岡本 民夫 藤野 好美 平塚 良子 牧 洋子 戸塚 法子 久保 美紀 木原 活信 信川 美樹 日根野 健 空閑 浩人
一般社団法人 日本社会福祉学会
社会福祉学 (ISSN:09110232)
vol.40, no.1, pp.150-171, 1999

Recently we find that the studies of skills in social work are on the increase. But we have not much knowledge about it which has important, essential impact in social wroker' s activities. To practice social work effectively, social worker needs generic / spesific knowledge and mastery of interventions and values. He or she selects useful knowledge and intervention, being guided values of clients and professional values. Then under the contract between a client / clients and social worker, he or she prorvides social services to people and improves their life situation, changes systems / environments of them, understanding causes and backgrounds of their life problems. But guided values and knowledge, slills of social worker function these whole processes of practicing. In this meaning, skill is a central part of social work pracice. We recognize that social work skill depends on social worker's abilities and aciviteis as a profession, also we need to develop a unique whole system of skills in our ptactice. In this paper, we disscuss and analyze, make it clearly from reviewing some research of the pioneers ; (1) what social wrok skill means, (2) what and how position and function of skills in social work practice are, (3) what role of skill is, in case of sescientific practice and creating scietific social wrok with an uniqeness, also (4) what and how relation of a speciality of social work uniqueness (the nature of social work) and skill is, etc.. There, we find several important points and tasks about research of them. There is deferential part in use of term and difintion of skill between pioneers. But the term and defintion of social work skill is very important. They symbolize whole social wrok idntity (uniqueness), especially professional identity, and scientific identity and originality, social meaning of itself. Additioning to say, there are somoe discreminations of concepts and construcions of skills of each pioneers, some are clear and elaborate, some are loose, unclear and limitted. Those indicate it's unmatured level of study. So we need more research of social work skill and must relate it to methodological perspectives under the uniqueness and originality of social work. Finally, We suggest more ideas of how to research skill. Especially we streess that we build up and refine feedback-loop procseess system of research of skill ; "Teaching knowledge, values, skills-Learning-Scientific Practice-Analyzing / verifying-Scientific Aproach of Doing / Practicing (Creating / Recreating and Constructing / Reconstructing new knowledge, values, skills)-Teaching...".
木原 活信 Katsunobu Kihara
基督教研究 (ISSN:03873080)
vol.78, no.1, pp.17-41, 2016-06

社会福祉とキリスト教の関係について、福祉国家以前の慈善時代と、福祉国家下の措置制度時代、そしてポスト福祉国家としての現代の市民的契約の時代の3つに分類しつつ、そこでの宗教の役割の変遷についてキリスト教を例にスピリチュアリティの概念をもとに分析した。そのなかで市民契約の時代の宗教と社会福祉の在り方に着目し、市民的公共圏における社会福祉とスピリチュアリティについてEdward Candaの理論を踏まえつつ、議論した。論文(Article)
木原 活信 Katsunobu Kihara
評論・社会科学 = Hyoron Shakaikagaku (Social Science Review) (ISSN:02862840)
no.138, pp.1-19, 2021-09-30

本論文では,ジョージ・ミュラーの孤児院開設の草創期(1835-1842)に焦点をあて,特に開設直後のミュラーの精神的不調と孤児院の財政的危機について論じた。これまでのミュラーの伝記では,2000人規模の孤児院経営という「奇跡」的事業や諸困難を「祈りによって解決」したといったエピソードを軸に紹介されてきた。しかし本論では,それにはハイライトをかけず,これまでの伝記では触れられてこなかったミュラーの内面的葛藤と経営的問題に焦点をあてた。特に半年間にわたって精神的不調により休業せざるを得なかった経緯,そして逼迫した財政状況を分析した。神のみに頼る「実験」のため,その趣旨を理解した者以外からの献金を受けない,借金をしない,集金目当ての広告をしないといった方針により結果的に過酷なまでの財政危機となった。しかし逆説的にその危機的財政基盤ゆえに,世界のキリスト者たちが多額の献金で支えた。そしてまたミュラーは,「頭の病気」という精神・神経症状と格闘したが,逆にその「脆さ」と「弱さ」ゆえに,愚直なまでに神に頼り続けた点にこそ,「奇跡の人」「偉人」ではないミュラーを理解する本質と鍵がある。This paper focuses on George Müller's early days with the Bristol orphanage (1835-1842) and discusses Müller's mental crisis shortly after its opening and subsequent financial crisis. Biographies written about Müller thus far have centred on the episode showing his 'miracle' works and indicating that the difficulties of managing the orphanage with 2,000 orphans were 'solved by prayer'. However, in this paper, I focused on Müller's internal conflicts and management issues, which have not been touched upon in previous biographies. I analysed the circumstances in which he had to take a leave of absence due to mental problems for six months as well as the tight financial situation. Müller's policy was to 'experiment' with the faith that relies solely on God, so he would not receive donations from anyone other than those who understood his purpose, would not borrow any money from anyone, and would not advertise for collection. A severe financial crisis occurred due to his adherence to this policy. However, paradoxically, because of the orphanage's poor financial base, it was possible to collect large contributions from many Christian volunteers around the world. He also continued to rely on God while struggling with the 'weakness' of mental and neurological symptoms of a 'head illness'. His way of life, as somebody who was 'not a miracle person', is probably the most important point in understanding him.論文(Article)
木原 活信
一般社団法人 日本社会福祉学会
社会福祉学 (ISSN:09110232)
vol.32, no.2, pp.22-55, 1991-10-15 (Released:2018-07-20)

This Paper is about Addams' influence on the historical process of social casework through the progressive era (1900-14). That era was the time when social reforms were often carried out. So Addams, who was a leader of social reform, was able to be a "champion" among social workers. In contrast Richmond, who insisted on individual help (casework) rather than social one as a unit, disliked this era because Addams and her radical group considered Richmond's casework as useless. This situation caused two results. Firstly, in order to overcome the idea of Addams' social reform, Richmond had to explore an effective method of casework. As a result casework advanced to a scientific approach. Secondly, it is about the concept of social. From the first, Richmond did not have such an idea of social so much. So Addams criticized that point. As a result she gradually came to understand the meanings of social through the criticism from Addams. Consequently casework had become social casework with a scientific method as we know today
木原 活信
一般社団法人 日本社会福祉学会
社会福祉学 (ISSN:09110232)
vol.46, no.2, pp.3-16, 2005-11-30 (Released:2018-07-20)

木原 活信 Katsunobu Kihara
基督教研究 = Kirisutokyo Kenkyu (Studies in Christianity) (ISSN:03873080)
vol.78, no.1, pp.17-41, 2016-06-21

社会福祉とキリスト教の関係について、福祉国家以前の慈善時代と、福祉国家下の措置制度時代、そしてポスト福祉国家としての現代の市民的契約の時代の3つに分類しつつ、そこでの宗教の役割の変遷についてキリスト教を例にスピリチュアリティの概念をもとに分析した。そのなかで市民契約の時代の宗教と社会福祉の在り方に着目し、市民的公共圏における社会福祉とスピリチュアリティについてEdward Candaの理論を踏まえつつ、議論した。
木原 活信
