進藤 聡彦 麻柄 啓一 伏見 陽児
一般社団法人 日本教育心理学会
教育心理学研究 (ISSN:00215015)
vol.54, no.2, pp.162-173, 2006-06-30 (Released:2013-02-19)
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これまで学習者の誤概念を修正するために, 反証例を用いる方法と用いない方法の2つのタイプの教授法が提案されてきた。しかし, これらの方法はそれぞれに短所を持つ。本研究ではこれら2つの教授法を組み合わせた新しい方法を提案した。それは以下の方法であった。まず, 誤概念を適用した場合には正しい解決ができない問題を提示する。続いて誤概念を持っていても解決可能な類似の問題を提示する。その問題での正しい解決に基づいて, 学習者に正しいルールを把握させ, さらにそのルールを一連の類似問題に対して適用できるようにするというものである。この方法と従来の2つの方法が誤概念の修正に及ぼす効果を検討した。76名の大学生が3群のいずれかに割り当てられた。被験者の多くは, 真空は物を吸い寄せるという誤概念を持っていた。実験の結果, 今回提案した方法は他の2つの方法より次の3点で優れていることが明らかとなった。まず, 学習者の誤概念を最も効果的に修正できた。また, 自分の知識が変化したという意識を学習者に持たせやすかった。さらに学習者の興味を喚起した。今回提案した方法は誤概念の修正に効果的であることが明らかとなった。この方法は「融合法」と名づけられた。
立木 徹 伏見 陽児 Tatsuki Toru Fushimi Yohji 茨城キリスト教大学生活科学部 千葉大学教育学部
茨城キリスト教大学紀要. II, 社会・自然科学 = Journal of Ibaraki Christian University. II, Social and natural sciences (ISSN:13426370)
vol.42, pp.269-285, 2008-01-01

Nankichi Niimi's literary masterpiece, Gongitsune, serves as standard educational material for teaching Japanese in many Japanese primary schools. The protagonist is a little fox named Gon who lives on the outskirts of a village and plays pranks on the villagers. One day Gon releases fish from a net set by Hyoju, a villager, and steals Hyoju's, eels. After Hyoju's mother passes away, Gon realizes Hyoju caught the eels for his ailing mother and regrets stealing the eels. He then returns under cover to Hyoju's house with chestnuts and mushrooms in order to atone for his misdeed. When Gon sneaks into Hyoju's house, Hyoju misunderstands Gon's intent and shoots him. Finding the chestnutssoon after, Hyoju realizes Gon's gifts were for him. The narrative closes with Hyoju exclaiming "Gon, was it you who always brought chestnuts for me?" Some readers think that Hyoju understands Gon's intention of compensation for depriving Hyoju's mother of the eels. Read properly, Hyoju clearly does not understand Gon's intention and feelings and the misunderstanding occurs. Tatsuki & Fushimi (2003, 2004) conducted three experiments to reconfirm the erroneous interpretation of university students and attempt to correct the misinterpretation. Results suggested, however, that the subject's erroneous interpretation of Gongitsune did not improve and was not corrected. The purpose of this study was to attempt again to correct the misinterpretation, and the authors conducted three experiments. In Experiments 1, the student subjects presented and discussed their opinions. In Experiment 2, the authors explained that Hyoju's perspective differed from that of Gon. In Experiment 3, the investigators interviewed the subjects in a semi-structured method. The results suggested that the subjects still thought that Hyoju understood Gon's compensatory intention. The subjects' erroneous interpretation of Gongitsune did not improve and was not corrected. The authors determined the subjects' misreading of the text was result of reader's intuitive, sentimental reading and confusing the facts with their inferences.
麻柄 啓一 伏見 陽児
教育心理学研究 (ISSN:00215015)
vol.28, no.3, pp.212-218, 1980-09-30

本研究は,幼児の法則学習における「劇化」教材の効果を検討したものである。 われわれは,Brunerの提案する劇化装置(dramatizing devices)にさらに厳密な概念規定を与え,学習されるべき事実や法則が一連のストーリーの中で提示されるだけではなく,さらに,それらの事実や法則がストーリーの筋や結末を左右するようになっているとき,これを「劇化」教材と呼ぶことにした。このような「劇化」教材が幼児の法則学習を有効に援助し得ることを調べるのが,本実験の目的であった。 対象児は,平均年齢6歳3か月の幼児48名であり,事前テストの結果から等質な2グループに分けた。一方にはわれわれの作成した「劇化」教材を,他方には非「劇化」教材を与えて,重さの保存の法則を教授した。結果は以下のとおりである。 (1)「劇化」教材で学習したグループ(dt群)は,非「劇化」教材で学習したグループ(nd群)より,事後テストで有意に高い得点をあげた。 (2)再生課題,転移課題とも,dt群がnd群にまさった。 (3)事前テストの成績から対象児を高成績群と低成績群に分けた場合,dt・高成績群とnd・高成績群の間には,事後テストの得点に有意な差はなかったが,dt・低成績群はnd・低成績群より事後テストで有意に高い得点を示した。 (4)教材提示の回数(1回or2回)は,事後テストの成績に影響を与えなかった。 (5)事後テストで,実物を用いて質問する方が,同一事態を絵カードを用いて質問するより,高い得点をあげる傾向があった。
伏見 陽児
教育心理学研究 (ISSN:00215015)
vol.40, no.1, pp.54-63, 1992-03-30

Two experiments were designed to assess the effects of different order of presented instances on learning of scientific concepts. In Experiment I two kinds of reading materials described as common features of metal were constructed. The text given to Dk group explained those features by referring to instances in order of 'copper → calcium'. For Kd group the arrangement of 'calcium → copper'was used. As a result, Dk group showed better performance than Kd group in the recall-application test for common features. In Experiment II two kinds of reading materials describing a universal property of livestock were constructed. In the text given to Bk group, the property was explained by mentioning instances in order of 'swine → silkworm'. For Kb group the arrangement of ' silkworm → swine' chosen. As a result, Bk group showed higher score than Kb group in the recall-application test for a universal property. The obtained results from the two experiments were discussed on the basis of "heteroformulation theory" proposed by Fushimi, Y. (1990, 1991).
立木 徹 伏見 陽児
茨城キリスト教大学紀要. II, 社会・自然科学 (ISSN:13426370)
vol.38, pp.159-173, 2004-12-25

Nankichi Niimi's literary masterpiece, Gongitsune< serves as standard educational materical for the teaching of language within many Japanese primary scholls. The protagonist is a little fox names "Gon" who lives on the outskirts of a village and who plays different kinds of pranks on the villagers. One day Gon releases fish from a net set by "Hyoju", a villager, and steals Hyoju's eels. After Hyoju's mother passes away, Gon realized Hyoju caught the eels for his ailing mother, subsequnetly regrets stealing the eels, and then returns under cover to Hyoju's house with chestnuts and mushurooms for Hyoju in order to atone for his misdeed. When Gon sneaks into Hyoju's house however, Hyoju, misunderstanding Gon7s intent, shoots Gon. Finding the chestnuts soon after, Hyoju realizes Gon's gifts were for him, and the narrative closes with Hyoju exclaiming, "Gon, was it you who always brought chestnuts for me?" Not a few readers think that Hyoju is able to understand Gon's intention of impensation for depriving Hyoju's mother of he eels. Read properly, it is clear that Hyoju does not understand Gon's intention and feelings, but the aforementioned misunderstanding nevertheless occurs. The purpose of this study was to reconfirm the erroneous interpretation by university students and attempt to correct the misinterpretation. To that end, readers needed to be made aware that there is no narrative evidence supporting Hyoju's understanding of Gon's feelings and intentions. Investigations conducted three experiments. A total of fifty university students were the subjects for 3 experiments: 16 students participated in Experiment I; 17 students participated in eachof Experiment II and Experiment III. A question booklet was distrubuted to every subjet after an examiner had read aloud the story while subjects simultaneously read the sotry silently to themselves. On page 1 of the question booklet, subjects were asked to answer 3 questions, without referring to the text, about whether or not Gon's feelings and intentions were understood by Hyoju, ranking their responses by six degrees of understanding: 1= very well understood not understood at all. The next page of the question booklet was different for each of the three experiments. In Experiment I, subjects were then assigned speccific passages of the story to read and answered 8 questions ('yes' or 'no') to confirm what was written in the story. In Enperiment 2, subjects were asked to search for evidence which showed the fact that Gon's feelings and intentions were understood by Hyoju. In Experiment 3, subjects answered 8 questions as in Experiment I, and searched for evidence as in Experiment 2. Next, subjects were permitted to refer the next, and they again answered the same questions as on page 1, regarding Hyoju's understanding of Gon's feelings and intentions. Finally, subjects were told that they had answered the same questions twice, and that if their responses had changed, subjects were asked to describe, in their own words, how and why their responses had changed. Results suggested, however, that althogh many students correctly answered the 8 plot confirmation questions on gape 2 of the qustion booklet, but could not find evidence which showed the fact that Gon7s feelings and intentions were understood by Hyoju, they still asnwered that Hyoju understood Gon's compensatory intention and his feelings. Even with evidence to the contrary, the subjects' erroneous in terpretation of Gongitsune did not improve and was not corrected. Investigators determined subjects' misreading of the text to be the result of readers both having a strong identigication with, and a sympathetic affinity for, the protagonist, Gon.