる. 落ち着いた環境を整え, 画題と介入方法を考慮する必要がある.
浅野 美智留 森 淑江 戸塚 規子 横川 裕美子
The Kitakanto Medical Society
北関東医学 (ISSN:13432826)
vol.52, no.5, pp.377-384, 2002

【背景と目的】青年海外協力隊経験者の8~9割は再参加を希望するが, 帰国後の還元に関する一連の研究は進んでいない.ゆえに看護職の場合の課題を明らかにすることを目的とした.【対象と方法】協力隊帰国看護職397名に対し, 「再参加の希望」「希望理由」「障害」について郵送式質問紙から得られた回答を意味のある文に区切ってコード化し, 類似するコードごとにカテゴリー化して分析した.【結果】再参加希望者は多いが(289名・72.8%), 障害なしは14名(3.5%)だけであった.再参加希望の理由, 障害は, 1.一番多い理由は自己実現, 2.理由と障害の両方に「専門」と「語学」が挙がる, 3.障害は「家族」「自己」の個人的問題, であった.【結語】他職種と同じく再参加を希望しているが, 再参加者は少なく, 障害に「家族」や「健康」などの個人的問題がある, という女性の多い職種の特徴が浮かび上がった.
松本 政雄 北村 奉正 菊地 幸江 臼田 小夜子
The Kitakanto Medical Society
北関東医学 (ISSN:00231908)
vol.19, no.5, pp.532-535, 1969 (Released:2009-10-15)

With a test method devised by Matumoto et al., which was applied of the putting method in the golf, the fitness of an individual subject for the action requiring fine control was intended to measured. The following results were obtained.1) The average score of the first tests to all subjects was 38.0. The one of male subjects was slightly higher than that of female ones.2) The curve of learning effect on the individual subject ascended with zigzag course and reached plateau after 4050 times tests (training), but the height of the plateau differed quite large on different subject.3) There was little difference between the curves of learning effect of male and female.4) There was also little difference between the curves of learning effect of the subject with and without experience of the golf, except the phase at the beginning.5) When the learning effect to each time of the test was compared on the subject who carried out the test one time every day and one time every week, the former was higher than the latter.
辻 達彦 矢野 ヨシ 逸見 てる子 塚越 京子
The Kitakanto Medical Society
北関東医学 (ISSN:00231908)
vol.16, no.6, pp.443-453, 1966

The relationship between prenatal care and perinatal mortality, and incidence of prematurity was studied in Omama town (pop., 18, 000) of Gunma prefecture.<BR>There was no conclusive evidence of a significant association between prenatal care and perinatal mortality. However, an incidence of prematurity, particularly of low birth weight group, wats more prevalent among the group of insufficient prenatal care, as judged from later onset of prenatal care and fewer visits during prenatal period. Furthermore, several socio-medical aspecs were analyzed and discussed. On the basis of these findings, special risk group of parents was suggested and the problem-centered approach of maternity care in the community was stressed.
辻 達彦 加瀬 芳夫 逸見 てる子 伊藤 洋子
The Kitakanto Medical Society
北関東医学 (ISSN:00231908)
vol.24, no.3, pp.153-160, 1974

This paper is concerned with the statistical studies on the 99 cases of the maternal death in Gunma prefecture during the period of 5 years (from 1965 to 1969).<BR>Results were as follows : <BR>1. The mean value of maternal mortality per year was 19.8 ± 5.54. More than 60% of total cases was observed in the group aged over 30, and the number of the cases in the group of ages over 35 years was unexpectedly high.<BR>2. Concerning with the causes of death, when compared with those of previous study (from 1957 to 1960), toxaemia and bleeding were decreased, while those of postabortal death and others were increased. The number of death from infection and ectopia is not significantly changed. Over all the cases of maternal death were decreased in the prefecture.<BR>3. As for the place of death, the number of the cases other than medical clinic was decreased. However, the cases of death in the group of home confinement were still observed in aged pregnancy, indicating the direction to be stressed in maternal and child health.<BR>4. Little changes were observed in the rank order of the number of the cases in the district of each territorial health center when compared with that of previous study (from 1957 to 1960). No community in the prefecture had maternal death every year, and maximum number of occurrence of the case in one community was three throughout 5 years. There was no consistency in the occurrence of the case in any special district. The result might suggest that the maternal deaths in the prefecture were caused by some arbitrary factors.<BR>5. In spite of above results, the data suggested the need of precaution for toxaemia in mountain area and some part of town area, and that for bleeding in the districts near border of the prefectures.<BR>The results of the study indicate that the intensive precautions for the maternal death are still needed, especially for toxaemia and bleeding. The paper also emphasizes the need of emergency care system to reduce the maternal deaths in the prefecture.
伴野 祥一 宇都木 敏浩 大野 富雄 加藤 典浩 大島 伸浩 大島 茂
The Kitakanto Medical Society
北関東医学 (ISSN:00231908)
vol.39, no.6, pp.715-717, 1989-11-01 (Released:2009-10-15)

Asymptomatic myocardial infarction (MI) was found in 8 (3%) of the 274 patients with MI who underwent coronary angiography, and half of them were diabetics. They represented only 7% of all diabetics however. Twenty-four (9%) had new onset angina within 2 weeks before MI. Among them, 9 (38%) were diabetics and they represented 15% of all diabetics. In terms of the incidence of MI with or without angina, except for the new onset group, there was no significant difference between diabetics and non-diabetics. The severity of coronary atherosclerosis was independent of the presence of angina prior to MI. Our results indicated that the incidence of asymptomatic MI in diabetics is not as high as previously believed.