浅木 茂 西村 敏明 岩井 修一 北村 英武 増田 幸久 迫 研一 佐藤 玄徳 渋木 諭 榛沢 清昭 佐藤 彰 大方 俊樹 後藤 由夫
Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society
日本消化器内視鏡学会雑誌 (ISSN:03871207)
vol.23, no.6, pp.792-798_1, 1981-06-20 (Released:2011-05-09)

遠藤 裕子 斉藤 洋子 新山 泰子 吉田 ふみ子 新井 せつ子 久富 恵子 元村 千佳 西川 久美子 藤倉 良裕 宍戸 洋 吉田 太一 関野 宏 浅木 茂
社団法人 日本透析医学会
人工透析研究会会誌 (ISSN:02887045)
vol.17, no.2, pp.115-121, 1984-04-30 (Released:2010-03-16)

便秘は精神的, 肉体的に不快なものである. 食生活を制限されている透析患者では, 従来より便秘を訴えることが多く下剤服用者も多い. 私達は当院患者124名 (男70名, 女54名) を対象とし, 排便の状況, 下剤の使用状況などについて調査を行い, 「透析患者と便秘-現状と対策-」について検討した.下剤服用者と排便困難者を併せて便秘群とすると, 便秘群は52名 (男23名, 女29名) で全体の42%を占めた. 透析導入とともに便秘に陥った患者が多く, 水分制限, 除水等の影響が大きいものと思われる. 下剤は刺激性下剤の服用者が多く, 実際効果的であった. 下剤使用が常用量を越す人に対して, 偽薬を処方することにより服薬量の減量が可能であった. また, 便秘解消法のパンフレットを作成し, 社会活動の勧め, 生活指導, 腹部マッサージや指圧, 繊維性食品の食事指導などを行った. その結果, 下剤服薬が必要でなくなった人が13名, 減量できた人が21名みられた. 透析患者の便秘には除水, 水分制限, 消化管運動機能低下, 薬物および精神的要因など複合的成因の関与が考えられる.
浅木 茂
一般社団法人 日本消化器内視鏡学会
日本消化器内視鏡学会雑誌 (ISSN:03871207)
vol.18, no.4, pp.543-557, 1976-08-20 (Released:2011-05-09)

The purpose of the investigation is to ascertain the feasability of the endoscopic cure of the gastric polyp or polyposis without surgical operation using high frequency current and to study the relationship between the hyperplastic polyp and cancer of the stomach. 230 patients with gastric polyp or polyposis were examined and in 281 instances, polypectomy was done using high frequency current (spark-gap type apparatus) and Machida type 2-channel fibergastroscope PFS-F type. In 64 instances, small sized poylps, the polyps were cauterized by the same method. There were 345 polyps thus treated. These polyps included sessile type 173 polyps and pedunculated 171 polyps. Results: Polypectomy was done for 281 polyps and 274 samples were obtained (97.5%); 7 samples were lost after polypectomy. There were 211 polyps diagnosed as the hyperplastic polyp by direct biopsy. In these polyps, the histological examination of the removed polyps revealed that 193 to be hyperplastic polyp (90.6%), 3 to be polyp cancer and 14 to be gastritis polyposa. There were 55 samples which was diagnosed as gastritis by gastric biopsy. In these, 27 were gastritis polyposa (49.1 %), 20 were hyperplastic polyp, one was atypical epitherium, one fibroid, one fibroid polyp and one aberration tissues by the examination of the removed polyp. There were 5 atypical epitherium group III diagnosed by biopsy. Examination of the removed polyps however revealed one adenocarcinoma tubulare. One atypical epitherium group IV diagnosed by biopsy was so confirmed by the histological examination of the removed polyp lesion. Conclusion: It was concluded that the endoscopic polypectomy for polyps of the stomach can be done safely using high frequency current. It was felt that the method can substitute the surgical operation in this particuler lesion. The removal of the polyp as a whole offered unique opportunity to compare the biopsy findings with the histological whole tissue examination, showing the importance of the removal of the whole polyp as evidenced by the presence of polyp cancer in 1.4 % of hyperplastic polyps.