伊藤 健彦
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
pp.1930, (Released:2021-06-15)

This study aims to examine the effect of relational mobility on the Willingness to Communicate (WTC) in English of Japanese people. Previous studies have focused on internal factors such as perceived competence and personality to predict the WTC, but did not reveal which environmental factors influenced these factors. This study focused on relational mobility as a socioecological factor. A pilot survey showed that to predict the WTC in English of Japanese people, perceived communication competence in English had the strongest positive effect, as in previous studies. Study 1 showed that relational mobility positively influenced the WTC via perceived competence, targeting university students. Study 2 showed that, targeting different university students, the mediation effect found in Study 1 was confirmed. In addition, we examined whether relational mobility enhanced the WTC via a decreased evaluation concern and increased the perceived competence or not, but the whole indirect effect was not confirmed.
伊藤 健彦
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.37, no.1, pp.15-25, 2021-07-31 (Released:2021-07-31)

This study aims to examine the effect of relational mobility on the Willingness to Communicate (WTC) in English of Japanese people. Previous studies have focused on internal factors such as perceived competence and personality to predict the WTC, but did not reveal which environmental factors influenced these factors. This study focused on relational mobility as a socioecological factor. A pilot survey showed that to predict the WTC in English of Japanese people, perceived communication competence in English had the strongest positive effect, as in previous studies. Study 1 showed that relational mobility positively influenced the WTC via perceived competence, targeting university students. Study 2 showed that, targeting different university students, the mediation effect found in Study 1 was confirmed. In addition, we examined whether relational mobility enhanced the WTC via a decreased evaluation concern and increased the perceived competence or not, but the whole indirect effect was not confirmed.
辻 大和 伊藤 健彦
霊長類研究 Supplement 第30回日本霊長類学会大会
pp.37, 2014 (Released:2014-08-28)

霊長類の寒冷地への適応は、古くから多くの研究者の関心を集めてきた。しかしこれまでの研究の多くは、環境適応を行動特性の面だけから評価することが多く、それを生息地内部の食物量や物理的要因と関連付ける視点が欠けていた。本研究は、ニホンザル(Macaca fuscata)の寒冷地への適応メカニズムの解明を目指し、彼らの食性の空間パターンを説明する、生息地の生態学的特性の関係を明らかにすることを目的とした。文献データベースを用いて先行研究の文献を収集し、日本全国の13箇所から19群のニホンザルの食性データ(採食時間割合)を抽出した。同時に各調査地の緯度・経度・標高(地理的要因)および平均気温・年間降水量・年間降雪量・植生指数(NDVI)などの環境要因を収集した。GLMMによる解析の結果、地理的要因に関しては、ニホンザルは高緯度・高標高の調査地で葉や樹皮・冬芽の採食割合が高かった。また、高緯度の調査地で食物の多様性が高かった。このような空間パターンは、主に環境要因によって説明できた。すなわち、ニホンザルは平均気温が低く、降雪量が多く、年間降雪期間が長い調査地で樹皮・冬芽の採食割合が高く、果実の採食割合が低かった。NDVIが低い調査地でも果実の採食割合が低かった。そして気温が低い調査地、年間降雪期間が短い調査地で食物の多様性が高かった。本研究により、ニホンザルの生態適応は、生息地の食物環境に応じた採食行動の柔軟な変化によって達成されたことが示唆された。とくに、降雪の影響が強かったことから、ニホンザルの採食戦略を決定するうえで、冬の厳しさが重要な役割を果たしていると考えられた。
伊藤 健彦
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.84, no.5, pp.488-497, 2013

This study presents a new model of psychological processes to predict English communication behaviors of Japanese high school students. Various models have been proposed in Japan, based mainly on Canadian models, to predict second-language communication behaviors. This study shows problems with the previous models in Japan and introduces a new model from the perspective of "Expectancy-Value Theory". Questionnaire Survey 1 compared the previous model and the modified models which suggested that a new psychological variable, "Value in English Communication", was necessary to construct the new model. In Survey 2, the new model was further modified by incorporating into it various English learning values which the Japanese have. This study makes a significant contribution to studies and practices of teaching English as a foreign language in Japan.
伊藤 健彦 唐沢 かおり
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.11, no.2, pp.125-131, 2013 (Released:2013-12-25)

The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between causal attribution toward unemployed people and motivation to reduce employment disparity in Japan. In Japan, it is argued that social inequality leads to employment disparity. The inequality composes of sex, age, educational background and family background. The perception that people fail to get jobs due to the inequality possibly leads to motivation to reduce employment disparity. Causal attribution of a negative situation is an important factor to predict human attitude toward the situation. Therefore, in this present study, causal attributions toward unemployed people as predicting factors for motivation to reduce employment disparity were focused on. As causal attributions, inequality attribution (social inequalities such as sex), individual attribution (individual characteristic such as negligence) and fate attribution (individual fate such as misfortune) are proposed. In the present study, questionnaire packets from university students were distributed and collected. Participants answered items referring to causal attribution toward unemployed people and motivation to reduce employment disparity. As a result of the survey, there was a positive correlation between the inequality attribution and the motivation, a negative correlation between the individual attribution and the motivation, and no correlation between the fate attribution and the motivation. Hypotheses were confirmed and the results were consistent with previous studies of causal attributions. It was shown that the strength of individual attribution was the highest among the attributions, and the next was inequality attribution and the last was fate attribution. The participants possibly thought that Japanese government dealt with social inequality and unemployed people did not get jobs due to their own remissness compared to the inequality. This study discussed the motivation to reduce employment disparity in Japan from the perspective of causal attribution, and how to engage in employment disparity.
伊藤 健彦
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.84, no.5, pp.488-497, 2013-12-25 (Released:2014-03-01)

This study presents a new model of psychological processes to predict English communication behaviors of Japanese high school students. Various models have been proposed in Japan, based mainly on Canadian models, to predict second-language communication behaviors. This study shows problems with the previous models in Japan and introduces a new model from the perspective of “Expectancy-Value Theory”. Questionnaire Survey 1 compared the previous model and the modified models which suggested that a new psychological variable, “Value in English Communication”, was necessary to construct the new model. In Survey 2, the new model was further modified by incorporating into it various English learning values which the Japanese have. This study makes a significant contribution to studies and practices of teaching English as a foreign language in Japan.