中村 泰久
福島大学教育実践研究紀要 (ISSN:02871769)
vol.38, pp.31-38, 2000-06
中村 泰久 / 穴水 幸子 / 山中 武彦 / 石井 文康 / 三村 將
日本福祉大学健康科学部, 日本福祉大学健康科学研究所
日本福祉大学健康科学論集 = The Journal of Health Sciences
vol.21, pp.25-35, 2018-03-30

Based on the test outcomes of divergent and convergent thinking tasks, we examined the characteristics of patients with schizophrenia through an intergroup comparison with a control group, as well as through an intragroup comparison. The study involved the schizophrenia group and healthy control group. Both groups were administered the divergent thinking tasks, and convergent thinking tasks. Psychological symptoms were assessed of the schizophrenia patient. The outcome of the intergroup comparison showed that patients with schizophrenia show a decline in multiple The Tinkertoy Test (TTT) revised version subitems and Idea Fluency Task (IFT) Task-modified response number in the divergent thinking tasks. Furthermore, the result of a logistic regression analysis concerning the items that showed a decline indicated intergroup discrimination for TTT revised version name and IFT Task-modified response number. Subsequently, in the intragroup comparison of patients with schizophrenia, there was a positive correlation between positive symptoms and Design Fluency Test (DFT) Score. From these outcomes, we suggest that patients with schizophrenia tend to score lower on divergent thinking tasks, and that among the divergent thinking tasks, the TTT revised version and IFT are capable of measuring independent cognitive functions that are less susceptible to the influence of psychological symptoms.
中村 泰久 朝倉 起己 新宮 尚人 Yasuhisa Nakamura Tatsumi Asakura Naoto Shingu
日本福祉大学健康科学論集 = Journal of health sciences, Nihon Fukushi University
vol.16, pp.29-34, 2013-03-30

In the study, we examined the factors which affect the skills which are required or partially required for working with 38 schizophrenic patients. We collected background information on the subjects such as age, sex, medical history, age at the initial visit and education, and then evaluated the subjects' cognitive function by the Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF), Brief Assessment for Cognition in Schizophrenia Japanese version (BACS-J) and Life Assessment Scale for the Mentally Ill (LASMI). Working memory, motor function, and attention and information-processing rate were evaluated by using digit sequencing test, Token Motor Task and symbol coding test, respectively. Correlation analyses revealed that skills required for working had significant correlations with education, verbal memory and learning, working memory, motor function, and composite score. As of skills partially required for working, correlations were observed with motor function, attention and information-processing rate, and composite score. In addition, multiple regression analyses suggested that required skills were influenced by verbal memory and learning, while partially required skills were influenced by attention and information-processing rate.
中村 泰久 朝倉 起己 新宮 尚人 Yasuhisa Nakamura Tatsumi Asakura Naoto Shingu
日本福祉大学健康科学論集 = Journal of health sciences, Nihon Fukushi University
vol.18, pp.49-56, 2015-03-30

We conducted a study to evaluate factor(s) which influence frequencies of job separation of schizophrenic employees with 31 patients. We collected background information on the subjects such as age, sex, medical history, and then evaluated the subjects' cognitive function by the Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF), Schizophrenia Cognition Rating Scale Japanese Version (SCoRS-J). Correlation analyses revealed that job separation for working had significant correlations with age, medical history and Attention, Social Cognition. In addition, multiple regression analyses suggested that job separation were influenced by medical history, and Attention rate.
中村 泰久 國島 千晶 松井 泰彦 朝倉 起己
一般社団法人 日本作業療法士協会
作業療法 (ISSN:02894920)
vol.41, no.1, pp.51-60, 2022-02-15 (Released:2022-02-15)

本研究は作業療法士(以下,OTR)の統合失調症患者に対する地域生活支援での作業療法評価開発に向けて,評価項目を明らかにすることを目的にした.研究Ⅰでは,地域生活支援の経験を豊富に持つOTR 10名に半構造化面接のデータ分析と情報収集からの評価として8項目の生成と,ICFコアセットに基づいた質問紙調査から62項目を抽出した.研究Ⅱでは,OTR 82名に対しデルファイ法質問紙調査をして中央値と四分位数範囲,同意率で項目の内容妥当性を確認した.最終的に,統合失調症患者の地域生活支援での作業療法評価項目として合計70項目を同定した.
中村 泰久 島田 慧人 穴水 幸子 三村 將
一般社団法人 日本作業療法士協会
作業療法 (ISSN:02894920)
vol.39, no.3, pp.365-371, 2020-06-15 (Released:2020-06-15)

統合失調症の認知機能障害に対しCognitive Remediation Therapy(CRT)の効果が報告されている.さらに介入効果を社会生活能力へ般化する上で発散的思考の影響が注目されている.今回,CRTのVCAT-Jを実施したところ,認知機能の改善に伴い発散的思考の質が高まり,日常生活での行動変容を認めた事例を経験した.介入初期はゲーム課題への取り組みだけであったが,中期以降はゲーム課題から自身の記憶の苦手さを自覚し,工夫する様子が見られ,ブリッジングのグループワークで意見交換が多くなった.介入経過と介入前後の評価尺度スコア変化などから,CRTの介入効果として,認知機能の改善,発散的思考,日常生活の行動変容を認める可能性が示唆された.