丸山 マサ美
日本健康学会誌 (ISSN:24326712)
vol.86, no.5, pp.224-230, 2020-09-30 (Released:2020-11-02)

Aim: I investigated materials related to this case that were held in the U.S., and I explored reconsidering the case as a bioethical issue. Methods: For a 2012 Scientific Research Project (Theme: Research on Historical Documents at Kyushu University School of Medicine (Theme No.23650563) ), I conducted an overseas investigation of the Kyushu University Vivisection Case in December 2014 after completing a preliminary study in Japan. Results: On 25 December 2014, in the abovementioned U.S archives, I discovered unpublished materials written by Fukujiro Ishiyama,“Professor” in the First Department of Surgery of Kyushu Imperial University. These materials have since been published in a textbook and utilized for bioethics education. Conclusion: The Great Fukuoka Air Raid occurred in 1945, at the end of the Pacific War. Eight POWs who had been on board a U.S. Army B-29 bomber were subjected to “experimental surgeries” under the Japanese Western District Army at the Department of Anatomy of the Kyushu University School of Medicine. This resulted in the deaths of all the POWs in the so-called “Kyushu University Vivisection Case.” For a long time, the university has regarded this case as negative history and as taboo. The incident seemed to have been planned by Dr. H. Komori, an army physician, who held the key to the case and is said to have committed “a horrible and inhumane act.” The discovery of the new materials, however, has made the case a bioethics issue that involves the Code of Conduct for Medical Professionals. Significantly, the discovery has presented an opportunity for the issue to be reconsidered from an interdisciplinary perspective.
丸山 マサ美
医学哲学 医学倫理 (ISSN:02896427)
vol.17, pp.118-122, 1999-10-01 (Released:2018-02-01)

This study analyses private papers written by women who underwent sterilization. First, a comparison is made with the model of E. Suchman who pointed out "illness behavior" and "stages of illness". In the present study, frequency of words in women who underwent sterilization treatment were analyzed by using WORD-SEP (frequency of word program). This is the Zipf's law. Zipf interpreted this fact as the one to express the fundamental basis of human behavior for "least effort". This progrum analysed the structure of the word frequencies in computer programming languages and manuals of computer by the same method as Zipf. We would turn from the argument of fining the other human activities regarding the various human behaviors whether they show a similar pattern as was found by Zipf or do they show a different pattern. We could approach the study of the structure of human needs of women who underwent sterilization. In light of the result, these words such as "watashi","onna", "jibun" and "ko" contained the arguments towords the problems. This paper will focus on these issues and further hypothesis of these issues.
丸山 マサ美
医学哲学 医学倫理 (ISSN:02896427)
vol.15, pp.26-32, 1997-09-20 (Released:2018-02-01)

This study analyses private papers written by women who underwent sterilization treatment. First a comparison is made with the model of E.Suchman who pointed out "illness behavior" and "stages of illness". How big is the pain of infertility as a result of the enormous stigma attached to the inability of giving birth to one's own child? The sense of desperation is followed by hope-and then desperation again and again. Why are children of any value? Because of a particular passionate desire of caring for and nurturing children? The medical procedures they underwent and the many "failures" they experienced are described. But they say, "If we lived in a world in which infertility is not seen as a 'disease' that can be 'cured', these technological accidents and experimental procedures could be avoided." That is, pressure from society can turn a fertility problem into a curse which provokes feelings of guilt, above all the desperate belief that, 'I have to try one more time, one more procedure.' : What is "illness", and What is the object of "treatment" ? After all, this study is an analysis of the content of papers concerning cognitive factors of illness behavior.
丸山 マサ美
山口医学 (ISSN:05131731)
vol.55, no.1, pp.17-27, 2006-02-28

近年,生殖補助医療の進歩は著しく,不妊症患者をめぐるさまざまな調査が行われている.しかし,当事者である不妊症カップルを対象にした生殖技術に対する調査は少ない.今回,現在,治療中の不妊症カップル(A市B施設において,治療中の不妊症カップル122名(男性58名,女性64名),回答者の年齢平均 男性36.3±4.5歳,女性33.8±3.9歳)について,生殖技術に対する態度の意識調査を行い,各質問項目と『子供の有無』別,『性別』に統計解析を行った.調査は,平成14年10月19日〜平成15年8月27日実施した.調査票の質問項目は,フェイスシートを用意し,生活観4項目,人生観5項目,生殖技術の是非と推進8項目,AID (Artificial Insemination by Donor)について7項目,生殖医療の将来4項目,将来の家族設計・生殖技術に関する態度4項目であった.生殖補助技術について,「子供の有無」別と関連の高い項目は,「AIDに対する態度」,「営利目的でなく精子バンクとして精子を管理する事」の2項目が該当し,「AIDについては,自分自身はしない.他人はかまわない」,といった姿勢にあった.「子供の有無」別にかかわらず,「卵提供」・「胚提供」については,利用の意思がなかった.また,子供をもつカップルは,利用するだろう技術として「AIH」,「IVF」,「排卵誘発剤」と答えたが,子供のいないカップルは,「AID」,「代理出産」,「代理母」,「人工卵」,「人工精子」の技術利用を期待していた.また,「性別」と関連の高い項目は,「患者自身の不妊経験」,「身近な不妊経験者の存在」であった.女性を取り巻く日常生活の環境要因とその経験に何らかの影響があるようだ.生殖補助医療においては,被実施者である不妊カップルを中心にその出生児,さらには,提供者のプライバシー保護が重要であり,子の福祉を考慮した倫理的,法的,社会的議論が今後さらに期待される.
丸山 マサ美 吉田 眞一 小宗 静男 下川 元継 下川 元継

本研究の目的は、本学医学部の古い史料を現在の教育に活用することにあり、新しい教育方法論を模索することにあった。研究成果として、これまでに講義・討論を中心とする教育から、調査・整理、成果報告において、学生の積極的参画は、本研究目的の第一段階の達成とする。研究成果『九州大学医学部標本・史料集(ISBN 987-4-9944005-10-9)』は、九州大学学術情報リポジトリ-により、広く学内・外に公開した。 今後さらに、倫理教育における古い史料の位置づけ、教育への適性など量的・質的な視点からの評価・考察から新しい教育方法論は構築される。
丸山 マサ美 桑本 美智子 安藤 満代
九州大学医療技術短期大学部紀要 (ISSN:02862484)
vol.29, pp.49-53, 2002-03

Present study tried to examine patient A's view of life, sense of value or happiness by her essays, letters, or diary in the struggle with illness, for the purpose of groping about terminal care of school children. Though medical staff usually have had a tendency to chink of children in terminal stage from the view of medicine, but it is also important to think of children from the view of various aspects, such as the ability of decision, parents' acting judgement or role, children's own life in the life course. In the present case, classroom for weak children was the base of A's heart, and A's classroom was the place of establishing identity. The important point for QOL of school children in terminal stage is the view of recognizing them as growing with death because they are in the process of growing and development. So it is important to take in to consideration how children spend their time and limited space from the viewpoint of children. In addition, it is very necessary for nurses to be an advocacy as well as their parents.
丸山 マサ美 安藤 満代 松崎 彰信
九州大学医学部保健学科紀要 (ISSN:13482319)
vol.2, pp.85-90, 2003-09

Recently, due to the increased recognition of the importance of patient-focused medical care, the concept of informed consent or patients' understanding ability in terms of truth-telling is reconsidered. This report proposes the adaptation of concept narr