沖田 美佐子 塚本 幾代 冨岡 加代子 川上 貴代 村上 泰子 横山 純子

田淵 真愉美 久保木 真 水道 裕久 河原 和枝 冨岡 加代子 川上 貴代 平松 智子 塚本 幾代
岡山県立大学保健福祉学部紀要 (ISSN:13412531)
vol.22, pp.27-37, 2015

非アルコール性脂肪性肝疾患(NAFLD)は、外来診療や健診で高頻度に認められる疾患である。近年、NAFLD における抗酸化療法が試みられているが、ビタミンC 摂取の効果に関する報告はほとんどない。本研究では、外来受診したNAFLD 患者を対象に、通常の食事に加えて緑色野菜ジュースを8 週間飲用させ、身体状況、臨床検査値、栄養素等摂取状況、血中脂肪酸組成、血漿α−トコフェロール濃度の分析を行い、緑色野菜ジュースの飲用が血清アラニンアミノトランスフェラーゼ(ALT)値および血漿α−トコフェロール濃度に及ぼす影響について検討した。緑色野菜ジュースの飲用により、9 例中6 例にALT の低下が認められた。緑色野菜ジュースの飲用は、ビタミンC の摂取量を増大させ、特に肥満度が軽度(BMI < 30)のNAFLD 患者では血漿α−トコフェロール濃度の上昇によって脂肪酸代謝を改善させ、肝機能を改善させる可能性が示唆された。Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a disease to be found in ambulatory care andhealth check-up frequently. In late years antioxidant therapy in NAFLD is tried, but there are few reports about the effect of vitamin C intake. In this study, NAFLD outpatients were given green vegetable juice in addition to a daily diet to be drunk for eight weeks, and we analyzed anthropometric measurements, clinical data, dietary intakes, fatty acid composition in erythrocyte membrane phospholipid and plasma α-tocopherol concentration to examine the effect of supplementation of green vegetable juice on serum ALT level and plasma α-tocopherol concentration. After the supplementation of green vegetable juice, serum ALT level was decreased in six of nine patients. It is suggested that green vegetable juice supplementation increases intake of vitamin C, and particularly in NAFLD patients that an obesity index is mild( BMI<30), fatty acid metabolism may be improved by the increase in plasma α-tocopherol concentration and liver function may be also improved.
佐野 晴洋 山下 節義 川西 正祐 井口 弘 吉永 侃夫 小城 勝相 塚本 幾代 藤田 博美 岡本 浩子 加藤 伸勝 宮本 宣博 浮田 義一郎 山根 秀夫 森 律 池田 栄三 乾 修然 藤岡 惇 阿部 醇吉
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.37, no.2, pp.566-579, 1982-06-30 (Released:2009-02-17)
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An epidemiological survey and clinical investigations were carried out on 162 retired workers from manganese mines and ore grinders, who were the residents of the Tamba district of Kyoto Prefecture. Most of the workers had been employed in small industrial factories with less than five employees under very poor working conditions. Fifty-five percent of them had worked in the mines and factories for longer than 11 years. Forty-six percent had been retired for 11-20 years, whereas 27% for longer than 21 years. A group of 124 people living in the same region but who had not been exposed to manganese served as the control group.The incidence of subjective symptoms associated with chronic manganese poisoning such as emotional instability, psychomotor irritability and neurologic abnormalities was apparently high in the experimental group and it increased with the period of exposure to manganese dust. Twenty-eight percent of the workers reported the subjective symptoms while they were employed, but 45% of them reported as late as six years after they retired.Of the retired workers, five (3.1%) had parkinsonism, three (1.9%) showed symptoms of hemiparkinsonism, and fifteen (9.3%) showed neurological symptoms including maskedlike, gait unbalance, slurred speech and imparied fine movements. Forty-five percent of these patients recognized these abnormalities for more than five years after they had left the contaminated workings. It is noteworthy that 39% of the retired workers were diagnosed as having pneumoconiosis.Some of the problems encountered in diagnosing manganese poisoning after exposure has been terminated is also discussed here.