半田 徹 加藤 浩人 長谷川 伸 岡田 純一 加藤 清忠
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.54, no.1, pp.43-54, 2009-06-30 (Released:2009-11-05)

The purpose of this study was to examine muscle activities during seven traditional different free dynamic exercises designed to strengthen the abdominal muscles. Eleven adult men with experience in weight training were asked to perform three repetitions of LSU, BSU, TSU, TC, RSU, LR and SLR. Activities of the upper rectus abdominis (URA), lower rectus abdominis (LRA), external abdominal oblique (EAO), and rectus femoris (RF) during the hip flexion and hip extension phases of each exercise were examined by electromyography (EMG) and analyzed using root mean square (RMS) values. The following results were obtained: (1) The mean RMS values for the URA were larger during the RSU and SLR than during the other five exercises. The value for the same muscle was larger during the TC exercise than during the LSU, BSU, TSU, and LR exercises. The mean RMS value for the LRA was largest during the RSU exercise, while that during the SLR exercise was larger than those during the LSU, BSU, TSU, TC, and LR exercises. (2) The mean RMS value for the EAO was largest during the SLR exercise, while that during the RSU exercise was second-largest and that during the TSU exercise was third-largest. The mean RMS values for the RF were larger during the RSU and SLR than during the other five exercises. The smallest value for this muscle was recorded during the TC exercise. (3) In most of the exercises, RMS in the hip flexion phase was larger than in the hip extension phase, and each muscle exhibited a knee flexion phase/knee extension phase ratio of between 0.5 and 0.8. However, the ratio for EAO and RF exceeded this range. (4) The muscle activity for the RF muscle in the RSU and SLR exercises was large, implying excessive stress for the lumbar vertebrae. Nevertheless, these exercises induced active muscle activity, and appeared desirable to perform with sufficient attention to safety.These results suggest that RSU and SLR exercises are the most effective movements for stimulating the URA, LRA and EAO. Moreover, TC is an effective movement for training the URA, and TSU is an effective movement for training.
半田 徹 加藤 浩人 長谷川 伸 岡田 純一 加藤 清忠
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.0907160099, (Released:2009-07-20)

The purpose of this study was to examine muscle activities during seven traditional different free dynamic exercises designed to strengthen the abdominal muscles. Eleven adult men with experience in weight training were asked to perform three repetitions of LSU, BSU, TSU, TC, RSU, LR and SLR. Activities of the upper rectus abdominis (URA), lower rectus abdominis (LRA), external abdominal oblique (EAO), and rectus femoris (RF) during the hip flexion and hip extension phases of each exercise were examined by electromyography (EMG) and analyzed using root mean square (RMS) values. The following results were obtained: (1) The mean RMS values for the URA were larger during the RSU and SLR than during the other five exercises. The value for the same muscle was larger during the TC exercise than during the LSU, BSU, TSU, and LR exercises. The mean RMS value for the LRA was largest during the RSU exercise, while that during the SLR exercise was larger than those during the LSU, BSU, TSU, TC, and LR exercises. (2) The mean RMS value for the EAO was largest during the SLR exercise, while that during the RSU exercise was second-largest and that during the TSU exercise was third-largest. The mean RMS values for the RF were larger during the RSU and SLR than during the other five exercises. The smallest value for this muscle was recorded during the TC exercise. (3) In most of the exercises, RMS in the hip flexion phase was larger than in the hip extension phase, and each muscle exhibited a knee flexion phase/knee extension phase ratio of between 0.5 and 0.8. However, the ratio for EAO and RF exceeded this range. (4) The muscle activity for the RF muscle in the RSU and SLR exercises was large, implying excessive stress for the lumbar vertebrae. Nevertheless, these exercises induced active muscle activity, and appeared desirable to perform with sufficient attention to safety.These results suggest that RSU and SLR exercises are the most effective movements for stimulating the URA, LRA and EAO. Moreover, TC is an effective movement for training the URA, and TSU is an effective movement for training.
半田 徹 加藤 浩人 長谷川 伸 岡田 純一 加藤 清忠
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.54, no.2, pp.159-168, 2005 (Released:2006-12-01)
3 7

To compare the effectiveness of five different muscle training movements on the biceps brachii, latissimus dorsi and trapezius muscles, eight weight-trained men (age, 20.4±0.5 years) were asked to perform three repetitions, at 70% one repetition maximum, of upright rowing (UR) and bent-over rowing (BR) exercises using a barbell ; and seated rowing (SR), front lat pull-down (LPf) and back lat pull-down (LPb) exercises using a Universal Machine. The activities of the biceps brachii, latissimus dorsi, and trapezius during the elbow flexsion and elbow extension phases of each exercise were analyzed using integrated electromyography (EMG) and normalized I-EMG. The results were as follows :1. The mean nrmsEMG values for the biceps brachii were larger during UR and LPf exercises than during BR, SR, and LPb exercises, suggesting that UR and LPf are more effective than the other movements for training the biceps brachii. The mean nrmsEMG values for the latissimus dorsi were larger during SR, LPf, and LPb exercises, followed by BR and UR exercises (in descending order), suggesting that SR, LPf, and LPb exercises are more effective than the other movements for training the latissimus dorsi.2. The mean nrmsEMG values for the upper trapezius were larger during UR and BR exercises than during SR, LPf, and LPb exercises, suggesting that UR and BR exercises are more effective than the other movements for training the upper trapezius. The mean nrmsEMG values for the middle trapezius were larger during BR and SR exercises than during UR, LPf, and LPb exercises, suggesting that BR and SR exercises are more effective than the other movements for training the middle trapezius. The mean nrmsEMG values for the lower trapezius were larger during BR exercise than during other movements, suggesting that BR exercise is more effective than the other movements for training the lower trapezius.3. In all the exercises, each muscle showed a higher nrmsEMG value during the elbow flexsion phase than during the elbow extension phase. This observation suggests that the training method examined in this study should emphasize the elbow flexsion movement.The present results suggest that UR exercise is the most effective movement for training the biceps brachii and upper trapezius, BR is most effective for training the upper trapezius, middle trapezius and lower trapezius, SR is most effective for training the latissimus dorsi and middle trapezius, LPf is most effective for training the biceps brachii and latissimus dorsi, and LPb is most effective for training the latissimus dorsi.
加藤 清忠 矢島 忠明 河内 まき子 保志 宏
The Anthropological Society of Nippon
人類學雜誌 (ISSN:00035505)
vol.97, no.1, pp.81-93, 1989 (Released:2008-02-26)

身体の大きさやプロポーショソの性差は.(1)絶対値を比較する,(2)身長にたいする比例値を比較する,などの方法で解析されてきた.この場合,最も問題となるのは,全体的な大きさが男女で著しく異なるという点である.すなわち,世界中どこでも,常に男子は身長で10cm 強,体重で10kg 強,女子を上回っているのである.そのため,全体的な大きさと相関のあるようなプロポーションは,真の性差に,大きさの差に起因する差が混入する結果となる.例えば,胴と脚の比率では,身長の大きい者ほど脚が長い,という関係があることは,よく知られている通りであり,従って,身長の大きい男子は,当然,その分だけ脚が長くて当然である.身長に対する下肢長の比,すなわち比下肢長は世界中どこでも男子の方が大きな値を示しているが,これが果して性差であるのかどうかは,直ちには判定できない.男子の方が身長が大きいために,比下肢長が大きく出ているに過ぎないかもしれないからである.このような身体の大きさの差の影響を取り除いて,真の性差を知るための最も直接的な方法は,同じ背の高さの男女を比較してみることである.本論文は,この方法によるひとつの試みである.資料は,男子は,保志•河内によって計測された茨城県警察学校新入生の資料(保志ほか1978)の中から身長170-179cm の者を,女子は,加藤•矢島によって計測された高身長女子運動選手(主としてバレボール•バスケットボウルの学生選手)の資料 (加藤ほか1984)の中から身長170-179cm の者を用いた.後者の大部分の者のトレーニソグ•キャリアーは3年より短く,従って,運動選手であるがための体型変化は,さほど大きくはないと思われるが,筋の発達や皮下脂肪の減少などが影響しそうな測度については,特に注意して比較した.解析は,28項目の生体計測値 (頭部を除く) および23項目の指数値について,(1)平均値の比較,(2)主成分分析による検討,の二つの角度から行った.その結果,次のようなことが明らかになった.1.体重の平均値に差がなかった.皮下脂肪厚は著明に女子で大であったので,女子が多少とも小さいであろうという予想に反した結果であった.あるいはスポーツ選手であるので,一般女子より筋や骨の発達がよいかもしれない.但し,体重値の身長値に対する散布図(Fig.10)では,一般女子より重くなっている様子は見てとれない.2.下肢の長さの代表値として腸骨棘高は女子で大きい.その身長に対する比例値も女子で大きく,女子の方が「あしなが」体型であることを示している.このことは既に幾人かの研究者によって間接的に指摘されてきたことである.本研究の女子の資料はスポーツ選手から得られているので,特に脚の長い者ぼかり選ぼれている恐れがある.そこで,一般女子の資料(保志ほか1980)とともに,身長に対する散布図を作製して調べた(Fig.9)が,特に長いということはないことがわかった.3.胴部の測度は,長さ•周径とも男子で大きく,骨盤と下肢の測度は,長さ•周径とも女子で大きい.上肢では長さには性差はないが,周径は男子で大きい.結局,体重•上肢長•下腿最小囲の3項目だけ,性差がみられなかった.主成分分析の後,因子負荷量を算出すると,胴部の項目は第2主成分の負の領域に,骨盤と下肢の項目は正の領域に分かれて現われる(Fig.7).因子得点を計算して第1•第2主成分の散布図を作ると(Fig.8),すべての女子は正の領域に分布し,男子は唯一人を除いて負の領域に分布する.3.今回計測解析された生体計測項目は,大きさの影響を取り除いた後の性差の特徴によって,次のような3群に分類することができる.A群:男子が女子より大きい項目.一胴長(比胴長Fig. 2),手幅,足長,肩峰幅(Fig. 3,11),胸幅,胸矢状径,頸囲(Fig. 5),胴囲,上腕囲,前腕最大囲,前腕最小囲,胸郭周.B群:性差がない項目.一体重(Fig. 10),上肢長,下腿最小囲.C群:女子が男子より大きい項目.一腸骨棘高(Fig. 9,比腸骨棘高 Fig. 1),膝関節高,腸骨稜幅(Fig. 4),最大腰幅,腰囲(Fig. 6),大腿囲,下腿最小囲,皮下脂肪厚.
長谷川 伸 岡田 純一 加藤 清忠
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.57, no.1, pp.131-140, 2008-02-01 (Released:2008-08-06)

The purpose of this study was to investigate sex differences in the muscle volume (MV) of the iliopsoas, psoas major, and iliacus muscles, normalized by fat free mass (FFM), in the elderly. The subjects were 15 males and 15 females 65 years of age or over. Serial transverse 1.5T magnetic images (10 mm slice) of each subject were taken between the 12th thoracic vertebrae and the lesser trochanter. FFM was measured with a bioelectrical impedance analyzer. The mean MV of each muscle on the right and left sides were calculated and used for regression analysis of the relationship between MV and FFM.A significant correlation was observed between MV and FFM of the iliacus in both sexes (p<0.01), but not between the MV and FFM of the psoas major. MV normalized by FFM and cross-sectional area (CSA) normalized by FFM2/3 showed significantly greater values for the psoas major in the males than in the females (p<0.001), but there was no sex difference in the MV or CSA normalized by FFM of the iliacus.These results suggest that elderly males tend to have a greater muscle volume and cross-sectional area of the iliopsoas than elderly females, and that these sex differences are attributable to differences in the psoas major.