渡邉 憲夫 与能本 泰介 玉置 等史 中村 武彦 丸山 結
一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
日本原子力学会和文論文誌 (ISSN:13472879)
vol.12, no.2, pp.113-127, 2013 (Released:2013-05-15)
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On March 11, 2011, the Tohoku District-off the Pacific Ocean Earthquake and the subsequent tsunami resulted in the severe core damage at TEPCO's Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station Units 1-3, involving hydrogen explosions at Units 1, 3, and 4 and the large release of radioactive materials to the environment. Four independent committees were established by the Japanese government, the Diet of Japan, the Rebuild Japan Initiative Foundation, and TEPCO to investigate the accident and published their respective reports. Also, the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency carried out an analysis of accident causes to obtain the lessons learned from the accident and made its report public. This article reviews the reports and clarifies the differences in their positions, from the technological point of view, focusing on the accident progression and causes. Moreover, the undiscussed issues are identified to provide insights useful for the near-term regulatory activities including accident investigation by the Nuclear Regulation Authority.
杉山 卓也 中村 武彦 西井 良 菅沼 柾希 宅野 信輔 千葉 裕花 増田 百恵 三井 玲奈
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.30, no.1, pp.1_31-1_40, 2020 (Released:2020-01-24)

The purpose of this research was to investigate the current situation in which youth teams in Europe are producing football players in strong teams and to explore the success model of the youth teams. The youth teams of the European top four major league division teams were examined, and as a result of calculating the contribution points based on the UEFA club ranking, the first place was Real Madrid youth, the second place was Barcelona Youth. Among the top 10 teams in total points, there were teams that showed high points even if they were not such strong teams. Also, although Manchester City Youth has produced many players, it did not differ much from other teams in regard to total points. In addition, there were teams that promoted many players in their top teams, like Athletic Bilbao Youth. Based on the above surveys, it was considered that the teams that successfully trained players could be classified into the following three major categories. ① Multi-player High Level Type, including Real Madrid youth and Barcelona youth, producing many players and operating at a high level. ② Self-Team Contribution Type, including Athletic Bilbao Youth, promoting many players to their own top team. ③ Release to Other Teams Type, including Manchester City Youth, producing numerous players who join other teams
門田 利作 中村 武彦
社団法人 日本食品科学工学会
日本食品工業学会誌 (ISSN:00290394)
vol.14, no.1, pp.7-10, 1967

以上の実験結果をまとめてみるとつぎのようになる。<BR>(1) 日向夏の外果皮に対する収率は2.12%で全果に対して0.44%であった。これを他の柑橘類レモン,オレンジと交献<SUP>12)</SUP>によって比較してみるとそれぞれ全果に対し0.80%, 0.40%前後であるので,日向夏はこれら柑橘類に比べて精油含有量に大きな差はないようである。<BR>(2) 日向夏芳香中性化合物中,炭化水素化合物として,テルペン系のα-ピネン,d-リモネンを確認でき,かつ他の柑橘類と同じくd-リモネンが主成分であると思われる。<BR>(3) 炭化水素化合物以外に含酸素化合物としてテルペン系のシトラル,リナロール,ゲラニオールが確認され,また脂肪族としてカプリルアルデヒド,デシルアルデヒド,ノニルアルコール,デシルアルコールが確認できた。<BR>(4) ここで確認されたテルペン系および脂肪族化合物は他の柑橘類精油中にも含まれているにかかわらず,日向夏の芳香には一種独特のものが感じられる。これがなにに由来するかいろいろな要因によるものと思われるが,まず第1に考えられることは特有の微量物質の存在,成分の含量比などと思われる。引きつづきガスクロマトグラフ法で研究する予定である。<BR>本報の一部は1964年10月16日宮崎市で行なわれた日本農芸化学会西日本支部大会で講演した。