広田 知良 山﨑 太地 安井 美裕 古川 準三 丹羽 勝久 根本 学 濱嵜 孝弘 下田 星児 菅野 洋光 西尾 善太
生物と気象 (ISSN:13465368)
vol.17, pp.34-45, 2017 (Released:2017-04-10)

Although climatic conditions had hindered the introduction of Pinot Noir, a cultivar of wine grape (Vitis vinifera), to areas such as Yoichi and Sorachi, Hokkaido, northernmost Japan, the growing region of the cultivar has recently extended. We analyzed meteorological data to obtain the rationale for the successful cultivation of Pinot Noir in Hokkaido; climate shift since 1998 pointed by Kanno (2013), i.e., rise in summer temperature, facilitated cultivation of the variety. Today, Yoich and Sorachi have become the right locations for growing the cultivar, and it has also been grown in other areas. Indeed, the vintage chart in Tokachi indicated the consistent, good harvest of grape since 1998. There is negative correlation in the average monthly temperature between April and August, and positive correlation between August and September ever since the climate shift. We hypothesize the benefits of the climate shift in terms of wine production as follows: 1) in years with low April temperature and high summer temperature, the growth rate in early stage delays, but the temperature required for grape maturation is secured by high temperature in August and September; and 2) in years with warm April and subsequent cool summer, early growth start keeps the growing season long enough, which may have compensated the risk of poor grape maturation in cool summer. Thus, climate change is considered to have favored the cultivation of Pinot Noir in Hokkaido.
広田 知良 古賀 伸久 岩田 幸良 井上 聡 根本 学 濱嵜 孝弘
北海道農業研究センター研究資料 (ISSN:13478125)
no.69, pp.1-13, 2011-09

2010年の気象の特徴は,これまでの北海道の夏季冷涼で梅雨がないという気候条件とは異なり,夏季(6~8月)の統計開始以来の記録的高温(全道平均で+2.3℃)と併せて7~8月の多雨,さらに春先の低温が重なった点にあった。平年より2℃以上の記録的な高温は,作物の生育を過度に促進し,収穫までの生育期間を大きく短縮するとともに,多雨による多湿条件が病害を助長した。さらには春先の低温・多雨による播種の遅れや初期生育の不良の影響が重なったため,多くの畑作物(小麦,ばれいしょ,てんさい,大豆を除く豆類)の収量が大きく低下した。北海道において夏季の高温条件による畑作物の不作は,北海道開拓以来はじめてのことである。また水稲も作況指数が98と極端な高温年では初めて平年を下回った。気象庁温暖化予測情報第6巻による温暖化予測シナリオ(SRES-A2)と比較すると 2010年の夏季気温は,2100年頃,またはそれを上回っていた。これからは4年に1度程度で生じる冷害と併せて,4~6年程度毎に生じる高温,および今後の北海道の夏季に梅雨の発生が頻発するかについては, 異常気象が北海道農業に及ぼす影響を考える上で,重要な研究・技術開発課題となると考える。したがって,寒地にある北海道といえども冷害のリスクに備えながらと温暖化に対しても適切に対応するための技術開発が必要である。
井上 聡 廣田 知良 濱嵜 孝弘 根本 学
北海道農業研究センター研究報告 = Research bulletin of the National Agricultural Research Center for Hokkaido Region (ISSN:13478117)
no.203, pp.15-21, 2014-10

広田 知良 山﨑 太地 安井 美裕 古川 準三 丹羽 勝久 根本 学 濱嵜 孝弘 下田 星児 菅野 洋光 西尾 善太
vol.17, pp.34-45, 2017

Although climatic conditions had hindered the introduction of Pinot Noir, a cultivar of wine grape (<i>Vitis vinifera</i>), to areas such as Yoichi and Sorachi, Hokkaido, northernmost Japan, the growing region of the cultivar has recently extended. We analyzed meteorological data to obtain the rationale for the successful cultivation of Pinot Noir in Hokkaido; climate shift since 1998 pointed by Kanno (2013), i.e., rise in summer temperature, facilitated cultivation of the variety. Today, Yoich and Sorachi have become the right locations for growing the cultivar, and it has also been grown in other areas. Indeed, the vintage chart in Tokachi indicated the consistent, good harvest of grape since 1998. There is negative correlation in the average monthly temperature between April and August, and positive correlation between August and September ever since the climate shift. We hypothesize the benefits of the climate shift in terms of wine production as follows: 1) in years with low April temperature and high summer temperature, the growth rate in early stage delays, but the temperature required for grape maturation is secured by high temperature in August and September; and 2) in years with warm April and subsequent cool summer, early growth start keeps the growing season long enough, which may have compensated the risk of poor grape maturation in cool summer. Thus, climate change is considered to have favored the cultivation of Pinot Noir in Hokkaido.