内田 康太
西洋古典学研究 (ISSN:04479114)
vol.61, pp.73-85, 2013-03-28 (Released:2017-05-23)

The centuriate assembly, which elected higher magistrates such as consuls or praetors during the Roman republic, had at its disposal - at least in the case of consular elections - a specific voting system called Centuria Praerogativa. This was the first century to cast its vote and the result was proclaimed separately from the others. Many scholars have assumed that the voting of this one century often had a decisive influence over the centuries that followed, so that the candidates selected by this one century won the competition. Their studies, therefore, have focused on explaining the significance of its influence, especially in the light of recent discussions about the political importance or influence of the Roman people. However, by analyzing some sources which are considered to indicate the influence of Centuria Praerogativa in their proper context, I will argue that the great influence exerted by this century is found under certain conditions pertaining to the elections, which have not adequately studied yet. Accordingly this paper aims to analyze the influence of Centuria Praerogativa by asking when and how this century was followed by the other centuries. I first analyze one actual election, the consular election of 53 BC. In this election, there were four candidates with equal chances of winning, but two of these would be in a more favorable position than the rest once they have promised Centuria Praerogativa a huge amount of money. From this it can be surmised that the influence of Centuria Praerogativa emerges in the case of close elections. And this is actually confirmed by some ancient sources explaining the function of this century. According to them, Centuria Praerogativa was supposed to work as a unifying factor for the other centuries. Therefore, for Centuria Praerogativa to fulfill this function, there needed to exist a situation that the voting of the rest could be split between candidates with a possibility of a close election. However, the consular election for the year 63 BC seems not to have been such a case. Of the two candidates with a chance of winning - and despite the fact that one of them must have won the votes of Centuria Praerogativa - the victor won the election by a very close margin. However, based on the voting system that allowed the electorate to cast at any time as many votes as was the quorum for the magistrate concerned, it seems possible to argue from this case that Centuria Praerogativa exerted its influence not on the higher strata of the centuries but rather on the lower ones. And this also corresponds to the above view, because the lower centuries could take part in balloting when the election was closely contested. To conclude, it is during close election that the Centuria Praerogativa exerted its decisive influence over the following centuries, possibly over the lower strata of the centuries. And this argument should caution us not to overestimate the political importance or influence of the Roman people.
内田 康太
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.128, no.3, pp.40-64, 2019 (Released:2021-08-26)

共和政末期ローマの政治史研究において、国民が政治的な意思決定に対して重要な役割を果たしたことは、今や広く受け入れられている。こうした研究潮流を背景に、近年、コンティオと呼ばれる政治集会で聴衆の示す反応が、法案の成否を左右する要因として度々指摘されてきた。そのなかで、前59年の執政官C・ユリウス・カエサルが提出した農地法案の立法過程は、一見すると、彼がコンティオの利用を主眼に据えた立法戦略に着手し、元老院の意向に反しながらも、法案の可決させた様子を伝えているために、上記の指摘を例証する一例となる。 しかし、カエサルの行動を立法過程全体に渡って詳細に再検討することで、実際のところ、彼は一貫して法案に対する元老院の反対表明を回避するべく尽力していたことが明らかになる。カエサルは、元老院から反対を導出しない法案の起草に努めるとともに、多数の元老院議員たちが反感を議場外に伝えようとするや、直ちに元老院を閉会させる措置に着手した。また、法案の公示後、カエサルとその支持者たちは、コンティオにおる演説によって、自身の法案が元老院の支持を受けていることを喧伝すると同時に、執政官職に付帯する権能、ならびに、暴行の脅迫のみならず実際の暴力行使をも利用して、敵対側から意思表明の機会を剥奪する。カエサルの農地法案は、以上のような立法戦略を成功裡に展開し続けた結果として可決されたのである。 従って、コンティオが立法過程の他の段階と同じ目的を果たすために利用されていることは、立法に際して、この場面に特別の重点が置かれたと解する立場に疑問を投げかける。そればかりか、本稿で見出されたカエサルの立法戦略の焦点に目をむけるならば、法案の帰趨を決定づけた要因は、コンティオで示される聴衆の反応ではなく、元老院による反対表明の有無であったことが指摘できる。