劉 暢
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.17021, (Released:2018-03-02)

The present study investigated the historical transition in the shape of the character “武”, which appears in both Japanese budo (武道) and Chinese martial arts (武術). A review of related studies conducted in Japan and China revealed that previous studies had focused mainly on the original shape and original meaning of “武”and transitions in its usage. Therefore this study can be considered to complement previous research on the character “武”. ・ The study mainly analyzed the shape of“武”in Jia Gu Wen (inscriptions on animal bones and tortoise carapaces, 甲骨文), Jin Wen (inscriptions on ancient bronze objects, 金文), seal script (篆書), the Chu character (楚 文字), clerical script (隷書) , and regular script (楷書) through carved stones, tombstones, bamboo slips and other related material. The main results were as follows. ・ The earliest representation of “武”in Jia Gu Wen appeared in the Wu Ding (武丁) period (1250 BC), while the earliest “武” in Jin Wen appeared in the Di Xin (帝辛) period (1075-1046 BC). In both Jia Gu Wen and Jin Wen, the character “武” consists of two parts: “戈” and “止”. In Jia Gu Wen, the “戈” part is located above “止”, whereas in Jin Wen “戈” is located on the right upper side of “止”. ・ From seal script to clerical script, the character “武” changed to a great extent. Such a change is referred to as clericalization (隷変). Therefore, the Chu character, which was written on a bamboo slip by hand around the Zhan Guo period (475-221 BC), was used to identify the consistent shape of the character of “武”. Specifically, most of the curve stroke of “止” and “戈” became a straight line and the third stroke of “戈” dwindled, while the positions of “止” and “戈” were slightly changed. ・ From clerical script to regular script, the character “武” changed further, especially in the “戈” component. Specifically, the second stroke of “武” changed from curved to straight. Another change was that the 1st and 7th strokes in “武” became separated from each other. Chinese martial arts began to exhibit an atheistic aspect from the Tang dynasty (618-907). The changes that appear in regular script for “武” shows fading of the recognition that “武” is made up of “止” and “戈”, as well as that “戈” represents “weapon” or “combat”. These are considered the reasons why the shape of “武” changed after the Tang dynasty.
大西 和歩 浦西 友樹 劉 暢 Photchara Ratsamee 東田 学 山本 豪志朗 竹村 治雄
特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 (ISSN:1344011X)
vol.27, no.4, pp.331-340, 2022-12-28 (Released:2022-12-28)

Bouldering is a sport where competitors climb an artificial wall using holds as support. The climbing route from start to end is called a problem and each problem has its difficulty grade. As the grade of a problem plays an essential role in measuring climber’s ability, a unified standard is desirable. However, measuring the grade still currently relies on personal experience of the routesetters, which results in huge individual difference. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the grade of a bouldering problem in a uniformed manner. Specifically, we propose a two-step machine learning model that takes into account the difficulty and arrangement of each single hold. Experimental results using 11906 problems show that our model has achieved up to 65.5% of accuracy for classifying 13 classes of problem grades.
劉 暢
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.63, no.1, pp.251-264, 2018-06-10 (Released:2018-06-20)

The present study investigated the historical transition in the shape of the character “武”, which appears in both Japanese budo (武道) and Chinese martial arts (武術). A review of related studies conducted in Japan and China revealed that previous studies had focused mainly on the original shape and original meaning of “武”and transitions in its usage. Therefore this study can be considered to complement previous research on the character “武”. The study mainly analyzed the shape of“武”in Jia Gu Wen (inscriptions on animal bones and tortoise carapaces, 甲骨文), Jin Wen (inscriptions on ancient bronze objects, 金文), seal script (篆書), the Chu character (楚 文字), clerical script (隷書) , and regular script (楷書) through carved stones, tombstones, bamboo slips and other related material. The main results were as follows. ・ The earliest representation of “武”in Jia Gu Wen appeared in the Wu Ding (武丁) period (1250 BC), while the earliest “武” in Jin Wen appeared in the Di Xin (帝辛) period (1075―1046 BC). In both Jia Gu Wen and Jin Wen, the character “武” consists of 2 parts: “戈” and “止”. In Jia Gu Wen, the “戈” part is located above “止”, whereas in Jin Wen “戈” is located on the right upper side of “止”. ・ From seal script to clerical script, the character “武” changed to a great extent. Such a change is referred to as clericalization (隷変). Therefore, the Chu character, which was written on a bamboo slip by hand around the Zhan Guo period (475―221 BC), was used to identify the consistent shape of the character of “武”. Specifically, most of the curve stroke of “止” and “戈” became a straight line and the third stroke of “戈” dwindled, while the positions of “止” and “戈” were slightly changed. ・ From clerical script to regular script, the character “武” changed further, especially in the “戈” component. Specifically, the second stroke of “武” changed from curved to straight. Another change was that the 1st and 7th strokes in “武” became separated from each other. Chinese martial arts began to exhibit an atheistic aspect from the Tang dynasty (618―907). The changes that appear in regular script for “武” shows fading of the recognition that “武” is made up of “止” and “戈”, as well as that “戈” represents “weapon” or “combat”. These are considered the reasons why the shape of “武” changed after the Tang dynasty.
劉 暢
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会予稿集 第71回(2021) (ISSN:24367257)
pp.91, 2021 (Released:2021-12-28)

劉 暢 赤崎 弘平
公益社団法人 日本都市計画学会
都市計画論文集 (ISSN:1348284X)
vol.40, pp.133, 2005

劉 暢 赤崎 弘平
公益社団法人 日本都市計画学会
vol.40, pp.793-798, 2005

本研究は北京緑化隔離帯の計画及びその実現可能性に着目した。具体的には、計画策定の流れ、計画内容及び緑化隔離帯として指定された地域の実態を把握した。そして形状、計画内容、実現手法についてロンドン、東京のグリーンベルトとの比較により、北京緑化隔離帯の問題点及びその実現に向けて、ロンドンと東京の事例から参考すべき点を探り出す。本研究から得られた結論は以下の通りである。1、ロンドングリーンベルトと北京第二緑化隔離帯は「都市構造」のひとつであることに対して、ロンドンのグリーン・ガードル、東京の環状緑地、北京の第一緑化隔離帯は形状、位置から見れば「都市基盤施設」として位置づけることができ、道路、公園などと同じレベルの都市施設であり、レクリエーション機能が重要でる 2、北京では、「第一緑化隔離帯」は都市構造としてのグリーンベルトと認識されたため、レクリエーション機能が重視されず、林地の建設と農地・農村の保全が行われた。 3、しかし実際に建設された林地は景観・レクリエーション機能が果たせずに孤立し、農地・農村の保全は後追い的な関連法は効果がなく、市街地化及びスラム化が進行した。