中川 俊二 勝田 満江
一般社団法人 日本アレルギー学会
アレルギー (ISSN:00214884)
vol.24, no.7, pp.535-542,582-58, 1975-07-30 (Released:2017-02-10)

除虫菊はキク科の植物で, そのなかでもシロバナムシヨケギクがとくに強い殺虫力を持つものとして, わが国では瀬戸内海沿岸島嶼および和歌山県などで多量に栽培されている(戦前は世界最高).毎年5月の開花時期には栽培地周囲の人々の間で喘鳴, 呼吸困難, くしゃみ, 鼻漏, 流涙などの症状を訴えるものが増えてくる.この事実から, われわれは除虫菊花粉が特異的な抗原性を存するものと考え, 本年5月に因島で花粉を収集, これを鳥居薬品に依頼してアレルゲンエキスとして作製した.一方, 因島市役所の協力で栽培者のアンケート調査から, 過敏症と思われる人にたいする諸検査で次のことが明らかとなった.1)除虫菊花粉は35×35μの微粒で, 形態学的には幾瀬分類6B^b型に属する.飛散距離が栽培地を中心として1km以内におよび, 花粉症としての抗原性を有する.2)過敏症と思われる人に除虫菊花粉エキスの皮膚反応を行うことによって, 明らかに強陽性を示し, 他のアレルゲンと区別することができた.また誘発反応(鼻粘膜および気管支)でも特異的な症状の発生を認めることができた.つぎに, 除虫菊粉(蚊取線香原料で殺虫成分としてピレトリンI, IIを含有)の人体に対する影響も考えられるので, 鳥居薬品に依頼して粉および煙のアレルゲンエキスを作製, これの抗原性について除虫菊工場(瀬戸田)の職員(アレルギー様症状のもの)に行ったのであるが, 今回の検査では皮膚反応陰性で抗原性はみられなかった.
中川 俊二 吉村 睦夫 永田 [チカ]子 松岡 茂 池見 酉次郎
心身医学 (ISSN:03850307)
vol.21, no.3, pp.217-227, 1981-06-01

Spontaneous regression of cancer (SRC) was classified according to the definition by Everson and Cole in 1966 and it was decided to recognize as the proper cases those which met the following requirements. 1) The reduction of a cancer which has been pathohistologically confirmed. 2 ) The reduction of a cancer in spite of unsatisfactory therapy or in the absence of any anti-cancer therapy. 3 ) The long survival of the host body due to extremely delayed progress or prolonged arrest of cancer with no rapid growth of a malignant tumor. 4 ) The long survival of the host body with no cachectic change of cancer in the presence of some anti-cancer therapy or the death of the host body after long survival due to some cause other than cancer. We have collected 35 cases of SRC. We studied each case from pathohistological findings and immunological characteristics (mainly digestive cancer patients) and found some interesting facts. The SRC cases are all primary cancers identified as 17 digestive cancers, 6 lung cancers, 4 vocal cord cancers, 2 liver cancers, 2 rectal cancers, and others. 54. 3% were males whereas 45. 7% were females. The classification of cancer according to histological findings are as follows ; 19 adeno carcinoma, 8 squamous cell carcinoma, 2 hepatoma, 2 carcinoma simplex, 2 scirrhous carcinoma, 1 undifferentiated carcinoma and 1 osteosarcoma. Now* we would like to review pathohistological studies of the organism's reaction to cancer. Watanabe stated that the degree of the lymphocyte infiltration of gastric cancer stroma and the histiocyte reaction of regional lymphocytes are related to the prognosis of cancer (lymphoid stroma). We found many cases of lymphoid stroma as the result of our histological study of the SRC in digestive cases. Psychological evaluation revealed that they had marked tendency to repress their feelings. But after they knew they had cancer, they stopped their bad habits completely and started to live a meaningful life on a day-to-day base by doing service to their surroundings. This can be called what Booth says " an existential shift." It was characteristic of these cases that the patient showed no sign of depression, fear of death and loss of meaning of life after they found their cancer.