新垣 紀子 北端 美紀 松岡 裕人 高田 敏弘 折戸 朗子 加藤 ゆうこ 都築 幸恵 大和田 龍夫
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.21, no.1, pp.15-28, 2014-03-01 (Released:2015-02-02)

How should we save our personal memories? Many people keep diaries and take pictures for that purpose. In this study, we kept things of personal significance in a time capsule for 9 years and examined whether personal memories could be saved in a time capsule and how they might possibly change over time. We held a workshop in 2003 when participants put something that they had possessed which had personal significance at that time of their life. They were interviewed to explain what kinds of significance these possessions had for them, and these interview sessions were recorded. Nine years after the initial workshop, the participants came together again. Before the time capsule was opened, they were asked to recall what they had put in the time capsule and to describe in what ways their possession in the time capsule had been significant to them. By comparing the contents of the participants’ responses between 2003 and 2012, it was found that a great deal of the contents have been changed from 2003 to 2012. Implications were discussed as regards to the significance of objects themselves and the narratives that go with the objects in preserving personal memories.
吉池 紀子 北端 美紀 武藤佳恭
情報処理学会論文誌数理モデル化と応用(TOM) (ISSN:18827780)
vol.42, no.5, pp.99-106, 2001-05-15

本論文では,ニューラルコンピューティングの組合せ最適化手法の応用例として,現代語を組み合わせた現代風「いろは歌」の作成方法を紹介する.ここでは,現代風「いろは歌」作成問題を2種類の組合せ最適化問題としてとらえてニューラルコンピューティング手法により解いた.1つ目の制約条件はすべての仮名を重複なく用いるような文節の組を選ぶ問題である.2つ目の制約条件は日本語の係り受け制約に基づいて語順を決める問題である. シミュレーションでは,ツリーサーチによる探索手法とCPU時間による性能の評価を行った.We present a neural computing approach for composing a new version of Iroha-Uta using modern Japanese words and grammar. A new Iroha-Uta is composed by satisfying the following two restrictions. One of restrictions is how to chose words that satisfy the rule of Iroha-Uta and the other is how to order these words for making sentence based on Japanese grammar. In our simulation, the performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated in terms of the CPU time comparing with the tree search method.
吉池 紀子 北端 美紀 武藤佳恭
情報処理学会研究報告数理モデル化と問題解決(MPS) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2000, no.85, pp.61-64, 2000-09-21

本論文では,ニューラルコンピューティングの組合せ最適化手法の応用として,現代語を組み合わせた現代風「いろは歌」の作成方法を紹介する.ここでは,現代風「いろは歌」作成問題を二種類の組み合わせ最適化問題として捉えることによりニューラルコンピューティング手法により解くことを可能にした.一つ目の問題はすべての仮名を重複なく用いるような文節の組を選ぶ問題である.二つ目の問題は日本語の係り受け制約に基づいて語順を決める問題である.シミュレーションでは,あらかじめ語群として用意した964語の文節の中からいろは歌作成を行なった。その結果,自然な日本語に近い現代風「いろは歌」を生成できることが示された.We present a neural computing approach for composing a new version of Iroha-Uta using modern Japanese words and grammar. A new Iroha-Uta can be composed by satisfying the following tow restrictions. ura One of restrictions is how to chose words that satisfy the rule of Iroha-Uta and the other is how to order these words for making sentence based on Japanese grammar. In our simulation, 964 preset words are used for making Iroha-Uta. Our experimental results shows that the proposed algorithm can compose variations of Iroha-Uta as natural Japanese sentence.
新垣 紀子 野島 久雄 北端 美紀 小野澤 晃 佐藤浩司
情報処理学会研究報告ユビキタスコンピューティングシステム(UBI) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2003, no.115, pp.183-188, 2003-11-18

日常場面において人とモノがどのようにインタラクションをしているのかを解明するために、ある韓国の家庭の中にあったすべてのモノを収集してデータベース化した国立民俗学博物館の「2002年 ソウルスタイル展」のデータベースと、その家の中での家族メンバーの日常生活を撮影したビデオを対象として分析をおこなった。ビデオでの場面(朝食の支度など)は、さらに細かなレベルとして分節化し、最後は家の中のモノと具体的な関わりを持つレベルまで細分化して記述をおこなった。このような分析をおこなうことによって、身の回りのモノにタグが付くユビキタス環境におけるサービスのあり方についての考察をおこなった。To examine how people interact with everyday objects around them, we used a database created for Seoul Style 2002 exhibition by National Museum of Ethology. The database consisted of complete set of objects in a certain house in Seoul, Korea. We analyzed video of members of the family who lived in the house. We first identified commonplace daily activities, such as mother's making breakfast, and divided them into much smaller components (Basic levels), and finally, to subordinate level, in which people actually interact with physical objects themselves. This level corresponds to keystroke model in GOMS model by Card, Moran, and Newell (1983). By analyzing human activities with relevant objects, we tried to make a model of human actions, and which kind of services are actually feasible in coming ubiquitous environments which are full of ubiquitous tags on all objects around us.