松永 公隆 児玉 桂子
純心現代福祉研究 (ISSN:13421506)
vol.8, pp.71-88, 2003-07-31

本研究では、痴呆性高齢者のための施設環境評価や指標を検討していくための基礎的な理解を行うために、アメリカにおける痴呆性高齢者に及ぼす施設環境の効果に関する実証研究の動向について、Dayら(2000)やWeisman in press)Kovachら(1997)をはじめとする既存研究のレビューをもとに整理、分類していくことを目的としたがその結果、研究論文は、1980年代から徐々に増えており、痴呆性高齢者のための効果のある環境のあり方に関する実証的知見は蓄積されつつあるものの、調査対象者のサンプル数の問題などの問題の影響もあり、現在の研究の状況は、十分に一般化できる調査結果であるとはいいがたい状況であった。しかしながら、SCUなどの小規模でhome likeを提供可能な環境が、痴呆性高齢者の情緒的安定や、見当識機能を含む身体機能の維持(あるいは向上)をもたらしていることが確認することができた。
潮谷 有二 児玉 桂子 足立 啓 下垣 光 松永 公隆 神谷 愛子 山口 結花
純心現代福祉研究 (ISSN:13421506)
vol.8, pp.43-70, 2003-07-31

本研究では、国外において1990年代以降、痴呆性高齢者のための施設居住環境を評価するために開発されたPEAP(Weisman et a1., 1996)やNURS(Grant,1996)を参考に、わが国の介護保険施設の中でも生活施設としての性格を有した社会福祉施設の一つである介護老人福祉施設(以下、特養)に適用可能な8つの次元からなる多次元尺度による痴呆性高齢者環境配慮尺度(施設版)を開発するとともに、その尺度としての有効性についても検討することを目的とした。特養のケアワーカー306人から得られたデータを基に、因子分析を中心とした項目分析をおこなった結果、8つの尺度の内,「安心と安全への支援尺度」、「見当識への支援尺度」、「生活の継続性への支援尺度」、「入居者との触れあいの促進尺度」の4つの尺度の信頼性が高く、これら4つの尺度は、日本の特養の環境配慮の実施度の測定に適用することが可能であるということを示唆することできた。
児玉 桂子
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
no.385, pp.53-63, 1988-03-30

Based on the postulation that it is very importnat that proper architectural conditions for the construction of homes for the aged enhance the residnets' adaptability to their living environment, the purpose of this article is to: 1) examine a) what effect the present architectural conditions of the homes for the aged have on the amount and kind of architectural complaints. B) whether the differences in policy and program of the facilities develop different kind of effect on the amount and kind of architectural complaints. C) whether the differences in physical functions and the sex of the residents develop different kind of effect on the amount and kind of architectural complaints. 2) fine out how we can decrease the number of complaints pertaining to architectural conditions of the homes for the aged raised by the residents. I have selected 8 facilities (6 Homes for the Aged, 1 Type A & B Home with Moderate Fee) out of the nearly entire 44 such facilities in Tokyo.. Selection has been made to cover the full range of score on the Rating Scale for the Environmental Features of Residential Faciliies for the Aged (Kodama, 1986). I have evaluated the above facilities on the Architectural Features Checklist. And then deduced the architectural scores on each of the following eight categories on the Architectural Features Checklist '. 1) physical amenity, 2) socio-recreational aids, 3) prosthetic aids, 4) informational aids within the building, 5) safety features, 6) architectural individuality, 7) space and equipment, 8) community accessibility. And the architectural scores for each category was given according to the ranks of the five architectural conditions: 1) 0.0-39.9, 2) 40.0-59.9, 3) 60.0-79.9, 4) 80.0-99.9, 5) 100.0. The higher scores indicate better conditions. I selected 377 subjects for our questionnaire. I chose only those, who were both intellectually capable of fully understanding the questions and were physically able to lead a normal life on their own. I graded and recorded their cemplaints on the Architectural Complaints Checklist, which is divided into the same 8 categories as the Architectural Features Checklist. The higher scores indicate greater number of complaints. 26.1 % men and 73. 9 % women were interviewed, their average being 76. 3 years old (S. D. 5. 9). The survey was conducted from August to September, 1984. Conclusion 1) How architectural conditions affect the number of architectural complains raised. The scores on the Architectural Complaints Checklist pertaining to the following six categories '. A) physical ameity, b) socio-recreational aids, c) informational aids within the building, d) architectural individuality, e) space and equipment, f) community accessibility, differed significantly from each other, depending on the architectural conditions. Measures to improve the points on the architectural score of these six categories decreased the points on the Architectural Complaints Checklist. The scores on the Architectural Complaints Checklist pertaining to: a) physical amenity, b) informational aids within the building, c) architectural individuality, d) space and equipment, indicated that there were also significant differences among the scores obtained which applied to other architectural categories. This means that it is necessary to adopt measures that raise, practically the whole set of scores, pertaining, to the architectural categories of the building interior, in order to decrease the points on the Architectural Complaints Checklist. 2) How people of different sex and with different physical functional capabilities affect the scores on the Architectural Complaints Checklist. Under similar architectural conditions, the group of people, with poorer health and with lesser physical capabilities to lead a daily life, registered high points on the Architectural Complaints Checklist, in these categories: A) physical amenity, b) prosthetic aids, c) safety features, d) architectural individuality, e) space and equipment. On the other hand, the group of people, who were highly active in their daily lives scored highly in these categories: A) socio-recreational aids, b) architectural individuality, c) community accessibility. Thus, flexible and adaptable architectural environment is required to decrease the points on the Architectural Complaints Checklist in order to cope with people having different health problems and with varying capabilities of daily activity. In the male and female analysis of the scores on the Architectural Complaints Checklist, under similar architectural conditions, the female got higher points than the male in these categories: a) prosthetic aids, b) safety features, c) architectural individuality, d) space and equipment. As two third of the residents in homes for the aged are female, we must continue further study on how we can create better architectural conditions to make their lives more comfortable. 3) How policy and program of the facilities influence the scores on the Architectural Complaints Checklist. When comparing the best architectural conditions and the best policy and program conditions with those of the worst, the study has revealed that, the points on the Architectural Complaints Checklist were notably higher, in the case of the latter, for certain specific categories. In places like the home for the aged, where there are mixed group of people living together, the facts of this analysis strongly manifests both the need and the importance of flexible and skilled management, that can fully utilize the architectural functions of the building, to its best advantage. 4) The characteristics and the relationship of architectural complaints to other problems of environmental adaptability. I would like to explain how architectural complaints affect the degradation of morale, and the induction of environmental psychological distresses such as; loneliness, deactivation, nervousness, aggression, and depression, which are the residents' maladaptation to their living environment.